Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2977: You lied to me?

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"Good buddy, you are a brave person, we have a common language, we are the same kind of people, don't cry, let's go drink together later."

The twelve brothers still comforted the big man, and the big man was crying and shouting, and the whole person almost collapsed.

He really didn't want to stay. He just wanted to leave. He just wanted to escape quickly. Otherwise, if they were two brothers, they would definitely die.

Even the boss is very sad. A good thing has collapsed. What should I do? He is also very difficult to accept.

Xiang Yang saw such a man crying and couldn't help but sigh. "It's really a man. Men don't shed tears, they scream at their parents. They don't blame the enemy. You are a good man, wait for you." I have a drink with you."

"No, hey, no need..."

This time, the boss of the two brothers also cried, especially, they really just want to leave, really do not want to drink with you.

Xiang Yang Yue looked at the two people who felt that they were pitiful. Maybe they were suppressed for a hundred years. The heads of their two immortals were not clear. They even knew that their wife had brought their hats. .

While he sighed, he told the twelve brothers, "Take care of them, don't let them leave."

When I left, such a man went back and saw that their children were not like them. When they suddenly realized that they had worn a lot of green hats in this hundred years, they would definitely collapse.

Xiang Yang is a rare good man. Although he and Twelve are not the same, he wants to help the two guys fix their minds after they have finished their work, so that they can recover. Let the two leave.

At this time, the two men were desperate. They sat down on the ground, wiping their tears and watching the backs of other comprehensions. They really longed to want to leave.

"Don't worry about the two brothers, I tell you, we are men, no matter what happens, there is nothing to do, no matter what is going on, as long as we are alive, we are the best."

The twelve brothers are still comforting and said.


After listening to the two words, they tasted these two words carefully. They only felt more and more sad. Yes, they have to live to have hope, but they have no hope of living.

"Yes, living is everything."

Twelve brothers comforted the two great men with great enthusiasm. They saw two men of eight feet tall. As a peerless powerhouse, they still collapsed. His kind heart is rarely erupted.

Xiang Yang came to the front of the 100,000-order guard and told him, "In the black wind, all the people who have been caught mining are saved, their seals are released, they are given freedom, and They quickly left, but all the people of the night demon, that is, the members of the black wind village, all killed, and all the treasures of the black wind village brought back, the speed is fast."



At the same time, the martial arts of the order of the 100,000 Daluo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak were replied with respectfulness, and their physiques flickered and disappeared into a ray of light.

In the blink of an eye, the guards of the 100,000 order disappeared.

After Xiang Yang met, he sighed, "It’s good to have a man, and many things can be saved."

His gaze looks in all directions, and he can sense that every order of the guards goes in all directions. The guards of these orders are the cultivation of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, in the lower bound of the universe, they It is the most peak of existence, no matter what you do, it is invincible.

Then, the strongmen of the night demon among the numerous veins were all killed. Those who were comprehending were released after the seal was released, and some rushed into the headquarters of the Black Wind Village and began a unilateral slaughter. After the members of the night demon in the Black Wind Village were destroyed, the guard of order returned with treasures.

Xiang Yang saw this scene and only felt very refreshed. "The heroes in the battlefield of the next fairy devil should have almost condensed the flesh. Well, they can all be conquered by then, and then they will be Trained into the tower of the body repair."

In the past, the heroes in the battlefield of the fairy were absolutely super invincible and powerful to Xiang Yang, but now they have become too weak.

However, Xiangyang has a tower of physical repairs, but don't worry about this. Anyway, you can let a group of heroes in the battlefield of the fairy demon enter the tower of the body repair, and the body of the immortal battlefield condensed by the roots of the wild world. Many powerful people, the power of the flesh should be very extraordinary, it is suitable for the practice of refining the body.

"Boss, I think the two brothers are a bit abnormal."

At this time, the Wolf King came to Xiang Yang, his face with a strange color, whispered.


After Xiang Yang listened, he was embarrassed. He just didn't think that the two brothers were wrong. They only thought that the two people had a problem with their heads. After the warning from the Wolf King, he felt that it was really wrong.

He looked at the two brothers, and the twelve brothers at the moment were still very "enthusiastic" to comfort the two, but they were desperate in their eyes, thinking about leaving, and found that there was no way to leave, they were even more Uncomfortable.

"They want to leave us."

Xiang Yang said.

"Yes, it seems that if they stay, they will be discovered by us, there will be a life and death crisis." The Wolf King nodded and said.


Xiang Yang smiled. He looked at the two eyes with a squint and did not attract the attention of the two. Instead, he said to the wolf king, "What do you think is the problem?"

"They are the gods of the ancient fairy world. I heard that the relationship between the boss and the people of the ancient fairy world did not seem so good." The Wolf King said thoughtfully.

"Interesting, Wolf King, you are the real wise man."

