Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2733: Sun Jia Action

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"Xiang Yang, a low-lying creature who has risen from the lower bound, has dared to create an imperial palace. You should never be in contact with the emperor."

No one knows that Donghuang Yuxi and the 15th Princess Xu Qing are worshipping their sisters, especially the twelve emperors. He has not yet realized that he has been used.

At this moment, the twelve emperors are flying towards the Imperial Palace at a very fast speed. He bit his teeth and his eyes are burning with anger.

The twelve emperors like Donghuang Yuxi, not only because he has taken a fancy to the identity of the emperor, but also knows very well that among all the sons of the Emperor of the East, he has reached the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak and is qualified to compete for the heirs of the Eastern Emperor. There are a total of twenty people. As long as someone can marry the East Emperor Yuxi, you can get the support of Donghuangshi. At that time, it is definitely the heir to the Emperor of the East.

Therefore, he feels that he does not have to compete with other emperors in other aspects. He only needs to fix Donghuang Yuxi.

Moreover, when he first saw the first emperor of the East Emperor, he really liked this beautiful, but also with a strong emperor, like the emperor of the emperor.

For some people who usually like to pursue various women and conquer various kinds of beautiful women, it is their favorite to be able to conquer the female heroes such as Donghuang Yuxi.

The twelve emperors were filled with anger at Xiangyang, and he vowed to teach Xiang Yang.

Of course, if Xiangyang is just a true fairy as in the previous general rumors, the twelve emperors will not even bother to look at Xiangyang, but at this moment, the real master of the lord of Luoyang is the master of the 巅天巅峰, The existence of the treasures of the day after tomorrow made the hearts of the twelve emperors suddenly warm up. He decided not only to teach Xiang Yang, but also to steal the magic weapon of Xiang Yang. As a result, he has a treasure that is absolutely capable of Among the princes, they stand out and surpass the great emperor to become the strongest existence.

"I am the strongest, I am the only heir."

While the twelve emperors were talking to themselves, the horror of the thunder erupted, and the emperor's body turned into a real dragon around his body, making him very fast, all the way to the imperial palace.

"It’s the emperor who came out of the Temple of Heaven. Isn’t this the twelve emperors? Where is he going? Is it the imperial palace?”

"God, even the twelve emperors have to go to the Imperial Palace to find trouble, and there is a good show."

"Oh, I will say, the name of the Imperial Palace is not arbitrary. Maybe the Emperor will not care about these little things, but how can these princes let the reputation of the Imperial Palace be outside?"

"Go and watch the fun."


Emperor Palace is definitely the most lively place in the Central Fairy City. Even if it is a fierce battle outside the city, the Immortal World Wars cannot compare with the current Imperial Palace.

First, the owners of the seven nobles in the Central Fairy City went to the Emperor's Palace for trouble. After being wiped out by Xiang Yang, they even reported that they had made countless compensations. This saved the lives of all the people. I thought that this time the Emperor Palace would definitely stand up. I didn't expect that in the Heavenly Palace, some people even came out, and the other party was still a stupid cap of the twelve emperors, and rushed to find the emperor's palace alone.

No matter whether the strength of the twelve emperors can surpass Xiang Yang, his status as a prince is so rushing to the imperial palace with such a grand gesture that it is enough to show that this good play is more lively than before.

Countless people followed closely behind the twelve emperors and wanted to see the excitement. After seeing the twelve emperors, they were not only angry, but very proud of their hearts.

"This prince is awesome. Although there is no attendant in the trip, there are countless people following it."

The twelve emperors were very proud of their hearts, as if they were already the Emperor of the East.

"As long as I have done a beautiful job this time, and I will fight against Xiangyang, then I will definitely be able to suppress the momentum of other brothers. It will also make Donghuang Yuxi look at me with great enthusiasm. It is just too good. It is."

"Xiang Yang, you are just a dish that you brought to your door. I really should thank you."


The twelve emperors felt that Xiangyang’s imperial palace was too timely, and it was tailor-made for himself. As long as he had settled Xiangyang, he had settled the Imperial Palace, and even turned the Imperial Palace into his own industry. Maybe you can make Donghuang Yuxi look at yourself, and this time can boost your momentum, and by then, you can add a lot of points to your position as the sole heir to the competition.

