Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2905: Sword refers to the Black Forest

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“How can I really get out of my own path?”

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, his face with a confused color.

In the past, he felt that his practice of practicing qi had a good fortune, and that such innate laws were enough. In the practice of refining, there were tens of thousands of annihilation and undead ancestors, and the Eucharist. Waiting is enough.

If it is not for the old man to say that he wants to go out of his own unique path, Xiang Yang has not thought about abandoning these exercises and creating his own exercises.

“Everyone belongs to a different individual. Any skill that is most suitable is only the founder, because it is developed for the individual of the founder. The pioneering person can practice to the true supreme by his own practice. At the peak, but later people can only learn from him and never be able to surpass each other."

"This is the so-called learning of my life, like my death."

Xiang Yang’s brain turned over the river and whispered. “The so-called learning is not to learn the exercises developed by others, but to learn from each other’s pioneering spirit, to learn from each other’s own path, to learn from, to learn, but not to Similar, similar words are a dead end."

"What I have to do now is to open up a road of my own, to create a new system for myself, and even if it is possible, even a different practice from the fairy world."

"I understand, old man..."

Xiang Yang’s heart suddenly became cheerful. After making a decision, he looked up and looked at the old man, only to find that the old man had disappeared. He suddenly felt a bit stunned.

"Xiangyang brother, grandfather and grandfather, his old man has already left." Xiner is cute and reminds Xiang Yang.

"Go gone?"

Xiang Yang stunned, but did not expect the old man to leave, he still has some words to ask him.

"But it, go and leave."

Then Xiang Yang shook his head, although the guess in his heart wanted to confirm to the old man, but seeing the attitude of the old man before, it is obviously impossible to answer for himself, then it is normal to leave.

"Xiangyang brother, don't be sad, I believe that Grandpa Master is not really blaming you. In fact, you are very powerful. Now your strength is more powerful than **** and small gold." Xiner Shantou is Carefully pulling the arm of Xiang Yang said.

She was afraid that the old man’s words to Xiang Yang would make Xiang Yang feel uncomfortable, so he would have to comfort Xiang Yang.

"I know that the old man is because he can't compare with me, so he deliberately said that it stimulates me. In fact, he knows that I will surpass him sooner or later."

Xiang Yang said with a proud color on his face.


Xiner suddenly felt that she was looking down on Xiangyang. With her brother's self-confidence, it is impossible to hit the other side.

"However, the old man said that there is nothing wrong with it. I should find a way to practice myself. Although the cultivation system of the immortal world has already matured, it can be seen from the many saints of the immortal world. In fact, this cultivation of the immortal world The law is not quite right. If I can find a more correct path, I can really get out of my own path."

Then, Xiang Yang whispered to himself. The more he said, the more excited his face was. Although it was very difficult to open up a special road of his own, he believed that he had everything he had. It is completely possible to find a road that suits you best.

"Walk away, hurry up and take away this chaotic black iron mine, and then go to Xiaojin's Chaos Xuan gold mine to take away, then we should go back."

Xiang Yang can't wait to go back and study a road that belongs to him.

Then, he put on the magic suit, and with the power of the sacred powerhouse of the demon suit, he himself took the chaotic black iron mine into the fortune.


Accompanied by the earth moving mountain, it was originally a vast black iron mine, but at the moment it became a deep pit with no bottom, wide sides and no edges.

Xiang Yang was very satisfied with this. However, after he looked at it, he felt that the pit might not be very good. If someone walks and walks suddenly into it, will it return? On yourself?

"The pit I dug can not be so harmful. If there is water, it will be fine. You can fill this pit."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself and felt that if he could make more lakes here, it would look very good.

"Master, this is simple, we are going to have a pee, it is enough to fill this pit."

At this time, the Black King is very enthusiastic.

"Good idea, anyway, just to fill this pit. If so, then you can solve it yourself."

After Xiang Yang listened, he looked at the huge size of the Black King and Xiao Jin. He did not feel that the two monsters could not fill the pit, so he handed this important task to the two big guys. And he is carrying a sweet child, greeting eighteen deities to go in the distance.

"Oh la la la..."

Then, with the sound of the slap in the water, Xiang Yang didn't pay much attention to it at first, but just walked forward with Xiner and 18 Xianzun, but it didn't go far, but after a while After that, his face changed greatly, his body shape flashed, and he stepped out with Xiner in one step, disappearing instantly.


I saw a yellow mist filled with the sound of the water, and an amazing stench shrouded the top of the lake, but wherever the yellow mist passed, all the creatures were instantly Was poisoned.


At this moment, Xiang Yang, who had escaped and did not know how far, looked at the yellow mist in the distance, and his face showed a shocking look.

The two monsters were soaked in urine, how toxic it was. When the big pit was filled, it even poisoned everything around it. Fortunately, he ran away quickly. Otherwise, even if he was not poisoned, To be stinky.

"This thing is definitely not what I promised." Then, Xiang Yang said in a serious way, looking at Xiner and 18 Xianzun, only seeing Xiner and 18 Xianzun are also stunned, just think of it all. It’s just too incredible.


In the distance, the two monsters who solved the need of the two were very excited and screaming. They only felt that they were very comfortable. They were so proud that they flew toward Xiangyang.

Far away, the black king yelled at the opening. "The big master, the little master, is this good idea?"

"Yes... good, you are a ghost."

Xiang Yang took a look at the black king.

The latter did not feel that the impact of how comfortable he was, but came to the front of Xiang Yang and others to stop.

At this moment, whether it is the black king or the small gold, Xiang Xiang’s eyes are just like a kitten.

