Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2961: Decision of All Saints

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The war continued, and Xiang Yang continued to go on stage several times. This time, he did not rush to kill. If someone asks for mercy, as long as the other party does not hold a big kill on himself, he still let go of the other party. .

So, after a long time, Emperor Xu Wei came back.

After Xu Wei came back, he said a few words to Mr. Wen and the Great Emperor, the 15th Princess and so on. After listening to these people, they all showed a shocking color on their faces.

"Next, just let the top 100 bet out?" I only asked the fifteen princesses to ask.

"Yeah." Emperor Xu Wei nodded and said, "As long as you can compete for the top 100, whoever can become the first place in the World of Immortals, see how they can exert their strength after going to the world." ""

The sage summoned him to the meeting, which was the question of the method of discussing the competition for the first place in the Million.

Those who participated in the Battle of the Immortals in the Million States can be said to be true geniuses. If they are allowed to compete for the top 100, I am afraid that the final will be the final. Name, everyone else will be killed by the opponent.

You must know that the true celestial celestial arrogance, each one has the possibility of being sanctified, even if it is a loss, it is a pity.

Moreover, this time, the saints of the heavens have realized the harm of the Western gods after knowing that the gods of the Western gods sent their avatars into the fairy world.

After the discussion of the saints of the heavens, it is too difficult to find the main gods of the Western gods in the whole fairy world. Then, the best way is to go deep into the Western realm and directly destroy the gods. By then, Even the deity is gone, and the avatars of the gods of the gods can no longer pick up any waves.


At this time, a roar sounded on the ring, and I saw that Tianjiao, which is equivalent to Da Luo’s nine heavens, was destroyed by the demon of the Gorefiend.

Xu Wei’s face was cold and stood up. His body was flowing and instantly appeared on the top of the ring. He said, “From now on, the first rule of the downfall will be announced.


After everyone listened to his words, they were all shocked. They couldn’t be killed or killed. What is the situation?

The comparison between Fujian and Taiwan, especially for these Tianjiao on the scene, the battle between life and death is the fastest way to solve the opponent.

Because repairing to the extent of them, unless you try to kill your opponents directly, it is not so easy to defeat your opponent.

However, according to Xu Wei’s statement, it is impossible to fight a life-and-death battle. It can only defeat the opponent, or even let the opponent take the initiative to admit defeat. Is this the rhythm of delaying this banquet for tens of thousands of years?

You must know that the degree of cultivation has reached the level of these arrogances, especially since they have reached a level comparable to that of the big nine or even stronger, a battle, even if it lasts for a hundred years, it is possible. .

"The Emperor of Heaven, I am not satisfied."

At this time, the dragon that had just killed his opponent stood up. He said in a deep voice, "The battle of Fujian and Taiwan is not limited to life and death. This is the best way to truly choose the outcome. If it is not a life-and-death battle, in case How about accidentally killing the other party? And, if it is the same strength, will the two sides fight for a thousand years or even longer?"

Although he is the arrogant of the devil world, he is not afraid when he faces the Emperor of the Immortal World. He is not afraid of saying what consequences these words will have against the Emperor Xu Wei.

Xu Wei said indifferently, "If you feel that you have doubts, you can go and find the sages of the heavens to tell your doubts."

"What?" The demon dragon was dumbfounded. He originally thought that Xu Wei couldn’t bear to see the Tianjiao’s tyrannical death and injury. I didn’t expect that the fundamentals of this decision were no longer in the Tianjiao of the fairy world, but in the chaos of the heavens. Sage, this is incredible.

"This... the teacher came forward because the chaos of the heavens summoned the Emperor Xu Wei to see him. That is to say, this battle of the Taiwanese has caused the attention of the chaos of the heavens. Since this decision is the heavens. The chaos sage made it, then even the master can't change it." The dragon is talking to himself.

He knows that Xu Wei, as the Emperor of Heaven, is absolutely impossible to lie. Then, the first place in this million-mile real fairy war can get more than he imagined.

"The focus of the chaos sage, the future sage, the leader of the gods, all this, I have to set."

With a firm color in the eyes of the dragon, even if it can't be a life-and-death battle, it does not affect his confidence in his own strength. He feels that he can get this first place, and no one can stop it, even if it is Xiang Yang.

