Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2909: See the holy teacher

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"The deity has long wanted to see the little guy. I didn't expect him to come to the Holy Family."

Among the holy sects, the sect of the saints who had been practicing in retreat suddenly opened his eyes. He looked at him in front of him and saw a scene in front of him. It was inside the saint, and Xiang Yang was pulling. Xin's little hand, followed by Zhong Yu's double swinging and moving.

Xiang Yang looked curiously at the holy sect. When he saw that the building of the sage was just an old-fashioned building, he shook his head and sighed. "This holy sect is really too poor. These buildings are old antiques. And, there is no such thing as a pattern, and it will be destroyed easily. It is estimated that it has already grown worms. Do you not know how to take a break?"


After Zhong Yushuang listened to Xiang Yang’s words, he was crying and laughing. He did not expect Xiang Yang to notice these things.

However, at this time, Xiang Yang was reaching out and gently taking a trick. He really let him catch a small white bug from the wooden house. After he looked at it, he sighed, "Holy Zong, really. It’s too poor.”


Zhong Yushuang was speechless, and even the Xiner on the side grinned.

Those who can say that the saints are poor, I am afraid that only Xiangyang has been alone since ancient times. The saints are not the ones who are the most local tyrants in the whole world. At least they cannot use the word ‘poor’.

"Isn't it?" Xiang Yang sighed and said.

"of course not."

At this time, there was a gentle and magnetic sound, and only a middle-aged man with a handsome face appeared in front of the three men.


At the moment when he saw the other party appear, Zhong Yushuang was shocked and quickly bowed.

The other party is the son of the sage of the saints. It is the most famous Yasheng in the past and present. Because he is the master of the Three Emperors, the master of the ancient emperor, how high is this position?

Today, the Three Emperors are sanctified. Although Guangchengzi is not a saint, he is very respected. Even when the Three Emperors saw him, they were still saints.

"I have seen the Holy Division."

Xiang Yang also looked serious and gave a ceremony to Guangchengzi. Xiner was there. After seeing it, he quickly followed the ceremony.

"Little friends are welcome."

The sage of the saints, the sage of the sect of the sage, he looked at Xiang Yang with a soft smile, and said with a smile on his face, "Why did Xiaoyou call me as a sage, but do not call me a saint?" It is reasonable to say that It is in the holy sage, you should call me the lord."

"You are the sage of the Holy Family, but I am a human race. I was born in the secular world. I have heard of the legend of the Three Emperors since I was a child. You are the teacher of the Three Emperors. The status among my people is in the Three Emperors. Above, my descendants, no matter who they are, should call you a holy teacher."

Xiang Yang looked awkward and said seriously to Guang Chengzi.

"Ha ha ha, rare, it is too rare."

Guang Chengzi laughed and looked at Xiang Yang with a color of appreciation. "Yes, you are really very good, but unfortunately, you are the disciple of that one. I am not qualified to teach you. Otherwise, I will see you." You, I really want to accept you as a disciple."

"Thank you for the Holy Master's love."

Xiang Yang smiled softly and did not refute Guangchengzi. He respected Guangchengzi because Guangchengzi was the master of the Three Emperors and the Holy Master. He was the descendant of the Terran, and he should respect the Holy Teacher.

However, how can Guangchengzi be able to teach the Three Emperors, he is still only a sub-Holy, and Xiang Yang’s current strength is no fear of any Yasheng strongman, not to mention his status as a teacher, and Guangcheng has no Qualification becomes the master of Xiangyang.

Guang Chengzi whispered softly and said to Xiang Yang, "How do you think my sages do?"

Xiang Yang did not think about it, just shook his head and said, "It is better than one millionth of my Qingxue universe group."


Guangchengzi can't be calm. This holy sect is his half-hearted work. In these countless years, he cultivated many unknown sages. Every disciple who went out of the sages was in the heavens. It is a strongman at the hegemonic level, but in Xiangyang, it turned out to be one millionth of the Qingxue universe, which is too bully.

