Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2998: Great creation

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In the body of Xiang Yang, accompanied by a drop of ancient blood, his body was swallowed and absorbed. His body changed dramatically. One cell burst open, but it was not dead, but absorbed the energy of Pangu real blood. After that, it turns into a more powerful cell.

Every regenerative cell has an infinite amount of energy bursting out in it, a vast, immortal, chaotic, and ridiculous atmosphere that spreads out of every cell of Xiangyang.

Even Yang Wanjian, who is standing in the distance of Xiangyang, can sense the change of Xiangyang. His face changed greatly and he exclaimed. "The smell of this kid is actually the breath of Chaos Devil. No, it should be the breath of Pangu. Is he going to change?"

At the side of Yang Wanjian, Bai Yu’s face was full of excitement. Looking at the changes in Xiang Yang’s body, he was even more moved than his own breakthrough. “Great, the boss must have the inheritance of Pangu’s father. It is."

"The luck of this kid is too good."

Yang Wanjian whispered in a low voice, Rao is his sword saint, watching Xiang Yang's eyes also have a strong envy.

As long as they are practitioners of the Pangu chaotic world, everyone knows that if they can get the inheritance of Pangu God, it is absolutely the most powerful. In their view, even if Xiangyang is the descendant of that pulse, even if there is The inheritance of that one is also incomparable to Pan Gu's **** in this ancient chaotic world.

Of course, in the end, no one knows, at least not what people at their level can understand. Even Yang Wanjian can't guess who is stronger.

They only know that Xiang Yang is undergoing a transformation at the moment.

At this moment, Xiang Yang, there is a vast amount of energy flowing in the body, the energy in the blood sea is constantly absorbed by him, and even if you look carefully, you will find that the blood around him has actually become thin. It is.

The number of blood seas has not decreased much, but the quality has changed.

Because the energy contained in the essence of the blood sea is absorbed by Xiang Yang.

The energy absorbed by Xiangyang is the true essence of Pangu's blood, which is the foundation of the blood sea. As for the rest, it seems to be blood, but it is not pure.

Even later, when Xiang Yang only felt that the energy contained in the surrounding blood sea had been reduced to such an extent that he could not absorb much, he stopped.

"Blood sea."

Xiang Yang opened his eyes and his eyes were firm.

His body has undergone this transformation, and it is already a lot stronger than before. He even thinks that if he himself is not able to absorb the power of blood, he will be able to punch himself.

This is the power of blood and sea, no, it should be said that it is the role of Pangu blood, Xiang Yang absorbs the blood of Pangu, the growth of his physical strength, precisely because of the reasons of Pan Gu Jing blood.

"Xiang Yang, your flesh..." Yang Wanjian was shocked and looked at Xiang Yang. He felt that Xiang Yang passed him a very dangerous atmosphere at the moment, which made him understand if he insisted on confronting Xiang Yang at this time. If you are, maybe the dead person will be him.

His heart was really shocked. Before, although he felt that he could not see Xiangyang, but in the face of Xiangyang, he did not give birth to the idea that he would be blown up by Xiangyang.

However, at this moment, he is not the same. At this time, he really realized what is called trepidation. He even looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes with care, and he was afraid of a masculine and direct blow. he.

"Haha, this blood sea has a growing effect on the flesh, you can also absorb it." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

Anyway, everyone knows that blood sea is the result of Pan Guzheng blood, which contains Pan Gu Jingxue, Xiang Yang does not matter, and Yang Wanjian can not stand still stunned if he can absorb it.

Xiang Yang took a look at Will, and found that Willti also refining some of the blood of the blood sea. However, although Wilhelti is cultivating the magic power, his strength is too weak. There is not much energy in the blood sea that devours refining and refining. Of course, even if it is not much, it is not comparable to white feathers.

Bai Yu’s cultivation is too weak, and his practice also makes his energy to refine the blood of the sea not have much effect. Even when he absorbs the energy that Yang Wanjian passed to him, his face instead Showing the color of pain.

"what happened?"

Yang Wanjian and Xiang Yang changed their faces at the same time.

"I feel that this energy is colliding in my body, I can't be absorbed by me, I want to tear my body out." Bai Yu said painfully.


Xiang Yang’s face was condensed, and he immediately grasped the hand of Bai Yu. A suction broke out from his body and absorbed the blood of the ancient feather in the white feather. Then he shook his head and shook his head. “No way. Xiaobai’s body is too weak to absorb the Pangu blood contained in the **** sea, which is harmful.”

"And, the power of Xiaobai's body is purely innate sword body, and it is not harmonious with Pan Gu's avenue of power, or not to absorb it."


Yang Wanjian nodded and looked at the vast sea of ​​blood. He sighed and said, "This is Pangu’s blood. It’s so hard to sneak in. Whoever thought, even the benefits are not available.”

"How can you not absorb yourself?"

Xiang Yang’s face looked at Yang Wanjian with a strange color. According to the truth, Yang Wanjian’s strength reached the peak of the holy world. However, Pangu’s blood is useful for the chaos.

"The sword body I practiced has already refined itself into a sword of the highest level of treasure. My body contains the purest sword in the world. If I absorb the blood of Pangu, it will affect my strength." Yang Wanjian’s face was a bit ugly.

