Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2972: The first sword **** in the comprehension world

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Among the four, the twelve brothers and the wolf king looked calm and had no fear. The other two turned out to be strong men. They laughed at the same time. "Come on, there is a kind of Eat your grandfather, it will not take long, your grandfather will come back to find you to avenge."

"Hahaha, come on, kill you later."

The twelve brothers also laughed and said.

Although the Wolf King did not speak, but his eyes were filled with a bloodthirsty light. At this moment, there was a piece of energy in his body that was desperately urging. His eyes were red and trembling, and it seemed to be frightened.

The princess and other youths of the so-called night demon family did not seem to see it. They all looked at the scene with a smile and wanted to see the young man eating the four people.

Even one of the young people shouted, "Night cold, hurry, if you can't eat four, I will help you."

"Get out of the way, this is the king's food."

The guy who became a monster screamed and rushed straight toward the four.


However, when the guy saw it, the wolf king trembled and finally looked up and made a wolf howling. He saw that the whole person quickly turned into a silver-white giant wolf, in the eyes of a giant wolf. With the bloodthirsty light, suddenly rushed toward the monster.


Under this collision, the silver-white giant wolf was hit by the monster, but directly took the twelve brothers and two other big men, and instantly fled to the distance.

"Ha ha ha, brother of seven nights, you really are the best, I know that you are forbearing until the last moment, the devils, you wait, when your grandfather returns, when you are destroyed ""

Twelve brothers laughed and sat on the back of the Wolf King. He laughed and laughed. The whole person was very excited.

"Man, thank you."

The other two great men also had an excited face.

"Not good, be careful."


However, when their excitement had not yet fallen, they heard a roaring sound, and the horrible monster appeared in front of them instantly, directly colliding, and immediately flew out the wolf king.

At the same time, the giant beast quickly caught up, and the two claws caught the seven nights of the wolf king and the twelve brothers and the two big men on his back.


"The ants also dare to run away and become the food in the king's belly."

The behemoth screamed and his body suddenly expanded to a million feet tall, so he threw the little wolf king and the twelve brothers on his back into his mouth.



The wolf king roared and tried to struggle to rush out, but it was useless. The strength of the wolf king could not be compared with the monster, let alone the energy in the body was just sealed. The reason why it broke out was because he used it. The reason for the mystery, but the strength of the wolf king who incarnates the body can not be compared with the heyday.

The strength of this young man is too strong, so powerful that the wolf king feels desperate.

"Death is dead, but the boss will definitely be sad, we let the boss down."

Twelve brothers sighed, clutching the wolf king's hair tightly, and sighed and said, "Wolf King seven nights, who are you most missed now?"


The wolf king flashed a person in his mind, that is, he followed the masters for countless years, but at that time he was an undercover, it was ‘Nine Sisters’ Mu Yunping.

Over the years, although he has changed his face, he is no longer the wolf king of the year, but his heart is still worried about the master of Jiujie.

However, the Wolf King also knows that Jiujie has gone to Xiangxian with Xiangyang. With the protection of Xiangyang, it will definitely be very good.

He sighed and said, "I just want to see the boss. As you said, if the boss knows our end, he will be very disappointed."

"Man, what about you?"

The twelve brothers also looked at the other two big men.


Although the death came, but the faces of the two big men did not show the color of fear, they looked at each other, haha ​​said with a smile, "Death is dead, what else to think, if there is an afterlife If we join hands, we will kill this black wind village."

"well said."

The twelve brothers couldn’t help but sigh. "It’s a pity that we are going to die. Otherwise, we can be brothers."

"You can be a brother in the king's belly."

The monster of the night demon is roaring and throws the four people directly into the entrance.

A stinking smell came over, and all four people closed their eyes. They knew that they are definitely dead now, and it is truly a powerless day.


Their hearts have no thoughts on them, since they are going to die, then they will die...

"Human ants are always the food of the great night demon. After our mission is completed, we must open the ring and eat humans in several stars."

The monster was licking his mouth and didn't feel anything. He couldn't help but scream at the anger.

However, it also knows that before they can complete the task of coming to the universe of comprehension, it is absolutely impossible to make too much movement.


"Who is the ants? Who is the food?"

At this moment, suddenly I heard a cold scream coming over, and then I saw a twist in front of the void, and a fuss-shaped shuttle-shaped magic weapon flew out, standing on top of a person, it was Xiang Yang. .

"蝼 ants, who are you?"

