Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2914: who is it? (six more flowers)

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"Xiangyang brother, I told you, Shengzong is really a good place. Almost every elder will have some beloved pets. The taste of those pets is really good. During this time, Xiner follows the saint. The group of younger brothers and sisters went to taste the various treasures of the elders almost. It’s really delicious. I think my cooking has grown too much. Waiting for us next time. When I went to the Holy Family, Xiner got it for my brother."

In the middle of the air, Xiner still hangs on Xiangyang. Xiangyang seems to be holding a doll and always flies forward.

Although Xiang Yang feels so weird, but seeing this girl is not willing to come down, he can't help, can only let Xiner hang on his own body.

This girl is like a child who is out of the way. After meeting the parents, he is very excited to say that he is having fun.

Xiang Yang listened at the same time and asked Xiner. "What about Yu Shuangjie? Isn't she following you? Why didn't he disappear? Is it because you ran away?"

"How could it be that I was mad at me? Jade Sisters is consuming it for me. The first time, when my brother just entered the retreat of the Tibetan Classics, I went with the Jade Sister. The elders' cranes were baked, and later the three elders caught up, or the jade sister's wit's response, which made the three elders not take us."

At the same time, Xiner said that she would tell Xiangyang the first time she was funny in the holy house. After Xiang Yang listened, her face showed a strange color. "I can’t think of Yu Shuangjie’s accompanying You are crazy, but, later, why is she still missing?"

"Brother, you only have Yu Shuangjie in your heart, you must not love me." Xiner snorted.


Xiang Yang did not think much, but quickly comforted, "Shantou, my brother is your master, of course, the most favorite person is you, but you are with Yu Shuangjie, now she is not with you, so My brother has to ask, if she is deliberately absenteeism, my brother will say that she has not protected my little cute."

"Hey..." Xiner whispered her mouth, apparently not very satisfied.

However, she replied, "Later, Yu Shuangjie was looking for him because of her brother, that is the one named Ning Yudao, and then she left first."

"Just because of this, she has never returned yet?" After Xiang Yang listened, his face changed slightly, revealing a dignified color.

"Yeah, at that time, Yu Shuangjie still didn't want to leave, but her brother, the Ning Yu Dao, has been urging that they grew up together and asked her to help me so that she must help. Yu double sister first followed him to leave." Xiner said.

"It's broken, it won't happen."

Xiang Yang’s look changed greatly. There was a chaotic chaotic chasing cloud shuttle under his feet. After a flash, he returned to the Qingxue Universe Group with Xiner, and then he said to Xiner, “You go back first. Looking for your sister, when I went with them, I went to see if Yu Shuangjie had an accident."

After all, he didn't have time to talk to Xiner, his body was flashing, and he directly disappeared into chaos and disappeared.

During this time, he has completely refining the chaos through the clouds, and he can use it handily. With his heart flashing, the chaotic thread shuttle has once again reached the sanctuary.

Then he directly found a place where no one was, and began to use the secret method to deduct the place where Zhong Yushuang was.

"Not in the Holy Family."

After a while, he found that Zhong Yushuang's breath was shrouded in a hazy fog, apparently in a place that was specially hidden from the sky. However, at that time, when the power of Zhong Yu was removed from the curse, Xiang Yang’s energy was While her body is flowing, there is a brand of Xiangyang, which makes Xiang Yang determine where Zhong Yushuang is located, even in the depths of the Black Forest.

"Ning Yu Dao, you cheated Yu Shuangjie, is it necessary to do the wrong thing?"

Xiang Yang bit his teeth, his eyes flashed coldly, and then he directly drove the chaos through the clouds, while his body flickered, and instantly disappeared in place.


At the same time, in the Black Forest, there is a beautiful place surrounded by clouds, with waterfalls rushing down from the void, scouring the stones, splashing a splash of water, and a piece below the waterfall. On the big stone, there are two people sitting face to face, it is Ning Yu Dao and Zhong Yushuang.

At this moment, the two people have a boulevard around them, and they interact with the stones under them. Among the two stones, there is a stream of streams that flow out, and these streamers become a mysterious avenue rune. Incorporating into their bodies makes them both more and more sturdy.


