Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2979: threaten me?

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Xiang Yang saw that the fairy in the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak stood up and said that he was very happy. He clearly said that he was very ignorant. He couldn’t help but touch his nose and looked at the fairy with a look. Xiongtai your surname?"


When Xiang Yang’s voice fell, he heard a roar of noise. Then, there was a fairy statue in the back of Dalu’s three heavens. “Primary, this is the power of Vulcan, you still don’t bow to worship?”

"The strong man of Vulcan."

After Xiang Yang listened, he blinked his eyes and said with a smile. "It seems that I am very close to the masters of Vulcan."

Yes, there are some masters of Vulcan and some people who have surrendered themselves to become themselves. Moreover, the master of the last Vulcan attack attacked the division of the family, which caused the death and injury of the family, and forced the coffin on the spot. Break through to the realm of Xianzun.

All of this is due to the Vulcan and the family's generations of grievances.

The so-called grudges are the deep problems of the blood of both sides. The family gets the blood of Chaos Demon, and the Vulcan is the blood of the so-called Vulcan. Of course, what is Vulcan behind them? Yang is not clear.

The purpose of Vulcan is to destroy the family and take away the power of the family.

When thinking of Xiangjia, Xiang Yang remembered the ancestor of Xiangjia, and he was very curious in his heart. After the ancestor of Xiangjia became the chaotic demon tyrant, did he know that the successful breakthrough of the sacred sanctification was not?

However, it should be no success.

If it succeeds, Xiang Yang feels that with his own strength, he should be able to sense the fluctuation of sanctification. However, he has never had this feeling. So, it is very likely that the ancestors of the project have not yet broken through. Sanctification.

When Xiang Yang thought about what was the situation of the ancestors of the Xiang family, these strong people in the ancient fairy world saw that Xiang Yang had turned a blind eye to himself and others.

"The junior is looking for death."

Before that, he opened the scent of the lord of the three kings of the big Luo, and at the same time, he was directly facing Xiang Yang.

Obviously, I plan to use a palm to teach Xiang Yang a good meal.

In his view, Xiang Yang is even a mysterious figure in the fairy world. It is only a fairy who is in the realm of the peak of the fairy. He is the big Luo Xianjun. The realm of the two is there. The gap is too big. Now, he can definitely teach Xiang Yang a good meal.


However, when his palm was not really bombarded on Xiang Yang, he heard a roar of sound, and saw a figure in front of Xiang Yang who appeared in a black and cold armor.


The figure snorted and he didn't see what he had, and the palm suddenly collapsed.

"who is it?"

The fairy **** of the big Luo Santian met and changed his mind. He did not expect that Xiang Yang actually had a helper. Moreover, the other party seemed to just break his palm directly with a light drink, which made him feel instinctive. Something is wrong.

Even the sect of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak frowned and looked at the black figure.


However, next, all these people in the ancient fairy world were covered.

Because in their surroundings, one after another, the horrible figure of the horror of the sky appeared, and these figures were dressed in black armor clothes with consent, each body smelled like a sigh of relief, and the blood around them rushed around. The void can't bear the blood of these people, and it will continue to burst and then return to normal.

"this is..."

These strong people in the ancient fairy world are all shaking, especially the fairy statue of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak is exclaimed, "Da Luo nine heavens in the strong, this, this ... how may?"

As a super master who is also the land of Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, how could he not feel the powerful atmosphere of the order guard?

This is the real transcendence of the king of the king, reaching the peak of the big Luo Jiuzhong, and even the blood of every order guard is much stronger than the fairy of the ancient fairyland.

If it is just a person, it is normal.

However, there are so many people around here, each of which is the super powerhouse of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. This is simply the rhythm of scaring people.

"Old ancestors..."

The singer of the big Luo’s three heavens trembled and looked at the ancestors of Da Luo’s nine heavens.

The fairy goddess of this big Luo Jiu Tiantian is the fairy **** of the **** of fire. He is called the fire scorpion, and it can be said that it has reached the peak of Xianzun, even in the ancient fairy world, except for Ya Shengqiang. The person can be taller than him, and the other Xianzun can only get along with him.

However, at this time, the whole body of the fire was shaking, and he felt that his heartbeat was accelerating, and the whole person had a feeling that he could not stand.

There are tens of thousands, or even more, of these powerful people who appear in the same way as the wolves and tigers and leopards.

"Master, the family is late, and the owner is also forgiven."

Then, let the strong people of the ancient fairy world feel the heart tremble, these powerful people are all respectful and respectful to Xiang Yang.