If Xiang Yang knows that this guy's thoughts will definitely be very interesting, it is like the extra points of the exam. The idea of ​​the twelve emperors is a bit prominent.

While thinking in the heart of the twelve emperors, his body roared and he had already reached the sky above the Imperial Palace. He stood volley and looked almost at the same level as the Heavenly Palace, as if to fly the Tiangong top. The emperor's palace, couldn't help but give birth to a anger, and screamed with anger. "The principal of the emperor's palace gave me a roll out. The emperor would like to see it today. If he has any skills, he dares to establish at the foot of the Heavenly Palace. Is this emperor wanting to rebel?"


The twelve emperors did not immediately deal with the imperial palace. Although he was so uncomfortable to see the imperial palace, in his opinion, this emperor palace is definitely his own industry in the future. In the hands of Xiangyang, who has no blood of the emperor, To rebel, in the hands of his future descendants of the Emperor, it is justified.

Therefore, he just shouted, but he was the master of Da Luo’s nine heavens. Even if it was just a big drink, it was also a small feat. Half of the Central Fairy City heard his voice almost.

"Who is it? Going to the Imperial Palace again."

"The prince?"

"Rely, which emperor is such a cow, actually went to the emperor's palace to mess."


The masters of the family of the Fire, Sun, and so on were all shocked after hearing this loud drink. They were very clear that the Eastern Heavenly Emperor personally spoke and could not go to trouble.

Nowadays, there is a trouble for the emperor to go to the emperor's palace, and he wants to teach Xiangyang. This obviously does not know which stupid prince's head has less roots to send to Xiangyang.

"Xu Xiongxiong is a great man, his strength is unmatched, but his sons are not very good." Some old people shook their heads helplessly.

"Oh, today's Imperial Palace is the combination of my fire family and Xiang Yang. What kind of prince would dare to go to the Imperial Palace to trouble, is this against my firefighter?"

The fire family is absolutely strong. The five great heavens are not only the five great kings of the Eastern Tianyu, but the five great heavens of the five great heavens.

At this moment, among the fire people, the family of the fire family sneered a sneer, and personally dispatched, with a group of fire-fighting Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak whistling away toward the Imperial Palace.

Today, the ally on the surface of the imperial palace is only the fire and the grandchildren. However, the fire family is big, and it is the five great celestial beings. The strong among the ancestors is like a cloud. Naturally, there is no fear of the sons of the Eastern Emperor, but the Sun family is listening. When there was a prince to go to the emperor's palace, it was a little panic.

"The name of the Imperial Palace is really not feasible, and it is going to be a big deal."

Among the Sun family, an emergency meeting was held. Some of the strong men all had helpless colors on their faces, and even the homeowners were equally bitter.

"Home lord, this matter is a big problem. Our Sun family is no better than the fire family. If you offend the prince, even the most vulnerable prince is definitely not the one we can contend with."

"I have said that the name of this imperial palace is unknown, and I can't participate at will. Sun Chunyu, as the future owner of the Sun family, didn't even understand this point. It really made me wait for disappointment."


Some of the elders of the Sun family jumped out of the opportunity, sighing one by one, accusing Sun Chunyu, and even even the Sun family were implicated.

Sun Jia’s eyes are slightly cold, although he also knows that it may be implicated in the Sun’s family. However, the actions of these elders of Sun’s family are very uncomfortable for him. He knows that these elders are usually with him. In the same vein, at this time, I took the opportunity to jump out.

Not all families will be very harmonious. Some of the elders of the Sun family obviously do not agree with the family. Even some elders think that they want to get more from the family and force the family to bow.

The Sun Jiajia’s eyes were indifferent. He was not afraid of these guys, because not long ago, the grandson’s ancestors also spoke, and the grandson’s treasures were in his hands. If these guys were too much, he It’s just killing it directly.

"The matter of the Imperial Palace is that my Sun Chunyu made a self-assertion and has nothing to do with the Sun family. If you feel that the Imperial Palace will cause trouble to the Sun family, I am willing to leave the Sun family."

At this time, Sun Chunyu came in from the outside, his face with a cold color.

