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"Oh... you dare to move her, the black-winged snake, you are dead." The black king was furious when he saw this scene.

At this moment, the black king did not expect that the black-winged snake under the lock of his own breath would dare to move, but also dared to deal with Xiner, while it was crazy and roaring, directly lifted the forefoot, a palm toward the black The wing snake took the past.

"Don't move, Black King, if you do it, she will be crushed by the power of my space."

The black-winged snake screamed loudly.

The head of its space power manipulated the space cage to trap the Xiner, while the other two heads were very vigilant looking at the Black King and the Suzaku.



When the girls met, they suddenly became shocked. I didn’t expect Xiner to be caught by the black-winged snake at this time. Their hearts were shaking and their faces were panicked.

The Suzaku woman frowned and looked at the Black Winged Snake, and sighed coldly. "Hey, do you want to die yourself?"


The black-winged snake screamed, one of its heads staring at the Suzaku woman, angered. "If I don't, I am looking for death. Can you let me go after you react?"

"You don't want to move. She has been controlled by my space cage. Even if your strength is so strong, you can't be faster than my space magic. Unless you don't want her life, this holy **** will die with her. ""

At this moment, the black-winged snake is already crazy. It knows that it can only firmly grasp the Xiner. Only the people can vote for the rats. Otherwise, it has already reached this stage. If it is slightly relaxed, it will definitely die.

At this moment, Xiner could not move in its space cage, but she did not have the slightest panic, but looked at Xiangyang. She knew that as long as her Xiangyang brother is sure, there will be nothing. .

Xiang Yang loosened the women, his eyes staring at the black-winged snake, and found that the attention of the three heads of the black-winged snake was not here, he was happy.

"Old Wan, tens of thousands of robbers really dizzy this bastard, let me kill it."

Xiang Yang directly communicated with Lao Wan in his own Promise. This time, he really moved to kill, and he planned to kill the Black Wings.

"The sect of the saints is a primitive disciple. If you let him know that the robbery is in your hands, maybe it is not a good thing. The space supernatural power that you realized not long ago has entered the level of entering the room, if at this time. If you shoot, I and Xiao Ling will help you to cover up the atmosphere at the same time. You can definitely enter the space cage to save the little girl." Lao Wan said.

"She is my true disciple. I can't make any mistakes. You are all ready for me. I stare at the guy. If it really dares to kill, I want you to kill it at the same time. Child, if Xiner has an accident, you will not have to call me boss for the future."

Xiang Yang's face is quiet, and all kinds of treasures are ready.

"Yes, the boss is at ease, no matter what, we are all exposed, and together, even if it is a chaotic saint, it is impossible to hurt her in front of me."

Lao Wan and Xiao Ling and others said at the same time.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang nodded and gave Xiner a reassuring look. Then his breath disappeared instantly, and the whole person merged into the void, disappearing directly in the eyes of everyone.

At this moment, even the black-winged snake did not find that Xiangyang’s disappearance disappeared. Only the women standing next to Xiangyang’s eyes were gazing at the same time, with a shocking color, and the Suzaku woman also found it. He sneered and said to the Black Winged Snake, "Black Winged Snake, if you dare to hurt her, the deity must smoke your soul."

"As long as you swear to let me go, I will let her go." The black-winged snake snarled.


However, its big snoring has just fallen. Suddenly, in its space cage, Xiang Yang’s body shape suddenly appears. At this moment, Xiang Yang’s hand is in a roll, and the mountain river map appears in his hand. The whole person was wrapped up, and then the mountain river map directly shattered the void, with Xiner flying toward the nearest black boss.


After doing all this, the magic suit was worn on the body, Xiang Yang looked cold, and his body burst into a **** atmosphere, full of killing voices shouted, "Black Wings, you are looking for death."

"Open the sky!"

Xiang Yang roared, and he showed countless rules of the Da Luo, and he even surpassed the nine roads, and reached the ten Dalu rules. All the rules of the Da Luo surrounded him, and instantly merged into a terrible force. In the blade of the demon in his hand, he held the demon battle blade and slammed it down.


