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"This is, Chaos Konjac."

In the Jiuzhong Tiandaochang, everyone who saw this scene all took a breath of cold air. I didn't expect Sun Monkey to evolve into a chaotic konjac. This is also a supernatural creature in the chaos.

The sub-sacred strongmen who had been beaten by the grandchildren of the monkeys were so ruthless that they only felt that the grandchildren were so terrible that they would never have the opportunity to take revenge.

The Sanqing Holy Emperor smiled and nodded, especially in the sky, and there were four swords behind him.

The four swords of Zhu Xian gently trembled, and a sound of a sword screamed, and there was an impulse to rush into it and fight against them.

"Toon, don't mess."

Too screaming.

"Reassured, I won't be idle and have nothing to do with them." Tong Tianxiao's smile, he just couldn't help but want to rush out, or else, the four swords will not emerge. come out.

Tongtian Shengzun itself is the strongest fighting force in Sanqing. His kendo is straightforward, so the sect he founded is called Intercourse.

Seeing that Xiang Yang and Sun Monkey both endlessly fight, Rao is a sacred sage, and he feels **** and almost rushed out to play against the two.

However, after being over-sucked, even if he was just a avatar, he was too embarrassed to rush out.

At the moment, two people are very uncomfortable in the Jiuzhong Tiandaochang, or in the Zixiaogong Dojo on the Jiuzhongtian where Daozu is located.

The uncomfortable person in the Jiuzhong Heavenly Field is naturally the **** ancestor. The more he sees Xiangyang, the more he feels that his heart is uncomfortable.

The uncomfortable person in the dojo of the ancestral temple of the Zixiao Palace is not the devil.

Black Lotus Devil, it has not been a long time to become a demon sacred place, but it is also a chaotic sage, known as the eternal saint who is immortal.

After he thought he was sanctified, although he could not compare with Sanqing and others, it was at least comparable to those who were sanctified by the Three Emperors.

Who ever thought, even Sun Monkey and Xiang Yang, and Yang Lan, the three unsanctified younger generations, have more fighting power than him.

The more he looked at the war in chaos, the more he was shocked and felt that if he went to confront Xiang Yang or Sun Monkey, it would not be long before he would be killed.

"Black lotus, can you regret it?"

Along with a light voice, I saw a white-haired old man with a calm face in front of the Black Lotus.

There is no strong breath in this old man, and no terrible power erupts, as if it were an ordinary old man in the secular world.

However, after seeing the black lotus demon, he was busy and respectfully bowed down, "visit the teacher."

This person, not someone else, is the teacher of Chaos Saints such as Sanqing.


Daozu waved his hand and let Black Lotus get up. He looked into the depths of chaos and found that when Xiang Yang and Sun Monkey were fighting, he waited for Black Lotus to say whether he regretted it. He opened his mouth. "They have three I hope that I can prove that if it is after the sermon, it is comparable to the existence of Pangu in that year. You don’t have to compare with them. Now you are just sanctified, and you are sanctified by the devil’s qi, in All Saints. The weakest of them, but it is no less arrogant, the saint is a saint after all, not a sub-saint."


The black lotus devil responded reverently, and the words of Daozu were exactly what he thought. He knew that how powerful the sanctification can be, but the saint is a saint after all. As long as he becomes a chaotic saint, he is no longer Ordinary Yasheng, others call him not a ancestors, but a demon.

This is the saint, a chaotic saint who can live in harmony with the Sanqing sage and can worship the patriarch.

"You can practice in the Purple Palace for three thousand years. After three thousand years, you need to suppress thousands of borders."

Then, Daozu said faintly, his figure disappeared again.

Heilongjiang is not surprised. He knows very well that today's chaotic saints must enter the border and defend themselves, and they can only stay in their own dojos.

"You need to practice well."

The black lotus devil is talking to himself and begins to practice retreat in the Purple Palace.

At this time, the depth of chaos. Sun Monkey has turned into a chaotic konjac with a height of ten thousand feet. He made a loud scream and held a few hundred feet of wishful golden hoop to Xiangyang.


This blow has absolutely the power to destroy everything, and it is no exaggeration to say that it can be opened up.

The terrible power, even the original and the heavens among the Sanqing saints, could not help but change their faces.

"Has the Monkey Monkey grown to such a degree?"

The original sages and the heavenly sages felt pressure. Although they were not afraid of the grandchildren, the power of the Sun Monkeys was too strong and they could really threaten their characters at this level.

"And see how Xiangyang resists."

What everyone is more curious about is that Xiang Yang has condensed the resistance of the people of Pangu.

Since Xiang Yang is the only true disciple of that one, his kendo is terrible. Now, the Excalibur is in the hand, should it be the ultimate kendo of that one?

At the same time, everyone’s face is full of hope.

The kendo of that one is powerful and unmatched, especially the sword in the legend. If it is displayed, I am afraid that the monkey will not be better.

Even, Sanqing Shengzun is ready. If Xiangyang really can't control the power of a sword and wants to smash the Sun Monkey, Sanqing Rao is fighting their avatars, and also wants to save the Sun Monkey. under.

"Monkey brother, pick me up."

In the face of tens of millions of tall grandchildren, Xiang Yang’s body shape has not changed in the slightest. He smiled a long time, and his body shape burst into a horrible atmosphere. He held the Promise Sword and suddenly slammed it. Go out.

"One hit, open the sky!"


In the crash, the Promise Excalibur in the hand seems to have disappeared. In the eyes of everyone, there is a huge open **** axe, with a terrible power to the Sun Monkey.

