Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2926: Order a sword butcher! (six more flowers)

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"What the **** are you?"

Although the ears continued to pass the death of hundreds of great masters, but the three great sacred strongs did not move, they looked at Xiangyang with fear.

When they saw the tens of thousands of great tyrants in the world, they thought of a possibility that the anode could be the spokesperson of the sacred.

The sacred here is not as simple as these Asian saints, but a true chaos saint.

From Pangu to the present, how many chaotic saints have appeared in the Pangu world?

They are all true high-ranking masters who can destroy the heavens and recreate the heavens.

Because there is such a big backing behind the Yellow Elders, these three sacred masters are very clear. In ancient times, the strong people above the Da Luo in the body of the whole body were all cut off, precisely because the saints of the heavens will all be big. The above-mentioned physical repairers have taken away.

Among the heavens and the world today, it is absolutely impossible to have a master in the realm of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. At this moment, there are tens of thousands of masters who are in the realm of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. The possibility is that these strong men are those who were taken away by the chaotic saints in ancient times.

Xiang Yang is followed by so many physical exercises taken away by the chaotic saints. Then, his identity does not have to be guessed at all. It must be the spokesperson of the chaotic saint. It is no wonder that Xiang Yang dared to say that he wants to guard the order of the heavens and the earth.

Their mood was shaking, and Rao was the three of them who were masters of the Holy Land. At this moment, they were really panicked.

They understand why Huang’s elders refused to help, because if they help, they would be guilty of offending the chaos of the heavens. As a sub-saint, even if the foundation of the killing is strong, it is impossible to offend Heaven chaos sage.

"Who do you think I am?"

Xiang Yang saw that these three sacred masters were white because of fear, and even when they were trembling, he was a little surprised. I don’t know if these three guys were embarrassed, and they saw 10,000 orders. Wei was frightened. Can it be said that the guard of order still has the skills that he does not know?

"This time to destroy my black iron auction, is it your meaning or the meaning of the chaotic saints of the heavens?" Then, the sacred master in the middle couldn't help but ask.

Xiang Yang looked at him stunnedly. "What chaos saint, do you think that the chaotic saint will have the time to stare at you at this little black iron auction?"

"Do you mean that all this is your own claim?" The guy asked quickly.

After knowing that it has nothing to do with the chaos sage, this guy is relieved. Fortunately, as long as it is not the order of the chaos sage to destroy the black iron auction, they will have a chance.

"What do you say?"

After hearing this guy's second sentence, Xiang Yang understood why the three guys were so scared. They thought they were the spokespersons of the chaotic saints, thinking that they would destroy the black iron auction. .

For these Yasheng, the chaos saints are the masters of the high above, and they can decide their life and death in a single sentence. Even if they are Yasheng, they have no resistance, and naturally they cannot be happy.

No wonder they are so scared.

"You still don't struggle, how to struggle, it just delays the time when you are killed by me."

Xiang Yang looked at the three people leisurely and said with a smile. "Do it, as long as you can survive from me, I will let you go."

While talking, his figure jumped from the head of the little gold, so he stood with his hands in front of the three holy people.

Although he does not know why these three guys will identify themselves as chaotic saints, but he does not matter, he can also deceive these three guys, saying that he is the spokesperson of the saint, presumably these three guys dare not resist It is.

However, Xiang Yang does not want to do this. What he has to do is to test these strengths with these three sacred masters.

After retreating for 20,000 years in the Promise Immortal, and creating his own way, Xiang Yang did not know how much his true strength had reached. This time, when he tested his own achievements. It is.

"I know who you are. You are Xiangyang. It is the descendant of that pulse. You are just a true immortal. You have to have a person to confront our three sacred masters. What do you mean?"

At this time, the sacred master on the right actually recognized the name of Xiang Yang, and he looked at Xiang Yang with an incomprehensible color.