At this moment, the void does not move, but there is a terrible force of horror that bursts out like a heavenly and earthly, with a strong breath. This is the Pangu holy sage, which is a hit on the black-winged snake. .


"No... oh... forgiveness, I am willing to surrender... bang..."

Feeling this earth-shattering blow, the black-winged snake has a terrifying color in the eyes. It is eager to surrender to Xiangyang, but it is useless. Its huge incomparable body flies at the same time and instantly turns into blood. Fog, even its metaphysical and life origins are also directly exploding.

Then, there is a vast and boundless soul force that is emitted from Xiangyang. Under the circumstances that the average person can't see it, the majestic soul power turns into a black and white two-color flame, directly immersing the spirit of the black-winged snake. Change.

Xiang Yang’s forehead, faintly black and white, is spurring the life and death book, and instantly pulls all the true spirits of the Black Winged snake into the book of life and death.

In the sky, endless flesh and blood fragments fall down from the sky. The shape of the Black Winged Snake is too large. Although it can't be compared with the Black King, it is also endless, and the flesh and blood are poured like a downpour. under.

In the sky, the heavens are shaking, this is the breath of the Holy Land.

Almost at this moment, among the holy sages, the powerful sacred sects such as the sages who had just returned came up at the same time. They widened their eyes and looked at the direction in which Xiang Yang was. They exclaimed, "Who is this power?" ?"

"This is a blow to the sky. It is a blow from the Father. It can display this kind of attack. Only when the master holds the chaos, can he really have such an ancient atmosphere, but even someone can display it. Who is it? .."

The sage of the saints appeared silently in the sky, although at this time Xiang Yang had already recovered a blow, but the horrible power of the heavens with him still remained, making the sect of the saints tremble. With an incredible color, "Is this kid getting the inheritance of Pangu God?"

"No, he is the descendant of that one. It is normal to be able to watch Pan Gu’s father’s attack. It’s just that his comprehension ability is too strong. He can truly understand the conception of the heavens. It’s the one who’s successor."

"And, his strength..."

Later, Rao was the sect of the saints, and the singularly powerful person who was known as the sacred teacher could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the majestic blood of Xiang Yang’s body.

"Clearly is just the realm of the peak of the fairy, but the power of the flesh has reached the limit of the Great Luo, even comparable to the grandchildren of the year."

The sect of the sanctuary, Guangcheng, was shocked. "The reason why Sun Monkey was able to reach such a level in the past is precisely because of his talents. It is related to the heaven and earth monkeys that he is a natural stone. However, this kid is just a fairy. At the peak of the situation, you can also cultivate such a flesh, you are incredible."

"The Sovereign, this kid is the descendant of that pulse. No matter what, as long as it happens to the descendants of that pulse, it is normal."

The elders of the saints sighed and said.

"Also, only the root of this kid is very young at first glance. He has such a terrible flesh, and his opportunity is extraordinary." The sage of the saints, Guangchengzi, sighed and said.

"Oh, even the mountains and rivers maps are in his hands. Also, the set that he wears is the suit of the day after tomorrow. Is the opportunity for such a person small?"

At the same time, the elders of the other saints looked at the demon suit worn by Xiang Yang with a shock and envy.

They can see at a glance that the set of Xiangyang is the level of the day after tomorrow.

You must know that the degree of cultivation has reached such a level, especially the Shengshi Guangchengzi. He even taught the Three Emperors to be such strong. For him, it is impossible for him to have no treasures of the level of the treasures of the day after tomorrow. But there is no way to refine it.

But the treasures that can be refining the day after tomorrow are very rare for others. However, for these sages' pro-disciples, they have all received the sacred treasures of the saints.

However, a whole set of the day after tomorrow is a bit scary.

What is the power of the suit made up of the day after tomorrow?

Even the sect of the sage, Guangcheng, felt that his heart was shaking, and he whispered in a low voice. "It is no wonder that this kid can destroy the black-winged snake. With his physical strength, plus the acquired treasure set, it is normal."

"Since then, the sacred master is not out, he is king."

While Guang Chengzi whispered, his figure gradually disappeared into the void, and the other strong men of the Holy Family were equally shocked, and then left with the same.