Then, in the body of the two people, suddenly there was a cloud of clear clouds. The Qingyun floating on the top of Ningyu Road’s head is a vast landscape of mountains and rivers. It seems that if it is a narrow fairyland, Zhong Yushuang The breath that emerged from the body was even more fierce. The situation in the Qingyun on top of her head turned out to be a chaotic fog. In this fog, there is a sword that is looming. It seems that if this sword is out The sheath can open up the sky.

At the same time, both of them opened their eyes. When Ning Yu Dao looked at the chaotic fog and the sword that appeared on the top of Zhong Yu’s double head, he couldn’t help but admire and said, “The way of the teacher’s sister is extraordinary, it is chaotic. If you open the world, if the sword is out of the sheath, you can open up the sky and open up the chaos. It is much better than the brother."

"Master, you have the whole fairyland in your fruit. You have already succeeded in smelting the landscape of the fairyland. Congratulations to your brother, your way will be."

Zhong Yushuang also said with a smile on his face.

"If it weren't for the help of the teachers and sisters, even if there were two yin and yang avenues, my road would not be so soon." Ning Yudao said softly, "This time I went to Qingxue Universe Group to bring me The vibration is too big. The space world in the clear snow universe is simply a small world. But the difference is the power of heaven. If you can get the heaven stone into it, the Qing Xue universe group. A warship is likely to grow into a truly chaotic world."

"This point, Sister Zhuque is more clear than us. She once said that the Qingxue Universe Group is a big world. It is the world that she found in the depths of chaos. It may not be used at all. Can you become a chaotic world?" Zhong Yushuang whispered softly and stood up and said, "I am also time to leave, and I don't know what kind of things Xintai has made in the Zongmen."

"The little girl is really very popular, but her temper is too much off." Ning Yudao also stood up, his Qingyun disappeared, the whole person restored a plain breath, to Zhong Yushuang Said, "Is the teacher so loving the little girl, is it because of Xiangyang?"

"Exactly." Zhong Yushuang did not conceal, but nodded and said, "She is the only true disciple of Xiang Yang, Xiang Yang treats her like her own daughter, and the women of Xiang Yang are also very good to her. And, I also like her very much. In the future, if the little girl is in trouble with this holy sect, please ask the brother to help me one or two."

"Hey..." Ning Yudao sighed and looked at Zhong Yushuang. "Our brothers and sisters are two years old, I am not as good as Xiangyang. It is really a pain for my brother."

"In my heart, you will always be my brother." Zhong Yushuang said seriously.

"It's a pity, it's just a brother." Ning Yudao sighed.

"What?" Zhong Yushuang naturally heard the meaning of his words, but she pretended not to hear and asked.

"Nothing, let's go." Ning Yudao shook his head and was ready to leave.


However, at this time, I heard a roaring sound. Xiang Yang’s figure suddenly appeared in the air, and he screamed. “Ning Yu Dao, what happened to Yu Shuangjie?”


Both Ning Yu Dao and Zhong Yushuang saw that Xiang Yang’s sudden anger and incomparable appearances were all embarrassing, especially Ning Yu Dao, who inexplicably looked at Xiang Yang, who appeared in Turkic, could not help but say, “I am not very good. Alright."

"Xiang Yang brother, I am here." Zhong Yushuang quickly said.

While talking, she looked at Xiangyang and saw that Xiangyang was very anxious and couldn't help but feel warm.

"Jade Sister, are you okay?"

Xiang Yang appeared in front of Zhong Yushuang, with a nervous color on his face.

At the same time, he was watching the Ning Yu Dao people with vigilance. "I know from the mouth of Xiner that you were taken away by Ning Yu Dao, and I quickly caught up. Sister, did he force you to do something? You can rest assured that I am here, your brother, I can now hit him one hundred, and I have something to say, let me beat him."

"Ah..." Ning Yudao was staring at Xiang Yang, although at the moment he was not very clear about Xiang Yang’s cultivation, and he did not know what extent Xiang Yang’s understanding of the Avenue had reached. However, when he heard that Xiang Yang said that he could beat himself one hundred, he was still not convinced.

He is a large disciple of the pro-disciplinary disciple of the Guangchengzi sage in the Holy Family. His strength is unmatched. It can be said that he has inherited the true biography of Guangchengzi, and he has been chasing Guangchengzi. Xiangyang dare to say one. It is too much to be able to beat him one hundred.