If Xiang Yang didn't say that he had to fight against them three times, they wouldn't be confused. However, Xiang Yang Mingming can use the black king and the small gold to shoot, but instead he wants to confront them by himself, which makes them I felt a little funny in my heart. A true fairy had to confront the three sacred masters. This is the biggest joke ever.

"Yes, I am Xiangyang. I am here to destroy you."

Xiang Yang nodded and said.

Anyway, his name should be very famous among the saints in the fairy world. It is normal to be recognized by the three sacred masters. Moreover, in his eyes, these three guys are already dead.

"What are you going to do?" At this moment, the three sacred masters have a burning fire of hope, but their hearts are very confused, and they don't know what Xiangyang is going to do.


However, seeing these three guys still do not work, Xiang Yang has lost patience, his body shape shocked, thirty-six products of the law of the lotus floating on his head, a horrible breath from his The body broke out, and the blood was burning, and the powerful rhyme broke out from his lotus.

In the midst of a bang, Xiang Yang made a direct blow with a bare hand and it was a blow.


An imaginary shadow of the ancient axe suddenly appeared in the void, penetrated the space and time constraints, and instantly appeared in front of the sacred master on the right, and slammed directly toward him.

These three sacred masters did not expect that Xiangyang, a real fairy, actually dared to take the initiative to shoot them. Unexpectedly, he was bombarded by Xiang Yang in an instant. He didn’t care, he was a true fairy. It is impossible for Bombardment to cause any injury to him in his body. Even, it is not as good as the feeling of a mosquito biting on an ordinary person.

However, the next moment his face changed, and this hit actually contained the power of heaven. In the crash, his whole person was blasted out, and he broke through the void and did not know how many miles he fell into chaos. When he reacted, his chest had been opened and he was almost split in half.


Moreover, what is even more shocking to him is that he clearly shows that the whole person has fallen into chaos, but with a loud bang, the space in front of him is flowing, I don’t know why, he actually appeared in front of Xiangyang. .

"The third child, you...."

The other two black iron auctions of the sacred masters see this scene is shocking, their eyes with incredible colors, even their boss, the middle of the sacred strong is the strongest among the three It is impossible to kill the guy like this with a single blow.

"Without the usage treasure, the power is still too weak. However, since it is the time to kill the three holy places, it is time to use the Promise."

Xiang Yang saw that the other party had not been hit by himself. He shook his head and his face was full of dissatisfaction. The Promise Excalibur appeared in his hand, and a sword broke out, and the mighty sword broke out.


A **** sword appeared out of thin air, and the vastness of the majesty broke out, and the horrible atmosphere circulated. Xiangyang's body was volleyed, like a boundless sword, and directly crushed toward the three holy places.

This time, he was actually ready to deal with three sacred masters at the same time.

"you wanna die."

The three sacred masters have already realized the horror of Xiang Yang’s strength. When they sensed the power of Xiang Yang’s **** sword, they couldn’t think about why Xiang Yang’s true fairy was so powerful that it only broke out. Out of his strongest strength, he attacked Xiangyang.

"A sword is destroyed, and the void is broken."

In the middle of Xiangyangkou, he held the Promise Excalibur. This real power of the future is the ultimate power of its supreme power. A vast and boundless sword burst out with a terrifying atmosphere. Pulling, as if in the darkness, a glimmer of light, instantly smashing the void and smashing chaos.

In the distance, the faces of the three sacred masters changed at the same time, exclaiming, "This kendo..."


"No matter who he is, let's talk about it first."

Then, the three sacred strong men roared, and the sacred strong man in the middle and the left also sacrificed his own magic weapon. The magic weapon of the sacred place in the middle is a treacherous level of war, and the trenches are empty. The endless murderous outbreak broke out, and the hard-boiled slammed into this Jianguang.


However, let alone his trenches are only at the level of the treasure, in the face of the Promise of the Promise Sword, even if it is the day after tomorrow, the treasure can not be blocked.

I only heard a loud bang, and this smashing smashed in an instant. This sword slammed into the air, and this shock was immediately at the forefront, which is the most among the three holy sages. A strong presence flies out.