This blow is a blow to the ground.

They seem to have seen the Pangu Holy Spirit holding the open axe in the past, and in the chaos, the situation is generally open. For a time, everyone is shocked and lost.

"The inheritance of Pangu Kaitian!"

Rao is too up to the eye and looks at this blow.

At this moment, Xiang Yang has Pan Guzheng, and when he once again shows a hit, he gets more and only feels that many sentiments are passed to the bottom of his heart. This blow is more and more perfect, and the power of the explosion is also increasing. Strong.

He couldn't help but laugh. "I am full of one stroke."


As his voice fell, he only heard a loud roar, and the one-on-one hit and the grand monkey's wishful golden hoop suddenly collided.

The movement caused by this collision can not be described, the time and space seem to be solidified, the avenue seems to be broken, and everything is still.

However, all this is just an illusion. Only everyone knows that the power of the two men’s attacks is really terrible. It really shatters everything, turning everything into nothingness and turning it into eternal.


Then, Xiang Yang and Sun Monkey flew out at the same time. The two men were **** and chaotic. The power of their fierce battles broke out, and a terrible chaotic storm swept away in the distance.

Their attack seems to be both bad.

However, when you look closely, you will find that the monkey monkey’s body of Chaos’s konjac’s body is constantly exploding. A **** fog erupts and then recovers instantly. At the same time, his body is also reduced a little bit and finally It was generally tall for a normal person to stop.

However, at this time, Sun Monkey has been **** all over the body.

Xiang Yang is also uncomfortable. His body is splitting, but the body is over and the body is back to normal. His body shape is also normal, and then he leans back toward the rear.

Every step of his steps in the chaos of the void, the chaos under his feet all exploded.

After all, he finally stopped and quickly looked at the Promise Sword and found that the Promise Excalibur was still good. He was relieved. "Fortunately, my Excalibur is not damaged, or it can be lost." It’s big.”

Sun Monkey's wishful golden hoop is not an ordinary magic weapon. Sun Monkey has all the treasures that have been obtained in the past few years. Although he does not understand the refining device, he can't help all kinds of baby to integrate into it, making the wishful golden hoop grow up to Very terrible.

Xiang Yang is really afraid that his Promise Excalibur will be directly destroyed under the confrontation.

Fortunately, the Promise Excalibur is even stronger than I imagined. Although it is hard against the Ruyi Golden Hoop, there is still no problem.

"However, my power of the Promise Sword is not enough. It is time for Xiao Ling to re-harden it."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, the Promise Excalibur was originally a post-mortem merit, and the power has been very impressive. However, the foundation is too weak, and if you encounter a powerful chaos, it will not be enough.

Fortunately, the last time the little black tiger gave him a large piece of chaotic mother gold. At that time, the rest of Xiaoling and the old Wan can be merged into the Promise Sword, which is enough to raise the level of the Promise Excalibur.

"Ha ha ha..."

“It’s so cool and cool, it’s so cool.”

At this moment, Sun Monkey laughed and flew from a distance. He still had blood all over his body. The golden monkey hair on his body fell a lot. However, he didn't care. He laughed and shouted at Xiangyang. "Your strength has surpassed us both, enough to kill the Holy."


In the chaotic Jiuzhong Tiandaochang, Sanqing Shengzun listened to the words of Sun Monkey, and could not help but twitch.

This grandson’s mouth is unobtrusive. He even said that he can kill the saint. What is special, is he looking for a fight?

However, they really realized the skills of Xiang Yang and Sun Monkey. All of them were excited. The original Yang Lan and Sun Monkey were enough to kill the gods of the gods. Now, plus Xiangyang one, three Individuals join hands and can be said to be able to kill any **** king of the gods.

"Sacrificing the blood of the **** ancestors, creating a Xiangyang, value."

Everyone has such an idea in mind, everyone is very satisfied with Xiang Yang’s achievements. Of course, the Gorefiend ancestors are an exception.

Xiang Yang is strong, and the **** ancestors feel that they are very distressed. He feels that in this nine heavens, it is like a monkey. Others look at their own eyes with a weird smile.

Losing the **** sea and fulfilling Xiangyang, he has achieved an invincible existence with Panguzheng, enough to be sanctified in the flesh. The Gorefiend ancestor has no blood and no death, and he will never dare to act like him in the future. It used to be as arrogant as ever.

"In the future, the ancestors of the ancestors will not go anywhere. They will practice in this nine heavens. Who can take me?"

The Gorefiend ancestors made up their minds, and the turtles will shrink when they are shrinking. They will not be able to leave the nine heavens again.

This Jiuzhong Tiandaochang is the dojo of the chaos sage. Generally, Yasheng does not dare to let it go here. If you leave the dojo, everyone knows that he has no blood and no death. It is estimated that those who have been bullied by themselves have been arrogant. It is possible that they will unite to deal with themselves.

When I think that it will be blocked, even if it is killed by a group of Afro-Sacred, the Gorefiend ancestors feel the heart is stuffed.

Moreover, there is something more uncomfortable in his heart.

He once made a bet with Xiang Yang, and even said that he would fight with Xiang Yang. If he lost, he would lose everything to Xiang Yang.

At this moment, he thought that he was so stupid at the time, he actually agreed.

In the future, I can only hide from Xiangyang.

"Oh... life, it’s really hard."

Rao is one of the first congenital creatures that appeared after the **** ancestors as the first to appear in Pangu. He also lamented again and again.

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