Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2859: You have a million soldiers, I am one person (six more flowers)

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When the people were rolled up to the other side, they saw the incomparable light of the Xihe ship. Then, the entire Xihe boat twisted and disappeared on the West River, as if it had never appeared.

Although Xiang Yang was taken away by this force, but at the moment he did not lose his heart, but looked at the West River boat disappeared, feeling that the feeling between himself and the West River boat still existed, he was only loose. Tones, "Fortunately, as long as this strange West River boat still exists, I can find it in the future and enter the world to hunt for treasure."

Among the weird and shattered worlds connected by the West River, not to mention that the powerful destructive power of each world is the best treasure of the body of the lord, and at least one of them is born in every world. With the existence of congenital Lingbao, Xiang Yang cannot let go of these worlds.


Xiang Yang suddenly remembered the little black tiger. It seemed that there was no shadow in running. I don’t know if it disappeared with the Xihe boat disappeared. His face changed slightly.

"The little guy won't be so gone?"

For the magic of the little black tiger, Xiang Yang has not fully figured out, and in the future, rely on the little black tiger to go to the so-called chaotic depth of the early place to take a good look, if the little black tiger disappears, That would be a pity.


When Xiang Yang stood on the opposite side of the ground, he suddenly heard a scream of triumph from the void. In his gaze, the little black tiger was chasing the West River boat very happy.

"This little thing is not limited by the void."

After Xiang Yang met, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, although the little black tiger ran far away, he certainly knew that he ran back, and that would be fine.


However, when Xiang Yang’s heart was just a sigh of relief, he felt that there were several powerful murderous things around him that locked him. He didn’t have to look at it and knew that it was Jin Duoming and the group of the guys, and some of them were on board. Others, at this moment, are obviously ready to settle accounts after the fall.

"I have seen two elders."

At this moment, Donghuang Yuxi was rushing to the two sages of the sages, she smiled softly, with the temperament of the descendants of the Eastern Emperor, and the two strong men Laughing, "I actually let the two elders personally dispatch, and my heart is really unwilling to go."

"Hey, what does the Lord say? You are the demon Lord of our Wan Yao Group. You are in danger. Whoever wants to take it, what kind of polite you have."

"That is, what is the little girl with us?"

The strong man of the two Yasheng Peaks of the Wan Yao Group said with a smile.

Obviously, they are very good at the East Emperor Yuxi, although they are the Yasheng strong, but there is no shelf.

"The two elders, my nephew to introduce you, this is Xiang Yang, is a disciple of that pulse."

Donghuang Yuxi smiled softly, and brought the two elders to Xiangyang, who was being murdered by a group of people. At the moment, her face smiled and glanced at Jin Duoming and others, making Jin Duoming and others His face changed, and he quickly dispelled murderousness. He did not dare to show his killing in front of the two holy people.

Others have also changed their face. No matter where they come from, no matter what kind of strong background exists behind them, they dare not make it in the face of the sub-Supreme Power.

"It turned out that this kid is the two Xiang Yang who said that he is not dead."

"I have heard about it for a long time. The two old guys are very respectful to you."

Xiang Yang has not yet opened, and these two holy people have laughed and said to Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang’s face was smiling, calm and unhurried, and said to the two holy people who were not humble, “I have seen two seniors.”

"Kid, you are not doing this in front of the two old guys. Why are you so polite when you see us, hahaha, you are welcome, just like us to see the two old guys." The two sacred strong men obviously want to make a relationship with Xiang Yang. At this moment, after listening to Xiang Yang’s salute, he laughed and said.

"But, the two old guys are really shameless in my heart, I will be like them, and the two predecessors will know that they are full of uprightness and are the predecessors of Yiwu Yuntian. I naturally cannot treat them like this. A senior." Xiang Yang said quickly and positively.

"Ha ha ha, yes, those two old guys are really shameless. Unlike us, we are really in the midst of the Wan Yao Group."

"Haha, if the two old guys listened, I would definitely say that I was very dissatisfied. However, it was still the eyes of Xiang Xiaoyou, and I saw the difference between us and the two old guys at a glance. ”


The two Asian holy men haha ​​laughed and said.

"That is natural. The two predecessors, however, saved someone at the place, and they rushed to this life-saving grace. From then on, the various forces must thank the two predecessors, thank you to the Wan Yao Group." Said with a smile.