"Awesome, you can actually make the body become a sword of the highest level."

After Xiang Yang listened, his face showed a shocking color. Although his physical strength was also very strong, Xiang Yang estimated that even if he had absorbed some of Pangu’s true blood, his physical strength was just comparable. The degree of the best fairy, just want to reach the level of the treasure, but also need to continue to absorb the ancient blood of Pangu as its own physical strength.

"After your body has absorbed Pangu's blood, you will surpass me sooner or later."

Yang Wanjian said with a black face.

He looked at Xiang Yang and felt that he had a heart in his heart.

Yes, as a superficial sword saint, he really has a jealous heart for Xiang Yang. He has worked hard for a few years before he finally cultivated to the present realm. However, Xiang Yang, item Yang only absorbs the ancient blood of Pangu contained in the blood sea, and can reach his own level, even stronger, which is simply too worrying.



At that time, Will, who was cultivating the magical powers in the distance, spurted a blood in his mouth, and then the whole person exploded.


Xiang Yang's look changed and quickly rushed over. However, before he took the shot, Will's flesh had exploded and formed again. His face was pale and he said to Xiang Yang, "Boss, this **** sea." Force, I can't absorb too much, I can only absorb a little bit, and the rest, like poison, is unbearable to me."

"Then don't absorb it."

Xiang Yang’s eyes saw that Wei Weili still pressed the blood of Pan Guzheng in the body, and helped him seal the true blood in the body. “You first enter the practice of Xianfu. When you need you, I will call you out again. ""


Since it is impossible to devour these Pan Guzheng blood, Wilhelm has no effect even if he stays here, and even drags down Xiang Yang. Moreover, he has to refine and refine the blood in the body.

After Xiang Yang sent Willy to the Promise Immortal, he looked at Yang Wanjian with a dignified color on his face. He said, "Panggu blood is not absorbed by anyone."

"Yes, practice together, all pay attention to a chance, Pangu blood into the blood of the sea for so many years, in addition to the birth of the Gorefiend ancestors, few creatures were born from the blood sea, no, even if the blood family, should It’s not the birth of blood, but it’s only generated by a **** spur.”

Yang Wanjian analyzed, "The blood-devil ancestor can't absorb the Pangu essence. If he can absorb the Pangu essence, he has already proved his strength. It is impossible to struggle in the Yasheng realm."

"It seems that if you want to absorb the Pangu blood in the **** sea, you must be qualified, and you are the one who has a relationship with Pangu."

While talking, he looked at Xiang Yang and sighed and said, "Sure enough, there is no comparison between people. You are a younger generation. You can get so many opportunities. It is too envious. It is."

"Nothing, you can also share the Pan Gu essence."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Just told you, my sword body is not suitable for Pangu blood." Yang Wanjian heard, suddenly a black face.

"Do you try it, do you want to abolish your sword body and re-cultivate your body?"

Xiang Yang said kindly, "This is Pangu Jingxue, Xiaobai can't absorb it, even if we both divide it equally, it is enough to make your body surpass the previous one."


Yang Wanjian was so angry that he wanted to beat someone and abolish his sword body. How is this possible?

The reason why he can become a swordless sanctuary is precisely because he has a special love for the kendo. He wants to cultivate the kendo. He wants to be the only one who has become a chaotic sage since ancient times.

How could he abandon his sword because of the blood of Pangu?

"Ha ha ha..."

Xiang Yang laughed happily, and his body shape continued to move deep into the **** sea. At this moment, they should have entered the devil world yet, but the channel of the blood of the devil has opened up. This is like a dark underground. In general, they are going back to the source to find the ultimate blood.

Just absorbing some of the ancient blood of Pangu, it has already benefited Xiangyang. If you can absorb more Pangu blood, Xiangyang feels that he may be sanctified.

"Let's go, this is cheaper this kid."

Yang Wanjian sighed helplessly. The original thought was to give the **** ancestor's nest in the **** sea. Now it seems that doing so much can only be completed.

"Master, if my boss can absorb all the blood and sea, can it be sanctified?"

Bai Yu asked with a curious color on his face.

"Not necessarily."

Yang Wanjian shook his head and his face was uncertain. "It is very difficult to prove the sanctification of the body, especially to prove that the body is sanctified. His realm is too low. Even if the physical strength reaches the peak, It is not necessarily true that it is a chaotic saint."


He indulged for a moment, whispered, "If this kid can absorb all the ancient blood contained in the blood sea, no, as long as half is enough to make the strength of this kid reach the level of invincibility."


When Bai Yu heard it, he suddenly got excited. "Great, this time I came to the **** sea, we didn't come."

"You kid, you don't get any benefit, excited."

Yang Wanjian rolled his eyes and felt that his disciple was stupid.

"My boss has become very powerful, that is, I have become more powerful." Bai Yu said with a smile.

"Stupid boy..."

Yang Wanjian is speechless, but his heart is still very envious of the brotherhood of Xiang Yang and Bai Yu. Lao Yang also had a brother when he was young, but he was later betrayed by his brother. Since then, he has been alone, even if he is alone. There are some friends, but they have not reached the level of Xiang Yang and Bai Yu.

"I only hope that your brother's feelings will last forever."

He is talking to himself.

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