Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2974: Is this goodbye?

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"Boss, are you really coming down from the fairy world?"

Seeing that the overall situation has been set, the twelve brothers are active again. He is close to Xiang Yang and looks at Xiang Yang with a look of curiosity.


Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and said to him, "You didn't want to leave with me, and you wouldn't follow the Qingxue Universe Group. Now, the entire Qingxue universe group has gone to the fairy world, but you are a slave here. Do you mean to appear in front of me?"


Twelve brothers were still very excited. After listening to Xiang Yang’s words at the moment, they were a bit dumbfounded. He quickly closed his mouth and did not dare to speak.

At this time, talking to Xiang Yang, he felt that he was obviously uncomfortable.

The two big men on the other side said with a grin. "There is no knowledge of the public. This black wind has dominated the entire black wind star field for countless years. The strength is too strong. Even if the ordinary fairy is coming, it is not an opponent. The powerful existence of Engong can destroy the Black Wind Village. The strength of this brother should be a period of robbery. Naturally, it is impossible to be an opponent of the Black Wind Village."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at their two brothers. "Also, even the two of you are arrested. Although the two of them are not weaker than the fairy, they are not likely to deal with the fairy king."

"You, you... do you see our repairs?"

After listening to these two great men, they were stuttering and watching Xiangyang.

The two of them are indeed immortals, not ordinary comprehensions, but they have been arrested. They did not dare to say that they are heavenly. After all, as a fairy, they were arrested as slaves by the people of the black winds. It’s too shameful to say things.

However, what they did not expect was that Xiang Yang even saw that their two brothers were Xian Wang.

"I have reached the peak of the fairy, very good, are you the people of the ancient fairyland?" Xiang Yang asked faintly, he did not have much affection for the people of the ancient fairy world, of course, except for the children, even when Some of the great Luoqiangs in the fairyland also went down to the ancient immortals to let him go to the ancient fairyland. He felt that he could go to the ancient fairyland to see the so-called Da Luoqiang.

"Yes, we are the people of the ancient fairy world, but we have just just entered the ancient fairy world." The two quickly nodded their heads and said.

They were amazed in their hearts. They knew that Xiangyang’s strength had reached a level of horror. He did not dare to speak more with Xiangyang, but looked at Xiangyang with a respectful color on his face.

Xiang Yang had no good feelings for the people in the ancient fairy world, let alone the two great men. The two sides were not familiar with each other. He did not communicate much, but looked at the fairy king who is the night demon. He carried his hands and walked to the other side, whispering and saying, "I am very curious about the night demon family of the gods. How did you come, what is the purpose of coming to the realm of cultivation?"


The night of the demon, the celestial king sneer a sneer, his eyes coldly looking at Xiang Yang, with a disdainful color, "vertical, human ants ants only, in front of my protoss, you have no chance to speak."


His words just fell, Xiang Yang directly slapped the past, directly swollen the other's face fan, several teeth flew out, the blood in the mouth continued to drip.

Moreover, it also contains Xiang Yang's sword gas, which is invading the other's body, constantly destroying the other's body, making the other party feel the mouth to be torn all the time.


Rao is this guy who is the strongest of the Xianwang class, but also hurts and squats.

However, he looked at Xiang Yang's eyes still very indifferent, with a high pride.

Xiang Yang couldn’t help but sigh and said, "You are doing yourself well."

"If you know each other, you will release the king. Otherwise, wait for the strongest of the night demon to come, let you die without a place of burial." The night demon king smiled and looked at Xiang Yang, but he still showed a very Confident look.

"Does the night demon and other strong people come to the universe to comprehend the world?" Xiang Yang's face looked at the guy with curiosity.

"Of course, there are so many powerful people in my gods. Anyone who can crush your comprehension in the lower bounds." The king of the night demon smirked smugly.

After Xiang Yang listened, he looked at the other night demon people and said with a soft voice. "If you say this, I will be relieved."

"Do you feel relieved?"

The face of the night demon king still has a faint color, and I don’t know what Xiang Yang said in this sentence.

"Nature can safely destroy all people. You night devils come from the devil world. The slavery practitioners mine for you. If you sin, you should all be killed."

Xiang Yang said leisurely, "I was still worried that you are the only group of gods who came to the realm of the realm of the world. I dare not kill you, but since you are not the only one, then I am not afraid of destroying you. It is."

While talking, his heart was moving, the **** heaven and earth oven appeared directly in front of everyone, and said softly, "You regard the comprehension of the comprehension as a slave, and think that human beings are lower than you, then, today, I Just refining you, letting you feel what it feels like to be destroyed by the races that you feel very low."


With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, the ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ was directly magnified infinitely, and a powerful suction burst, and all the people except the fairy king and the princess were all inhaled in the night.

Then the ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ was quietly suspended on the top of Xiangyang’s head, with a strange atmosphere, which made the face of the night demon’s face change greatly, with a terrifying color, “This is...”

"Do you know it?"

Xiang Yang was shocked.

"I don't know." The guy from the night demon shook his head.

"I don't know what you are saying, I thought you knew my baby and scared me." After Xiang Yang listened, he glanced at the other person. What's special, he was almost routinely riddled by this guy, thinking that This guy knows his blood talent.

