Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2714: What are you going to do?

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"Who are these guys?"

The middle-aged man originally thought that after waiting for his 18 men to kill Xiangyang and his entourage, he directly twitched the gods of Xiangyang and others to feed the tiger. However, what shocked him was that the little bald head and Sun Chunyu is enough to block the joint efforts of the eighteen big Luo seven heavens, which is really shocking for him.

The unpleasant feeling in his heart is getting stronger and stronger. Seeing that the whirlpool of the little tiger has appeared eight times, when the speed of consuming his own power is getting faster and faster, he feels very wrong, so he is close to him. The old slave said, "You will hold it for a while. After I go to destroy them, I will send the power of the source to the little tiger. I will not believe it. With our twenty magics, the power of Xianzun can’t be fed. brat."


After the old man of the middle-aged man listened, he was dumbfounded, letting his own source of power to feed the little tiger. Isn't that his life?

You must know that the current strength of his own body is no longer enough for the heyday. This is because there is a middle-aged man who is a big man in the sky. If he is alone, let him be alone. Come, with the speed of the tiger's engulfing, a blink of an eye is enough to drain him.

However, the middle-aged man did not pay attention to the old slave, but was prepared to pull back.

Of course, what he calls the first thing to kill Xiang Yang and others is actually preparing to engulf Xiang Yang and others to supplement their own sources, because at this time, the source of his body has been consumed half. It is.

The middle-aged man is very shocked. He is the demon of the world of Da Luo’s eight heavens. The power of the source is ten times more than that of Da Luo’s seven heavens. However, it has been swallowed up by half. This little tiger seems to eat forever. The full appearance, in addition to the increased speed of phagocytosis, did not change much, making him feel a bit skeptical about whether he was pit.

However, since half of the source has been swallowed up by the little tiger, he feels that if he gives up, it seems to be a bit worthwhile.

So I was prepared to devour all of Xiang Yang and others, and add some of the power of the source.


However, when the middle-aged man was ready to pull back, he suddenly felt a little bit wrong. His hand was firmly absorbed by the little tiger, and the power of his body turned out to be faster than before.

"what's the situation?"

The middle-aged man’s eyes looked at the little tiger and found that the little guy had a flawless color in his **** eyes. However, the ninth vortex gradually appeared on the little tiger, a hundred times more powerful than before. It broke out.


At this moment, as if the little tiger suddenly sucked, the power of the middle-aged man was once again absorbed by 20%, making him only 30% of the origin.

"Bastard, your white-eyed wolf is actually ready to **** the deity."

At this time, the middle-aged man finally realized that something was wrong. The other party was actually prepared to take care of himself. However, it should not be said that after the birth of this congenital beast, who would give it to eat, would it recognize the other party as the master? Why did you want to **** yourself out?

The middle-aged man was stunned. Suddenly he saw Xiang Yang standing on one side and a satisfied smile on his face. He suddenly understood that he was being played by this junior.

"Junior, you are looking for death."

The middle-aged man snorted and looked at Xiang Yang with a murderous look, as if he wanted to eat Xiang Yang.

He understood that when the little tiger was born, he wanted Xiangyang to stand on one side and even put his hand on the eggshell. Then, Xiang Yang had already surrendered the little tiger, but he always lured. I, I want to find a way to let the little tigers send the power of the source, so that they have only 30% of the original source.

As a lord of the world, he was turned by a junior in the realm of immortality. At this moment, he was almost crazy.


The middle-aged man screamed with anger, and the horrible power broke out. He directly shocked the little tiger. Although the little tiger had tried his best to absorb the middle-aged man and wanted to follow the requirements of Xiang Yang, he would be the middle-aged man. All the power of the source is sucked out, but it is only just born, and the strength can not be compared with the strong man of the big eight heavens, only the last breath, and swallowed the other party's source of about 10% After the force, it was finally shaken.


The little tiger with a grievance, watching the middle-aged man and the old slaves murderously look at themselves, it wisely ran to the side of Xiangyang standing, using its small head on the legs of Xiangyang 蹭With.

"Little guy, are you full?"

Xiang Yang smiled and touched the head of the little tiger. He could see that the middle-aged man in the big heaven and the earth was sucked up by nearly 80% of his original strength. Although he was not completely sucked, he was almost the same. And the old slave was also sucked six or seven percent. If the little tiger has not yet eaten enough and does not supplement the innate source, then the appetite is too big.


As soon as I heard Xiang Yang’s question, the little tiger suddenly became happy. He snorted at Xiang Yang, and all the black hairs on his body were erected. At the same time, with the sound of 'Boom’, a body broke out. The powerful and unmatched atmosphere of the stock is equivalent to the power of the master of the big world.

"Not bad, there is actually the power of the Da Luo situation."

After Xiang Yang met, he smiled even more happily, and the middle-aged man and the old slave who were opposite him were already crazy. Both of them trembled and looked at Xiang Yang and the little tiger.


The middle-aged man was screaming with anger, and his whole body was shaking. He was the fascinating fairy of the world of Da Luo’s eight heavens. He was able to shoot Xiang Yang’s people with a single hand, but he was so stupid. Xiang Yang played in the applause. He really listened to Xiang Yang’s words, letting the little tiger devour his own source of power, and after losing eight cost sources, he was already weak and weak.

"Primary, the deity wants to eat you."

The middle-aged man roared and his body rushed directly toward Xiangyang. After knowing the cruel truth, no one could bear it.


Xiang Yang is sighing, and the eyes love you. This middle-aged man rushes toward himself. His hand sways, the celestial gourd of the best fairy level appears in his hands, but he does not immediately display it. Come out, but to stimulate one of the swordsmanship and killing, so smile at each other.


