Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3037: Dreams return home

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"Go and call them all the fathers. I will bring back the children."

Xiang Yang no longer teased Chen Menglong, but said with a smile.

"What? You are not saying that Qing is in the fairy world? Are you lying to me?"

Chen Menglong angered Xiang Yang with anger.

"It is right in the fairy world."

Xiang Yang whispered a smile, directly in front of the Chen Menglong family, opened the passage to the fairy world, suddenly, in the void, a mysterious channel suddenly appeared, there are vast energy fluctuations, and there are colorful Xianguang revealed it.

"This, this is..."

The Chen Menglong family was all shocked.

In any case, they did not think that Xiang Yang actually said that to open the passage, the passage to the fairyland would be opened directly. Although they did not know whether this was the passage to the fairyland, but they felt the vast atmosphere, but let Their hearts are shocked.

"Qing, go home and have a look."

When Xiang Yang whispered to the passage, there was a glimmer of light on his body. It was Chaos who took the cloud shuttle directly into the passage, and went to the Qing Xue universe group to lead Chen Mengqing.

"Old man, father-in-law, come quickly."

Then, Xiang Yang’s gods found Chen’s father and Chen Dingbang and others, and immediately transferred them to the courtyard where Chen Menglong was.

"Xiang Yang."

When Chen and Chen Dingbang suddenly appeared here, they were also awkward. When they saw Xiangyang, they were excited. However, they saw the passage above the head, and they were deeply shocked.

"Grandpa, Dad, brother-in-law is going to take Qing from the fairy world."

Chen Menglong’s mouth is very fast, and it’s clear that Xiangyang’s presence here is clear in three or two.

After listening to the husband and wife of Chen Dingbang and his wife, Chen Guanbang stared at the empty passage above him. His face was full of excitement and he even forgot to greet Xiang Yang.

They have not seen their daughter 'grandmother' for too long.


At this time, among the passages, there was a stream of light that passed away. Chen Mengqing stood on the chaos and pierced the cloud shuttle, passing through the passage, and instantly appeared in the Chen family.

"Parents, Grandpa!"

When Chen Mengqing saw Chen Dingbang and Chen’s father, her face was excited and jumped directly from Chaos, and rushed to hold them.

Xiang Yang waved the passage between the waves and smiled at the scene.

When Chen Mengqing left the secular world, it has been more than 20 years since now. For ordinary people, it is really too long. Fortunately, Chen Jia has become a practitioner, even Chen’s father. The same cultivation was carried out in the Yuan Ying period.

Chen Mengqing talked about his love and affection with his parents and grandfather. Chen Menglong wanted to go forward, but found that his sister did not seem to see himself. He was so depressed that he had to come to Xiangyang with his face. With curiosity, "Is Qiel really just coming back from the fairy world?"

"What do you think?" Xiang Yang asked with a smile.

"It's not very likely, although you are very powerful, but even if you have become a strong man, you can't open the channel to the fairyland in such a relaxed way?" Chen Menglong said with an unbelief.

"Do you want to go to the fairy world?"

Xiang Yang asked.

"Yes I do."

Chen Menglong’s head is constantly lit, just as diligent as a chicken.

Xiang Yang handed the two babies in his arms to Chen Menglong’s daughter-in-law, and said with a soft voice, “I have helped them to wash the marrow and leave them some inheritance, but not to tell others.”


Chen Menglong’s daughter-in-law and son looked at Xiang Yang with excitement on his face, especially Chen Menglong’s son. He was already inherited from Xiangyang in his mother’s womb. He knows very well how Xiangyang’s inheritance is. Powerful, when he thought that his two sons were just like this, he couldn’t help but bow down to Xiangyang. "Thank you for your uncle."

"Don't let your aunt see you."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.


Therefore, Chen Menglong's son and daughter-in-law walked with Chen Mengqing with two children. After introducing each other, Chen Mengqing was very surprised and gave out all kinds of treasures.

For today's Chen Mengqing, although her cultivation has not yet reached a very strong level, she does not lack anything. Even the best fairy can be taken out, even if she does not have the next product. The reason can only look at Xiangyang, and said to Xiang Yang, "Xiang Yang, my brother's child and grandson, have you given a gift?"

"The grandson gave it, the child has not."

When Xiang Yang answered, looking for a while, he also found a very embarrassing situation, and he did not have a baby suitable for them.

Because the magic weapons placed in Xiangyang's Promise Xianfu, the most important are the elite level, and such magic weapons, if given to Chen Menglong and others, will harm them.

"Do you have a low-grade fairy?"

Chen Mengqing also saw the shackles of Xiang Yang, could not help but look at Xiangyang.

"Haha, it's okay, I will refine some of them for them."

Xiang Yang said quickly.

While talking, his gods entered the Promise Immortal to find the little spirit, "Let me refine a batch of upper and lower products, defensive and attacking, etc., to have a whole set."


After Xiaoling listened, he was stunned. "Boss, I didn't get it wrong. You didn't ask me to refine chaos to treasure, but let me refine the fairy, and still the next fairy?"

He can refine the existence of chaos to treasure, Xiang Yang actually only let him refine the fairy, and can not refine the best fairy, can only be on the lower and middle of the fairy, how can he not be surprised.

