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Sure enough, shortly after Xiang Yang’s departure, countless powerful and unparalleled chaotic sages came, and there were ten strong descendants of the chaotic sacred level.

Their breath is like a rainbow, even if they don't do it, and with their strong breath, they will almost burst the whole chaos.

This is the horrible momentum of the true chaotic sage. Even if they don't need to do it, the atmosphere that erupts is not comparable to the chaos sage.

At this moment, when the dozens of chaotic saints sensed the breath of the three chaotic saints who were destroyed, they were furious. "Someone dared to sneak into the chaotic world of Panyu and destroyed three saints. This is for us. The biggest challenge of the All Saints in the chaotic world is to kill."

"No matter who you are, you have to find it and destroy him."

"Destroy the world behind him and let the whole chaotic world understand that the Panyu chaotic world is definitely not what they can provoke."


More than a dozen chaotic saints are furious, and such a situation is absolutely terrifying. For a time, in the chaos, the turbulent and voluminous atmosphere erupted, causing chaos to be distorted.

If someone rushes into this chaotic void at this time, it must be shattered by this twisting force.

"No, this breath is the breath of the swordsmanship. Is it the old days?"

Suddenly, there is a chaotic sage who carefully examines the breath left in the chaos. His expression changes greatly and he screams. "Yes, it is the breath of the swords of the sacred swords. In the same year, I used my arms and stayed." The breath is exactly the same as what is left here."

"It is the sky of the Pangu chaotic world."


After the chaos of the chaos was heard, it was even more furious. It turned out to be the sky of the chaotic world of Pangu, which was a great shock for them.

We must know that since the ancient wars, Pangu’s chaotic world has always been out of defensive position. Later, it has the obstacle of chaotic abyss. Now, after the chaotic abyss is broken, it is the guardian of the sword, which can block the chaotic world of Panyu. The strong crosses the border.

They are preparing for a thousand years, when the guardian of the sword is broken, they can kill and destroy the Pangu world.

No one had thought that the mighty people in Pangu’s chaotic world had quietly touched the Panyu chaotic world and hunted their saints.

"Looking for the celestial and chaotic avenues of Panyu's chaotic world, looking for the breath of the sky, he is a chaotic saint, and he can't escape."

"To pass on all the strong people in the chaotic world of Panyu, once you find suspicious people, you must report them."

"Go to report to the ancestors immediately."


Among these chaotic saints, there are obviously some strong ones. When they are angry, they pass on various orders and want to kill the ‘Tongtian’ that killed the three chaotic saints.

However, no one knows that Xiang Yang, who was misunderstood as a 'Tongtian' at the moment, walked leisurely in the chaotic world of Panyu. He stepped on the ground and looked at the surrounding scenery. He found that Panyu’s chaotic world was actually chaotic with Pangu. The world is no different. Of course, he only refers to ordinary scenery.

He appeared on a prairie, there was no one around, but it was overgrown, and some beasts were chasing and playing.

Due to the abundance of Panyu's chaotic world, these ordinary beasts have already opened up a weak sense of intelligence, and they have begun to embark on the path of practice.

This is a truly world where all living beings are practiced.

Even some weeds on the ground contain a strong life force. Even the essence of these weeds is comparable to the monks of Jin Dan Yuan Ying.

"It's a rich place."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but sigh and said.

At the same time, a beast like a leopard stared at Xiang Yang, and was kneeling in the distance, showing the way to rush, with murderous, grinning eyes staring at Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang smiled softly. "This little thing has come to me to trouble."


Suddenly, the beast immediately rushed toward Xiangyang, opened his mouth and opened his mouth, directly biting into Xiangyang’s head, and wanted to swallow the entire head of Xiangyang.

After Xiang Yang saw it, he smiled softly and gave a shot. An energy did not enter the body of the beast and flew it out.

However, Xiang Yang did not explode the beast, but after the other side flew, it landed on the ground outside the kilometer, and the beast was paralyzed.

It was originally thought that Xiangyang was walking on the ground on foot. It should be an ordinary person. He was thinking about opening a cockroach. What he did not expect was that Xiang Yang was so bad.

This is a supreme power, at least how many times more powerful than it.

This fierce beast saw that Xiang Yang did not continue to do it to himself. It was very pleasant in his heart, and he sighed with his tail and fled toward the distance.

Xiang Yang smiled softly, carrying his hands, still walking on foot, and found a grass in front of him. He crouched down and pulled up the grass, carefully felt the aura contained in it, could not help but sigh, "Unfortunately, the level is too weak, and it has little effect on me."

"Dao friends are laughing, this is just ordinary weeds. For Taoist friends, this has no effect."

At this time, I only heard a crisp laughter coming over. There was a beautiful girl coming out of the air, falling from the sky with a smile and smiling, so standing in front of Xiangyang.

