Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2956: Collective breakthrough

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"Okay, I broke."

When Xiang Yang let the main man of the palace break through to the state of Da Luo, the Lord of the Palace did not hesitate and directly agreed.

She is also very aware of her own strength. It is not easy to understand that the six Dalu rules have the power to be comparable to the king of the king because of the lack of preparation.

Even now, even the sacred flying knives with the level of the saga can fight against the masters of these great Luo Xianzun, but if they really face the enchanting strong, she will not have the slightest way to live.

"I will break through now."

For the great master of the palace, who already has the rules of the six Dalu, it is too simple to break through to the state of Da Luo. At the moment, she sits down directly, urging the rules of heaven to come, and the power of the road is flowing. A vast and boundless atmosphere broke out from her body and began to break through the realm of Da Luo.


In front of the Lord of the Palace, there was a horrible energy bursting out, and the power of heaven came down, and there was a golden light beam that shrouded her from the sky.

"this is..."

After seeing this scene, everyone was all stunned.

"This is a breakthrough on the spot to the state of Da Luo. Yes, although she is not strong, she can never compare with the rest of the arrogance. If I continue to persist, there is only one dead path. It is better to break through to Da Luo. The situation has directly lost the qualification for participation. As a result, it is impossible to get a place anyway, then at least it will survive."

"It's too smart, why don't we understand this?"


When the people around the house saw the breakthrough of the palace master, they all smashed, and then they all showed their true colors, and all of them showed appreciation for the adults.

"I have to break through."

"Although I have learned the rules of the six Da Luo, but compared with these enchanting, the stage is to find death, it is better to directly break into the king of Xian, when, in the sky, who can compare."

"Yeah, as long as you live, one day, one day, you will become a great man, and even a sacred master is not impossible. Why bother to put a small life on it."


Next, the strong people who were able to win because they saw their own failures after seeing their own failures, after seeing the breakthrough of the palace masters, they also saw a way of life, all of them have learned. Direct breakthrough.

For a time, there were tens of thousands of people at the same time breaking through, and the mighty heavenly majesty came down, causing an earth-shaking change in the scene.

This time, it can be said that it is the time when the rules of heaven are the most dense.

At the same time, tens of thousands of people broke through to the kingdom of the king, the heavens blessed, and the rules of heaven came, this is an unprecedented and endless atmosphere.


At this time, the black tower's face showed a painful color, and a blood spurted out of his mouth, barely struggling to say to Xiang Yang, "Master, Tiandao found me."


After Xiang Yang listened, his look changed slightly, and he directly absorbed the Black Tower into the Promise Immortal. At the same time, let Xiao Ling and Lao Wan drive out the mark on the Black Tower so that he could not continue to participate in the war. The black tower does not have to come out.


At this time, when Xiang Yang collected the Black Tower into the Promise Immortal, he saw that many of the strong men who were participating in the war or waiting for the war, all of them suddenly exploded in this moment.

"Is it blew?"

After seeing this scene, Xiang Yang looked awkwardly, remembering the painful words of the Black Tower, suddenly understood what it looked like, and his face showed a surprise color. "I know, although it is difficult for us to tell if they are gods. The lord of the Lord God, but the Heavenly Way is ok. When tens of thousands of people break through to the state of Da Luo at the same time, and they are all in the realm of the Emperor, the power of Heaven is the most prosperous, so that these The Lord God can no longer afford it, and the direct explosion is coming."

"However, these self-destructive things are only the strength of cultivation to the king of the celestial beings, which proves that their resistance is too weak to truly bear the majesty of the heavens, and those who have the power of the celestial sacredness have nothing to do, that is, They have almost completely integrated into this fairy world, so the power of heaven can not cause much harm to them."

After Xiang Yang thought about it, he understood the reasons for all this.

His gaze carefully looked at the people at the scene, and found that there were indeed some stronger people who seemed to be weaker than the power of the celestial beings. Their physiques were trembling gently, as if they were confronted with the power of heaven.

He suddenly understood that these people are the main gods of the Western gods.

Although they were frightened by the power of heaven, they still insisted on it.

"If I also break through the realm of Da Luo, the power of the heavens that came down should be enough to force these levels of Xianzun to be forced out?"

Xiang Yang said to himself, but he knew that he could never easily break through.

After all, I have already walked out another way. If it is easy to break through, it may be abandoned.

Moreover, for today's self, there is still a place where Da Luo can break through, this is the most crucial.


Thinking of this, he couldn't help but cough a few times, with a sly look, and looked at the head of the palace, and found that the rule of the main body of the palace has a strong rhythm, and there is a very powerful fairy king. The breath is permeating, her whole body vacant and sitting cross-legged, the golden light in the sky shrouded, making her look like a sacred.

"I will help you again."

Xiang Yang chuckled, taking a bottle of quenching spirit from the Promise Immortal, gently pinching, suddenly, the bottle broke open, and a hundred drops of quenching spirit directly into the body of the palace adult .


