Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2984: Battle of the gods

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When Xiang Yang destroyed the demon king's body, in the chaos, as he rushed toward the universe's comprehension in the direction of the altar's summoning power, suddenly, it felt that the connection with the avatar was interrupted. It made it stunned.

"The avatar was destroyed?"

At this moment, the body of the Night Demon, which had been moving at full speed, stopped suddenly. It stood in the depths of chaos, and three eyes and nine eyes flashed at the same time.

"No, this time the opening of the altar turned out to be a trap."

Then, the look of the Lord God of the Night Devil changed greatly. It suddenly understood that his avatar was destroyed at this time, and it must be a problem.

"There is a sub-sanctification to set a trap to destroy the god."

When I think of the front, there is a possibility that a group of sub-sacred strongmen are waiting for themselves with a butcher knife. Rao is the demon king is a god, and it is also paralyzed.

It has been far away from the realm of the gods, and it has gone two-thirds of the way. It is not easy to return to the realm of the gods. Moreover, it did not think that the opening of the altar would be a trap, and there is no Leaving the back road in the realm of the gods, it is even more difficult to return to the realm of the gods than to go directly to the realm of comprehension.

"This God has already remembered the positioning of the universe of comprehension, can only go deep into the chaotic world, and get rid of those of the sub-sacred strong, and then take the opportunity to go to the universe of comprehension."

Then, the night demon whispered to himself. When he knew that the front was a trap, he decided to not go to the universe to comprehend the real world, but to hurry.

Since it is not necessary to advance or retreat, then it can only rush into chaos and become a 'flowing child'.

There are many dangers in chaos. Even the chaos and the true gods are equally unwilling to make a big deal. Even the gods of the gods do not dare to rush into the depths of chaos.

The night demon king itself is a new main god. It is the existence of the main **** after the end of the ancient war. It is because of this that it will be ambition and want to take the lead in the universe to comprehend the world, and want to make great contributions and get it. Godhead is the true king of the gods.

As a result, what it didn't expect was that it all turned out to be a trap.

However, now it is useless in its heart, and can only use the fastest speed to escape to the depths of chaos.

"Hey, life is the first time to kill God, I am a little nervous, but nothing, no matter what I do for the first time, I believe that after the first killing, the next will be thousands of times. Butcher, just don't know how many gods in the realm can make me hunt."

However, when the Lord of the Night Demon was ready to storm into chaos, suddenly, an sigh came and I saw it in front of it, and a slender figure appeared suddenly.

Compared with the tall figure of the night demon king, only the size of a normal person, only the height of one meter eight or eight is too small, just like a slight dust.

However, when the night demon saw Xiang Yang, it was very strange. "Not the sub-saint among the immortals?"

The night demon king can see it at a glance. Although Xiang Yang appears very strange, and seems to be very calm and wants to kill the gods, but Xiang Yang is definitely not a sacred master among the immortals.

"It seems that there is no other atmosphere of the Afro-strong."

Moreover, the Night Devil once again sensed, suddenly found that he did not sense the chaos in front, and did not have any breath of the Holy Land, that is to say, the person who destroyed his own body is the one that appears in front of himself. Very small ants?

"The ants, are you the avatar of the god?"

The night demon king spoke up, its voice was soaring, just like the Hong bell ringing, it usually sounded in Xiangyang’s ear. Xiang Yang only felt his ears roaring constantly. He couldn’t help but pinch his ears and looked up to dissatisfied and looked at the night demon king. "I said Xiaoyinzi, what is your voice so big? Do you think that if you shout louder, you will be invincible?"

"Little night?"

After the night demon listened to Xiang Yang’s address to himself, he determined that Xiang Yang was calling himself such a **** of the gods as the “Little Night Son”, and it suddenly became angry.

"The ants, the **** asks you, don't you answer?"


The night demon screamed and grabbed a hand and grabbed it toward Xiangyang. Suddenly, the energy of the eruption broke out. This is a different energy from the immortal. It is evil and holy. It seems to be a kind of evil. And divine energy.

After Xiang Yang met, his eyes lit up, haha ​​said with a smile. "Yes, this is the energy of the gods and part of the power of the exotic world. This time I finally can feel the energy of the exotic world."

While talking, he thought and moved, and shouted directly, "Grand and old, small gold, give me out."


"Master, let's come."


After Xiang Yang’s voice fell, with two loud screams, the void split two cracks, and the two heads were stronger than the night demon king. Thousands of times of horrible chaos Warcraft rushed out of the void, the power of terror broke out. Come out, the chaos of the void is shaking, countless chaotic storms burst out directly, spinning away toward the distance.


"Two Chaos Warcraft..."

Originally full of confidence, the night demon who wanted to deal with Xiangyang was dumbfounded when he saw the **** and small gold appear.

It just thought that all this is a trap, but when I saw Xiangyang’s such an 'ant ant', I felt that it was possible that Xiangyang itself was too mad, and I didn’t know how to deal with it. The thought is that there is really a strong sacred place, and it is still a super-chaotic World of Warcraft that knows how many times it is stronger than it is.

Although the Night Devil is the main **** of the gods, it is equivalent to the sacred power in the Pangu chaotic world, but it does not have the slightest grasp in the face of these two Chaos Warcraft.

It can sense the incomparable energy of the vast horror from these two chaotic warcraft, that is the horrible energy that it can't beat.

These two horrible Chaos Warcraft, actually blocked its retreat.

At this moment, the heart of the night demon trembled.

Its gaze looked at Xiang Yang, and found that Xiang Yang’s '蝼 ant' was standing in front of it, and it was in the heart, and it was dark. "Only when this ants are taken down as hostages, it is possible to The beast's hand fled, otherwise he will die.

