Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 3002: Wrath of the Gorefiend

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In the **** sea, a larger vortex erupted, and all the sea of ​​blood and sea turned.

A horrible energy explosion broke out in the stunned blood of the **** ancestors' disciples. It seems that there is a behemoth that is madly swallowing blood in the blood and the sea level is actually a little bit reduced.

" is this?"

These disciples of the Gorefiend ancestors were all dumbfounded, and they just felt very confident that no one would dare to deal with them.

However, the face is that the **** sea will change immediately.

They stared at the **** sea, the vortex of the blood sea was getting bigger and bigger, and they obviously felt the blood sea in a little bit of reduction, which is to be swallowed clean.

"This, what is going on?"

Everyone looks at the big disciple of the Gorefiend ancestors, a strong man who is in the realm of the demon statue. "Brother, what should we do?"

This guy is the most powerful among the people. Although it is only the real place of the demon statue, but the real strength is comparable to the strong.

"I went to see."

At this moment, this guy is alert, but the Gorefiend ancestors have been taken away by Bai Yu, he can only go to the **** seaside with his scalp, looking at the **** whirlpool, and then defending the treasure on the ship. Armor, holding a magic weapon in his hand, burst out of his own cultivation, the whole person directly rushed to the blood and sea, and then carefully fell, it is necessary to observe what is in the end, actually absorbed the blood.


However, the superpower of this magical deity is originally intended to be carefully observed above. However, just as he approached, suddenly, a majestic suction broke out and instantly He was inhaled by the whole person.


This suction is too strong, even if the super strong man in the realm of this demon is ready to resist and can't resist it, his whole person screams and falls directly down.

In the blink of an eye, this guy has disappeared.

"Sister brother..."

"The brothers were swallowed? Worse, send the message to the master, let the master come back, or else, if the **** sea has gone wrong, we can't escape one by one."


These disciples of the Gorefiend ancestors were all scared and whitish, and no one dared to go into the **** sea to check it out. They could only pass the sound to the **** ancestor of the Gorefiend ancestors.

Usually, the **** sea of ​​the Gorefiend ancestors is sitting in the blood of the sea, and these disciples can only be connected with blood and sea.

As for the deity of the Gorefiend ancestors, these disciples of the Gorefiend ancestors can be contacted.


At the same time, the Gorefiend ancestors chasing the white feathers has gone to a place far away from the blood sea, and the speed of the white feathers and swords is very fast, even if the Gorefiend ancestors are chasing after them, although To catch up, however, Bai Yu’s backhand is a sword, so that he can only stop and fight with Bai Yu for a while, then Bai Yu runs again.

After running far away, the Gorefiend ancestors finally intercepted the white feathers and intended to destroy the white feathers. They received a message from their disciples.

Bloody riots, an unknown vortex erupted, seems to be swallowing up the blood, the master went to see, directly engulfed.

At this moment, the Gorefiend ancestors were angry, and he snorted and turned to rush back.

"The blood ancestors ancestors will kill me, but now they suddenly turned away, the only possibility is **** sea, he wants to go back to save the blood, the boss is swallowing blood, how can I bleed Go back to my ancestors?"

Bai Yu was indulged, not only not excited because of the departure of the Gorefiend ancestors, but directly shot, in the crash, the whole person rushed to the past.

"Why should the Gorefiend ancestors leave in a hurry? Let's play again." White feathers whispered softly, holding the sword of the level of the day after the treasure, and tried his best.

The various swords in the "Sword Mystery Code" were displayed by Bai Yu. For a time, the sword was full of air, even if the Gorefiend ancestors could not leave, they could only scream at the same time as the white feathers, " Junior, do you want to die?"

"Well, who wants to die?"

While Bai Yu’s all-out shot, he sighed and said, “The old ancestors said that this sentence is a bit wrong. Even if the ancestors lived from ancient times to the present, they don’t want to die, let alone me, I will live. For decades."

"The old ancestors killed you, Yang Wanjian, since you are looking for death, the ancestors will also send you into the reincarnation."

The Gorefiend ancestors screamed and no longer rushed back, but madly shot at White.

He knows that the situation of blood and sea changes must be related to Bai Yu and Yang Wanjian. Otherwise, Bai Yu would not be able to block him.

Nowadays, since Bai Yu really wants to block him, he has no choice. He can only kill Bai Yu and Yang Wanjian first. Even if he can't destroy Bai Yu and Yang Wanjian, they will also be disabled.


For a time, the war continued, and all the sacred masters in the Devils watched the battle.

In the **** sea, the vortex is still expanding, and a terrible force is brewing among them. At the same time, there is an infinite expanse of breath that bursts out. This breath makes the disciples of the Gorefiend ancestors tremble with one another. of.

Although they are super masters of the demon king's demon, but seeing the brothers among them, the strongest one has been swallowed, how dare they rush?

But the good news is that what makes them feel a little safe is that the level of the blood sea is not a continuous decline, but a feeling of stability.

Although the vortex still rotates, there is still a strong suction burst, but in the sense of these devils and demon statues, it seems that there has not been much change, they will let it go.

"Fortunately, if the blood is dry, after the teacher returns, we will definitely die."

These disciples of the Gorefiend ancestors all breathed a sigh of relief.

"problem occurs."