When the monster saw the person, his expression changed suddenly, and while roaring, he rushed straight toward Xiangyang.

"Dare to eat my little brother, do you think you can digest it?"

Xiang Yang's expression is cold, his mind is moving, and suddenly, the next moment, the Wolf King and the Twelve Brothers who have entered the belly of the monster feel that their body has a powerful and unmatched energy bursting out. These two energies are merged together. Instantly turned into an infinite sword and marched out in all directions.


"No... how could this be, my stomach... oh... oh..."

At that time, the monster rushed toward Xiangyang. Suddenly, the look changed greatly. Only a sharp pain came out of its belly, and then an infinite sword broke out from its body. Its body is smashed.

In the blink of an eye, the monster that was still pretentious was the explosion that became a myriad of blood mist suspended in the air. Moreover, in the blood mist, there was a group of swords wrapped around the four people slowly emerged.

"What is going on here? We are fine..."

"We have a huge sword in our body. This sword seems to be the boss. I said, it must be that the boss is reluctant to die. We have a very powerful force in our body. In the end. The moment broke out and saved us, hahaha, great, we don't have to die."

Twelve brothers laughed happily, looking at the behemoth that was exploded into a **** fog, only felt a long breath.

On the one hand, the wolf king and the other two big men are looking at Xiangyang, who is standing on the chaos and wearing the cloud shuttle. The wolf king’s eyes are full of excitement, and at this moment it is still the image of a giant wolf. But in the eyes, tears are not consciously flashing, "Boss!"


After the twelve brothers were excited, they heard the words of the Wolf King. His face also showed a strange color. However, he immediately excitedly looked at the past, and he saw Xiangyang, who was standing on the chaos and wearing the cloud shuttle. He suddenly excitedly rushed toward Xiangyang. "Boss... Hey, boss, you finally saved us, great..."

His movement, the energy that immediately pushed them around, wrapped in four people and rushed toward Xiangyang.

The two big men had a shocking color on their faces, and they still looked at Xiangyang. I really didn’t expect that there would be someone who saved us at the moment of the final death, and it was the twelve brothers and the wolf king. Said the 'boss'.

Of course, the real vibrations at the moment are the members of the night demons and the monks below.

They all looked at Xiang Yang one by one, especially the monks, but they were even more shocking.

Some of them actually recognized Xiang Yang and couldn’t help but exclaimed, "It is the guardian of the sword god, it is him, is he not a fairy? It has come to save us, hahaha, you are dead, we are comprehending The patron saint of the world has appeared, and no one can be his opponent."

"The first sword **** in the realm of cultivation."

"Ha ha ha, that year, it was because of the existence of the sword god, we blocked the attack of the angels and the blood family, even the blood and the cultivation of the real world, the sword **** old man came, you are dead."


Obviously, there are more than one person who knows Xiangyang, and they all laugh with excitement.

The people of the night demon family are cold, especially the one sitting in a chair, the princess who claims to be the night demon, even with a cold color on his face, shouting, "Come, come and pick him up." The principal is him."

At the same time, the princess’s face looked at Xiang Yang with a eager color. “This princess hasn’t been tempted for a long time. I’m going to fix this human race man.”

She, even when she saw Xiangyang’s first sight, she saw Xiangyang.


The other night demon people around the princess have long been unable to bear it. After hearing the order of the night demon princess, they rushed straight toward Xiangyang.

At this time, Twelve brothers and others just rushed to the front of Xiangyang. Twelve brothers excitedly opened their hands to Xiangyang and shouted in the mouth. "Boss, I want to die..."

"Get out."

Xiang Yangshuo snorted, and the twelve brothers suddenly smiled, and they stopped hard, and then they looked at Xiangyang with great excitement.

"You are too mixed."

After Xiang Yang saw them, he was helpless and smiled. His mind was moved, and the infinite universe was detained by him. He was directly integrated into the body of the four people, and all the seals of the four were instantly solved. open.

At this moment, all four people resumed their cultivation, and the Wolf King also recovered. The two great men quickly went to Xiangyang. "Thank you for your help, and since then, our brothers are willing to listen to any of the graces." Send."

"Others will say later, let me see what this night demon is."

Xiang Yang waved his hand, and then he looked at the dozens of young people who rushed toward him. The corner of his mouth had a faint smile. "It’s a bit of a meaning, it’s a group of strengths that have reached the real fairy. It’s no wonder that you can enslave you."

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