Rao is a good temper of Guangchengzi. He also feels that he has been insulted by Xiangyang. He couldn’t help but squint at Xiangyang and said, “Daoyou, can you pass this? I have been in the Holy Family for millions of years. For example, in one day, there are many powerful sacred cultivators, and all the heavens and the worlds are sanctified as holy places. In your mouth, they become a million points that are not comparable to your Qingxue universe group. One, do you think it is possible?"

"Of course it is possible."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "Of course, this is from my point of view. The Qingxue Cosmos Group was founded by my wives. This is where their efforts have been for decades, and the Qingxue Universe Group The small business groups in the secular world have gradually developed into the fairy world, and all of them have condensed their efforts. In my mind, even the dojo of the chaotic saints cannot compare with the Qingxue universe group."

"It turns out that." After Guang Chengzi heard it, he was relieved.

At the same time, he couldn't help but smile. He didn't expect Xiang Yang to be such a 'selfish' person.

"However, even if you don't consider other things, you will be so poor in this holy house. If I am practicing in these wooden houses, I will definitely be unable to stand it."

Xiang Yang then sighed and said, "Well, the anti-orthodox is mainly aligned with the Qingxue Cosmos Group. It is better to let the Qingxue Universe Group help the Shengzong to create a splendid Zongmen Dojo, which is enough."

"Oh, no more."

Guang Chengzi quickly waved his hand and said, "Everything in the Holy Family is created by the All Saints. I am afraid that I will not change it."

"What do you mean is that these are created by the All Saints, and even these broken houses can't be changed?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he frowned.


Guang Chengzi said with a soft voice, "These buildings are aging, but they contain the holy prestige, immortal. If it is an ordinary wooden house, how can it be millions of years without destroying it?"

As for the so-called small bugs, it is only because the Shengzong disciples can't bear to kill and let them attach to them. If the little friends don't believe it, they will come back in a million years, and the house of the holy house is still like this. ”

"Well, since you live comfortably, then you."

Xiang Yang was speechless. He was kind enough to think about helping to get involved in the renovation of the building. As a result, the saints were still not happy, so forget it.

Although the construction of the Qingxue universe robot is very fast, if you really want to help the saints build the dojo, you don't have to do it in one day, but since the saints don't want to, it saves trouble.

He laughed and looked at the saints, and was surprised to find that Guangchengzi was the master of the Three Emperors. The realm of the realm was really outrageous, surrounded by the power of heaven, and even had its own tendency to become a world of heaven.

Such a person may not be very powerful in his own combat power. However, his realm is too high, especially if the other side is a sacred teacher. There are so many things that he is proficient in. Compared with Guangchengzi, who is proficient in all aspects, there is really no such thing as it can be a saint.

"The talent of Xiaoyou is extraordinary. It is also the body of the legendary Jiuyang Tianmai. It is no wonder that he can become a disciple of that predecessor. He really envied me." Guangchengzi said with a smile on Xiangyang.

"Oh, actually, my old man didn't care all day. He taught me for more than ten years and saw that I couldn't see it. Before that, I finally saw him, but the old man swears at me. After a meal, I ran again. You said, when his disciples are very helpless." Xiang Yang sighed, remembering that his old man left after he had slammed himself last time, and did not really point himself out. When he was on the road, he felt that his heart was stuffed.


Guang Chengzi did not dare to answer the question. Xiang Yang can call that one the old man. That is because Xiang Yang is his pro-disciple, but in the face of that one, even the master of the Guangchengzi is the younger generation, and even more Needless to say, Guangchengzi, he simply did not dare to hand that the person is not.

"The Sovereign Master is the teacher of the Three Emperors. He has a strong understanding of the practice system since ancient times. I wonder if I can guide the kid one or two?"

At this time, Xiang Yang was serious about the face of Guang Chengzi.

As a teacher of the Three Emperors, Guangchengzi naturally has its extraordinary place. Although Xiangyang cannot worship each other as a teacher, he feels that he must not be wasted when he encounters such a good opportunity.

At the same time, he said, "My old man said that I have practiced a big problem and asked me to walk out of my own path. However, I have no clues and asked the teacher to give directions."