However, it is impossible to think about this clearly. My talented supernatural powers are probably unique. Even if my father is not likely to have it, the night demon family has entered the realm of the real world. Maybe you know your talents.

At this moment, the king and the princess of the night demon are looking pale and looking at Xiang Yang. Xiang Yang is too embarrassed. Whenever he shoots, he directly swallows all the strong people of the night demon into the heaven and earth oven. Direct visual impact, even if they both trembled in their hearts, raised a fear of color.

Especially the princess of the night demon, even shivering and looking at Xiang Yang.

"You, are you really going to kill me?"

Xiang Yang is thinking about how to make more words from the mouths of these two guys. The princess of the night demon is biting his teeth and looking at Xiang Yang, a pair of crying.

"What do you think?"

Xiang Yang asked softly.

"I, I..." The night demon's princess suddenly didn't know what to say. Seeing that Xiangyang's shot was unrelenting, she was absolutely murderous. However, she had a good impression on Xiangyang and always felt that Yang, the only person who can make himself look at it and want to earn it behind himself, should not kill himself.

However, Xiang Yang’s smile and laughter made her feel fearful, and she did not dare to look at Xiang Yang.

"The boss is really powerful, even this monster princess is watching the boss, and sure enough, the boss's face is peerless, this is men, women and children, humans and non-humans are all taking."

The twelve brothers on one side said to the wolf king seven nights with a voice.

The wolf king stood with his hands on his back. After listening to the words of the twelve brothers, he said to the twelve brothers, laughing and laughing. "You are finished."


The twelve brothers groaned with a puzzled color.


However, before the twelve brothers asked, I saw that Xiang Yang had waved at him. He hurriedly ran over. "What is the boss's command? The small 12 is even the fire on the mountain. I will not hesitate to insert a knife. As long as the boss says a word, I will be willing to do whatever it is."

This is the way that the twelve brothers have been playing around in the universe of comprehension in the past years. Anyway, no matter what their bosses want to do, as long as they are desperately touting each other, it is certainly true that they are flattering.

After the words were finished, the twelve brothers only felt refreshed, and he said in his heart, "The boss is serious on the surface, but the heart is the most coquettish. After listening to my words, I am sure that my heart is refreshing."

While thinking about it, he continued to stand tall and said loudly, "Boss, you are my guiding light, it is my benchmark on the road of practice, my guide forever, my heart to you, from beginning to end ,eternal..."

"Oh, don't brag."

Seeing the twelve brothers getting more and more outrageous, Xiang Yang interrupted him with a burst of laughter. "It's no wonder that you haven't made any progress over the years. It turns out that all the energy is spent on learning these things. It's too shameful."


This is a bit wrong.

Twelve brothers stared at Xiang Yang, and after showing his attitude, the boss should not be very happy to accept himself, and then patted his shoulder to praise himself?

How can you still teach yourself?


Twelve brothers coughed a few times and whispered, "Boss, mainly after leaving you these years, I miss you too much."

"So, do you spend all your time thinking about me?" Xiang Yang asked with a smile.

"Right." Twelve brothers quickly nodded, feeling that their boss is really smart, of course, they are smarter, can please the boss to renew, what is there in the future, there is such a strong backing, the world is just around the corner.

"Don't talk nonsense, give you a task, interrogate the two people, ask them what their purpose is to come to the realm of cultivation, and ask what is the power of the gods in the night, how to go to the gods Wait, anyway, you have to ask me what they know."

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and interrupted the twelve brothers. He pointed to the head of the twelve brothers. "This is the method of controlling the ropes. You should study it yourself."

After that, his eyes looked at the veins at the back, whispering. "This vein is interesting. I feel a very special time and space here. Is it a vein with the power of space and space?" ”

At the same time, his body shape stepped out directly, and the whole person instantly entered the vein.

The twelfth brother said to the wolf king, "Come on the brothers, this is the task that the boss gave us. If you can finish it, you will see us. This time it is beautiful, and the boss will take us to the fairyland." Xian brewing, eating fairy fruit, soaking fairy."

The Wolf King gave him a look. "The boss is telling you to ask them, not telling me."

"Brothers are one, telling me what to do is not the same as telling you to do it?"

Twelve brothers said with dissatisfaction.

"Ha ha..."

The wolf king felt that he had really blinked his eyes these years. He even traveled with the twelve brothers in the realm of comprehension. Fortunately, luck in these years was better, and he was not dragged to death by this idiot guy.

The twelve brothers saw the wolf king refused to pay attention to himself. He was helpless and could only go to the king and the princess of the night demon. In fact, the method that Xiang Yang passed to him was enough for him to control the two people. It’s just that he is a natural person who wants to be a wolf king.

The other half, the two big brothers blinked and said to each other, "He is Xiang Yang. In the past, Shi Zun and other ancient celestial powers once passed the ancient fairy to call him to the ancient fairy world, but he actually turned Did not go, this time I met him, it is our luck."

"But he just saved us." Another voice.

"The ancient fairy world contains a big chance. It is said that a group of ancient immortals is ready to train him and cultivate him as a spokesperson for the ancient fairy world. It is a good thing for him. Just because he saved us, we want The message that he appeared in the realm of comprehension was passed to the master, which is to repay him."

"it is good..."

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