While talking, he looked at other people present, especially when he saw Jin Duoming, but also with a strange smile on his lips, which made Jin Duoming’s heart suddenly, and thought that there was something wrong with Xiang Yang. To show it to him.

"Oh, these are all small things, don't mention more." After listening to these two holy people, they were more satisfied with Xiang Yang. If Xiang Yang did not mention it, the other people in the room could do nothing. However, after Xiang Yang said it, these people could not help but express it.

Sure enough, the countless people who saw the boat headed by Jin Duoming all saluted the two holy people at the moment. "Thank you for the help of the two predecessors. I will not forget it."

"Haha, you're welcome, you're welcome."

These two strongmen laughed happily. Although they had reached the level of them, they didn’t care about what kind of courtesy. But when they saw that there were tens of thousands of strong people, they all expressed their gratitude to them, or let They are very happy.

Next, these two sacred strong men did not stay much, but smiled and said to the emperor Yuxi, "Hey, the demon Lord has communicated with the saints, this time, you do not have to pass the assessment, directly into school, We will send you to the Holy Family by both of us."


The words of these two holy sages are too unprepared. Rao is the emperor of the East Emperor, and he has widened his eyes and looked at them with incredible colors. "You sent me to the Holy Family?"

"Yeah, let's go, we will safely send you to the Holy Family, and there is still something to do." These two holy people are urging to say.

"it is good."

Although Dong Huang Yuxi felt that he had a little regret in his heart, he could not go on the road with Xiang Yang, but did not reject the two holy sages, but nodded and nodded.

"Xiang Yang, Sacred Goodbye."

Then, Emperor Huang Yu looked at Xiang Yang and said softly.

"Well, you should go one step ahead and wait for me." Xiang Yanghehe smiled, although he felt a little disappointed because he was leaving immediately, but he did not say it, but smiled and waved at the emperor. Waved.

"Kid, haha, it seems that you have a little relationship with your nephew, it's not bad, we are very optimistic about you, come on, hope that you will have a position in the future Wan Yao Group."

"Ha ha ha..."

The two sacred strong men laughed and said, and then they directly took the emperor's jade, and their body shape circulated, and instantly disappeared into the void and disappeared.

"I have a position in the Wanxue Group? What does this mean?"

Xiang Yang touched his head and looked at the color of his face. Then he felt with emotion. "Sure enough, these sacred strongs of the Wan Yao Group are some unreliable old monsters. These two strong people are obviously ancient times. The old monsters that already exist are the shameless guys of the two old guys."

"Xiang Yang, you dare to insult the sacred strong man of the Wan Yao Group, do you want to die?" Jin Duoming on the side grabbed the opportunity at this time and shouted at Xiang Yang's anger.

"Who are you?"

Xiang Yang squinted at Jin Duoming and his eyes flashed through the cold.

Although he has already disembarked, Jin Duming, if this guy is arrogant, seems to be able to take this guy's knife.

"On the West River boat, because there are too many restrictions, it is not good for you to shoot. Now, if you are still arrogant as if you are the identity of the person who is the origin of the pulse, then the young master will let you Know how your end is like that." Jin Duoming said coldly.

At the same time, he did not directly touch Xiangyang, but looked at the huge open space on the shore, and then waved his hand.


At this moment, the glare of the glare flashed, numerous huge star-shaped turtles appeared on the shore. At the same time, there were a large number of teams, and there were millions of people, of which there were nearly a million military troops. People, these people are obviously Jin Duoming's men.

At the time of the Shangxi River boat, Jin Duoming all of the entire caravan was collected in Xianfu. Even with the close-up guards on board, all of them were really released at the moment, and suddenly formed a vast and infinite team.

Although the strength of these teams is uneven, there are big Luo strong, there are real immortals, even the fairy, but the number has indeed reached a very terrible degree.

"You have so many people in your body, no wonder you dare to be arrogant in front of me."

Xiang Yang sighed and said.

At the moment, among those who came down from the ship, in addition to Jin Duoming’s men, there were accidents that were originally accompanied by the caravans, and the rest were already gone.

The rest of the people looked at Xiang Yang with a look of lively look.

Regardless of the strength and difference of Xiangyang's possession, Xiang Yang is only a person after all, and his cultivation on the bright side is only the peak of true fairy.