All of these people in the ancient fairy world are all smashed. Xiang Yang is the master of these sacred princes in the realm of these big Luo Jiu Jiu Tian Feng?

How can this be.

This is the fairy goddess of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, not the real fairy and the fairy, how could there be so much? And is it still called Xiangyang as the main person?

At this moment, the nephew also looked at Xiangyang in the same way, but her heart was not only not afraid, but very happy. She was very worried that Xiangyang would have an accident. Therefore, in the ancient fairy world, a meeting was held to bring Xiangyang back to ancient times. When I was in the fairy world, my nephew came up with it.

She is trying to help Xiang Yang at a critical time so that Xiang Yang can escape safely.

However, what she did not think of in any way is that Xiang Yang is so powerful, there are so many strong people.

The breath of these strong people makes the nephew who is the strong man of Da Luo feel that he can't breathe.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time."

At this time, Xiang Yang smiled and looked at his nephew.

"Item, Xiang Yang..."

My nephew looked at Xiang Yang, and her eyes were unnatural. Although her intention was to help Xiang Yang, she followed the people of the ancient fairy world to find Xiang Yang, and she did not play a role. Xiang Yang’s people have clearly gained the upper hand. At this time, she is afraid that Xiang Yang will misunderstand herself.

"Do you know?"

When other powerful people in the ancient fairyland saw Xiang Yang and his nephews know each other, all of them changed their faces, and the fire of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak was blinking, revealing a surprise color.

His eyes looked at the nephew, and his body shape was quietly approaching the nephew. He intended to seize the nephew to threaten Xiangyang.

When he saw the appearance of the 100,000 order guard, he already understood that he was definitely planted this time. Whether he can survive or not is a problem.

However, when he saw Xiang Yang laughing and greeting his nephew, he felt that this was his only chance to survive.

The fire is a super-powerful person who has survived since ancient times. He is very clever and can see at a glance that the relationship between Xiangyang and his nephew is not simple.

As long as he can control the deaf child, then he thinks that he is equal to mastering a trump card. At that time, at least he can let Xiang Yang let himself go.

As for the other people around him, there is nothing in his eyes. If Xiang Yang likes it, he can completely destroy other people in the ancient fairy world.

"If I were you, I would never choose to hold my hand at this time to threaten me."

However, when the sacred fire of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak was just moving, he heard Xiang Yang pass with a leisurely laugh.


The look of the fire changed. I didn’t expect Xiang Yang to know his own thoughts. At this moment, he did not hesitate at all, and his body quickly rushed toward the scorpion. Grabbing it.

Since Xiang Yang already knows what he wants to do, he must first catch the nephew with the fastest speed.


The hand of the fire turned into a big hand burning with flames, and instantly fished to the nephew, and even the other people around him were shrouded in him.

At this time, he simply couldn’t care about distinguishing other people. Anyway, he would grab everyone and say it.

"Old ancestors..."

When other people saw it, they were embarrassed, and the nephew had a faint smile on her face. She did not speak, did not feel any fear, and did not feel unwilling.

Because she is very clear, she and Xiang Yang are just the gentleman's friendship, the relationship between the two is not strong enough to let Xiang Yang desperate to save her degree.

Moreover, this time, she came to deal with Xiangyang with the strongest of the ancient fairyland. Xiang Yang did not take the initiative to deal with her and she was considered to care for the old feelings.

Moreover, from the previous sentence of Xiang Yang to the fire, the child can feel it, and Xiang Yang is telling the fire, not to waste effort, all this is exactly the same as she imagined.

"In any case, let the deaf children hold them in their hands and say them." The fire is a look of embarrassment. He knows that his chances are only once. Since he has started, he must firmly hold his nephew in his hands. Otherwise, he must Can not deal with Xiang Yang.

The countless black armouries are simply terrifying, no matter where they are placed, they are earth-shattering.

Although his mind can't figure out anyway, why Xiangyang has such a strong and powerful person, and there are so many people, but he has not dared to think about it. The only thing he can do is to be as much as possible. Find yourself a life.


As the fire smashed toward the scorpion, in the crash, his flames were really not in the slightest block, and everyone in the area where the babies were in the hand was caught in his hands. After he met, his face was overjoyed.

"Ha ha ha... Xiang Yang, my nephew has been caught by the deity, if you are interested in...what, impossible..."

The fire flames merged with the big hand. He smiled and looked at Xiangyang with a smile. He was shocked to find that he didn't know when he was standing in front of Xiangyang.

"This is this... how is this possible?"

The fire was stunned. He had clearly seen his hand grabbed his hand, but why did he suddenly run to Xiangyang?

“Space is in the way!”


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