Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3025: 弑神初扬威(五更求花)

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"Heroes, what are you going to do, stop now."

Seeing that the Sun Monkey grabbed his hand and wanted to pass everything he had to himself, Yang Lan’s face changed greatly and he quickly yelled.

"Roll, I don't want your flesh and blood, I want to give it, but it's mys."

Yang Hao screamed with anger. He knew that Sun Monkey was to sacrifice himself and fulfill himself. However, he did not say that he was a very proud person. He could not watch the relationship between him and Sun Monkey over the years. Sun Monkey sacrificed everything to fulfill himself.

He didn't want to be sanctified even after he got everything from the Sun Monkey.

He does not need such a result.


Sun Monkey’s face is resolute and roared. “Don’t move, one person dies, it’s better than two people’s death. If you are the brother of the old grandson, don’t move.”

"Roll and roll, die together, live together."

Yang Hao roared and struggled, and then he burned a **** flame. All the flesh and blood of the whole body were burning. His eyebrows were barely opened, and a force of destruction was brewing.

"what are you doing?"

Sun Monkey’s face changed greatly.

"Burning his own blood, self-destruction and destroying the eyes of the gods, destroying this thing." Yang Lan said calmly.

"Don't mess around, don't say that you can't destroy this Warcraft, you will be devastated." Sun Monkey was shocked.

"If we don't do it, we will also die." Yang Lan is still calm and calm, still burning his own blood and mana.

"Rely, fight."

Sun Monkey knew that Yang Lan had made up his mind. He no longer dissuaded Yang Lan, but he also burned a golden flame. Behind him, there was a phantom of a golden Buddha. However, this golden Buddha was flamed. Ignite.

He is also burning everything in his own life, and even the eternal golden body of Buddhism will be destroyed.

"Squatting ants, dare to resist?"

The original confident World of Warcraft, when it sensed the sudden burst of the breath of Sun Monkey and Yang Lan, its look changed, knowing that it is absolutely impossible to let the two continue. Otherwise, it is really possible. Death is over.

"Give the king to death."

The Chaos Warcraft roared and the body shape directly killed the two.

This time, this Chaos Warcraft is afraid, it is afraid that after Yang Lan and Sun Monkey broke out, they will die with him.


This chaotic World of Warcraft is full of shots, even if it is burning all of the preparations of Yang Lan and Sun Monkey's face has changed, they have not yet obtained the maximum energy, even if it is now shot, it has no effect, even, was interrupted After that, they will not have any good endings.

"Well, this is over, Xiang Yang, you bastard, why not come." Sun Monkey could not help but cry and screamed.

"I'm coming."

However, what Sun Monkey and Yang Lan did not expect was that after the voice of Sun Monkey fell, they heard a voice coming.


"Did I hear it wrong?"

Sun Monkey stared at Yang Lan.

"I also heard the voice of Xiang Yang." Yang Hao's face showed a happy color.


At the same time, accompanied by an earth-shattering sword, the sound of a horrible and indescribable sword, with the bursting of the breath that can destroy the chaos of the saint.

At this moment, chaos is eclipsed, it seems that everything has lost its light. Only the sword light that broke out from a distance tears everything, and instantly breaks the array of the chaotic behemoth, and then directly kills it. Head Chaos Warcraft patted the giant palm of Yang Lan and Sun Monkey.

"Do not..."


The chaotic Warcraft screamed in horror, and saw that the one of the giant palms of the sky was cut directly from the sword light.

A gray blood spewed out of its wounds with powerful energy. The shape of this World of Warcraft quickly retreated toward the back, and its eyes looked forward in horror.


In the void, there was a **** flash that flashed away. A **** giant tripped the leg of the Warcraft that was cut open instantly and disappeared.

In the chaos, a white man fluttering with a sword, the black hair fluttered and walked over.

Xiang Yang was wearing a white dress. His figure was tall and straight, his white clothes were fluttering, his hair was black, his face was smiling, and he whispered. "Sorry, I am late."

"It’s not too late, just right."

Sun Monkey grinned.

Yang Lan also said with a smile. "Fortunately, if you come, if you are late, you can only accept the corpse for us."

He did not say nonsense. If Xiang Yang came later, the two of them would not have been killed by this Chaos Warcraft, but they would also be burned and killed by their own self-destructive methods.

After Xiang Yang came, everything was fine.

"I am coming, this World of Warcraft will be handed over to me." Xiang Yang went to the two people, with a smile on his face.

At this moment, when he saw the tragic look of the two, the corner of his mouth could not help but twitch, and Yang Hao and Sun Monkey were really miserable.