Then, the void was flowing, and there was an incomparable sword gas bursting out. The sanctuary on the left sacrificed a three-inch flying sword to Xiangyang, but the opposite Xiangyang was sneer. The swords of the heavens, I am the king."


This sound seems to be full of magicality. There is a ray of light on the Promise Sword. Wherever the halo passes, the three-inch flying sword of the highest level of the treasure will instantly lose all the power and fall.

The third shot is the sacred master who has been injured by Xiangyang. The magic weapon he sacrificed is more than one. He first slammed into the sword of Xiangyang with a stone. At the same time, he appeared in his hand. Take the big bow, directly pull the bow and shoot, and roar, "Go to hell."


An arrow shot, the arrow turned into an unparalleled light to kill Xiangyang, however, Xiang Yang was holding the Promise Excalibur, standing on the long river of infinite swords, the Promise sword in his hand shivered gently, together The sword spurt out and instantly blocked this arrow.

"Today, the young master is going to kill him."

"How about the holy saints, not true sacred, after all, it is the ants, the heavens and the world, no matter who they are, dare not to obey the rules of order, to destroy the whole people, and to do the things of the magic, they must be destroyed."

Xiang Yang’s voice is full of unrequited love and killing. This sword breaks the magic weapon of the three holy real powers. Although the power is exhausted, the Promise Excalibur in his hand is lifted again. The sword went down.


However, at this time, in Xiang Yang’s sea of ​​consciousness, the original illusory blade of order suddenly turned into a streamer from his conscious world, instantly blending into the Promise Excalibur in his hands. .

Xiang Yang thought of a move and felt that there was a special rhythm on the Promise in the hands. It was a kind of atmosphere that could dominate the world and maintain the order of the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, his mind began to think, and his hand unconsciously waved a sword. This sword broke out, there was no great sword, no endless murderousness, but a small sword light broke out.

This Jianguang was very small at the beginning, as if it were an invisible filament. However, in the eyes of the three holy sages, this sword light suddenly magnified, as if it contained all the chaotic world. The general way.

"this is not..."

At this moment, the three sacred strong men changed their faces at the same time. In their exclamation, this sword light instantly broke into them. They only felt that there was a ruling rule that they never felt, bursting out. Destroy all the vitality in their bodies.

They have a desperate color in their eyes, and all the vitality is being reduced a little. They are frightened and inexplicably. They only feel that Xiang Yang, who is now a high-ranking master, can take charge of their lives.

They have never seen the power contained in Xiangyang’s swordsmanship, but there are two words in their minds that are very clear, that is, ‘order’.

"Order... What power is this?"


Then, with the three roars ringing at the same time, the three sacred masters exploded directly, and everything in them was annihilated in this sword.

They are really annihilated and there is no longer any possibility of living.

There is only one idea before they die. That is, what is ‘order’.

Of course, what they will never know is that Xiang Yang at the moment is also very strange. His sword is thrown out, it is known to the soul, and it is natural. Before that, he did not know that he could suddenly display such a strange look. a sword.

However, at this moment, he closed his eyes and realized the mystery contained in this sword.

After a long time, Xiang Yang opened his eyes and whispered, "The sword of order? The order is beyond the existence of everything. These forces can not be controlled even by saints. Only after the real detachment can they contact. The order I arrived, I was able to display a sword, which is really interesting."

"Since then, my first sword of the sword was named the infinite sword, the second sword was named the sword, and the third sword was called the sword of order."


With the fall of Xiang Yang's voice, he lost all his power directly, his eyes closed together, and he fainted directly, falling from the chaotic void to the bottom.

Author Meng Yu said: Today is six more finished, ask for flowers... Dear little brothers and sisters, the end of the month has arrived, 2018 is also here, don't let the flowers in your hands reach the year 2019, because they belong only to 2018 , give it to Xiaomeng Dream... Thank you for your support, thank you...

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