It is very clear that in the face of these two chaotic behemoths, it has absolutely no hope of running away, the only hope is to be on Xiangyang.

"Do you feel desperate? Only when you take me in the hands of a hostage, can you leave?"

At this time, Xiang Yang saw what he thought in his heart and smiled and looked at the night demon. "Come on, they just prevent you from escaping. If you really deal with you or me, use your full strength and let me see. What kind of strength does the Lord God of God have?"


At the same time, Xiang Yang's figure broke out with a horrible atmosphere. There was a vast flow of energy in the whole person. A lotus flower appeared on the top of his head. It is the lotus of Wanfa Avenue. This is his way. It is the Dalu rule that he abolished the state of Da Luo, and merged into the road of condensation.

This time, the breath of this lotus flower is stronger than before, and even with the mystery of time and space, it is looming, as if it does not exist in this space, as if it is not in this world.

In the void, the powerful and unparalleled energy flowed, and the vastness of the atmosphere broke out. After Xiang Yang exerted his own strength, the whole person has become a supreme being. His momentum and energy are still unable to follow. Compared with the old black and the small gold, the old demon king of the gods understands that the ant is really capable of confronting it.


The Night Devil can kill a **** path in the realm of the gods, and proves to be the main **** among the infinite gods, that is, the Holy Spirit, it is definitely not grown by luck.

At this moment, seeing the extraordinary strength of Xiangyang, there are two chaotic behemoths blocking the way around it. It knows that it is absolutely impossible to escape. The only way is to fight.

It screamed, and the figure not only did not become bigger, but began to shrink, becoming only about ten feet tall, and the body burned with a strong flame, and a horrible atmosphere broke out.


The king of the night demon, the main **** of the gods, although it is only the newly promoted main god, but its strength is not the same, a fist burst, chaos broken, a vast amount of energy running through the void towards Xiangyang.

"Well come, the road to the gods, start with you."

Xiang Yangxuan snorted, his body was volleyed, his right hand clenched his fist, and he also slammed out. At the same time, the lotus on the top of his head, the lotus of Wanfa Avenue broke out with powerful power. His way, officially displayed, the power of boxing The explosion broke out, and one was not weaker than the energy of the night demon king.

The two men were close to each other, and a big battle broke out.

Among the acupoint spaces in Xiangyang's body, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods all took the initiative to stand up, one after another bursting out a powerful energy into the body of Xiangyang, which made Xiangyang successively bombarded with the night demon king several times. There are no injuries.

However, the night demon king is the main **** after all. Its strength is not trivial. Every time it is shot, it will set off a chaotic storm of violent extremes. The powerful force bombards it, causing chaos to be broken.

"It is the main **** of the gods. If you don't use the treasure, I am not your opponent."

After the two men played hundreds of times, Xiang Yang was blasted out. However, while flying backwards, Xiang Yang’s body was put on the magic suit, and he held the magic sword and slashed. Crush the chaos and kill the night demon king.


The night demon screamed, and the magic weapon appeared in his hand, and there was more than one magic weapon. All six hands were hand-held with various magic weapons, including a sword, a sword, a heavy hammer, and a The black stick, the **** stone, and the shield.

The six magic weapons are actually the most powerful treasures. Moreover, what makes Xiang Yang feel strange is that the breath of the blood-colored stones is very strange. Even after Xiang Yang sensed it, he felt very special.

"This is a chaotic blood gold."

Xiang Yang passed the breath he felt to Xiao Ling, who appeared directly in Dantian of Xiangyang and recognized it with the eyes of Xiang Yang.

"Chaotic blood gold? Is there such an ore?"

Xiang Yang has a strange color. In chaos, there are many kinds of ore. Even if he has the inheritance of the tens of thousands of robes, and the inheritance of his master, it is impossible to recognize all these ores. clear.

"This is the chaotic level of ore that has been soaked in the blood of the strong people of the sacred level, and then evolved through infinite years. It can refine the aftermath of life, and its power is amazing. Moreover, it has a role in that it can be sucked. Human blood, old and small heart..."


While Xiaoling said, he found that when the magical warfare in Xiangyang’s hand was smashed with the other’s swords, there were other magic weapons all coming to Xiangyang, which made his face change.

"It's fine, it's more than baby, it's the most wrong decision it has made in this life."

Xiang Yang is a look of indifference. At this moment, four arms are stretched out under his arms at the same time. On the left and right sides of his head, two other heads are also grown. It is the method of three heads and six arms.

At the same time, Xiang Yang's body shape began to rise, instantly turned into a ten-foot tall, the same height as the night demon king, it is the magical magical power.

As a result, Xiang Yang's body size reached the same height as the night demon king.

He shook his hand, and each hand was holding a magic weapon, all of which were at the level of the treasure. Although these are not his strongest treasures and innate magic, they are also very powerful and hopeful to evolve. Become the existence of the day after tomorrow.


The two little giants banged together in this chaos. Every time they hit, they were the bombardment of the avenues of both sides. They not only contained their own energy and physical strength, but also their respective understanding of the Tao.

The main **** of the gods is the vast expanse of the field. This is the main **** field. It has the ability to control the heavens and the earth and impede the chaotic avenue. The lotus of Wanfa Avenue on the top of Xiangyang’s head is a glimmer of light. The blessing is in itself, he is the avenue itself, and there is no need to resort to the chaos of the outside world.

"Where I am, it is the avenue."

Xiang Yang smiled softly and showed his true path for the first time.


In the next moment, a million miles of incomparable light broke out from the lotus on the top of the road, and the place where the night demon king's main gods collapsed instantly.

Xiang Yang’s three-headed and six-armed method was taken back, holding the magical warrior blade, wearing the magical armor, standing in chaos, such as the sacred advent.

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