"Magic fairy..."

Xiang Yang looked at the score. The name of this girl was when she was sanctified before the cliff. The girl who was next to the master of the cliff, the sister of the cliff, the magic fairy.

Of course, although Xiang Yang recognized who the other person was, he pretended to be ignorant and looked at the other person with a curious look. "Girl is..."

After the magic fairy listened, his face smiled and his eyes widened, and he said to Xiang Yang with a smile. "My name is Magic Fairy, what is your name?"

"My name is Xiang Yang and I have seen the Magic Fairy Girl."

Xiang Yang smiled softly and did not hide his name.

Anyway, in this chaotic world, no one knows what name Xiang Yang called, and said his name, instead of making people doubt what is wrong with him.

The magic fairy looked at Xiang Yang, she always felt that Xiang Yang was a bit special, so that she felt curious in her heart. She said softly to Xiang Yang, "Xiang Yang, have we met? I always feel that you have A familiar feeling."

"is it?"

Xiang Yanghehe smiled, "The magic fairy girl is so proud of the sky, how can I have a chance to see you, but maybe we are born with a relationship, so I will have a kind of familiarity for you." feel."

At the same time, he is squatting in his heart, and the relationship is sure to have a fate. However, it is not necessarily a good reason.

The magic fairy is the sister of the cliff, and Xiang Yang has refining the cliff. Obviously, the familiar feeling that the magic fairy senses in himself is because of the cliff.

Of course, the means of Xiangyang refining the cliff is too concealed, let alone the magical immortal, even if it is the master of the cliff and the magic fairy, the chaotic sage can not be seen as Xiang Yanglian The cliff was turned.

"Maybe, are you the chance that Master respects me?"

The magic fairy said softly.


Xiang Yang stunned, and he sipped a few words, but he was really taken seriously by the magic fairy. This gimmick actually said that he was her chance. Is this true?

Xiang Yang thinks this is really interesting.

The magic fairy is very serious looking at Xiang Yang, explaining and saying, "I am going out to find a chance to break through sanctification. Before I went down, Shizun once told me that this time, I will meet my own. Opportunity, let me take it easy, you give me a very strange feeling, you should be the chance of my sanctification."

"This, it should be unlikely."

Xiang Yang blinked, and this girl said that he was really a little bit convinced.

However, Xiang Yang is very certain that he is absolutely impossible to be the chance of sanctification of anyone in the Panyu chaotic world. Even, he will hinder their sanctification and make them unable to be sanctified.

As for the feeling of this girl, it is obviously wrong.

"It's true, Xiang Yang, where are you going next? Can I be with you?" The magic fairy looked at Xiang Yang with a serious look.


Xiang Yang is a bit dumbfounded. This girl really depends on herself. Is this really thinking that she can help her to be sanctified?

Although the Magic Fairy is also a person in the chaotic world of Panyu, Xiang Yang did not hate her very much, nor did she think about the shot of the Magic Fairy. At this moment, the heart is a bit hesitant. If you let the Magic Fair be with you, you will pick it up. It is more troublesome to get a little trick in this chaotic world.

"It seems that you have reached the peak of Yasheng Peak and are looking for a chance to break through the sanctification. Let's join together, hey, Xiang Yang, I will call you Xiangyang brother, you call me Xianer."

When the magic fairy saw Xiang Yang’s squatting, she said very happily, holding Xiang Yang’s arm.

This gimmick seems to be a bit too familiar.

Xiang Yang sighed in his heart, but on the surface he shook his head helplessly, "Magic fairy..."


His words had just spoken two words, and he was interrupted by the magic fairy. The latter widened his eyes and looked at Xiang Yang. "You are too much for Xiangyang’s brother. They all said that you are calling Xian, but you are not willing. ""

"Good, fairy."

Xiang Yang was helpless and could only scream along her ‘仙儿’.

"Xiang Yang brother, where are we going to play next?" The magic fairy held Xiang Yang's arm and asked with a smile.

Xiang Yang gave her a look. I really don't know if this woman is really so innocent and cute, or deliberately pretend to be like this, just to get something from herself.

However, the magic fairy is only the cultivation of the Yasheng Peak. No matter what strategy she has, she is not afraid. Even, he feels that he can explore the world with the magic fairy.

If Xiang Yang himself is alone, in this unfamiliar place, Xiang Yang really does not know where he should go and what to do.

Nowadays, in this world, he not only wants to dig some treasures of this world, but also wants to arrange some backhands.

However, if you don’t understand the world, if you rush to arrange your own hands, you will only expose yourself. At that time, the danger is your own.

If the magic fairy is around, if it is used well, it will really be a little useful.

Xiang Yang smiled softly and glanced at the magic fairy who was next to him. He suddenly felt that it was a very good choice to be with this girl.

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