At this moment, the power of blood in the main body of the palace is boiling, and a miraculous energy is rolling in her body, beginning to change everything in her body, every cell of her is happening. Metamorphosis, the power of the flesh is growing at a very terrible rate.

A more powerful heavenly power comes, and the power of the Heavenly Rules is integrated into the body of the Lord's Lord. Her body is undergoing transformation. When it is necessary to have a lot of energy, she directly refines the power of these heavenly rules. Entering the body makes her whole person look majestic.

"Well, this way, even if it only breaks through the situation of the six kings of the big Luo, but it is also very weak." Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled, very satisfied with all this.

"Is this a breakthrough in the king of Xian?" Wu Wuji and others on the side looked at the death of the palace master, they had already been shocked.

"Unfair, God, everyone is breaking through the realm of the fairy king. At that time, when the Xiaoyan breakthrough, the rules of heaven that you gave me were only a little bit. I couldn’t swallow enough if I swallowed, and I would not let me eat. However, after the sister broke through, it was such a strong rhythm rule incorporated into her body. Is this to transform her body into a body of heaven?"

The little bald head looked at the sky with sorrow. He felt that he had been treated unfairly.

When I think of his breakthrough in the past, he used all the methods, even his master was dispatched, in order to allow him to absorb some rhythm rules.

He also wants to absorb more. He knows that it is a good time to contact Tiandao in the recent distance and to understand Tiandao. However, people Tiandao simply does not give him more rhyme rules. What can he do?

And compared with the appearance of the monarchy at the moment, he only feels that the heavens are too unfair.

Of course, there are definitely more than one person who has the idea of ​​a small bald head at this moment. Even the Tianjiao who are on the scene are all in the hearts of countless numbs and want to say it.

Look at your own rhythm rules, in twos and threes, it is like three or five butterflies are flying around themselves, they simply do not dare to absorb refining, can only watch carefully, and then understand it, this is only Refining it.

And then look at the palace master, a million-foot golden light column, surrounded by golden lotus everywhere, the fairy sounds burst, the avenue rule is as follows, the goose hair is covered with her whole person, these rhyme rules are integrated into her body After that, there will be a follow-up supplement immediately. She does not have to study it carefully. It is enough to swallow and refine these rhythm rules.

This is clearly to transform her body into a body of heaven.

"Is this woman an illegitimate child of heaven?"

Many people are uneasy in their hearts. They really can't figure out why Tiandao prefers the Lord of the Palace. Why?

Their hearts are filled with grievances, but there is no way to do it. They can only find ways to practice well. If they do not grasp the opportunity in time to understand these rhyming rules, they will disappear after they complete the breakthrough. Between heaven and earth.

"This kid is really smart."

At this moment, whether it is the Emperor Xu Wei and Mr. Wen, or hundreds of other referee's sacred strongmen, all of them sighed and saw the breakthrough of the palace master, they don't have to think about it, all this must be with Xiang Yang is related.

"However, this woman turned out to be so full of rhythm rules, which is a bit abnormal."

Xu Wei frowned and looked at the palace master. He wanted to see if the palace owner had any strange places, but found that the palace masters were covered by powerful avenues, and they were directed at those rhymes. The rules are not what he can see.

"It should be the ghost of the kid."

Mr. Wen groaned and said, "I just saw that the kid didn't know what energy to play on this woman. It seems that after having those things, the rhythm rules of this woman have reached a very terrible level."

"This kid is not a descendant of that pulse. It is normal to make any magical things. However, just because he has saved tens of thousands of arrogances this time, these future hopes can be achieved. The existence of the Holy Spirit." Xu Yan said with a smile.

"Father, what about those who blew themselves?" The fifteen princess on the side couldn't help but ask.


After Xu Wei listened, he sneered a few vocals. "A group of spies, the gods of the Western gods are separated, huh, huh, there are dozens of people who have just blew themselves. I can’t think of it, it’s just a million-day real fairy war. There are so many gods and gods."

At the same time, Xu Wei’s eyes were full of murderousness and cold voice. “I didn’t think that there would be so many Western gods’ gods in the fairy world. It seems that the gods invaded our fairyland. The determination is getting stronger and stronger."

"No, the realm of the gods is not enough. The real world must be considered." Mr. Wen said.

"Yeah, since the gods want to invade our fairyland, then let the gods become the experience of these younger generations, and the saints of the heavens are ready."

Then, after Xu Hao said a few more words, his eyes glanced deeply at everyone present, with a strange color in his eyes. Obviously, he could not distinguish who was the **** of the gods. Even if his heart was full of doubts, he did not say it.

Mr. Wen sighed. He also sat next to Xu Wei, and did not say much, but his eyes also had a worrying color.

The fifteen princesses and the great emperor are blinking. Although they don’t quite understand what Xu Wei said, they know that this is definitely not easy.

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