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Chapter 123 We might as well change the angle

After searching for many times and still being fruitless, everyone's morale is not as high as it was at the beginning.

"No wonder they don't want to grant us research funding. This topic is indeed not as easy as imagined. If it doesn't work, we'd better go back and find some other celestial bodies, or just write a review or something."

Luo Wenkun didn't want to give up easily, but if there was no progress, he couldn't finally submit a blank paper.

"It seems that my choice of this topic is too big. Although there are many things worth analyzing in these data, the main ones have already been analyzed by them, and it is difficult for us to find anything new from them. The 10,000 yuan of research funding , I don’t even know how to spend it.” Lin Shi said helplessly.

Lou Song did not participate in their discussions, but concentrated on software programming and modeling.

At this time, Xu You felt that it was time to change his thinking.

"I think we may have fallen into a wrong direction, and maybe we can try to change one way of thinking. Let's stop for a while and discuss the future direction together."

Hearing what Xu You said, Lin Shi and Luo Wenkun stopped complaining and walked to Xu You's side.

Lou Song also stopped what he was doing, wanting to hear what new ideas Xu You had.

"Although we are now far more proficient in the analysis of celestial bodies than at the beginning. But in fact, the methods we use are no different from normal astronomers, and even the equipment is not as professional as normal astronomers. According to In this way, it is really difficult for us to achieve any breakthrough.”

Everyone agrees with Xu You's point of view.

However, if not, is there any other better way?

"Now let me sort out my thoughts first. First of all, we are sure that there is a great probability that such an unknown celestial body exists in the solar system. We have already calculated its mass and orbital radius. But the specifics of this celestial body type, we are not sure whether this so-called Planet-X is a planet or another type of celestial body."

What Xu You said was actually clear to everyone.

According to known conditions, it is only possible to calculate the mass and orbital radius of unknown celestial bodies.

In addition, its volume, density and other conditions are not clear.

"Now, let's think about this issue from a different angle. Why is everyone almost sure of the existence of Planet-X, and they are all looking for Planet-X. But after so many years, no scientific research institution has announced that they have found Planet-X?" ?”

Hearing what Xu You said, everyone fell into thinking.

"There are still many possibilities. It may be that Planet-X has been hiding behind a certain celestial body and is blocked, so it cannot be observed." Luo Wenkun said.

"Compared to other planets, Planet-X is still too far away from us. In this way, the difficulty of searching will also increase exponentially, and it is not so easy to find."

Lin Shi's words are also very reasonable. According to the calculation results, the average orbital radius of Planet-X is 20 times that of Neptune, which is the farthest from the sun among the eight known planets in the solar system.

With such a long distance, the required search range is indeed quite huge.

"It's also possible that Planet-X doesn't exist at all." Lou Song laughed.

Hearing Lou Song's words, both Lin Shi and Luo Wenkun were a little embarrassed.

If you think it doesn't exist, then why did you agree to choose this topic in the first place?

"Don't get me wrong, Lou Song is telling a bad joke, just get used to it." Xu You quickly explained.

"Isn't it funny?" Lou Song scratched his head and said.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, it's funny."

"Yes, Lou Song, you are really humorous!"

Xu You also shook his head helplessly.

It seems that geniuses also have their weaknesses.

After sorting out his emotions, Xu You continued:

"Now let's assume that the density of Planet-X is similar to that of the Earth. Because the mass of Planet-X is about 10 times that of the Earth. In this case, it can be estimated that the radius of Planet-X is about 2.15 times that of the Earth .”

"Because the specific density of Planet-X is unknown to us yet. But the earth is already the planet with the highest density among the eight planets in the solar system. If the assumption that Planet-X is a planet is true, then its radius is likely to be larger than that just now. It was estimated to be even larger.”

"It would be rather strange to say that such a celestial body has not been discovered. Then we will analyze all the possibilities listed just now."

"First of all, Planet-X has been hiding behind a certain celestial body. This possibility is very small, because the orbital radius of Planet-X itself is very large. If there is another celestial body, it can always block Planet-X , then it must also exist in the vicinity of Planet-X, and it must be larger than Planet-X. If this is the case, another celestial body has been discovered long ago. Obviously this is not established.”

"It makes sense, then I may rule this out first."

"Next, it's because it's too far away from us and the search range is too large. This possibility is still possible, but I don't think it's particularly big. For a celestial body larger than the earth, such a distance does not It’s not too far away, and it should be a planet that can be observed with the current observation capabilities of human beings. If after so many years, I still can’t find it, I think this reason is still very debatable.”

"Finally, what Lou Song said, Planet-X doesn't exist at all. I admit, Lou Song, you won, and I can't deny this reason."

Lou Song also smiled after listening, this is indeed completely possible.

"Of course, since we decided to explore Planet-X, the premise must be that it exists by default. After we rule out these situations, think about it, are there other possibilities?"

After listening to Xu You's words, everyone was thinking hard.

"Xu You, do you have any ideas?" Lin Shi asked.

Lin Shi felt that since Xu You had denied the above possibilities, he must have his own ideas.

"Tell me, is there a possibility. In fact, Planet-X is a very small celestial body?"

Hearing Xu You's point of view, the three of them were a little surprised.

"Extremely small celestial body... Do you mean that Planet-X may be a black hole?" Lin Shi questioned.

Luo Wenkun also has some doubts about this point of view.

"According to what you said, this black hole is too small. The smallest black hole known so far has a mass three times that of the sun. Is it really possible for such a small black hole to exist?"

"Okay, primordial black hole!" Lou Song excitedly said.

A primordial black hole is a hypothetical type of black hole.

Theoretically speaking, the volume of a primary black hole can even be as small as an atom, but its mass can be as high as one billion tons.

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