Originally, when Sun Chunyu heard that there was a prince who was going to the Imperial Palace to find trouble, he was in a hurry and wanted to come to his father, the Sunjia family, for help. What he did not expect was that when he entered the hall, he heard the grandson. The elders of the elders used this to marry their father. His heart was disappointing. In order not to let his father be embarrassed, he proposed to break away from the meaning of the Sun family.

After the Sun Jia’s elders listened to Sun Chunyu’s words, they were all silent. The elders who opposed the Sun’s family were all trembled.

The status of the Sunjia family is very strong, on the one hand because of the strength and strength of the Sun family, and on the other hand, the talents of the Sun Jiajia’s family are unparalleled, and they are pressing the same generation. Today, Sun Chunyu turned out to be Wanting to leave the Sun family, for these elders, the heart is both excited, and a little worried that the Sun family will listen to the madness.

"Sun Chunyu, you know that you are born to be a Sun family person, your blood is the blood of the Sun family, how do you get rid of the Sun family?"

At this time, I heard the grandson of the Sun family shouting.

"I know that I am the blood of my grandson, but I don't want to make you embarrassed." Sun Chunyu bowed his head and said softly.

"I am embarrassed?"

After the Sun Jiajia listened to it, he couldn’t help but laugh.

He pointed to the elders who opposed him, haha ​​laughed and said, "Is it because of these wastes against me? Do you think this will make your father feel embarrassed? You are wrong, you are too small to be a father." ”


After the other elders listened, they all changed their faces, especially those elders who were called “waste” by the grandsons of the Sun family. They even shouted. “Home, what do you mean?”

"what for?"

The Sun family’s sneer sneered. “Do not think that you do things on weekdays. You really don’t want to be the owner. You can’t move you because you just want to give you a chance. Now You dare to jump out and force my son. If this is the case, then the Sun family wants you to use these anti-bonelets. It is useless."


As his loud drink fell, suddenly, with a response to the sound, there were eighteen Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak strongmen rushing in, all of them broke out with the supreme power, and the array will be These elders are all banned.

At this moment, it seems that the battle is shifting to the stars. At the same time as the family array is suppressed, the grandson’s treasure appears on the head of the head of the family. It is just a treacherous ruler. The power of the Sun’s elders can no longer move.

"Home, what are you doing?" Although the elders were controlled, they still kept calm, and one of them shouted. "Do you want to split the family?"

"This is the 18th Guardian. When the strongman who followed the ancestor to fight the world, he was in the hands of the lords of all ages."

The Sun family’s master carried his hands and said leisurely, “You elders are trying to split the family. This is your guilt. You can see it yourself.”

At the same time, as soon as he pointed out, there was a long scroll of subtitles. It was recorded that the elders had done various things that were unfavourable to the family. Even some elders had to murder their owners and things. The time, place, and planned figures are all listed in detail, making the elders who originally wanted to refute all face up.

"Take it, go into the ban, send it to mine, and all of them will be sent together to mine."

On the face of the Sun Jiajia, with a cold color, he waved his hand directly. Suddenly, the strongmen of the 18-year-old Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak were simultaneously dispatched, and the elders of these grandchildren were all sealed and taken away.

For a time, the entire lobby was hollowed out by a third. The other elders who supported the Sun family’s family also took a breath, only to think that the Sun family was too embarrassed.

“How do you feel that this master is doing this thing?” asked the Sun Jia’s family with a soft smile.

"The homeowner is doing well."

"The wise man, the guys are against each other, and they are secretly making a persecution of the family. It is already **** good."



Ever since, this group of elders all slap, making the face of the Sun Jia’s family with a faint smile, and waved directly, "In this case, the elders and the elders of the elders and the three elders went to the emperor’s palace with Chun Yu to see what it is. Let me talk about the situation."


Today's Sun family can be said to be the real master of the Sun family. He said that there is no one. These elders have no courage to resist, and all of them are respectful and lead, and they leave with Sun Chunyu.

Although Sun Chunyu was equally shocked by his father's means, he knew that there was a rush to go to the Imperial Palace to make trouble. Without any hesitation, he quickly rushed to the Imperial Palace.

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