The middle-aged man, who was almost ready to pounce on Xiangyang, felt the sudden change of his face. His face suddenly changed and his body suddenly stopped. He looked at Xiangyang’s hand in the hands of Xiangyang. .


The middle-aged man stood in front of Xiangyang. He was constantly breathing and his face was pale, not only because the power of the source was seriously lacking, but also because he was scared when he saw the cucurbit gourd in Xiangyang’s hand.

He did not expect that Xiang Yang was a true immortal, and there was a great fairy squash in his hand. This is the sacred sacred sacred ancestor of the sacred knives, but it can really kill the sacred sect. It’s incredible that Xiang Yang’s true fairy has this killer.

"You are the descendant of the sacred knives?"

The middle-aged man’s face looked at Xiangyang in a sullen mood. He was very angry and angry. He really wanted to anger. Xiangyang was a liar. What if you took out the knives? Is it difficult for you?

The middle-aged man is very aware of the destructive power of the sinister knives. In particular, when the elders give the sacred sacred gourd to the disciples, they must not bully each other because their strength is too weak. Once the fairy knives are displayed, they are absolutely earth-shattering. Even if the strength of Xiangyang is only the real fairyland, with the knives flying swords, it can also kill everything.

"you guess."

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the middle-aged man, and saw the other person’s demon statue in the heavens and the earth. Even after losing the power of 80%, his face turned white, and his heart was sighing. Sure enough, the brain is the most important. If there is no brain, it is useless to cultivate it.

The strength of this middle-aged man is strong enough, but the brain is a little bit worse. As a result, the current strength cannot be compared with the big seven heavens. Even, whether it is a small bald head or Sun Chunyu, he can take him with him. Went out.


The middle-aged man couldn't see the true identity of Xiang Yang. However, Xiang Yang's knives in the hands of Xiang Yang were real. He suppressed the crazy killing in his heart, and saw that Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu completely blocked the ten. When he was under eight men, he knew in his heart that this time he was really planted.

He took a deep breath and looked at Xiang Yang. He couldn’t help but smile. "Good ability, even the deity can suffer. You are among all the enemies of the deity. The first one can force the deity to such a Degree."

"Oh, don't say this, in fact, my ability is just the same, at most, I can only bully a cat and a dog." Xiang Yang's face showed a sly smile.


After listening to the middle-aged man, he was suddenly furious. This **** dared to think of himself as a cat and a dog. He almost couldn’t help but deal with Xiangyang, but at this time, Xiangyang’s hand It is a powerful light that erupts, and even the gourd mouth opens. There is a gray mist that is flowing, making the middle-aged man’s face change greatly. He can only suppress the killing in his heart. He said to Xiang Yang, “You want to How are you willing to leave?"

"Hey, this question may have to ask your men, it is they blocked the formation, so that we can not leave." Xiang Yang looked at the eighteen big seven heavens still squatting with Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu The strongest of the situation.

Although the eighteen people are generally inferior in strength, they are indeed the true sacred gods of the seven heavens. If they can be handed over to Xiangyang, he can train an invincible team.


The middle-aged man snorted and stopped his 18 men directly. Then, he said to Xiang Yang, "You can leave."

"You just didn't let us leave, but now I have to let me go. If I leave like this, then I don't have much face." Xiang Yang said with a sigh.


The middle-aged man understood that he was being played by this kid again. He looked at Xiang Yang coldly and shouted. "Do you really think that you have a singer and you can do whatever you want, can you deal with the deity?"

"No, I never think that a sacred gourd can deal with a magical strongman who is a big man in the world." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Then you dare to be so crazy?"

The middle-aged man looked coldly at Xiangyang. If his eyes could kill, he would have killed Xiangyang for many times.

"But, you are only one of the powers that have been drained by 80%. Now there are only two centuries of cost power in the body. No, no, now your true strength cannot be said to be a fairy, say you. It is a fairy king who is exaggerated." Xiang Yang said with a sigh.

"Well, kid, you really are not your opponent after the loss of the original source of the deity. If you want to find death, then don't blame the deity regardless of the affair with the phoenix flying knife to kill you and then say. ”

The middle-aged man yelled and yelled directly at the 18 men. "Kill him and grab the knives and knives to the deity."


The masters of the eighteen big Luo seven heavens have long been refining and becoming the general man of this middle-aged man. Even if his strength is loss, the eighteen people must listen to him. At this moment, eighteen people are ready to rush to Xiangyang.

After Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu met, the two men went out side by side and were ready to continue to fight against the masters of the eighteen big seven heavens.


However, at this time, only when I heard the sound of ‘嗤’, the middle-aged man only felt that his arm was cold, and then his hand fell shoulder to shoulder and fell directly to the ground.

"It doesn't hurt, this is the knives flying knife. The speed is very fast. Even if you lick your neck, you will not feel pain. You will die silently. This is happiness and death." Yang’s very annoying voice rang again, making the middle-aged man’s face even more ugly.

As a peerless demon in the world of arrogance, he was directly cut off by his arm, and he was silent. He was shackled without any resistance.

His body was cold and sweaty, and he had already been soaked in sweat by his clothes. It is conceivable that if the previous knife was on his neck, he would have already disappeared.

The power of the legendary 斩仙飞刀 is definitely not virtual.


The middle-aged man hurriedly stopped his 18 men. His forehead was still sweaty. Even his shoulder was still bleeding, because he found that there was a horrible killing around his wound. It made him unable to return to a complete state within a short period of time, and the arm that was smashed could not re-grow.

"What the **** are you going to do?"

He is almost mad, and the peerless powerhouse, who is so arrogant and arrogant, has been forced to become such a thing by Xiang Yang. It is too shameful.

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