"I'm fine, my brother just found a piece of Yin and Yang Enlightenment Stone. I need two people to learn together to practice. So, let me come and practice together. I am not only okay, but also condensed my own fruit in these days. I got a big breakthrough."

Zhong Yushuang said quickly.

"This way."

After Xiang Yang listened, he was relieved.

Later, he found that Ning Yudao looked at his own eyes and looked strange. He seemed to be dissatisfied. He was a little embarrassed in his heart. People were for the beauty of the city, and they brought the beauty city master to practice. As a result, they turned out to be It’s a bit embarrassing to go straight to a skunk and say that I can play a hundred.

At the same time, he showed a embarrassed look to Ning Yu Dao, and apologized and said, "Ning Yu Daochang can’t hold it anymore. I took back what I just said. I can’t beat you one hundred at most. I can only hit you ten."


When Ning Yu Dao had seen Xiang Yang looking at himself with apologetic apology, he thought that Xiang Yang must definitely apologize to himself. Unexpectedly, Xiang Yang was so shameless, saying that he could beat himself ten. He couldn't help himself, and directly retorted, "Xiang Yang, are you still a real fairy?"


Xiang Yang answered very honestly.

"Do you know what kind of realm is this lord?" Ning Yudao said with his hands on his back.

"The place of Yasheng, has not reached its peak, although it is quite powerful, but the fruit of your understanding is just like that. I saw it in the distance just now. The Qingyun in the top of your head is based on the fairyland. Pinning, that is to say, if the fairy world collapses, your fruit will be broken, then, then you are not a holy..." Xiang Yang Lehehe said.


Ning Yudao people were very angry at the beginning of his listening to Xiang Yang, but when he heard the words behind Xiang Yang, his face changed suddenly, and he said, "I didn't even think of such cause and effect, although the fairy world could not collapse. However, if it really collapses, then my way is gone, and by then, my whole person will be abolished."

As soon as he thought of this possible consequence, his face changed and the whole person was shaking.

Xiang Yang smiled and added a knife. "Even if the world of the wilderness was broken, even the current fairyland could break at any time and place. This is a very normal thing."

"do not talk."

Ning Yu Dao’s heart trembled, and his body receded toward the rear. He couldn’t help but screamed, “I have never considered this question.”

"Brothers, what you lack in your fruit is a treasure guard. If you can get the guardianship of the ancient treasures, you don't have to worry about being influenced by the fairy world." Zhong Yushuang said.

"Yes, as long as I have a mountain river map, my fruit will be fine." Ning Yu Dao suddenly became spiritual, and then he suddenly said, "Who knows who the mountain river map is in, and, that is, the treasure, Not everyone can get it."

"When the mountain map is needed, you will directly break up your fairy fruit and turn it into chaos. At that time, you will be able to condense into a chaotic fruit." Xiang Yang said faintly, "Look at your disciple of Guangchengzi." Is there such a determination?"

After all, turn around and say to Zhong Yushuang, "Jade Sister, let's go."

Not waiting for Zhong Yushuang to respond, he directly took Zhong Yushuang to leave directly. At the same time, at the moment he left, he also said to Ning Yu Dao, "The mountain river map is also in my hands, but it is impossible for you unless you can become a chaotic saint. Otherwise, don't hit the idea of ​​the mountain river map."

"What, the mountain river map is also in the hands of this kid?"

After listening to it, Ning Yu Dao was even more shocked. He originally thought about whether he could find the mountain river map. As a result, whoever thought about it was actually in the hands of Xiang Yang, looking at Xiang Yang’s posture, absolutely It is impossible to give the mountain river map to yourself. Then, can you only do what you have to do to really break the fairy fruit and fruit, and re-agglomerate the chaotic fruit?

"If you can confuse the chaotic fruit, I will be invincible."

"Just, if you are a little careless, you may be able to abandon yourself. You can't easily break the fruit."

"what should I do?"

The Ning Yu Dao people suddenly fell into meditation.

"You don't need to break the fairy fruit, I wish you a better result."

However, at this time, there was a sudden appearance of sound, accompanied by a vast expanse of energy flow, a statue of the gods appeared in front of Ning Yu Dao.

"who is it?"

The author Meng Yu said: Today, six more, and at the end of the month, everyone gave me flowers, thank you...

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