And Jin Duoming’s men’s team is able to walk between the various celestial fields, and the strong ones who are sure to survive, perhaps the two of them are hanging on the West River. However, the strength of this team is still not to be underestimated. It is definitely not something that any immortal below the Holy Land can resist.

After Jin Duoming released all of them, he felt very confident when he faced Xiangyang. He believed that with his current strength, he would definitely have a strong advantage when facing Xiangyang. It is absolutely impossible to destroy Xiangyang.

He carried his hands, and even took out a folding fan and said with a smile. "Xiang Yang, now there are millions of troops in the hands of the Lord. Are you panicking?"


Seeing that Jin Duoming is so confident, Xiang Yang and Soul Qi Qi are speechless. I really don't know what kind of strength this team has, and it can bring such strong confidence to Jin Duoming.

We must know that although this team has a large number of people, there are not many real powerhouses. In fact, it is counted that the level of Xianwang is only one hundred, and even the level of Xianzun is only ten.

Of course, for the average person, these ten immortals are enough to make many people desperate, but both Xiangyang and Shenqiqi think that Jin Duoming at the moment is like a clown.

Especially the soul seventy-seven, she is very clear, although there are millions of people in Jin Duo Ming, Xiang Yang also has, in the Promise of the Promise of Xiangyang, but there are millions of people who have just taken away from Xihezhou not long ago. The physical repair of the fairyland.

Moreover, Xiang Yang's soul power is comparable to the soul of the Soul, the power of horror is boundless, even if the true Ya Sheng in the fairy does not have to let Xiang Yang feel fear.

"Isn't it possible to talk in a panic?"

Jin Duo Ming laughed happily, shaking the folding fan in his hand and smiling at Xiang Yang. At this moment, he only felt that he had already embarked on the peak of his life.

As a young man of the Jin nationality, he is able to crush Xiangyang strongly. For him, it is really a sense of accomplishment. He has more achievements than he was a candidate for the future patriarch of the Jin nationality. He is excited.

"I am so scared."

Xiang Yang sighed and looked at the team behind Jin Duoming. He sighed and said, "You are the young master of the Jin family. The team around you even has a fairy statue of the big Luo Jiu Jiu Tian Feng Feng. No, I really don't know if your young master is a fake."

"Even if there is no fairy deity in the realm of the big Luo Jiu Jiu Feng, this team of the Lord is enough to destroy you." Jin Duoming sneered, and then suddenly shouted, "Architecture, a million turns, Kill him."


At this moment, the millions of people who were still watching were bursting with the power of horror. Everyone held the law, and the golden light rushed up. It instantly reached the top of Xiangyang’s head and formed a circle. The wheel, around this round, is the emergence of various swordsmen.

The powerful murderous and the ray of various warriors broke out. The round wheel spun, and the void suddenly burst open, as if it were a stone mill, it could crush everything.

Moreover, although Jin Duoming did not do it, his eyes retired toward the rear and bowed low. "No need to show mercy, kill him, and the accident is caused by the young master."


At this moment, this round of wheels broke out with a powerful force and instantly pressed down against Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang stood with the soul seven or seven, and saw the round wheel crack down. He whispered softly. "Although it is the strength of a million people, it is hard to beat. Let you see the new comprehension of this young master. Rune round, see who is stronger."

While speaking, his hands were pinched with a law, and a dozen runes appeared in his hands, directly turning into a round wheel, and also rotating upwards to mark up.


Compared with the golden round wheel with the energy of the millions of immortals above, the round wheel of the more than ten runes of Xiangyang has no color, and there is no weapon in the surrounding, and there is nothing. The glare of the light, even the size can not be compared with it.

However, at this moment, when the two banged together, Xiang Yang’s dozens of runes flowed, silently, and directly melted the golden round directly. No, not just a smile. Or directly absorbed it, making a golden glow on these dozens of runes.

"How can this be?"

After seeing this scene, Jin Duoming was shocked. Then he was creepy and quickly fled toward the rear. Even his men did not care.

However, at this moment, in the sky, the round wheel composed of runes that had burst out of golden light due to the absorption of the golden round wheel was a direct void, and instantly reached the top of Jin Duo Ming’s head. Repressed him.

Author Meng Yu said: Today is six more finished, ask for flowers...

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