Top Student

Chapter 119 That's right, I made rockets

"Hey, it looks like you've been quite tired recently, and you really look more and more like Teacher Gao Shang."

Hu Shucheng's originally thick curly hair was now thinned out by time.

If Gao Shang and Hu Shucheng stood together, everyone might think that they were a father and son.

"Haha, back then I laughed at Mr. Gao for being bald, but now I'm going to live like him. Let's talk as we walk."

Hu Shucheng locked the shared bicycle, and the two entered the campus of Ji University together.

Normally, Ji University does not allow outsiders to enter casually, but Hu Shucheng has already completed the online appointment in advance and entered the campus smoothly.

"Xu You, you've been really good lately. You published two papers in the first semester of your freshman year, which are top journals like "Nature".

Xu You was also a little surprised when he heard that Hu Shucheng wanted to open a scientific research project.

"Is it so fast? It seems that you are doing well in Jihang."

Xu You knew that it was a very small number of people like himself who started to get in touch with scientific research as soon as they were freshmen.

"It's not bad. Because I entered Jihang through the strong foundation plan, and I have the highest score in Wujing besides Guoji, the school attaches great importance to me. I choose the continuous reading of Benbo. If it goes well, I will spend 6 years. You can get a doctorate."

Generally speaking, it takes four years for a bachelor's degree, two and a half years for a master's degree, and three years for a doctoral degree.

The way of continuous reading of this blog can shorten the time to get a doctorate from nine and a half years to six years.

"That's really good. Speaking of which, I don't know when I'll get my Ph.D."

Although Xu You chose Heqing College, there is no difference in graduation time from other colleges.

Xu You felt that it was time to think about how to graduate as soon as possible.

After all, you can't stay at the undergraduate level forever.

"You have already published two papers. Do you still have to worry about graduation? I think Ji University can issue you a diploma directly. Department. With my personality, I still can’t do theoretical physics, so I’m suitable for engineering. And in Jihang, I can also receive the school’s greatest attention and get more resources. If I were in Jinghua and Jida, I would It just seemed so ordinary."

"Well, it's really good to be like this. By the way, your major, is it possible to build rockets in the future?"

Xu You knows that Hu Shucheng's major is aerospace engineering, and he has connections with cutting-edge projects in many countries.

"At the undergraduate level, I learned aerospace and aviation, but I still prefer aerospace. The flying altitude of an airplane is still too low, and it can't even fly out of the atmosphere. Think about sending the spacecraft I built in the future to the In the distant starry sky... that feeling is so desirable!"

Listening to Hu Shucheng's words, Xu You's aerospace dream was also stirred up by Hu Shucheng.

"Old Hu, does your school welcome students from Ji University?"

"Why, superconductivity and quantum physics are not enough for you to study? No matter how good you are, you can't learn all the knowledge of all industries, right?"

"It's always good to learn more knowledge. Well, let's not talk about this for now, let me tell Lu Zhiyao that we are almost there."

Xu You didn't let Lu Zhiyao go with him to pick up Hu Shucheng.

After all, although Lu Zhiyao and Hu Shucheng knew each other, they were not very close.

When Lu Zhiyao was about to go downstairs, Xu You called Lu Zhiyao to go downstairs on WeChat.

Lu Zhiyao didn't procrastinate, and came downstairs in a few minutes.

Seeing Lu Zhiyao's appearance now, Hu Shucheng was also somewhat unexpected.

"Is this really Lu Zhiyao who is number one in the No. 4 High School rankings? I almost can't recognize him."

Upon hearing this, Lu Zhiyao retorted:

"But I can still recognize you. Besides, are you sure you are not a relative of Teacher Gao Shang?"

Hearing Lu Zhiyao's words, Xu You couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, just now I was thinking about it, put Teacher Gao and Hu Shucheng together, just like a father and son."

"Sure enough, you two are still in the same class, and you always talk to each other. Xu You, today I have to give you a good meal."

"No problem, just be open, as long as you don't waste it."

The three of them chatted as they walked, all in a good mood.

When we arrived at Shaoyuan, Hu Shucheng was not polite, picked up the menu and started to order.

"One bottle per person?"

At this time, Hu Shucheng suggested.

"I can just drink juice." Lu Zhiyao said.

"Well, I drink juice too."

"Hey, I can understand that Lu Zhiyao drinks fruit juice. Xu You, don't you drink too much? You can't have dinner with the teacher in the future."

Hearing Hu Shucheng's words, Xu You suddenly remembered the theory that Luo Wenkun had told him.

Scientific research is not just about doing experiments in the laboratory, but also about being sophisticated in the world.

Although Xu You has never experienced eating with a tutor.

But according to the descriptions of Zhao Weijia, Yuan Dong and many other brothers.

During the dinner in the laboratory, those teachers are indeed very good at drinking.

But Xu You still believes that even if he doesn't drink alcohol, it won't affect his research work.

"Okay, I'll drink a bottle with you. But at most one bottle, never drink too much."

Xu You decided to have a drink with Hu Shucheng, after all, in Xu You's heart, Hu Shucheng's status is still relatively high.

When he was studying physics in No. 4 Middle School, Hu Shucheng was also unreserved, and helped Xu You tutor the operation of various experiments.

In addition, Xu You also promised Xu Zhou that he would drink with him during the Chinese New Year.

Xu You felt that he had to have a bottle of alcohol anyway.

"Okay, just one bottle, I don't want to drink too much of this stuff, it really hurts if I drink too much."

The food came out quickly, and the three of them chatted about some past events when they were in No. 4 Middle School while eating.

"I remember when I transferred from Lu Zhiyao, until the final college entrance examination, Lu Zhiyao was always No. 1 in the No. 4 High School. Not to mention anything else, just based on your high school grades, Xu You, you are still not close to Lu Zhiyao."

"Indeed, anyway, in terms of exam rankings, I really haven't surpassed Lu Zhiyao yet."

"No, you taught me my math and physics, okay? You are just recommended, so there is no need to take the college entrance examination. If you study hard, how can I pass you in the exam."

The current Lu Zhiyao doesn't have the terrifying dominance that he gave people when he was in No. 4 Middle School.

"Hey, actually, I still wanted to come back and take a midterm exam to prove my strength. But because I was preparing for the competition, I really didn't have time."

"Hey, by the way, Lu Zhiyao. What major do you study?" Hu Shucheng asked.

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