"Let you refine and act quickly, don't talk nonsense, I will find you later."

Xiang Yang glanced at him, and then he withdrew his knowledge. He said to Chen and his wife, Chen Dingbang and others, "Grandpa, Mom and Dad, I haven’t seen you for a long time. This time I finally brought back Hari. ""

"Good, Xiang Xiaozi, you have been there for so many years, I thought you forgot us." Chen said with a smile.

"I forgot that no one can forget Grandpa." Xiang Yang said quickly.

"Good, come back, just come back, don't listen to the sunny, everyone is their own, don't want any gifts." Chen Mengqing's mother is a white daughter said.

"Mom, I don't want to give a big gift to my eldest brother and nephew." Chen Mengqing had a grievance on his face.

"You, people will come back, what kind of gift, for so many years, you come back and look at us all, we thought..." Chen Mengqing's mother took her hand and did not let go, while talking Then I couldn't help but drop my tears.

"Mom, isn't this coming back? This time I stayed at home for a long time." Chen Mengqing quickly hugged her mother comfortably.

"This time you don't want to go, if you want to go, unless you learn to learn your brother, give me a big fat boy, otherwise, if you dare to go, I will not finish with you."

Chen Mengqing’s mother said very tough.


After Chen Mengqing listened, she was shocked. She glanced at Xiangyang and her face was shy red. She never thought about giving birth to a child. This time she saw her big brother actually practicing her grandson and holding it in her arms. When she was really scared.

However, when she was mentioned by her mother to have a baby, even she could not help but accelerate her heart.

"Is it time to have a baby?"

Xiang Yang said to himself, and then he shook his head gently.

He still needs to fight, not really when he has children, and then he has to go to the realm of the gods. If he succeeds, he is very likely to be sanctified. If he is unsuccessful, he may have nothing.

"After the sanctification, I will say it later."

At the same time, Xiangyang thought about it. In the Promise of Immortality, Xiaoling refining almost hundreds of sets of upper and lower products in seconds, and then very happy to pass this information to Xiangyang.

"Not bad."

Xiang Yang quickly took out a few sets and said with a smile, "The magic weapon is good."

At the same time, the magic weapon of one person is distributed to all people. The low-grade is the lower-class fairy, and the high-quality one is injected into Chen Menglong. Naturally, he is given a gift set.

As a result, everyone was stunned.

"I said the boss, you are already ready, how can you refine so many treasures in this moment?" Chen Menglong stared at Xiang Yang and looked at the top of his hand. This is a three-piece equipment, a big knife, a battle armor that can be covered by the whole body after passing on, a pair of boots.

It is conceivable that with the cultivation of Chen Menglong's heavenly fairyland, if it is a set of fairy instruments on the real ship, it will definitely be desperate with the true fairy.

"What do you say?"

Xiang Yang whispered softly, and after helping everyone to recognize the magic weapon, Chen Jia opened the family feast and shouted all the core members of the Chen family. After everyone had a good meal, Chen Mengqing stayed. In Chen Jia, and Xiang Yang went to Xiangjia.

In the same way, the lord found that after Xiang Yang came back, he was very excited and took a grandson to drink it. Then Xiang Yang said what happened in the past few years with the lord, including the first generation of the ancestors who were caught by him. The devil went to see the tyrants of the tyrants, and he heard the blood of the old man.

In the end, Xiang Yang also did not stay in the Xiang family for a long time, but went to the Dragon Group, met with Xiao Feng and other friends, and then returned to Chen.

It was night, Xiang Yang and Chen Mengqing lying side by side on the bed, Xiang Yang whispered, "I want the Qing Xue universe group to return to the lower bound."

"Why?" Chen Mengqing looked at Xiang Yang inexplicably.

"The fairy tales are about to start a big battle. On the contrary, the new world of the lower bounds is my world. I am the lord of the wild world. I can completely control everything and can eliminate many problems. Moreover, the next few days will face a big day. The disaster, I need a lot of strong people to follow me to fight the world, to guard the world, the new world is a talent base."

Xiang Yang did not conceal too much, but told Chen Mengqing everything about the foreign world and the realm of the gods.

"It turns out that you have carried so much in your body." Among the Qing Xue universe group, only one of the Suzaku women is really aware of these things. As for the women, their cultivation is too weak to understand these situations. At this moment, Chen Mengqing knows After that, the eyes were red, and the color of pity was tightly holding Xiang Yang.

"No, the reason why I do so much is to protect you all the time, as long as you can make you risk-free." Xiang Yang whispered.

"We are very good, but you have to run outside, but we still feel that you have no time to accompany us." Chen Mengqing said guilty.

In recent years, although Xiang Yang has arranged the women in the Qing Xue universe group, but his time to really accompany the women is too small, how can women have no resentment in their hearts?

Now, when Chen Mengqing knows what Xiangyang is going to do, her heart is full of embarrassment, and she can’t help but hold Xiangyang tightly, whispering, “Xiang Yang, give me a child, no matter what, I want to Want a child..."

"it is good..."

Under the night, in the room, the spring is gradually blooming....

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