Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3010: Ignorance is not sin (five more flowers)

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"You didn't agree to it early, do you think this is feasible?"

When Sun Monkey saw Xiang Yang’s face look shocked, the two men showed an incomprehensible color at the same time.

Just Xiang Yang was very indifferent and said that this matter is feasible. You must know that Yang Lan had not promised to do this thing.

Today, Xiang Yang actually feels that this matter is very dangerous. It seems that he does not want to do it together. They think that Xiangyang is too weird.

Is this guy empty, but is it a coward?

While thinking about it, they shook their heads. Although they only met Xiang Yang for the first time, they were not the first to pay attention to Xiang Yang.

They are very clear that the previous Xiangyang is definitely not the opponent of the Gorefiend ancestors, but they dare to sneak into the **** sea and plunder the Pangu blood. This is the act of daring.

Who dares to say that Xiang Yang is too small, and his grandson is not satisfied.


Xiang Yang coughed a few times. "This is really too dangerous. We are not sanctified in the third. How can we fight against the king of God? I thought that the king of gods was only the realm of the gods, just like Yasheng, I did not expect them. It is already sanctified."

This misunderstanding can be big. Although Xiang Yang feels that he has absorbed Pan Gu Jingxue, his strength has reached a very terrible level, and he can deal with any master of the Yasheng Peak.

However, he still has no grasp of the chaos of the chaos.

Both Sun Monkey and Yang Lan are old bachelors. They can eat if they are full. Even if they die, few people will be sad, but they are different.

I have a lot of wives to take care of. If I go to work hard and accidentally make my own life, then what about my wife?

"It turns out that you are so afraid of death."

Sun Monkey looked at Xiang Yang with disappointment on his face. He thought he had found a Taoist friend. Three people were able to do a big career. Who ever thought that Xiang Yang didn’t want to take risks with him. For a while, he I felt so boring that I was holding a pot of wine by myself, and I continued it with one bite.

Yang Lan did not show the color of disappointment. He looked at Xiangyang and said with a deep sigh. "Well, we can plan this matter, at least we can't send it to death. We must have a certain grasp to come back alive."

"Hey, isn't it just a few gods? We have just killed one, and there are eleven left. It's okay to find an opportunity to kill them one by one."

Sun Monkey glanced at Xiang Yang and said with disdain.

"You two, just killed a **** king?"

Xiang Yang stunned, these two buddies are so fierce?

The strong men of the two sacred peaks together can kill a **** of the gods, which is equivalent to the sacred sacred, and they are still the real chaos sage, not a sub-saint.

I remembered the magical holy black lotus that I met not long ago. When the old guy saw Yang Lan, his face looked so ugly. Xiang Yang suddenly felt that he had misunderstood the saint.

The saint is not invincible.

Even if it is a chaotic saint, it can also be killed?

However, in the heavens and the universe, even in chaos, shouldn’t it be the chaos saints?

For a time, Xiang Yang looked at the two people with a dull look. I always felt that I was misunderstood about the realm of saints.

Or should it be that the strength of Yang Lan and Sun Monkey are too underestimated, or is it that the so-called saint realm of the **** king of the gods is fake?

"Cousin, did you think that the mixed saints represent the invincible existence? Is it not dead?" Yang Lan seemed to see Xiangyang's doubts. He put down his glass and smiled at Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang nodded. "The saints are detached from the heavens. The gods are entrusted with chaotic voids. They are not dead, so they become chaotic saints. Although the saints will die for the saints, the saints are all ants."


Xiang Yang’s words were just finished. The monkey who was drinking while drinking could not help but squirt a sip of wine. He smiled haha ​​and looked at Xiang Yang. “Ha ha ha, Xiang Xiaozi, if it’s said by others, it’s still normal. However, if you have already condensed the Pangu real body, and the person who has achieved such a degree has actually said that the sage is below the ants, you are too ignorant."

"Sun Monkey, don't laugh, the time of the brothers' practice is less than a hundred years. He has not even visited the sanctuary in chaos. Naturally, he does not know the specific situation."

Yang Lan frowned.

"Well, I don't laugh, but you have to explain it to him. Otherwise, if you go to the sanctuary in chaos, you will be laughed at by people in the Pangu world."

Sun Monkey still smiles, but he listens very much to Yang Lan’s words and drinks alone with his own drink.

"Monkey brother, don't laugh at me, there is a place where I said the wrong thing, you say it directly." Xiang Yang thinks that this grandson is too kind, and feels that he is wrong, why do you correct me? Ah, there is a fart there.

"Cousins, you know, chaos is vast and innocent, and there are so many worlds that have been opened up like Pangu World?" Yang Lan smiled and looked at Xiang Yang.

"Apart from the Pangu world and the exotic world, is there any other world?"

Xiang Yang lived.

For a long time, he felt that the Pangu world and the exotic world should be the only two big worlds in chaos. Otherwise, why are these two worlds right?

However, Yang Lan’s words made him feel that he knew the mistake again.

In chaos, there are other powerful and infinite worlds, and there is also the existence of the so-called sanctuary.

"Of course."

This time, even Sun Monkey did not laugh at Xiang Yang. He was right. "The chaos is vast and flawless. It contains a lot of creations. There are countless chaotic gods. After those chaotic gods practice to the peak, they will try to open up themselves. One side of the world seeks detachment, just as Pangu is like this, the same is true of the open world saints in the exotic world."

