Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3089: Sanctification

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When Xiang Yang stepped into the chaotic void, in addition to the powerful explosive atmosphere brought about by the breakthrough of the three gongs, the chaos was chaotic, the heavens came, and the golden lotus was everywhere, and there were countless Yasheng strongmen. Not only that, but even The other two of the Sanqing, too, and the original also came, but also with their disciples.

"what's going on?"

Xiang Yang looks at the chaotic void, isn't it the Sancha breakthrough sanctification?

How come so many people come together suddenly, this is really surprising.

"I think you are strange, kid?"

At this time, in the void behind Xiang Yang, Amitabha came out with a group of people, all of whom were bald, and each of them had a very strong breath, and they were all the strongest who had reached the peak of the Yasheng Peak.

He smiled and looked at Xiang Yang. "Three times resurrected and broke through. This time, for our Pangu chaotic world, it is not only the addition of three chaotic saints, but also a strong reference to other Yasheng breakthroughs. The significance, especially those who are trapped in the sub-Sacred peaks, if they can watch their breakthroughs and achieve the breakthrough opportunity, then Daozu may once again give him the opportunity to help him break through.

“Hong Meng Zi Qi?”

Xiang Yang remembered that not long before, when Sancha had to break through, Tongtian once gave everyone a purple light, he suddenly understood, that is, Hong Meng Ziqi.

Although the legendary ancient sacred sacred gods are sanctified by the sacredness of Hongmeng, however, Xiangyang’s face is curious. “If you want to be sanctified, you must have a singularity?”

If only Hong Meng Zi Qi can prove the sanctification, does it mean that he should also go to the old man of Daozu?

Xiang Yang suddenly regretted that when he faced Daozu, he did not give the other person a good face. If the old man avenged his hatred and did not give himself a bliss, wouldn’t he be a big loss?

"Under normal circumstances, sanctification really needs to have a chaotic atmosphere in the chaotic world. However, you have thought that people such as Pangu are in chaos without sanctification. Sanctified?"

Amitabha did not directly answer Xiang Yang’s words, but looked at Xiang Yang with a smile on his face.

"So, even if there is no so-called sanctification foundation, it is actually a sanctification of the sanctification?" Xiang Yang heard a smile on his face.

"You have this hope."

Amitabha said with a smile.

"What do you mean by saying that you don't need to be sanctified?" Xiang Yang asked.



When Amitabha answered, the breakthrough of Sanchao began. The three women were sanctified at the same time, and the momentum was huge. Jinlian emerged everywhere, chaotic blasting, and even the shadow of thirty-three heavens also appeared around them. .

Not only that, what shocks everyone is that at this moment, the heavens are coming, and the infinite rhythm rules emerge.

Xiang Yang only felt as if he had entered the origin of the fairy world. He only felt that the surrounding world was full of heavenly atmosphere. He couldn't help but widen his eyes. "I finally understood why so many people would come here. ”

Not to mention this time witnessing Sancha's sanctification itself is witnessing an extraordinary event, and more importantly, the advent of these avenue rules.

These avenue rules have little effect on those who have already been sanctified, but they have a greater effect on those who are not yet sanctified, especially the sub-sacred.

Moreover, these Asian saints can be said to be almost all under the saints. It is the saints who come to witness the sanctification of Sancha.

Obviously, the chaotic saints of the heavens also hope that some of their disciples will be able to break through sanctification at this time.

Although Xiang Yang is also aware of these avenues of avenues, the rules of these avenues are not very important to him. He is more concerned with the Yasheng who is present.

There are hundreds of people in the presence of Yasheng. If it is placed in the past, it can be said that there are a large number of them. However, Xiang Yang has gone to the frontier and has seen too many Yasheng, but does not think that there are hundreds of Yasheng strong people. Surprised.

However, he saw that the Shengzong sect of the sect of the saints was also among the strongest of the saints. Obviously, these avenues of the avenues are not very important for this guy. Although Guangchengzi feels the rules of the avenue, it is also like Xiang Yang is generally looking around.

Ever since, the eyes of the two people met together in the chaotic void, and they smiled at each other. Xiang Yang’s figure appeared out of Guangcheng’s side. “The master of the lord is good, and there is still a beautiful woman.”


Guangchengzi originally wanted to say hello to Xiangyang’s enthusiasm. As a result, Xiangyang came to such a sentence, his enthusiasm was interrupted in an instant, and he was helpless and looked at Xiangyang. “You kid is not idle, nothing to do. ?"

"I am different."

Xiang Yang looked at Guangchengzi seriously. "Sancha is my sister. After they break through sanctification, I ask them to pass on the feelings of sanctification to me."

"Three sisters are your sister?"

Guang Chengzi sneered a few times. "Sancha is a figure in the ancient times, and they have been recovering over the years. It is absolutely impossible to know you."

Is it true that the name of my holy lord and the three emperors is white?

Although the cultivation of Guangchengzi is not the strongest of the sub-saints of the same period, his ability in other aspects is absolutely unparalleled, especially when he controls the saints. He can be said to know the heavens. Things, few people can compare.