The lives of the two can be said to have gone to seven seven eight eight. It is really, as long as they come a little later, the two will die. At that time, even if the chaos is coming, they will not be able to save them.

"Be careful, this Chaos Warcraft is the mount of the Most High God. It is stronger than the average saint. Moreover, its flesh is invincible and its defense is unmatched. The three-eye two-edged knife of the three eyes cannot open its defense, even Even the three-pointed and two-edged knives are abolished." Sun Monkey said quickly.

"No problem, I will trap it first."

Xiang Yang chuckled softly.

"Don't care." Yang Lan shouted on the side.

"Not my shot."

Xiang Yang smiled and waved at the rear. "The corpse is a big corpse, trapping it."


In the stunned Yang Lan and Sun Monkey, I saw only a distant chaos. Ten thousand imposing sacred corpses flew over, their breath was soaring, and the chaos was washed away. Still condensed and not scattered, directly condensed into the Wanxian big array, and immediately trapped this chaotic Warcraft.


Among the arrays, this Chaos Warcraft roared again and again, it tried its best to rush out, but it was useless. The sacred corpse of the sacred peaks displayed a large array of thousands of celestial bodies. Their powers converge together. Too strong, even this chaotic Warcraft, because the sword was cut off by one of its legs, the sword of the sword is still wrapped around its wounds, destroying its wounds, making it unable to fully exert its strength. .

For a time, it was trapped in it and could not be rushed out.


Sun Monkey and Yang Lan were both shocked.

They stared at Chaos Warcraft, which was trapped in the sacred corpse of the sacred sacred world. Look at this sacred corpse, they feel as if they are in a dream.

"Where is this the tens of thousands of zombies at the peak of the holy world? Is every zombie comparable to the zombie ancestors of that year?"

Yang Lan swallowed a sip of water and couldn’t help but say.

Sun Monkey also shook his head. "This is too incredible."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "This is the biggest secret hidden in the deepest part of the battlefield I got."

"The true meaning of the original magical battlefield is here. No wonder, I feel strange. The chaos of the heavens spends a great effort to refine what a fairy battlefield is for, just so few weak spirits, obviously It didn't help, it was originally to cultivate a zombie in the zen of the sacred peak."

Sun Monkey whispered.


Xiang Yang smiled softly and looked at the 10,000-headed corpse. At this moment, after the 10,000-year-old sacred sacred sacred man, the real power is unmatched, even if the chaotic World of Warcraft is the sage. Trapped in it.

In a short time, don't worry about the Chaos Warcraft rushed out.

His eyes looked at Yang Lan and Sun Monkey, and said with a smile, "This Chaos Warcraft, are you ready to kill it yourself, or let me come?"

"Xiang Yang, you can't care. This Chaos Warcraft is the mount of the Most High God. Its strength has reached its peak among the saints. Although you are trapped by the zombies of the 10,000-headed peak, it is trapped. Its flesh and defense power is comparable to the innate magic weapon of the innate treasure, even if this 10,000 corpse can not trap it for too long, after it rushes out, it is difficult to trap it again."

Yang Lan said it was Shen Sheng.

"I feel quite normal." Xiang Yang chuckled softly.

"Your sword."

He didn't say it was okay. He said that Yang Lan and Sun Monkey remembered that when Xiang Yang Yi Jian directly cut off the front leg of this Warcraft, their eyes were condensed and could not help but stare at Xiang Yang. Look at the sword in the hand.

At this moment, the sacred sword is just killing the chaotic World of Warcraft. It is the murderous atmosphere. There is a horrible atmosphere that erupts. Although it is controlled by Xiang Yang, it has already converge as much as possible. However, Yang Lan and Sun Monkey still feel a murderous anger.

"What is this sword?" They stared at the sacred sword in Xiangyang's hand.

Sun Monkey whispered in a whisper. "This sword is more powerful than the four swords of the Tongtian old man. Is it even more terrible in the Pangu world of Pangu?"


Xiang Yang said with a smile, "This sword is."


There was really nothing wrong with this answer. Sun Monkey and Yang Lan could not find any reason for rebuttal. The two men rolled their eyes and stopped discussing the problem of the sword in the hands of Xiang Yang.

At this moment, their injuries have recovered a little, they can stand up, and even the blood that had been sprayed from the body was washed away by them. Although their injuries have not fully recovered, they are free to move. .

"You haven't answered me yet. Do you want to kill this chaotic Warcraft by yourself? Or do you want me to do it?" Xiang Yang reminded.

