Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2882: My little maid

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"See the host."


Among the Promise Immortals, the last tens of thousands of realities of the real fairy peaks all went to the respectful respect of Xiang Yang, and the breath they brought all reached the peak of the true fairy.

Moreover, not only these tens of thousands of people, but also in the cultivation space where he is placed in the depths of the Promise, there are still a million people who are the same physical strength and are practicing hard.

These people, together with hundreds of thousands of order guards, are the foundation of Xiang Yang's own future.

"Get up, you are the last ones to be conquered by me. However, I hope that your cultivation is not the latest breakthrough. The practice of the practice has been passed on to you. After I have sent you in the past, I will practice well and wait until the breakthrough. After the state of Da Luo, you will find that your cultivation has reached a real surprise in life."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.


These tens of thousands of people all respectfully looked at Xiang Yang. At this moment, they have already been thrown into the magic species by Xiang Yang. Although they all volunteered to be happy, they were planted by Xiang Yang, but they looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes. Already with an unparalleled adoration.

In their hearts, Xiang Yang is their true God, the object of their worship, even if Xiang Yang let them die, they will also do not hesitate to implement.

However, their minds are very clear-headed. At the same time, all of them are respectful and at the same time, their hearts are full of strength, and they want to break through to the state of Da Luo as soon as possible.


Between Xiang Yang’s wave, the tens of thousands of people were sent to the place where the Wuji Xianfu’s practice was practiced. When they looked at the place of practice, they saw only one of the separate spiritual spaces, and the soul seventy-seven was working hard. Lao Wan is guiding her to practice.

"It's time to leave and see what the city owner is like."

Xiang Yang chuckled softly. After finishing all this, he once again glanced at the tower of physical repair. He found that there were countless small spots in the tower of the body repair. In fact, his earliest Among the men who entered the tower of the body repair, a large number of people have already broken through to the ninth floor, and they will be able to go out.

After those people have gone through the customs, they will be able to have a large group of bodies in the realm of Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang only feels awkward.

"Since then, the world is big, there is no place where I can't go, whoever dares to be an enemy of me, I will directly let the order guards shoot, and a sword kills each other."

"And my sword of order, cough, don't worry, even if you are still illusory, but one day you will be able to take care of the chaos of the world."

Then, Xiang Yang remembered the sword of the very abrupt and illusory order in his own sea of ​​consciousness. He could not help but feel a little guilty. The sword of order was a vow to defend the heavens. In the order of the time, he took the initiative to appear in his own sea of ​​consciousness. Although he did not know where it came from, he must be responsible for his own order.

However, during this time, Xiang Yang did not have any action, and even did not start the action of the black iron auction, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

He groaned and turned away from the Promise Immortal. When he appeared in the small courtyard of the city's main government, the formation of the small courtyard had been touched several times.

He quickly removed the formation and allowed the maid waiting outside to walk in.

This time, not the fake maid of the previous, Xiang Yang knows more, the other party must be disguised, it should be the daughter of the city.

"Respected guests, the banquet of the city government is about to begin, are you ready?"

The maid was more ordinary, and respectfully said to Xiang Yang, there was no superfluous inappropriate words, and there was no intention to tease Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang nodded softly and smiled. "It is ready, let's go."

Isn't it just going to have a meal? What are you prepared for?

For Xiangyang, it’s just curious to see what the so-called city owner looks like, and then look at what the other party wants to go to the holy people, so what is the purpose, the rest He really doesn't care.

Of course, all he did was curious.

As the maid went all the way, he found that there were other youth arrogances, and almost all of them reached the realm of Da Luo. However, it was only the realm of Xianjun, but there was almost no immortal king, but they also saw it. A young fairy king, the other's cultivation has already reached the level of the Six Kings of the Immortal King.

The guy looked arrogant, and his head was high when he walked, as if he was the most cattle between the world.

For this kind of person, Xiang Yang didn't even bother to look at each other. However, the little maid with him was very excited, and his eyes were always on the other side, with the color of worship in his eyes.

Xiang Yang had no choice but to smile. Sure enough, these little maids still like the guy who looks like a high-powered person.

However, this is what it is about yourself.

He smiled leisurely, did not have any communication with these so-called young Jun, but came to the banquet hall of the city government.

The lord of the city, everything is naturally incomparable, all of this, for the practitioners, there is nothing to be curious, everyone is a separate table and chairs, and not with other people, this is the case Yang is more satisfied.

Xiang Yang casually found a place to sit down, then took a cup of scent and drank while guessing the purpose of the city owner.


At that time, Xiang Yang suddenly heard a voice, um, a little familiar, turned out to be the voice of the fake maid not long ago. His eyelids were slightly lifted, and he saw a woman standing in front of himself. The woman was well dressed and dressed. Bright and moving, coupled with the original very beautiful face, at this moment it seems to be better than any fairy between heaven and earth.

She is Zhong Ling.

It took a few hours for Zhong Ling to finish dressing up. She was very happy to come to the feast room. She saw Xiang Yang sitting alone and looking pitiful.

She was funny in her heart, and said, "You **** looks very mysterious, but in these days of arrogance, your cultivation is indeed the weakest. No wonder you are so lonely."

Ever since, she ran to the front of Xiangyang and found that Xiang Yang was thinking about what she was thinking. When she did not find herself standing in front of her, she suddenly became angry and had to rush to call Xiangyang. One sound.

"Oh, fake maid, how come you come to the banquet, this banquet is a banquet for the lord of the city, and has nothing to do with a maid like you, the amount is not right, anyway, you are a maid, then, when you come, give it I pour the bar."

Xiang Yanghe said with a smile, put the wine glass directly on the table, and then lay down, sit comfortably, even tapping his legs, shaking while watching Zhong Ling with a sly color.

