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The Black Magic Island is very large, and even because of the existence of the Dark Devils Desert, the field of Black Magic Island is comparable to the usual continents.

The Black Magic Island is still famous in the fairy world. Of course, the reason why it is famous is mainly because of the existence of the Dark Devil Desert.

In the Dark Devils Desert, there is a magical fire all the year round. This is the fire of the Devil World. It has a very powerful power of destruction. For the Demon practitioners, this can be said to be a spiritual sanctuary. For the Immortal practitioners, this is It is a devastating place.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages in everything, even if it is very dangerous in the Dark Devils Desert, but it also hides the opportunity. There are endless magic fires in the Dark Devils Desert. These magic fires can also temper the flesh, for some thoughts. It is a very good place for the immortals who want to cultivate the power of the flesh.

Moreover, in the Dark Devils Desert, there are often some black magic stones that can be dug. These black magic stones are the essence that remains after the sand between the heavens and the earth has been tempered by the black magic fire. There is no treasure, therefore, in the Dark Devils desert, there are often some strong people to explore here, in order to be able to dig some black magic stone out to sell to some refining masters, can be described as worthless.

Of course, there are also some who are hired by the masters of refining to come to the Trench of the Dark Devils.

In the fairy world, the status of the master of refining is still very high. Even their cultivation may not be high. However, there are often some super strong guards around them, just to get the master of the refiner or even The magic weapon refining the master of the refiner.

At this moment, Xiang Yang and the soul seven seven together walked in the dark magic desert, while holding the hand of the soul seven seven, while feeling the connection between the magical battle blade and the magic treasure.

Although the Devil's Treasure is in the Dark Devil's Desert, with the circulation of hundreds of thousands of years, the terrain of the Immortal World is not static. The treasures buried in the Dark Devil's Desert are also constantly changing. Flowing, even if it is Xiangyang, it is not easy to find the treasure chest at once.

Xiang Yang is not in a hurry. Although he doesn't have much time, he doesn't care about the time of such a little treasure hunt. So he doesn't have to worry about the soul, especially at this moment, Xiang Yang is holding her hand and walking toward the front. Carefully avoiding the black magic fire, she feels sweet and cherished, can't wait forever to go on like this.

"Oh, somebody."

Suddenly, while the two were walking, they looked up a few miles away. There was a group of people fighting there, and a group of people besieging a man who countered and moved toward Xiangyang. I fled here.

"It’s just a coincidence that I just came to this dark magic desert and saw someone killing someone to take the treasure."

Xiang Yang and the soul of seven seven at the same time frowned.

Anyway, the group of people is very fast. They simply don't go on, but they are standing in the same place, waiting for the other party to rush.

Sure enough, not long after, I saw that the person who escaped to the front had already rushed to the front of the two people. When the guy saw Xiang Yang and the soul seven or seven, he suddenly showed a surprise color on his face.

"No, this is going to hang us."

Xiang Yang looked at this, and suddenly understood that this guy who was chased must be unwilling to harm himself and the soul seven or seven people.

"It shouldn't be."


When the soul seventy-seven frowns just fell, they listened to a sound, and then, the guy who ran in the front directly threw a black thing directly on the ground in front of them, and at the same time, in the mouth Very happy shouted, "You are holding treasures, fleeing separately, and waiting until the original place to meet again."

While talking about it, he himself did not stop at all for a moment, and flew directly toward Xiangyang.

"Oh... sure enough, the trouble is coming."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled. For the black thing on the ground, he didn’t even look at it. Instead, he looked at the people who had surrounded them, and said with helpless smile, "You, if we say that with the bastard, If you don't know, do you believe it?"

"When you catch the bastard, you know if you know each other."

Most of the people who originally chased the guy were left to surround Xiang Yang and the soul seven, and only a small number of people chased the guy who fled.

At this moment, the group of people around Xiangyang looked cold and looked at him and the soul seventy-seven. The head of the statue was the fairy goddess of the big seven heavens. He smiled and looked at Xiang Yangdao. "Boy, hand over Let's go."

"On the ground, you won't come to yourself."

Xiang Yang turned over and turned his eyes.

"A real fairy in the district, I dare to speak with the deity in such a tone, do you want to live?"

When the fairy **** of the big seven heavens was heard that Xiang Yang spoke to himself in such a tone, he frowned and revealed a cold killing.

As the place where Da Luo’s Seven Heavens are, no matter where they are, they are high above, and they are touted by others, even if they are enemies, they will also give him enough respect.

Don't say that Xiang Yang is just a true fairy. Even if the fairy king is coming, in this fairy statue, when facing him, he must be careful to show respectful colors.

As for the strength of the half-step saints of the soul of the seventy-seven souls around Xiangyang, it is definitely not the strength of these great Luo masters, or else these guys can see the powerful power of the soul seventy-seven. I am afraid I have already been scared away.

However, Xiang Yang, such a small real fairy, dared to let him go to the black magic stone on the ground, it is simply looking for death.