Xu Wei’s look glanced at the dragon and faintly said, “You, from now on, the competition will continue, but only one hundred players will be allowed to compete. As for how to beat the final first person, wait for you. After the hundred players have come out, they will know."

After he finished speaking, his figure was flashing, and the whole person went back to his original position and sat down.

"What the hell? Just want to compete for the top 100."

Xiang Yang frowned and looked at this scene.

"After he went to see the chaotic saints of the heavens, he changed his appearance." Xiang Yang said.

"The decision of all these must be the preparation of the chaos of the heavens, and it may be related to the Western gods." Donghuang Yuxi obviously knows more, she frowned and guessed.

At this time, the king of the king got the news. He glanced at everyone and said, "Tongtian Group got the news. After the first 100 places were confirmed, the five-party Tianyu had a total of 500 spectators. Will go deep into the realm of the gods, killing the main gods of the Western gods, and the ultimate first person will decide according to the number of the main gods."


Xiang Yang and others were shocked. The chaotic saints of the heavens were too playful. They even let a group of real immortals enter the Western realm to kill the main god. Is this murder?

"They are too much to see these real fairy sacs present?" Xiang Yang stared at this scene, he felt that the saints of the heavens, this is not to compete for the first place, but to let everyone die what.

Is it because after Guangchengzi’s message that the gods were separated into the fairy world, the saints of the heavens were furious and decided to shoot against the Western gods?

Just, let a group of real immortals shot to kill the Western gods, is this really appropriate?

Xiang Yang feels that the saints of the heavens are either deliberately going to kill people or have other plans.

"Just, really immortal against the **** of the gods, is this reality?" Xiner said the heart of Xiangyang.

"This is the preparation of the saints of the heavens. We are not clear to anyone. However, the ones who can enter the top 100 in this million-day real fairy war are true Supreme arrogance. Although they are true immortals, But they should all go out of their own way, and they can definitely fight against Yasheng. As for whether they can kill the Lord God in the Western realm, this is really difficult, but it is not without hope. For example, Big Brother can easily Kill the main **** of the Western gods."

The king said softly.

While talking, he looked at Xiang Yang with a strange color in his eyes.

As the young master of the Tongtian Group, the king knows more than the average person, even if the news of the East Emperor Yuxi is not as fast as him.

Today's fairyland, the legendary fairy king of the past, is now outdated, because many old antiques have been born, and the realm of these old antiques is only the real fairyland, it can fight against the peaks of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian, even Can compete with the Asian holy strong.

And these seals are so weak.

Therefore, Yu Wang also began to gradually retreat, began to deal with some things of the Tongtian Group, and is ready to accept the Tongtian Group as the principal of the future Tongtian Group.

Although Donghuang Yuxi is the only young master of the Wan Yao Group, she has not really grown up, and many things have not been touched yet.

"Maybe this time, after four or five hundred people have entered the Western realm, there is a chaotic saint to protect the law." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"It's really possible."

After listening to everyone, they all nodded. It can be seen from the words of Emperor Xu Wei. Since he asked everyone to fight in the ring, it proves that the sacred priests are reluctant to lose anyone, then let the parties One hundred people have entered the Western realm. They must have certain means to protect everyone from damage.

"It's getting more and more interesting."

Xiang Yang smiled softly. Originally, he still wanted to find a way to play in the Western gods. What he did not expect was that this time he had the opportunity to go to the Western realm.

He still remembers that his own spirit of the Eucharist was able to begin his practice. It was his own brother Yun Feiyang who used the gods of the Western gods to refine and refine himself after the void.

In this way, this time is an opportunity for yourself to be able to cultivate the ‘the spirit of the Holy Spirit’ into the realm of Dacheng.


At the same time as Xiang Yang thought about it, suddenly, the flash on his body flashed, it was time for him to play, and he smiled and said to everyone, "You, I went."

"Boss, I am warm and have a glass of wine waiting for you to come back." Xiaoguangtou said with a deep face holding a glass of wine, specially heated and placed on the table.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang laughed and his body shimmered, and the whole person disappeared instantly.

Then, when he reappeared, it appeared in the ring, and his opponent also appeared. When he saw who his opponent was, he was happy.

"I am going, big brother, how are you?"

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled at his opponent, even if he did not think that this time, his opponent turned out to be the young master of the Tongtian Group.

"I rely, how is you?"

When Qinglan saw Xiangyang, a face suddenly turned black.

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