Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2889: Zhong Yushuang

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"Hey, sister, do you think the journey is boring, what fun things do you want to come with me?"

Xiang Yangxiao smiled and followed the beauty city owner into the room, but saw the beauty city owner sitting on the bed, has fallen into the state of cultivation.

"Oh... is it that I have misunderstood something?"

Xiang Yang stayed and stayed, and finally understood, absolutely misunderstood.

He coughed a few times and carefully walked forward, not to disturb the beauty of the city, but to look at each other.

The beauty city master is absolutely beautiful, even if it is just sitting quietly and practicing, it also gives people a feeling that they can't look directly. Although Xiang Yang just quietly looks at the beauty city owner, but the mind can't calm down.

However, for Xiang Yang, the beauty he has seen has been too much. It is impossible because the beauty of the beautiful city owner is too beautiful and the real has been unable to calm down.

Soon after, he really calmed down. He admired the beauty of the beauty city, but did not take the slightest look, but the praise of the heart and the wonders of the Creator, could create such a woman.

"I don't know which man is, I can get a woman like the beauty city sister."

Xiang Yang’s heart came up with such an idea. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the man was a bit too much. Since he got the family, he also let the beautiful city owner and sister have a daughter for the other party, and they disappeared.

Although he did not know whether the other party had never appeared because of death or for any reason, he felt that it was wrong.

Since you get the other person, you should be responsible for the other party, not because you are responsible when you are alive, but to ensure that you can or protect each other and love each other.

Although no one can live on his own life or death, Xiang Yang thinks that a man must protect his woman anyway, even if you are dead, it is also a manifestation of your irresponsibility.

"What happened to you? Suddenly, you are uneasy."

At this time, the beautiful city owner who was practicing was opened his eyes and looked at Xiang Yang with a strange color on his face.

Although she is only practicing in peace, she does not really fall into the state of spiritual practice. She just wants to see what happens when Xiang Yang is facing himself.

The result made her very satisfied. Xiang Yang found that when she was practicing, she did not affect herself. Instead, she looked at herself quietly. Her heart was also from the beginning to the tranquility, which made her very satisfied and felt that Xiang Yang was really A good man.

However, later, when she felt that Xiang Yang’s mind was suddenly chaotic, she felt strange in her heart. This stopped her meditation and looked at Xiangyang.

"Sister, I have a question to ask you."

Xiang Yang Zheng color looked at the beautiful city owner.

He had long wanted to ask who the father of the beautiful city owner Zhong Ling was, and he couldn’t help it at the moment.

"Ask." The beautiful city owner’s face was also a light smile and looked at Xiang Yang. She was also very curious. What was the problem? It has been plaguing Xiangyang Road now, making Xiang Yang’s mind confused.

She is very clear that Xiang Yang can resist his temptation, and the determination of the heart is absolutely not comparable to that of ordinary people. However, there is a problem that can plague Xiang Yang. It is obvious that this problem is not an ordinary problem. .

Xiang Yang asked, "Who is the father of Zhong Ling?"

While talking, he was afraid of causing the anger of the beauty city owner, and quickly said, "I just want to know, what kind of man can deserve to be worthy of my sister, of course, if my sister does not want to say it, I will not ask. ”

"I am not angry."

After the beauty city owner heard the words of Xiang Yang, his face showed a strange smile.

Her smile made Xiang Yang feel very strange, could not help but screamed, "You, your smile makes me have a bad feeling, or else, you should be as if I did not ask."

"Since asked, naturally can't be asked without asking." The beauty city owner said softly.

"That, then you answer me." Xiang Yang is a little crazy, if it is not afraid of causing the sadness of the beauty city sister, he has already asked, but this beautiful sister is awkward, not only does not rise Starting and sad, but looking at you with a strange look, don't wait to say that Zhong Ling's father is himself.

If you say this, Xiang Yang does not know how to play.

"Do you really want to know?"

The beautiful city owner smiled and looked at Xiang Yang.


Xiang Yang bit his teeth and hoped that the beauty city sister would not make fun of himself, but he really wanted to know who could make such a beautiful city owner really like the other person and would like to have a daughter for the other party.