Regardless of how the saints vibrate, Xiang Yang is volley and standing. After taking away the power of the black-winged snake's soul with the book of life and death, he finds that the life and death book refines the true spirit of the black-winged snake into a very terrifying soul. Force, so that his soul has suddenly grown a lot, the original is compressed and become the real spirit, this time really reached 99.99 million feet, only a little bit can break through to hundreds of millions Height.

"If the height of my true spirit can break through to the extent of 100 million, it may be time for my true spirit to be sanctified, but at that time, the true spirit is sanctified, but the body is sanctified, and the **** is not reached. The sage, I count?"

Xiang Yang was stunned and felt that his current strength was a little out of balance.

However, he obviously can feel that the power of his soul has reached a truly incredible degree. With the power of the soul, he can comprehend the heavens and more accurately touch the rules of heaven.

"I have now learned the rules of the ten Dalu. If the power of the rule of Wanfa Avenue is also understood, it is the eleven Dalu rules. So many rules of the Dalu have surpassed the limits of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. Am I not going to continue to comprehend?"

At the same time, Xiang Yang remembered that when he had just displayed the blow, he really did his best to integrate all the rules of the Da Luo into the power of the explosion. When he reached an unparalleled level, he was very proud of his heart. .

That blow, although it can't be compared with his full force to display the swords, but it is also powerful, even if the black-winged snakes in the holy world are directly hit, the power has reached a level of horror. It is.

Of course, all this is related to the magic suit, which is the increase of the powerful energy provided by the magic suit. Otherwise, his body has not yet become the sub-holy, even if he understands the open day. The power of the attack is no longer strong, and it is impossible to truly possess the strength that can kill the Winged Serpent.

At the same time that Xiang Yangzhen was squatting, the portals in the body all burst out of the majestic energy and restored his blood.

"Singer... you are fine."

"Xin's little cute, you are fine, scared your sister."


At this moment, all the women reacted, and all of them rushed toward the Xiner standing on the top of the black king's head. At this time, Xiner surrounded the mountain river and kept her whole person in her eyes. Looking at Xiangyang with excitement, he greeted the ladies. "I am fine, my sisters are relieved, there is a brother, I am sure."

"Oh, I’m just scared, you are, running over and doing it scares us."

"Yeah, you little girl, you can't be so reckless in the future."


The women are still around her, although they can't get close to Xiner because of the mountains and rivers, but they all blame, with deep fear in their eyes.

"I am going, they don't worry that I will be in danger."

Xiang Yang looked at this scene very embarrassedly, and found that the women did not seem to see themselves, they all gathered around the Xiner, to know that Xiner was protected by the mountain river map, there is no danger at all.

"you have grown up."

Fortunately, the Suzaku woman came to the front of Xiang Yang, her face with a gratifying color.

"Sister, or you care about me the most." Xiang Yang squinted at Suzaku, and finally someone stood up and cared about themselves, it was so touched.

"No, I just let you put the mountain river map together, don't block them, Xiner is safe, don't wrap her with the mountain river map."

Suzaku’s mouth is said with a smile and a smile.


Xiang Yang wiped the tears of the face with a touch of tears on his face. He knew that he thought too much, and he sighed helplessly. "I thought I was still concerned. I didn't expect that everyone liked Xiner. Little cute, but forgot me, oh..."

At the same time, he directly pinched the law with his hands, pointing out the direction of Xiner, whispering, "I will not take back the mountain river map, and later give Xiner a protective weapon."

With his voice falling, the mountain river map originally surrounded by Xiner directly turned into a stream of light into the body of Xiner. At the same time, there was a method in the brain of Xiner about how to sacrifice the mountain river map.

The mountain river map is itself a congenital spiritual treasure, but then it has been broken, and after being re-cultivated, it degenerates into the treasure of the day after tomorrow. This is so powerful. This treasure is also powerful, and it is much stronger than the ordinary day after tomorrow. It can be said that it is an attack and defense. The treasure.

The treasures of Xiang Yang are enough, and it is just right to give the mountain river map to the Xiner body.

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