"The junior is looking for death, destroying you, and smashing souls."

When the fairy **** of the big seven heavens was still not open, the king of the king around him snorted, and one of the kings of the six kings of the big Luo took a step directly and broke out. The power of the fairy king, pressed down against Xiangyang and the soul seventy-seven.

"We really just passed by, and the guy threw this black thing on the ground, and we didn't move. If you want, you will go and go and chase the guy, don't go to the other side."

Xiang Yang frowned and looked at each other. For the other side's fairy king, he and the soul seven seven did not feel anything.

The other side of the fairy is cold, "Zizi, no matter whether you have any contact with him, the news of treasures from the treasures can never be circulated. Since you found out, you can only say that you The life is too bad."


After his voice fell, the fairy king directly started, and a powerful roar broke out. The boundless power directly suppressed Xiangyang.

The king of the six kingdoms of Da Luo, dealing with Xiang Yang, such a 'true fairy', is simply overkill for them. If it is not for the purpose of ensuring that the Xiangyang is suppressed, even the spirits are refining, From the soul of Xiang Yang, it is concluded that it is a group with the **** just now. They naturally cannot use such a fairy king who is in the realm of the Sixth Heaven and Earth.

However, this time, they feel that it is definitely a foolproof act that really fails.

No one thought of it, they not only played on the iron plate, but also played on the chaotic fine gold. When this fairy king shot a shot and hit Xiangyang, Xiang Yang was just blinking, suddenly, Just listening to the sound of '嗡', the cockroach on the ground actually pulled out a cluster of black magic fire, and instantly burned toward the king.


The speed of the singer’s strain was not slow, and his body shape circulated. The one that had been pressed against Xiangyang was changed instantly, but turned into a blue gold handprint and pressed against the magic fire. Go on.

There is a calm color on his face. Although the magic fire in the dark magic desert is strong, as long as it does not enter the real core, there is no need to worry that there will be too much danger, with the strength of his peerless king. It can completely block the attack of the magic fire.

However, the next moment his face suddenly changed, only to hear a bang, and a magical fire contained an invincible sword, and instantly punched his blue gold handprint, and then the magic fire went along His energy spread up and instantly touched his hand and lit his arm.

"No, how is this possible?"

The guy's face changed greatly, and he saw the magic fire burning on his arm. He quickly urged his own energy to extinguish the magic fire. However, what shocked him was that the more his energy was in the arm, the more energy It became the energy to help the magic fire, making the magic fire stronger and stronger. In the blink of an eye, his arm has been burned into coke, and then the magic fire continues to move forward, suddenly skyrocketing, and he will half his body in an instant. Ignite.


The guy panicked and quickly looked at the side of the fairy goddess of the big seven heavens. His energy could not extinguish the magic fire, only the help of the strong man around him.

"I will help you."

The fairy face of the big seven heavens changed, but it didn’t panic, but it was very calm and reached out. There was a cyan glow in the right hand, which instantly turned the king of the six heavens. Shrouded, I want to destroy the magic fire on the other side with my own energy.



However, the next scene is to change the face of this guy, only to see the energy of the sacred sage of the big seven heavens, forming a mask to cover the king of the six heavens. The magic fire on this fairy king seems to have been fueled, and instantly becomes infinitely powerful. It directly burns the king of the six kingdoms of the big Luo into ashes.

The unfortunate king of the unlucky Dalu six heavens, only to have a scream, the whole person was burned to ashes.

Moreover, at this time, those magical fires have not disappeared yet, but the energy of the fairy sages that followed the big seven heavens and the heavens spread over them, and this fairy glory was shrouded in an instant, making the fairy face change greatly. When he shot wildly and watched his right hand be ignited, he slammed his sword with a merciless attack, and immediately cut off his right hand, and then his body went crazy and retreated toward the rear.


Others also quickly retreated toward the rear. When they saw this scene, they had a shocking color on their faces and they quickly retreated toward the rear.

In the blink of an eye, only Xiang Yang and the soul seven or seven people stood, while on the ground there was a group of magic fires burning. After burning the arm of the fairy, it disappeared directly into the ground.

"This guy is weird."

At this moment, the arm of Erxianzun, who is in the heavens of the seven heavens, has grown again. He stood in the distance, his face looked cloudy and indifferent, looking at Xiangyang, cold voice, "Who are you?"

"I am just a passerby."

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "I am just being defamed. I hope that you will not be fooled by the bastard. At that time, you are wasting time looking for trouble here, but let the Lord run. Why are you suffering? ?"

"Impossible, although you are only on the surface of the real fairy, but your true strength can never be just a true fairy." The face of the big Luo seven heavens changed the face, cold voice, "With your strength, it is definitely a master of the level of Xianzun. Otherwise, it is impossible to face the deity so calmly."

"Hey, what are you talking about, but, should you hurry to get out, don't block my way."

Seeing the other side as if he had already seen his identity, Xiang Yang’s face showed a helpless color.

It seems that even if you want to be flat, you can't do it. Why is there so much trouble in this world?

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