"Zhong Ling has no father."

At this time, the beauty city owner answered the most directly.

"Oh..." Xiang Yang listened after listening. "But all creatures, except for the innate spirit, can't have no parents. Since Zhong Ling calls you a mother, how could there be no father?"

He thinks that the beauty city owner is really too careless. Such a simple question is also a good word to say, he is not a fool, can she be deceived?

Since you don't want to tell yourself, don't tell yourself, why bother to turn around?

For a moment, he only felt disheartened and his face could not help sinking.

"My real name is Zhong Ling."

At this time, the beauty city owner suddenly said.


After Xiang Yang listened, he was stunned. "Hey, you call Zhong Ling, then your daughter is yelling?"

The same name as the mother and the daughter, this is a bit weird.

Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning in Xiang Yang’s brain. When I saw the beauty city owner and Zhong Ling together, the breath seemed to coincide. It seems that when the two are the same as the deity and his body, his face changed and he exclaimed. , "Is it..."

"Yes, you guessed it." The beauty city owner nodded and said, "Zhong Ling is my avatar."

After all, she said faintly, "When I was in the middle of the curse, I couldn’t solve it. The Master gave me an opinion, let me raise a avatar, and wait until the avatar is promoted to the same level as me. I can convert the consciousness of the deity to the body. At that time, even if the deity is plagued by the curse, don't worry."

"So, is there the emergence of the current city capital, the Golden Bell Spirit?"

Xiang Yang’s heart trembled, and the sound of Zhong Ling’s lovely and beautiful, together with the aura of heaven and earth, could not help but reveal a pity for Zhong Ling.

Zhong Ling has her own consciousness, but in her heart, the beauty city owner is her mother, not her deity. She must have never thought that she is just a avatar, a curse of the deity to replace her mother. The body of the body.

When I knew the truth one day, I didn’t know what it would look like.

"No, when she was just a avatar, she was not the daughter of the city, but an unconscious shackle."

The beauty city owner sighed softly and said, "In that year, I really couldn’t stand my own body shape. I really followed the method that the master gave me, and I became a child with my own flesh and blood. It’s the current Zhong Ling, I want to Entering into it with your own consciousness, and then cultivating and growing up, let the avatar replace the deity.

However, let alone me, even my master did not think that this little girl had a sense of autonomy when my consciousness had not yet reached it.

So, from that time on, I decided to use Zhong Ling as a daughter to raise, not to be my avatar. Although I suffered from cursing, I survived. I can’t kill a life. You can't kill a creature made with your own flesh and blood, so from that time on, the world has lost one of my avatars, but one more of my daughter, Zhong Ling. ”

While talking, her face with a leisurely smile, said to Xiang Yang, "How, after hearing this news, how do you feel?"

Xiang Yang’s mood is still shaking. At the moment, after hearing the question of the beauty city owner, he is awe-inspiring and Shen Sheng. “Sister’s righteousness, I am not as good as it is.”

"So, can my answer satisfy you?" asked the beautiful city owner with a soft smile.

"Although it was beyond my expectation, I was very happy. I didn't read the wrong person." Xiang Yang replied honestly.

"If you know that Zhong Ling is my avatar, I have not used Linger as a daughter, but I want to take Linger as an ingredient. When she cultivates to a certain extent and then she will take her away, what do you think of me?" "The beauty city owner asked like a smile."

"Everything is born, all have their mission. I believe that if Zhong Ling is only the sister's avatar, her sister will not let her consciousness appear and grow up. As a result, she is just a avatar without self-awareness. Since she has her own consciousness, she is no longer a avatar."

Xiang Yang said softly, "Sister, can I be satisfied with my answer?"

"Your thoughts are the same as me." The beauty city owner smiled softly and nodded. At this moment, her heart was very happy. From the beginning, Xiang Yang looked at her eyes strangely. She never knew why Xiangyang would be like that. Looking at myself, it is now clear.

After knowing the reasons for everything, she also untied the knot of Xiang Yang. She only felt that her mood was suddenly clear.