Xiang Yang laughed and couldn't help but patted the shoulder of the Wolf King.

After listening to the Seventh Night of the Wolf King, there was a shy red color on his face. He whispered, "Where can I compare with the boss? I just said the doubt in my heart."

"Haha, I am relieved."

Xiang Yang haha ​​said with a smile.

"Do you feel relieved?" The Wolf King groaned and didn't know what Xiangyang meant.

"You will understand later."

Xiang Yang said with deep meaning that he originally wanted to let the Wolf King and the Twelve Brothers lead the order of the guard. Now it is even more determined. In any case, these people will follow their old brothers at the beginning. Xiang Yang is absolutely not Will be ill-treated by them.

Although both the Wolf King and the 12th Brother were surrendered by various methods at the time, Xiang Yang had already regarded them as their brothers until now.

Xiang Yanghe smiled and came to the side of the twelf brother. He looked at the two guys and smiled and said, "The two brothers, the one I admire most in my life is the courageous person. In any case, you should not leave, too. Don't be sad, male husband, don't be sad even if you die, you know?"


When they saw Xiangyang, they changed their faces. When they heard that Xiangyang said that they should not be sad when they die, they even faintly think that Xiangyang should know something, but the heart is shaking, but on the surface Not dare to show it.

"Your Master is the power of the ancient fairy world?" Xiang Yang also squatted down and asked with a smile.

"No, no, no..."

"I, our master is just an ordinary ancient immortal in the ancient fairy world..."

The two stuttered in response.

After Xiang Yang listened, he shook his head helplessly. Before, if it wasn’t for the Wolf King, he couldn’t find the difference between the two, but now he has already confirmed that the two are definitely problematic.

At this moment, Xiang Yang already knows that these two guys have problems, and even the heart has already understood that these two guys must be subpoenaed to the ancient fairy world. If not expected, the strongest of the ancient fairy world should meet at the fastest speed. .

Moreover, the ancient fairy powers in the ancient fairy world are all Da Luo masters. With the speed of the great Luo strong, it is estimated that they are coming soon.

When Xiang Yang thought about it, he suddenly felt that there was a strong breath in the distance, and he suddenly laughed. "Come."

"What is it?"

Twelve brothers asked inexplicably.

"This is to ask these two buddies."

Xiang Yang glanced at two people. The two buddies who didn’t understand what was going on after listening to them suddenly became gray. They knew that it was their master who came with the mighty of the ancient fairy world. Xiang Yang has long discovered that they are not right, and they deliberately want to leave them.

"You, you already know?"

Both of them looked at Xiang Yang with a hard face, and their voices were hoarse.

Xiang Yang knows that they are stalking from them and summoning the strong men of the ancient immortals. They are sure to die. Moreover, their behavior is equivalent to enmity and enmity. In the practice world, it is something that everyone does not care about.

"what do y'all think?"

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the two people. He did not have much killing for the two. The two were disciples of the strong men of the ancient fairy world. After discovering themselves, it was normal to pass on their existence to the ancient fairy world.

Moreover, calling the strongest of the ancient fairy world, this is equal to guiding yourself, so that you can go to the ancient fairy world to play.

The fire forest, fire, fire, and other people among Xiang Yang’s order guards are the descendants of the ancient gods of the ancient gods.

Of course, several of them are still not coming out of the tower of physical training. Otherwise, Xiang Yang wants to go to the ancient fairyland and directly let the people of the fire family lead the way.

"Boss, do you mean that these two **** have pitted us?"

Twelve brothers also reacted. After he stayed, he looked at the two faces with anger. He yelled. "You are so deceiving me. I think you both are still wearing cuckolds." The child is really pitiful, and I am still trying to protect you. As a result, both of you have been cheating on me, Mad..."

At the same time, he broke out with a powerful thunder, and a gloomy **** suddenly condensed and rushed directly toward the top of the two.


Although Twelve Brothers has not yet robbed into a fairy, but when he first came to this world, he experienced several Thunder bombardments and cultivated into the Thunder's secret law, making his strength stronger than the average Tianxian.

At this moment, a thunder magical moment broke out and exploded directly among the two.

Although the two were flustered, they still blocked the attack. However, they temporarily shot, but they could not stop the bombardment of the Twelve Brothers and were immediately blasted out.

"I want to destroy you."

Under the wrath of the Twelve Brothers, there was no stop, but the thunderous force of the terror around the body circulated, and instantly killed the two.


Although the twelve brothers are hippie and smiling, but when he is really angry, the power is really not to be underestimated. In a blink of an eye, the thunder of the horror is erupted, and the two people will be dying in an instant, and then he It is even more killing, and a Thunder knife is gathered in the hand, and the channel is cold. "Go to hell."


With a knife, the thunder of the universe cut through the universe.


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