Both of them are expected to be able to prove the chaos of the saints. This time, the wounded is so miserable. If you don’t kill this chaotic Warcraft, Xiangyang is really afraid that the two people’s hearts will be affected. If it affects the road of the two people's sermons, then the problem is big.

Yang Lan taught the nine-turn Xuan Gong to Xiang Yang, which made Xiang Yang practice nine turns to Xuan Gong, and condensed Pan Guzhen, he would naturally find ways to help the two.

"Our injury is not good yet. How can I marry this Warcraft?" Sun Monkey licked his mouth and his face was unwilling.

"No problem, I can help you."

Xiang Yang smiled softly and took the two into the Promise of the Promise. At this moment, in the depths of the Promise, the place where he practiced the practice, the rolling caves of the heavenly force emerged, and they have gathered into a sea of ​​water. In general, the powerful and unmatched energy surges, making the two stunned.

"What is this place?"

Sun Monkey and Yang Lan only think that Xiang Yang is too mysterious, and they still hide such a holy place. They are no strangers to this kind of energy.

"This is the power of origin."

Yang Lan whispered, "Sun Monkey, you can remember that 100,000 years ago, when we entered the sanctuary, we had seen someone who was auctioning the origin of a small bottle. At that time, that one The price of the bottle is a day after tomorrow?"

"Yes, it was later bought by a master of the Yasheng Peak." Sun Monkey said.

"But here is the power of the origin of the ocean, this, I am not mistaken..." Yang Lan whispered again.

"We may be hurt too much and have fallen into a illusion." Sun Monkey couldn't help but whisper.


Xiang Yang is speechless, and these two are really a bit funny, and they feel that they are too hurt to fall into a illusion.

However, he is very curious about the cave Tian Xianli. The energy absorbed by the cave king Tianyan is actually the power of origin, and it is so valuable.

Doesn't it mean that if you enter the sanctuary yourself, just take some of the power of these origins and auction them, and you will make a big profit?

"You are free to absorb, first recover the injury with the fastest speed, right, Monkey brother, your golden hoop has also been successfully refining, only a little bit can become a chaotic treasure, just need you to warm up In the future, you will become a chaotic treasure."

At the same time as Xiang Yang said, he reached out and grabbed his hand. Suddenly, with a roar of sound, a golden sparkling volley with an incomparable and powerful atmosphere flew over.

It is the wishful gold hoop.

Moreover, after the refining of Xiaoling, it has been promoted and become a chaotic spiritual treasure. Although it is not a chaotic treasure, but with the baby that the monkeys have been incorporated into for many years, the golden hoop can be promoted to chaos. Just need him to be warm and healthy.

"Old man, are you really promoted?" Sun Monkey was holding a golden hoop and couldn't close his mouth.

Sun Monkey is unremarkable. He doesn't like to use any magical powers. He doesn't bother to learn any magical powers. His fighting power is on the golden hoop. This is his only magic weapon.

It can be said that it is equivalent to his second life.

Nowadays, after the wishful gold hoop has been re-refined, it has reached such a degree, even the grandson of the monkey is very excited.

On the one side, Yang Lan looked at Sun Monkey with an envious color on his face. "You are a monkey head, and after the promotion of the golden hoop, your strength will surpass me."

While talking, remembering that his three-pointed two-edged knife had been destroyed, he could not help but feel hurt.

"Yang Da Ge, I will also help you refine the three-pointed and two-edged knives. What other materials do you have? If you have one, you can also make the three-pointed and two-edged sword advance."

Xiang Yang said.

"There is."

After Yang Yu listened, it was the excitement on his face. He quickly handed the broken three-pointed knife to Xiang Yang, and then took out a storage magic weapon and handed it to Xiang Yang. "All the materials in this area are my dozens. I have been given to you all over the years."

"Good." Xiang Yang whispered a smile, throwing the three-pointed two-edged knife and the storage ring toward the rear void. Xiaoling had already been ready, and then began to consolidate the three-pointed two-edged knife.

Then, Xiang Yang said to the two people, "You will heal the wounds. After the healing is completed, you can scream. I will go to the chaotic World of Warcraft and promise not to let it run. I will leave it to you."

"Okay, just a moment, I will go out and smash the big guy." Sun monkey said with a bite.

"Thank you." Yang Lan is Shen Shen.

"If you say this, you won't be a brother."

Xiang Yang huh, a smile, leaving the Promise Xianfu, into the chaos, at this moment, the eternal sacred corpse cast a large array of Wan Xian Dao will trap that chaotic World of Warcraft, but that Warcraft is crazy, has to impact.

"It's so strong, even the Wanshen corpse is not an opponent." Xiang Yang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers....

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