"That is of course, I think we must be the same in mind." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

The beauty city owner gave him a blank look. "It is still too early to communicate with each other. However, we do have a consistent view on certain issues. It is you, I am very curious about you. Can you tell me your story?" ”

In fact, the beauty city owner did not know that Xiangyang was the descendant of that pulse. According to the reason, this is not normal. However, after she cursed in her body, she has been practicing hard and almost ignored the outside world, just to be able to It breaks into the chaos of the saints, and by then, these curses will be untied.

The reason why she was curious about Xiangyang was precisely because she had met Lu Xinran in the Holy Land before, and talked to her younger sisters about Xiangyang.

She is really shocked. I don't know why a few excellent little sisters will look at a man at Xiangyang at the same time.

After seeing Xiangyang at the moment, her heart was even more embarrassing to Xiang Yang, which made her heart very confused and worried that she would be deeply involved.

Although she also knows that the person who practices the practice should do its whole thing with his heart, but think of himself as a matter of knowing Xiang Yang from the mouths of several younger sisters. Later, after knowing Xiang Yang, if he himself fell, it would not become Are you robbing the Taoists with your little sisters?

Of course, although the two have kept a little bit of awkwardness, they have not yet reached that level.

For the strong people of the heavens and the world, it is normal for powerful people to have countless women. Even some strong women can form a strong team.

However, in the eyes of the beauty city owner, Xiang Yang should be different from those people.

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at the beauty city owner. "Before telling me, I am very curious about what my sister's name is now?"

The beauty city owner gave his name to Zhong Ling, then, what name should she call now? This is what Xiang Yang is curious about, although the words 'beauty sister of the beautiful city' are quite nice, but they can’t always be like this. Call her.


After the beauty city owner heard it, he said, "I don't know, I never thought about it."


Xiang Yang was dumbfounded. I didn’t expect the beauty city owner to become a nameless person. However, since she gave her name to her daughter, can she not have a name?

After Xiang Yang thought about it, Shen Shen said, "Would you like to give my sister a name?"

"Okay." The beauty city owner did not think about it, and immediately agreed.

Xiang Yang indulged for a few seconds, whispering, "beautiful people like jade, swords like frost, sisters are heroic and cool, faceless, and more arrogant, can be described as unparalleled in the world, it is better to call Zhong Yushuang."

"Okay, my name will be called Zhong Yushuang from now on." After listening to the beauty city owner, he immediately agreed.

Not to mention Xiang Yang is a bit reasonable, and the name of Yushuang is not ugly, even if it is hard to hear, she will directly agree.

Xiang Yang helped her to lift the curse and make her reborn. For her, she is a true benefactor. It can be said that her parents are not too much, and her heart is already embarrassing to Xiangyang. It is natural that nature cannot possibly agree with Xiang Yang.

"Well, you are my jade sister in the future. I can know my sister. It is the blessing of my life. When it comes to this,"

Xiang Yanghehe smiled and took the monkey wine from the Promise Xianfu on the table, and took some food to eat, and greeted the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang. "Sister, let's have a chat while drinking."


Zhong Yushuang, the beauty city owner replied with a smile, and came over with Xiang Yang while drinking wine while chatting about each other.

Time passed a little bit, and their understanding of each other gradually deepened. Zhong Yushuang understood the things of Xiang Yang and the women. He also knew that Xiang Yang’s practice from the secular world was only a little less than fifty years. At the time, her heart trembled and felt shocked by Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang also knew that Zhong Yushuang himself was a large family named Zhong’s family in the Central Tianyu. Later he entered the Shengzong and became a pro-disciple of the Shengzong’s ancestor Guangchengzi. It has been practiced for hundreds of thousands of years. , repaired to achieve the peak of the realm of the road...

The two men exchanged cups for each other, and they were intertwined. Unconsciously, they took out the altar and the altar of the monkey wine, and he also specifically suppressed his own cultivation, and did not use it to refine and drunk, making the two Looks awkward, with a little drunk.

Unconsciously, their hands were caught together, their eyes blurred and looked at each other, quietly, feeling the other's heartbeat.

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