"Every chaotic world is created by the chaos of one or more super saints. Some of these saints, like the ancient gods, are squatting for the sake of heaven, while others are successful in heaven. The masters of the world, relying on the great world they have developed, have a strong position in chaos."

"And the sanctuary is a world in which the great sanctuary in chaos can reach."

“Can the Holy Land be reached?”

Xiang Yang looked at Sun Monkey and Yang Lan inexplicably. "That is to say, even if Ya Sheng is deeply chaotic, can he actually enter the sanctuary?"

"of course can."

Yang Lan nodded. "In the sanctuary, it is impossible to be all chaotic saints. Of course, the strongest is the high sanctuary, beyond the ordinary saints, and even the legendary sanctuary is a detachment. The sacred world, a supreme power to reach a stronger realm, is just where the supreme power is now, no one has seen it."

"But as long as you have entered the sanctuary, you will understand that the saint is not truly immortal, even if it is a supreme sage, there is also the possibility of being killed."

"In the sanctuary, although there are not many people who kill the chaos saints, but not everyone can do it."

At the same time, Yang Lan took a deep look at Xiang Yang. "You and me are three people who are sanctified. The strength of the flesh has reached a strong and unmatched level. It is stronger than many saints. It can completely kill the weak. A little bit of a mixed saint."


After Xiang Yang listened, he couldn't help but take a breath.

He found that he was really a little ignorant and misunderstood.

It turns out that chaotic saints also have weak people, and Ya Sheng also has the ability to kill chaotic saints.

It turned out that I was already so strong.

When Yang Yu and Sun Monkey actually joined forces to kill a **** king in the realm of the gods, Xiang Yang’s heart moved, and the dark road, if he could refine a god, it is estimated that the gods in the acupoint space in the body can also It has grown rapidly.

He originally thought of going to the gods and fish to hunt some of the main gods so that the gods in his acupoint space could grow up quickly. Now, if it really can kill a **** of the saints, but It’s better than killing hundreds of gods.

Moreover, the intention of Yang Lan and Sun Monkey is to destroy all the gods and gods of the gods. By the way, the core of the whole **** world is also swallowed up, and the heavens of the gods are refining.

Although it sounds incredible, if you can really do this, it is not impossible for the three to prove that the breakthrough has become a chaotic saint.

"This kid, although the talent is very good, and it is the descendant of that one, but he does not understand anything, but this time, we are fooled, it is estimated that he will go with us to the gods to hunt those gods It is."

Yang Lan and Sun Monkey looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

Although the strength of the two of them is indeed able to kill a **** of the singles after the desperation, but the hardships of them are only clear to them.

Rao was the physical strength of both of them, and he was almost killed by the king of God.

Xiang Yang got the blood of Pangu, condensed Pangu real body, the strength is not weaker than either of them, if the three people join hands, it is absolutely able to kill the **** king of the gods.

Then, their plans have certain hopes to succeed.

"Cough, then, Yang, brother, how many turns did your nine-turn Xuan Gong practice?"

At this time, Xiang Yang suddenly looked up and looked at Yang Lan.

"The eighth turn."

Although Yang Lan did not know why Xiang Yang suddenly asked himself this question, but he did not hide it. His nine-turn Xuan Gong practiced to the eighth turn. This is something that many people know. Even if he does not tell Xiang Yang, Xiang Yang can also Know by other means.

"The eighth turn?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he was shocked. He thought that he had reached the peak of the seventh turn. It was very powerful. What he did not expect was that Yang Lan had surpassed himself.

"I feel that I have to think about it when I enter the realm to kill the King of God. Maybe, when I can reach the eighth turn, I will have the power of you to have that qualification to enter the world. God King."

Xiang Yang said.


After Yang Lan and Sun Monkey heard it, they were speechless. How fearful it was to die, even because he felt that he was only the seventh turning point of the peak and did not dare to enter the realm to hunt God, but he had to wait until the eighth turn. .

It is difficult to break the 9th turn to the eighth turn.

Even Yang Lan, who spent millions of years and spent a lot of energy, finally broke through to the eighth turn.

If they are allowed to wait another million years, they can't wait until Xiang Yang breaks through to the eighth turn and then goes to the gods to hunt God.

"Do you think you are weak?"

Sun Monkey is not angry with a white eye, Xiangyang, "Although you are the seventh turn of Xuan Gong Xuan Gong, but you absorbed the blood of Pangu in the whole blood, has condensed Pan Guzhen, your true strength. It is absolutely no less than us."

"No, I am definitely not able to compare with the two."

Xiang Yang said very modestly.

Although he felt that his physical strength could not be viewed with the eighth and seventh turns of the nine-turn Xuan Gong, Yang Lan was the real strongest who achieved eight turns, and he was only the seventh turning point. Certainly still not as good as it is.

"Want to know if it can be compared to a very simple one, enter the chaos and let you personally feel the difference between Yang Lan's eight turns and your seven-turn peak."

Sun Monkey’s mouth has a smile with a bad smile. “Yang’s physical strength is similar to that of his grandson, or you feel that you have just been addicted to the old grandson. You can also come.”

"This is a try."

Xiang Yang also wanted to know how big the gap between the two was. After he hesitated for a while, he nodded. "In this case, we will enter the chaos and learn."

With their current physical strength, if they do not enter the depths of chaos, the real battle will be ruined.

The devil world is also a part of the heavens and the world. It is an indispensable world in the Pangu world. Today, there is a demon saint sitting in the town, which cannot be destroyed.

Yang Lan and Sun Monkey showed a smile at the same time. "Well, enter the chaos and fight."

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers...

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