While talking, he looked with a serious color and deeply worshipped Guangcheng.

"Little friends don't have to be polite. Although the old man doesn't know much, he can discuss it with his friends."

Guang Chengzi saw that Xiang Yang was so rude to himself. He was shocked and knew that Xiang Yang was serious about finding his own advice. At this moment, he did not care about the difference between the portals, but after Xiang Yang was helped. Yang said, "Little friends come to my yard to talk about it."

"Thank you for the Holy Teacher."

After Xiang Yang listened, he suddenly became overjoyed. Guang Chengzi invited himself to enter into it to guide himself. This is a good opportunity for Tianda. It must not be missed.

“Please.” Guang Chengzi smiled softly and directed Xiang Yang to go to the place where he usually lived. It is also a simple wooden house. It looks like some wooden houses in the countryside in the secular world. However, this wooden house However, because of the residence of the sage of the sage, the scent of the sage is flowing.

After Xiang Yang met, he was shocked.

"It turns out that the house is not the key, the stronger the people living, the stronger the understanding of the avenue, the more powerful the atmosphere of this wooden house is."

At this moment, Xiang Yang understood, and he whispered to himself, and entered the room of Guangchengzi with Xiner and Zhong Yushuang.

All this is no stranger to Zhong Yushuang. After all, this is the place where her master lives. However, it is the first visit to Xiang Yang and Xin Er. Guang Chengzi is the patriarch of the saint, but he lives. The place is not very luxurious. Instead, it looks simple. It is even simple to have only one table and chair and some tea sets. On the other side, some futons are being placed. It is for him to practice or to guide his disciples. For practice.

All this is suitable for the residence of such an expert.

"Come, let's sit, it's more spacious."

Guangchengzi Shengshi invited Xiangyang and Xiner to sit down on the futon, while Zhong Yushuang took the initiative to go to the tea. After giving each person a cup, this was sitting on the side.

"Small friends want to open up their own practice, or do they want to change the spiritual system of the fairy world and embark on their own path?" After sitting down, Guang Chengzi asked directly.

"Whether it is changing the spiritual system of the immortal world, it is possible to open up the most suitable method of practice. What I want is to be able to walk out of a path that belongs to me."

Xiang Yang had a distressed color on his face. "But I think that the practice I practiced now is quite good. It is quite suitable for me. It is a bit troublesome to start practicing again. However, the old man mentioned one. The problem, he thinks that the rules of the Da Luo that I understand are all rubbish."

Speaking of this, Xiang Yang himself is a little embarrassed. Originally, he thought that he had learned enough of the rules of the Da Luo, and that the breakthrough to the Da Luo Jiu Tian Tian is a matter of iron and steel. In the future, he might not break through. After the equalization, it is directly becoming a chaotic saint.

However, after being beaten by the old man, he realized that although he had a lot of rules, he did not use the eggs.

"Can the little friend show me the rules of the Da Luo you have learned?" Guang Chengzi looked at Xiang Yang with a dignified color on his face.

Since it is the master of Xiangyang, that is, the legendary saying that Xiangyang’s Dalu rule is very junk, then even if it is a good thing, it is definitely garbage.

However, he was very curious, and Xiang Yang was comprehending what the rules of the Da Luo, and he would be said by the one.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang did not reject the other party and directly showed all of his Dalu rules.


At this moment, with Xiangyang as the center, there are ten complete Dalu rules that are manifested. It is the rules of the daodao Daluo, the rule of the Dadao, the rule of killing the Dalu, the rules of the boxing Dalu, and the soil system. The rules of the Da Luo, the rules of the overbearing Da Luo, the rules of the king, the rules of the Da Luo, the source of life and death, and the rules of the first.

These Da Luo rules are powerful and unparalleled. The most powerful nature is the Dalu Rules of Power, the rules of life and death, the rules of kendo, the rules of killing and the rules of overbearing.

These Da Luo rules are so large that they reach millions of feet, just like the Dragon King usually surrounds him.

The other Da Luo rules are a little weaker, but they are also a million feet long.

"So many rules of the Da Luo?"

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