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This day is absolutely a big shock to the saints. From the lower boundary through the void, it appears in the Black Forest of the Immortal World. After less than a few months, the Qingxue Cosmos Group, with its neighbors, was once again left.

Along with a huge roar, the cosmic warships of the vast Qingxue Cosmos Group disappeared directly and disappeared. At the same time, the chaotic behemoths of the Black Forest who were conquered by Xiangyang were disappeared.

The entire Black Forest, leaving only a super large pit, there are some fortifications that were opened up and built by the robots of the Qing Xue universe group.

The Qing Xue universe group disappeared.

Among the saints, the lord Guangchengzi and the great elder Zhao Gongming stared blankly at the disappearing direction of the Qingxue universe group, and their faces showed a strange look.

"They just left."

The big elder Zhao Gongming’s face showed a sigh. “They are right now, but they don’t know where they are going, but at least they don’t have to be influenced by the fairy world. Moreover, the Qing Xue Universe Group On the surface, there are only a few people in support, and the other high-level personnel are too weak."

"Yeah, they still need time to grow." Guang Chengzi said softly.

"Their departure should be the idea of ​​Xiang Yang's kid. After the kid condensed Pan Guzhen, the strength is too strong now. It is estimated that it is not weaker than Yang Lan and Sun Monkey."

At the same time, Zhao Gongming, the elder elder, showed an envious color on his face. "It’s so fast for others to practice. We can’t get in the way of being old and dead.”

"Don't you also make rapid progress in the past, and become a sub-sacred strong in a very short time?" said the lord Guangchengzi with a smile.

After the big elder Zhao Gongming listened, he nodded. He thought that the people who were with them were all top-notch Tianjiao strongmen. Although their speed of rise could not be compared with the current Xiangyang, they also Not slow.

"One hundred of the tens of thousands of continents in the realm of the Tianyu battle should be coming soon."

Then, when Guang Chengzi said it, his face was with a dignified color. "I don't know how many of these five hundred people will be the strongmen of the Western gods."

"Do you think that there will be a split of the Western strong among the five hundred people?" Zhao Gongming asked like a smile.

"What do you mean?"

The look of Guangchengzi has changed dramatically.

"There are hundreds of people who are leading the Yasheng strong." This time, it is not from the mouth of Zhao Gongming, but Xiang Yang.

I saw Xiang Yang silently appearing in the distance between the two, and said with a soft voice, "I have seen the Sovereign and the Great Elder."

"Xiang Yang, I know that you will definitely come back to us before you leave."

Guang Chengzi saw that Xiang Yang did not feel surprised, but said with a smile.

Zhao Gongming, the elder of the side, also had a faint smile on his face. Obviously, they had already determined that Xiangyang would definitely come to them.

Xiang Yang touched his nose. "I can't think of my character being touched by two."

"Haha, kid, we are just guessing. Besides, if you can't come, it's your problem. Who can control you?" Zhao Gongming, the elder, said with a soft voice.

Xiang Yang looked at the elders and looked at the good-hearted smile. After seeing the latter, the latter was a bit inexplicable. "What is the situation of this kid? I used to care for me. How do you become now? Have a good smile on me?"

"Is it a bad thing for me?"

Thinking of this, Zhao Gongming’s heart was secretly vigilant, thinking that he must be careful, and he must not be pitted by this kid.

Of course, he does not think that Xiang Yang may be the avatar of the **** god. After all, Xiang Yang is the disciple of that one. If even the one does not know who the other person is, then the whole Pangu There is no hope in the chaotic world.

When Xiang Yang saw the appearance of Zhao Gongming, the great elder, he was a smile in his heart. Although this is a big disciple of Tongtian Holy Respect, it is obvious that he did not inherit the true biography of the Heavenly Saint.

The Heavenly Sage is the main killing path. His main skill is mainly on the Kendo. After Xiang Yang has passed the kendo inheritance of the Tongtian Sage, it can be said that he has obtained the inheritance of the Tongtian saints. As for Zhao Gongming, It just happens that I did not get the inheritance of this sixty-seven percent.

"I may have been pitted by the sky."

Xiang Yang suddenly realized that the martial art of Tongtian Holy Respect is unparalleled. In this ancient chaotic world, it can be said that it is the most powerful existence besides his own master. However, none of his disciples can inherit. His kendo, so that he used the sacred sword to exchange with the other side of the kendo inheritance, I am afraid that the other party is happy.

Even, the Heavenly Sage may have already targeted himself, and want to pass on his kendo to find a chance to pass it on?

When Xiang Yang thought about it, he felt that he was proud of the exchange of the sacred sword with the sacred sage. It is estimated that he is more happy to be a sage.

He couldn't help but sigh. "I am a little stupid."

"What do you say?" Guang Chengzi and Zhao Gongming looked at Xiang Yang with a stunned color.

This kid ran to the holy sect and ran to the two, just to say that he was stupid? If this is the case, maybe it is really a bit silly, no, it should be said to be very stupid.


Xiang Yang lightly coughed a few times and said to Guang Chengzi and Zhao Gongming, "Two, I am here to ask, when are you going to go to the realm of God?"

"You want to go too?" After Guang Chengzi and Zhao Gongming listened, they were overjoyed.

Xiang Yang is a condensed Pangu real body. His fighting power is absolutely reaching the peak of Yasheng, even comparable to the chaos of the chaos. This time, the strong escorts of these millions of continents are going to the gods to hunt the main god. At this angle, when the first person of the Manchurian World War I was expelled, if Xiangyang was escorted in the dark with other Yasheng, it would be foolproof.

