Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3030: 诛仙剑出(五更求花)

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"No, beyond the power of the saints, it is definitely the power of the Holy Spirit."


On the top of the three heads of Xiangyang, a terrible force broke out. The huge palm covered the whole chaos, covering the sky and slamming it toward the three.

This power surpasses the strength that ordinary chaos saints can explode. It is definitely the power of the Holy Spirit that has reached the level of Sanqing.

The mighty power is overwhelming, and the whole chaos must be shattered. Under this giant palm, all chaos and heaven are turned into nothingness.

Even if the strength of Xiangyang, Yang Lan, and Sun Monkey has reached the level that can kill the chaotic saints, they also changed their faces. They only felt that the flesh was splitting and the blood was mad.

"The boss is the level of the chaos of the Holy Spirit, beyond the power of the saint."

In the dantian of Xiangyang, Xiaoling and Laowan appeared at the same time, and the faces of the two men were serious.

Lao Wan is quietly saying, "It is the **** of the supreme **** of the gods, the shameful old things, the boss, use the tens of thousands of robbers, with your current strength, urging the tens of thousands of robs, although unable to compete with him However, it is ok to block him."

"He is the strength of the realm of the sacred, and the existence of the same realm in the year." Xiang Yang could not help but say.

"No, although he is the sacred place of heaven, but it is the weakest. He did not know how many times he was beaten by the looting, and even later, when he saw the looting, he would hide it."

Lao Wan said.

“Is it really good to expose the tens of thousands of robbed clocks?” Xiang Yang squatted.

However, he also knows that if no one is going to save at the most important moment, he can only use the catastrophe. He does not use the tens of thousands of robbers. He owns the chaos of the demon **** armor. Naturally, it will not be killed at once, but Yang Lan and Sun Monkey are bare, and there is no possibility of chaos to the level of defense armor, they must be destroyed.

Xiang Yang naturally could not watch the two people being destroyed.

"Bastard, the old king of the supreme god, dare to shoot us, waiting for the old Sun to refine the realm of the gods, to achieve the situation of the mixed saints, must kill him."

Sun Monkey yelled at his teeth.

On the top of their heads, the big hand still fell, the horrible pressure split the body of the three people, if not the Sun Monkey and Yang Lan, they just got the chaos to the gold level and the three-pointed knife. With these two chaos to help them hold on to this pressure, their flesh has already exploded.

Although they can kill the saints, they have not yet achieved the sages of the mixed people. In the face of surpassing the saints, they are like ants.

Instead, Xiang Yang, although the same body cracked, but his eyes flashed with a sigh of light, the catastrophe in his body is ready to go.

If this palm falls again, he will be desperate to display the catastrophe.

Under the tens of thousands of robbers, chaos is shattered, and he is the most high-powered god. As long as he blocks the other party's palm, Xiang Yang asks his master to take the shot. He does not believe it. The old man will watch the supreme **** on his own. Yourself.

"It’s just an ant."

In the void, a sound of disdain sounded. Although this voice was very light, there was a chaotic rule that broke out and suppressed on the three people, causing the three people to spurt blood at the same time and almost exploded.

"Supreme God."

Sun Monkey was so angry that he was full of trembling, his whole body burst into a golden light, and holding the wishful gold hoop to block the pressure, Yang Lan was turned into a chaotic mysterious air, three-pointed and two-edged knives, Always take a shot at all times.

Xiang Yang is the most casual. He stands like this, his hands are behind his back, and the black hair is dancing. It seems that this palm is not falling toward him.

Of course, if there is nothing wrong with him, he looks very handsome at the moment, but he is obviously cracked, but he does not move.

In his body, among all the acupoint spaces, the gods all stood up in the sky, and the majestic energy poured into the tens of thousands of robbers.

Although it is not visible on the surface, Xiang Yang’s body contains a great danger.

"How to do?"

At this moment, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey looked at Xiangyang at the same time.

They also discovered the calmness of Xiang Yang, and remembered that Xiang Yang was the descendant of that pulse. They would definitely be fine if they followed Xiang Yang.

"You still don't shoot, do you want to wait until the three of us are destroyed?"

Xiang Yang did not answer the two words, but shouted at the emptiness.

"Someone?" Yang Lan and Sun Monkey were stunned. They didn't even sense that there was a chaotic void in the sky. However, it seems that there is really a sense of enthusiasm.

“Is there really no one?”

After Xiang Yang’s voice fell, he found no movement, and he doubted it.

He naturally didn't know if there was any saint hiding. He shouted, just arbitrarily shouting. If there is a saint in the fairy world, the other party will naturally shoot. If there is no one, then he will I can only use the catastrophe.

When Xiang Yang was suspicious in his heart, he saw that the palm of one hand was still falling. The strong pressure of the three people who had been suppressed had fallen unsteadily and fell to the depth of the chaos below.

"Old Wan, get ready to shoot."

Xiang Yang sighed and knew that he had to shoot. No matter whether there is a saint in the fairy world hidden here, he must shoot. In any case, he could not watch the Yang Lan and Sun Monkey being watched by this stock. Press the town to death.


Lao Wan’s face was full of excitement, and he trembled and said, “After thousands of years, the last time, the tens of thousands of robbed shots, in the hands of the looting, destroyed the alien sage, this time, robbed The clock is shot again, but also to resist the supreme **** of the gods. Although the supreme **** can not compare with the open heavenly saints, but it is also the existence of the holy level, the boss, your strength has been reached, you can guard the tens of thousands of robbers Now, we have to reproduce the prestige of the tens of thousands of robs."