In the chaotic nine-fold heavenly field, the real body of the Gorefiend ancestors is continuing to enlighten the wheel of Heaven. At this moment, he has realized the key moment, he feels that his perception of the Wheel of Heaven has reached a very high level, it seems When the avenues of the avenues are generally available, they will feel the **** sea.

The face of the real body of the Gorefiend ancestors changed again.

And this time, he stood up directly.

Such movements directly caused dissatisfaction among other great sanctuaries. All of them were screaming at the Gorefiend ancestors. One of the sacred strongmen couldn’t help but sneer and said, "Heroes, so anxious, is your nest?" Was it someone?"


The face of the Gorefiend ancestors was inconspicuous. After hearing the words of the sacred strong man, he couldn’t help but scream and yell. "Are you conspiring with Yang Wanjian to deal with the blood of the ancestors?"


The sacred master had not dealt with the Gorefiend ancestors. He just sneered at it. What he didn’t expect was that he really let him guess. After he stayed, his face was excited. "I didn't expect it, Lao Yang turned out to be such a cow. He even went to give your blood to the sea. I just don't know if it will steam your blood. If it is steamed, then you will never have it." I don’t mean to have blood, I don’t mean...”

At the same time, this sacred place is eager to try.

Even if other sacred strongmen look at the eyes of the Gorefiend ancestors, they are a bit wrong. They also want to try to kill the Gorefiend ancestors.

For a long time, the Gorefiend ancestors are the reason why they have the blood and the sea, and as long as the blood is not dry, he will never die, so he can be rampant. In ancient times, the Sanqing sage has not been sanctified. At the same time, it also played against the Gorefiend ancestors.

In the face of the congenital sacredness that appeared in the **** ancestors, Sanqing can only be regarded as a younger generation. Even if they used all their strength to block the Gorefiend, they were also very embarrassed.

Therefore, at this time, when many Yashengs looked at the Gorefiend ancestors with unscrupulous eyes, the faces of Sanqing’s sages sitting above the clouds showed a smile, they did not stop All the saints, even by the method of transliteration, gave them the holy saints under the door, and let those sub-sacred strongmen deal with the Gorefiend ancestors.

"The Gorefiend is the old devil. In those days, you took advantage of yourself to be an elder, and your strength was strong. You shot me and robbed me of a day after tomorrow. It is time to return."

I saw a ruddy complexion, the old man who had to be white, grew up, blocked directly at the door, and looked at the **** ancestors with a light color on his face.

"Yu Ding, how has the ancestors robbed you of the day after tomorrow?"

The Gorefiend ancestors looked at the old man angrily. The other party was the disciple who sat down with the original sage. It was the twelve golden sages of the ruins of the past, and one of the original twelve Asian sacred ones.

How could he not understand that the two disciples who sat down in the original sage had blocked the door at this time and prevented him from leaving, apparently deliberately, and also received the inspiration of the original sage.

However, at this time, the Gorefiend ancestors did not dare to target the original sage, not to mention that his **** sea had already had an accident, although it would not necessarily dry up, but if it was dry, if he dared to hit the saint, he would not have to The original personally shot, the original 12 disciples will be enough to kill him completely.

At this moment, he is very angry, but there is no way.

After seeing this scene, the other Asian saints all looked at them. Although they were not Sanqing disciples, they were very clear that Yuding’s attempt to block the door at this time was definitely inspired by the original Holy Master.

Since you can show your face in front of the saints, you will certainly have a good impression on Sanqing.

As for a **** ancestor who is going to be angry, they really don't care.

Ever since, a strong sage has stood up, and Dayi has pointed at the **** ancestors and shouted.

"Heroes, you don't want to face, even squatting at yourself as a predecessor, once dare to **** the magic weapon of Yuding Daoyou, Tiandao is on the top of the head, this matter, the old man decided."

"Exactly, the Gorefiend ancestors, you are rampant, and you have been plagued by the heavens for countless years, saying that you must not care about it."

"Bloody Devil, I have long seen you are upset, come on, let's heads-up."


With the first jump out, there is a second third, so that, after a dozen or so strong people jumped out, looking for various reasons to deal with the Gorefiend ancestors.

"You, you... erect, bastard..."

The Gorefiend ancestors trembled and trembled. He was born from the sea of ​​blood. At this moment, he can obviously feel the bad feelings in his heart getting stronger and stronger.

If it is just now, I don’t know how to think about **** seas.

However, at this moment, he knows that if he does not hurry back, maybe **** seas will actually have an accident, how can he not worry?

After all these sacred strongs bullied him with blood, they all blocked him, not to mention that he was rushing back to the blood, even if he was not in a hurry to leave, facing many sacred masters, he did not have any Life is good.

However, to make the Gorefiend more desperate, not only these Yasheng stood up, but even the other disciples who sat down with the original Holy Sepulchre all stood up, and looked at him one by one.

"The original twelve division brothers have always been in the same breath."


The original twelve disciples, when they were only in the realm of the Great Luo Jinxian, had been able to traverse the floods, even if they were not holy.

What's more, they have now become the sub-sacred strongmen. Now, the top 12 are all here, and each one has a strong breath. The face of the Gorefiend ancestors is constantly twitching, and his whole person almost collapsed.


Then, the Gorefiend ancestors vomited a blood directly, and his fingers pointed at these sacred sacred, angry and shouted, "You, okay, okay..."

Since the beginning of the Pangu era, the Gorefiend ancestors have never had such a grievance.

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