After all, among the other sub-saints, no one can guarantee that there is a **** of the gods. If the road meets the deity of the deity of the **** god, and suddenly there is a sub-strong man from the nest. That is really deadly.

If Xiang Yang can be among the guarded teams, even if the **** king of the gods is attacked, it is enough to resist one or two. At that time, it can really be changed.

"Do not want to."

Xiang Yang did not want to think about it and shook his head directly.


After listening to them, they showed helplessness on their faces. They thought that Xiangyang would also want to go with the strong people in the fairy world. Who ever thought that he refused so refreshingly.

"If you don't want to be together, what do you ask for?"

Zhao Gongming turned his eyes and turned his eyes.

Xiang Yang said with a sigh of relief, "I want to ask when you left the realm of the gods, when you leave the realm of the gods, when I entered the realm of the gods with Yang Lan and Sun Monkey."

"You are really bold, with the power of three people dare to enter the realm of the gods to hunt God?"

After Guang Chengzi and Zhao Gongming listened, they were shocked.

"Yang Yang and Sun Monkey can kill the King of God, and after I add it, I will get it." Xiang Yang said indifferently.

"You know, the reason why Yang Lan and Sun Monkey can kill the King of God is because they used the secret treasure given by the saints, and they did not want to stop the gods alone to stop the sneak attack. And if the three of you are deep into the realm of God, you will be alarmed by all the gods of the gods, and you will definitely die."

Zhao Gongming said with a deep voice, "Xiang Yang, I know that the three of you can't wait to destroy the gods, but what you need to know is that it is not a simple matter to destroy the realm of the gods, not too impulsive, or else you All three are hopeful to prove that the existence of the body is sanctified. If it is lost, the loss to our Pangu chaotic world is too great."

"No problem, we know what we are waiting for."

Xiang Yang waved his hand very casually. He knew that Zhao Gongming and Guang Chengzi were both good for themselves, for fear that they and Yang Lan and Sun Monkey would be destroyed by the gods of the gods.

However, if the three of them really want to do it, how could they not have a little grasp?

Just relying on the inheritance of the swordsmanship that he got, just waiting for Xiaoling to refine the whole set of the swords of the sacred swords, there is no need to be afraid of any danger.

Yes, after the Heavenly Saints gave all his kendo inheritance to Xiang Yang, Xiang Yang immediately passed it all to Xiao Ling, and then let Xiaoling refine the sword.

If it is someone else, it is absolutely impossible to imitate the refining of the swords of the sacred swords. However, Xiaoling is the instrumental spirit of the dynasty, and the super-baby that can refine the chaos to the treasure, can completely imitate refining. A set of the same sacred swords.

In today's Qiankun creation, Xiaoling is already preparing to refine the magic weapon.

If it is not the lack of materials, it may be possible to refine the four swords of the Chaos to the treasure level. At that time, it is possible to surpass the original version of the four-sword of the Tongtian saint.

Of course, the refining materials are the biggest problem, and it is impossible to refine four pieces of chaos.

"But, anyway, you are the disciple of that one. It is absolutely impossible for him to let you go wrong." When Zhao Gongming and Guang Chengzi saw that Xiangyang’s firewood and oil did not enter, they could only helplessly sigh. One sound.

However, they are not worried about Xiangyang, mainly worried about Yang Lan and Sun Monkey. Xiang Yang must not die. Everyone knows that even if the chaos is dangerous, Xiang Yang is unlikely to be in danger.

No way, who told someone to have a powerful and unruly master?

Xiang Yang whispered, did not explain too much, and did not tell the two. In fact, the main purpose of the three of them is to refine the origin and heaven of the gods. If the two know, I am afraid it will be even more Shock it.

"Whenever you finish your experience, feel free to contact me."

After Xiang Yang and Guang Chengzi finished speaking, they turned and left. Qing Xue Cosmos Group has just arrived in the new world of the new world. There are still many things that need him to help.

"This kid..."

Seeing that Xiang Yang had left, Guang Chengzi and Zhao Gongming could only shake their heads and smiled.

If Yang Lan or Sun Monkey came to them, Yang Shuben is a disciple of interpretation. Guang Chengzi can use the tone of his elders to command each other, and the Sun Monkey is a Yaozu. Zhao Gongming is also a predecessor of the Yaozu. The excuse can keep the other side, but only Xiang Yang is coming, and they can't help Xiang Yang.

"Do not worry, they are three people together, there should be no danger." Zhao Gongming can only comfort and said.

"These three are all lawless guys. They are together. I am afraid that their purpose is not only to hunt the gods of the gods, but also to have other purposes." Guang Chengzi said with a headache.

"What else can they do? Do you still want to destroy the whole gods? My God..."

When Zhao Gongming said, he felt that the three people might have such an idea. He suddenly opened his mouth and took an incredible look. "No, no..."

"What do you think is what they can't do?"

Guang Chengzi had a glance at Zhao Gongming, and he was really mentally retarded. Whether it was Sun Monkey or Yang Lan, it was a person who broke the ancient heavens in the past. Anything that went to the realm of the gods and ironed his heart to harm the realm of the gods, how could it be? Eliminate?

As for Xiang Yang, although this kid has not done anything big, but at a glance, he knows that he is not the master of the cessation. It is estimated that a hand will make everyone in the world stunned.

"If they can really destroy the realm, it would be great..."

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