"You want this lady to pour you wine?"

After Zhong Ling met, he almost didn't faint in the past. What's special, even someone who is so shameless, dare to say that he wants to pour himself, is simply too much.

Her eyes seemed to have taken a look at Xiang Yang, with a look of anger.

Xiang Yang said with a smile. "Being a maid, pouring wine is something you have to do. Shouldn't you do it? Right, who is your head, recruit him, I want to complain to you, Your maid is unqualified." Xiang Yang said with a sigh.

"You bastard..."

Zhong Ling was so angry that the face was originally dressed up, and the style was suitable for quiet and gentle. However, at this moment, she was angered by Xiang Yang, and her whole body was constantly undulating, destroying her dress.

"This Xiongtai, it is wrong to provoke a beautiful woman. I advise you to apologize to the fairy."

However, when Zhong Ling did not really break out, he heard a sound with a magnetic voice coming over. Xiang Yang didn’t have to look at it and knew that the one who was in this group of guests had reached the eye of the fairy king. Above the top, the youth who walked up their heads.

I saw this young man talking with a smile, looking at Zhong Ling, whispering, "Beautiful fairy, we met again."


Zhong Ling is on the air, seeing this **** even dare to pick up himself at this time, suddenly mad, and directly snorted, and then she ignored the fact that she was standing on the spot because of her drinking, her face gradually changed from smile The young man who got Tieqing turned his head to look at Xiangyang and suddenly smiled.

"Don't you want this lady to pour you wine? Well, then I will give you down."

She hardly suppressed the instructions in her heart, then really picked up the jug, poured a glass of wine for Xiangyang, and even put the glass in front of Xiangyang, softly, "Young master, people know wrong. You said that you can't let any of the little ones get close to others. People have already done it. Don't be angry, drink the wine."


Xiang Yang was still surprised at what this gimmick played. After hearing the words of Zhong Ling, look at the young man who was called Xiao Xiao San by Zhong Ling, and Xiang Yang is very speechless. This woman has a stomach. Bad water, so I just pitted myself.

However, Xiang Yang did not explain anything, but a smile with a wicked face on his face. While picking up the glass of wine in one hand, the other hand had already stretched out and took the other side’s waist. At a glance, Zhong Ling was caught off guard and fell directly into the arms of Xiang Yang.


At this moment, Zhong Ling is shocked by the whole person.

She has never encountered such a situation, and she never thought that Xiang Yang would have taken her to sit down like this. This is simply unbelievable.

It wasn't until she was sitting in the arms of Xiang Yang that she reacted and struggled. "Let me get up, you bastard."

"do not move."

However, the more she struggled, the more she was arguing with Xiangyang’s overbearing words. After listening to Xiang Yang’s sigh, the breath of a hegemonic man rushed over, causing her heart to tremble, somehow The power of resistance has gradually weakened, but the red face of the pretty face has never been scattered.

At this time, the Tianjiao of the king of the fairy king was mad. He roared Xiangyang and shouted, "Let her go."

"I am holding my little maid, what is it about you?"

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and smiled while drinking a small wine while holding Zhong Ling, his mouth close to her ear, and asked softly, "What is your name, my little maid?"

"I, I, my name is Zhong Ling..."

At this moment, Zhong Ling only felt the heart tremble, and the whole person was a little chaotic. After hearing the words of Xiang Yang, he couldn't help but whispered his name.

"Zhong Ling, Zhong Tiandi's aura, a good Zhong Ling." Xiang Yang whispered, carefully savoring the words of Zhong Ling, could not help but smile and said, "Shantou, you are really interesting, can get you such a maid, I am entering The biggest blessing of the city government, after seeing the city master, I must tell the city master, let you follow me later, the young master will certainly spoil you."


After Zhong Ling heard Xiang Yang’s words, he was shocked. Xiang Yang was so shameless and wanted to be his maid.

Of course, the person who is more shocked than Zhong Ling is the young man in the realm of the fairy king. At this moment, when he sees Xiang Yang actually playing his own fairy in front of his face, he realizes that this is Xiang Yang. Deliberately provoke himself, his face was blue and green, and he looked at Xiang Yang with murderousness. "Boy, are you looking for death?"

"This is in the city government, cautious."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "Although you are a fairy king, the most important thing in the city government is the fairy king. If you dare to do it, I believe that you will be destroyed in the next second."

"Of course, your cultivation is not weak, your origins should be very extraordinary, but you think that the master of the city can occupy such a huge city as a city owner. Do you think the city owner is afraid of the forces behind you?"

"I don't believe that the forces behind you can support you to be arrogant here. You are very angry. I also feel that you are so angry that the whole person is about to explode. Well, don't bear it, let it happen, let me shoot, I am just A true fairy, you are a fairy king, this is the king of the fairy, how can you endure my provocation? Quickly kill me, otherwise, where is the face of your fairy king? ""

Xiang Yang said with a smile.


The more the young man listened to Xiang Yang, the more angry his face was.

As Xiang Yang said, Xiang Yang is only a true fairy, and he is the king of the immortal, the king of the immortal, the power of the immortal king is inviolable, but he is offended by a small fairy such as Xiang Yang, he is mad. It is.

However, as Xiang Yang said, he is in the city government, on the site of the city owner, how can he start this time?

Although he has a huge family support behind him, he is very clear that within the scope of the Central Heavenly Sanctuary, these city owners can say that they are inextricably linked with the Holy Family, let alone He has not yet joined the Holy Family, and even if he joins the Holy Family, he will never dare to let it go.

"Asshole, you give me a wait."

In the end, the guy can only leave an angry statement, and then he will leave his mind, and his mind will make up his mind. If he is allowed to find an opportunity, he will not let Xiang Yang be better.

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