When Xiang Yang’s master appeared, although the 18th Emperor was concealed, the 18 centuries did not know that Xiang Yang’s master had appeared, but whether it was the Black King or the Little Gold, these two Chaos Warcraft I also saw the emergence of Xiang Yang’s master.

Although these two monsters are only the strength of the sub-Sacred peaks, they are all born in chaos. The roots are too strong, but the horizon is very weak. When you look at Xiang Yang’s master, you know that the other side is terrible. Not the average saints can compare, their hearts have long been frightened, let alone Xiang Yang is their master, even if they are not, they do not dare to have any disrespect for Xiang Yang.

"Brother, are we going to Xiaojin's nest next time?" Xiner asked.

"Don't worry."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, and then he looked at the 18 deities, and asked with indulgence, "Where is the headquarters of the killing road?"

"Back to the main son, the headquarters of the killing road is deep in chaos. Even if I wait for the sword guard, I don't know the specific scope. If I want to go to the headquarters, I must activate the token. After the approval of the elders, I can enter the chaotic headquarters. Among them."

The leader of the 18 centuries said.

"This time, you were ordered to come to the Black Forest, is it to win this chaotic black iron mine?" Xiang Yang asked.


The leader of the Eighteen Immortals replied, "We don't know why the specific killing road needs this chaotic black iron mine. However, we know that in recent years, in the killing path, countless Xianzun level swordsmen They were all sent out to find a variety of high-grade veins."

"It seems that killing the human race is a big move."

Xiang Yang’s eyes flashed, and he always felt that the purpose of killing the human life was definitely not simple. If it was before, he was not familiar with the killing, and the hatred and his hatred were not very big. He was too lazy. He wants to kill what he wants to do, but now, he knows that the killing of the old man is left to himself after the creation of the old man, he is very interested in killing the road.

"Give me the token of killing in your body, you can contact the elders of the killing road so that they can take me to the headquarters of the killing road. Then you can go, you will see me and will order The thing that the sword gave me told the top of the killing road." Xiang Yang said faintly.

While speaking, with a wave of hands, 18 light rays are integrated into the body of these 18 centuries, and they will be passed on to the next step of how to deal with the killings. At the same time, one of the 18 people’s brains is left. The small means allows you to monitor the 18 people at any time. If the 18th Xianzun enters the headquarters of the killing road, he can find the headquarters of the killing road according to this little means.

"Yes, master."

Then, the 18 centuries respectfully bowed to the ceremony before turning around and leaving.

After doing this, Xiang Yang flew forward with Xiner, and said to the black king and Xiaojin, "Come up, go to the old nest of small gold, and dig away those chaotic fine gold mines."

"Strange, how can the two masters refuse to stand on our heads?" The black king asked very little about the little gold.

"It may be that they are more comfortable on their own." Xiao Jin replied at the same time, shaking his phoenix tail, although the tail is a phoenix tail, but as it sways, it is also colorful and beautiful. color.

Although the distance between the two monsters' territories is very far away, Xiang Yang's 咫 天 天 ’ ’ 神 已经 已经 已经 已经 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项

In the past, although she accepted the small gold, Xiang Yang did not take away the chaotic fine gold mine of his old nest. Originally he just thought of taking away the Chaos Xuan Tie ancient mine of the Black King, as for the chaotic Jingjin ancient mine. Wait until you need to take it away.

Seeing that the killing path actually started to attack the ancient mines of the Black Forest, he felt that he should speed up his steps and take away all these ancient mines in the Black Forest. Otherwise, they might all be killed.

In the past, when it was not certain that the killing path had anything to do with his own pulse, Xiang Yang still felt that killing the living is like a general. After his own hundreds of thousands of order guards successfully walked out of the tower of the body repair, they will surely be able to kill. The road was directly flattened.

However, when he knew that the killing path was the birth of the old man, Xiang Yang did not dare to have any small killings.

This killing path is absolutely not very simple. He is not sure whether there is a real chaos saint in the killing path. However, there are definitely a lot of top Yasheng, and the number of Xianzun may be calculated in units of 100,000.

Although the Black Forest is very strange, it is known as the first Jedi in the Central Tianyu, and there are more than a dozen Warcraft in the sub-Holy of the Black Forest. However, these fierce beasts of the Azure are absolutely unable to block the killing. The strong of the Tao.

"Now, killing people is not my own. I am not sure if they will listen to me. Then, these ancient mines are useful to me, I have to take them."


With Xiangyang's hands-on, after the chaotic Jingjin ancient mine was pulled up and made a big pit again, his heart sank and felt that his next purpose was to bring all the ancient mines and all the black forests. The beasts of the sub-Holy Land are all conquered.

As long as they have conquered these fierce beasts, the Qingxue Universe Group has more than a dozen strong men of the sacred peaks. Although these guys are big and stupid, they have no other role, at least To protect the old base of the Qingxue Universe Group, unless someone is a chaotic saint, who can break the Qingxue Universe Group?

"Old black, small gold, let's go, take me to visit all the overlords in the Black Forest."

Xiangyang mouth sneered with a sneer, directly on the head of the big old black, let it take him and Xiner to the depths of the Black Forest.


"The Lord is assured that if we are out, those guys will not dare to resist."

The Black King and the Little Gold are both excited at the same time. They are the hegemons of the Black Forest. They face the other beasts in the Black Forest. They have absolute power. At this moment, Xiang Yang has even targeted other fierce targets. When they were beasts, they were very excited and felt that it was time for them to make meritorious deeds.

"Look at how many points of the two of you in the Black Forest are ranked first and second." Xiang Yang chuckled, and Xiner with his hands on the head of the big old black, Hao The mighty rushes to the place where the strongest of the most recent sacred peaks is.

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