However, at this time, I heard a sound of a sword screaming. In the chaos, the four swords carrying the infinite chaos of the sword smashed the chaos and killed the giant hand in an instant.

This giant hand can no longer fall, and all the pressures have disappeared. Xiangyang three people only feel relaxed.

He quickly stopped Lao Wan and prevented the looting.

At the same time, the three looked at the top, and saw the four-handed swords standing on top of each other, erected in all directions of the huge palm. The four swords smashed the past, the chaos was broken, the void collapsed, and everything became smashed. The power of destroying the earth and the earth broke out among them.

"It’s the four swords of the immortal, it’s the shot of the Heavenly Saint.”

Yang Lan has a color of surprise.

Sun Monkey also said with excitement, "It’s still the best of the world. If we are out of the four swords, we will be safe. Maybe we can take the opportunity to destroy what God is so high. Then we can go to the Western gods. Free, no one can stop us anymore."

"Is it a sword?"

Xiang Yang looked at the four-handed sword above the head. As a supreme martial art strongman, he could more clearly sense the horrible murder of these four swords.

诛仙剑, 噬仙剑, 戮仙剑, 绝仙剑.

The four-handed sacred sacred swordsmanship of the sacred swords of the sacred swords has surpassed the chaos to the treasure, and this is displayed in the hands of the heavenly sage, the power is even more terrible to the extreme.

"Old guy, you really shameless."

Above, there was a laughter, and I saw a black figure standing in the middle of the four swords of Zhu Xian, driving the sword to instantly break the big hand and refine it into nothingness.

This black man is the heavenly sage.

He was murderous and horrible, and the whole person took the sword of the supreme edge and stood there freely, as if the whole world was centered on him.

This is the master of the celestial swordsman.

In Sanqing, he is definitely the strongest in combat. Although it is strong, the Taiji figure is more defensive, but it can't compare with the power of the sword.

The chaos of the original sage is powerless, but it is also inferior to the four swords.

When these four swords come out, it is really invincible.

"Tongtian junior, do you dare to stop this god?"

In the void, a cold voice came over, and they seemed to see a high-spirited **** in the sky.

"Not only can stop you, but also destroy you."

This is the voice of the heavenly sage. He laughed and said, "You haven't had to discuss it."


As his voice fell, he heard a roaring sound, and the four swords of the immortals flowed, turning into four swords and directly into the void.

"court death."

In the chaos of nothingness, a scream of anger and anger came over, and then only the sound of ‘砰砰’ continued to sound. What other battles were, Xiangyang’s three people could not see clearly.

However, it is conceivable that in the deeper chaos of the void, the four swords of Zhu Xian must be strangled by the supreme **** of the gods.


"Tongtian, if the deity arrives, how can it be your turn to let go."

Then, I heard a huge roar, and it seemed that the whole chaos trembled. With the roar of this sound falling, the tough voice of the other party fell.

"You are a avatar, can't I be a avatar?"

The heavenly saint laughed and said, "Your avatar is coming. The deity smashes your avatar by avatar. Your deity is coming. Lao Tzu Tongtian kills your deity with your deity, and your friends, go on the road."


Then, the sound of the horrible sword rang, and a wave of horrible swords that made the three people feel guilty spread out, and then disappeared instantly.

Everything is calm, and the four swords of the immortal fly back from the depths of the chaos. They directly fell into the body of Tongtian Shengzun. His black hair fluttered and the whole person stood above, whispering. "It is still not as good as the bastard. If it is true. It’s a bit dangerous to meet that guy."

"He is the supreme **** of the realm of God. He controls the origin and the heavenly way of the gods. Naturally, it is not what you can compare."

At this time, two people appeared in the black clothes of the heavenly sage, one is the old man wearing a robes, it is the sacred sacred, the other one needless to say, nature is the original sacred.

The two also came, but they did not, because it was enough to deal with the one **** of the highest god. After all, the power of the four swords is absolutely strong, and it is called the Pangu world. One of the strongest magic weapons, the power is arrogant, and it is enough to deal with the singularity of the Most High God.

"The strength of that guy is terrible."

Tongtian Shengzun shook his head, although he killed the other's avatar, but he realized his own gap with the other.

"However, if the next time his deity appears, my deity will drive the four swords, and there is no hope that the **** will be completely strangled."

At the same time as the Heavenly Saints said, the face showed a sense of confidence.

After seeing the two sacred monarchs, they shook their heads. They knew very well that the power of the supreme **** was absolutely the same level as their teachers. Although the three had reached the sacred position, they It is only a matter of getting into this level, and it is really impossible to compare with the supreme **** who controls the origin of the gods.

However, Tongtian has always had strong self-confidence, and even if they say it is useless.

Anyway, it is necessary to confront the supreme **** sooner or later, and the supreme **** is sure to be killed.

Then, the three saints looked at Xiangyang and Yang Lan and Sun Monkey three below, and their faces showed a faint smile.

In particular, the three men only looked at Yang Lan and Sun Monkey and focused on Xiang Yang’s body. They also had an inexplicable meaning, which made Xiang Yang feel a little weird. He was stunned. “The three guys are definitely I have been here for a long time, but I have been reluctant to give it. I just heard my screaming, they will not realize that I want to retaliate against me?"

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers...

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