Xiang Yang glanced at him and did not explain that although he was only recently known to Sancha, he witnessed their life. Besides their three sisters, they are their most intimate people. Sancha is not my sister. What?

"Xiang Yang, can you see them in the public?"

Guang Chengzi suddenly asked.

"Great elders?"

Xiang Yang looked at Guangchengzi inexplicably.

He heard about the name of Zhao Gongming, the elder of the saints, but it is not very clear. At this moment, listening to Guang Chengzi, naturally ask.

Guang Chengzi nodded. "Yes, the Gongming and the Five Emperors and the Five Emperors took the strongest of the Five Heavens to the gods to hunt down the Lord God, but all the saints are here, that is to say, the eleven gods of the gods and the five people balance ""

"There are only ten gods left now." Xiang Yang added.


Guang Chengzi looked at Xiang Yang and found that Xiang Yang was standing tall and with a smug color. He suddenly understood that during this time, Xiang Yang actually killed a **** king of the gods.


Guangchengzi knows that if he asks now why there is one less god, he will certainly satisfy the heart of Xiangyang’s show off. He has the heart to ignore Xiangyang, but he is really curious and can’t help but ask, “You Killing a **** king?"

Xiang Yang’s face was with a stern color. “Not long ago, the seal of the Divine Channel was broken, and thousands of Lord Gods and a King of the Kings came in. I couldn’t see them, and they all killed them.”

"There are still thousands of gods?"

Even Guangchengzi is very confident in the strength of Xiangyang, but when he heard that Xiangyang said that he killed a **** king and thousands of gods alone, he couldn’t help but reveal the unbelief. "Even if it is a chaotic saint. I dare not say that it is easy to kill thousands of gods and a god. Although you have already condensed Pan Guzhen, you are not really a chaotic saint. How can you kill a **** and thousands of gods by one person? ”

"If you don't believe, you can ask a friend."

Xiang Yang did not argue with this guy, but said with a smile.


Guang Chengzi didn't want to talk to Xiang Yang. This **** didn't even call Tian Shengzun. Wouldn't he even call him a teacher?

He glanced at the Tongtian sage who was guarding the three scorpions on one side. He was a little curious. After a while, he would beat the Xiangyang meal.

This is really possible. Although the strength of Xiangyang is extraordinary, the identity is similar to that of Tongtian Shengzun. However, Xiangyang, a younger who is less than 100 years old, wants to be a brother of Tongtian Shengzun. One will not spare him.

Xiang Yang gave him a look.

Look at me, wait until the young master is sanctified, not to mention the sky, even if it is the old man, I shouted a big brother, he also responded to me.

At the same time in his mind, the chaos around Sanchao tumbling, their breath has broken through, officially became a chaotic saint, and the breath of a vast avenue broke out, making them look sacred.

However, the visions brought about by their breakthroughs are not over yet. Their whole body is full of powerful holy prestige, and the blossoming golden lotus spreads out of chaos with them as the center. At the same time, behind them, there is a vast expanse. Shenwei broke out.


At the same time, in the top of the top of Sancha, there is a mysterious river that appears out of thin air.

"this is..."

The faces of many of the great saints in the field have changed.

The average person can't know what the river is, but the people who produce them are almost all saints, even if they are not the pro-disciples of the saints, they can appear here in time to watch the sanctification of Sancha, which is also very extraordinary.

They are very clear that this mysterious river is nothing else. It is the legendary omnipotent that does not know where to come from, nor the river to which it flows.

"There was a last-minute pass, and I took out my own body from the river. From then on, the **** of destiny is the chaos of war."

Guang Chengzi’s face is full of tension, his eyes are more excited than anyone else, as if the breakthrough person is not three, but he is the same.

"What are you excited about?"

Xiang Yang frowned at this guy.

"But anyone who breaks through sanctification must take out his own body from this river and get rid of the shackles of this river. How great is it, don't you feel excited?"

Guang Chengzi said excitedly.


This is the first time Xiang Yang saw that Guangchengzi was so excited. He was speechless. Is this old guy so excited and meaningful? He still has no way to break through to the saints.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang took a look at Guangchengzi. Although this guy has reached a high level of understanding, he has not yet proved that the sanctification is that Daozu’s old man is unhappy and does not give him the foundation of sanctification.

"You offended the ancestors?" Xiang Yang asked.


Guang Chengzi stunned, even if he was very excited to look at the river, he couldn't help but look at Xiangyang. What is the situation?

"Are you kidding?"

Guangchengzi took a look at Xiangyang and decided to ignore Xiangyang. Or concentrate on watching the breakthrough of Sanchao. Maybe he could name it before he could find his own body in the river.

"Your realm has been reached, but there is no sanctification, obviously because there is no reason for sanctification. If you didn't offend the old ancestors, how could you not break through yet?"

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Guang Chengzi took a look at Xiang Yang and ignored the Xiang Yang. Instead, he concentrated on watching the breakthrough.

"The offended person still can't admit it. It's really boring."

Xiang Yang was whispering, and he looked up at the river and Sancha.

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