Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2708: Finally I find you

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"what's going on?"

Xiang Yang was staring at the gambling plaza in front of him. It should have been a gambling loss. Then, the small bald head of the gambling money that had to find a way to take the singer to lose money would turn into a gambling **** one day?

At this moment, Xiang Yang feels a bit unreal. If this little bald head really has such skills, it is a bit unrealistic.

However, the facts are in front of you, but they do not allow him to believe.

The small bald head has really become a high-profile presence, as if the little bald head of this moment is a real gambling god.

He stood on the table and looked down at the active gamblers around him. He looked satisfied. "You, you want to bet, you have to hurry up, follow the little ones, eat meat, don't follow the little ones, even I have no urine to drink."

"I rely on..."

Xiang Yang was shocked, and it turned out to be a small bald head. It was a guy named ‘breaking ring’, and he could even say something that made Xiang Yang feel familiar.

"This guy, it's a jerk, I don't know why suddenly luck has become so good."

In the crowd next to Xiaoguangtou, there are two men, one woman and two women standing. It is Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu. Sun Yuxiu grinned and looked at the little bald head standing on the table, and she felt a little unreal. .

Before, Sun Yuxiu was not willing to be left behind by a small bald head, so she followed the little bald head into the gambling house. At the beginning, she found that the small bald head seemed to be riddled with bad luck, but she was already gambling, she had already been in her heart. The smile turned over, and even contacted his own big brother Sun Chunyu, let the other party bring some treasures to come to save the field. By the time, let the little bald head write down a pile of owed, and then you can threaten the little bald head.

However, what puzzled her was that after the little bald head lost her light, she did not look for her. Instead, she took out a few pieces of the best wares from her body, and then ran back to the hotel and returned. At that time, not only did I get back a bunch of celestial stones, but I also brought three beautiful women around me, one of which is the little princess of the fire family of one of the five great celestial beings.

Sun Yuxiu and Sun Chunyu naturally know each other, but the two sides are not very familiar because they were born. After they have greeted each other, Sun Yuxiu and Sun Chunyu were shocked that the little bald head shouted at the fire. The three peerless beauty inside is '嫂子'.

The news of the fire Princess's little princess has been rumored throughout the Central Fairy City, and all the great lords know that Huo Mei has found the news of Xiang Yang as a husband. This is not a shocking thing.

However, it was not the same in the ears of Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu's brothers and sisters, especially Sun Chunyu, who was excited on the spot. He knew very well that the brother of Xiaoguangtou must be the one who wants to worship the teacher. .

Ever since, Sun Chunyu was excited, and Sun Yuxiu was also very excited, because Sun Yuxiu’s purpose of following the small bald head was not to make something happen with Sun Chunyu, but to find Xiangyang.

When I was in the underground black market, although Xiaoguangtou almost blasted Sun Yuxiu almost, but in Sun Yuxiu’s heart, she really made her very unhappy. The real culprit was Xiangyang.

However, what makes Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu feel shocked is that since the small bald heads have invited the three super beautiful women, even if they have the help of God, all the bad luck has been driven away, and there is an endless air transport. In an instant, it has turned into a super invincible luck king. Whether it is to open a stone gambling stone or to bet with other people, it is a repeated victory.

Later, Xiaoguangtou not only paid off all the gambling debts owed, but also began to make big profits. Until now, I have won many unknown stones and treasures. Even some small bald heads from the stone. The treasure that comes out is even more exciting.

At this time, there are more and more people in the gambling house, and many people just bet on the bet, only a few hundred of the best fairy stones, but their eyes are all staring at the little bald head, obviously not good.

Even, Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu saw the scores clearly. Among these people, one or two of them actually turned out to be the sacred statues of Da Luo’s seven heavens.

"This kid is not hurrying to find a way to run, but still stay here to attract those who are greedy to come to him. Isn't this what is looking for death?" Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu shook their heads helplessly, they have told Xiaoguangtou more than once. Has been stared, let him hurry to run, and even told the little bald head can follow them to the Sun family, as long as they enter the Sun family, no one can hurt the little bald head.

However, the little bald head is like a hoe, and he said with confidence that no one will harm him, and even if someone dares to harm him, he is not afraid.

Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu saw that this kid is so confident and has to give up. However, the strength of the small bald head is really very strong. When he was in the underground black market, he once defeated the fairy goddess of Da Luo’s seven heavens. They didn't say much about it, but they watched the little bald head quietly.

At this time, Xiang Yang looked at the little bald head and shouted loudly. It was like the scene of the gambling house he experienced in the secular world at that time, which made his heart speechless and understood. When the little bald head was in the secular world, he was sure. I have been to some places, and even, it is estimated that even those places with red lanterns have been visited.

"This flower monk really does not bear his law number." Xiang Yang sighed, his eyes looked around in the gambling house, and suddenly saw Mei Aoxue, the silver scorpion and the flamboyant three women were sitting elegantly. Behind the small bald head, they were served very well, not only with comfortable tables and chairs, but also some food and drink, and their place was isolated, it was a super luxury VIP treatment. Make the crazy gamblers around you unable to get close to them.

However, Xiang Yang’s huge soul power swept through and saw at a glance that it was Mei’s own influence on her own qi, which made the small bald head defeated, even, casually picking a stone. , can all open treasures.

"They are there, let's go."

Xiang Yang walked softly and laughed. Although the three women were separated by enchantment, these enchantments did not have any effect on Xiang Yang. Xiang Yang took the two women step by step and smiled at the three women.

"Three beautiful ladies, do you need a small service?"

Xiang Yang looked at the three women, Mei Aoxue sat in the center, elegant figure, with a sense of creation, although she has suppressed the luxuries of the avenue, but it also has extraordinary temperament, plus her absolute The beauty of her face makes her look more dazzling than silver and fire.

Of course, the two women of Jubilee and Huo Mei are also peerless beauty. They are accompanied by the two sides of Mei Ao Xue. When they are laughing and laughing, they have a different style. If there is no enchantment, I am afraid more people. Not being attracted by a small bald head, but around the three women.

"Xiang Yang."

Seeing Xiang Yang appear here, the three women also showed the color of surprise, especially the fire is the most daring, and then came back to Xiangyang directly. Originally, she wanted to hold Xiang Yang’s arm, but found that Liya and Yuliqin are holding Xiangyang’s arms. She has to lick her neck with her hands and smile at him. “Xiang Yang, you are finally back, I miss you.”

"Oh... cough."

Xiang Yang saw that Huo Mei was so "passionate", his heart was a bit hot, but at the moment it was not a good place. After all, Mei Aoxue and Jubilee are staring at themselves, and Yulia and Yuliqin is still holding his own arm.

There are also a group of gamblers who have also looked around, including Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu's brothers and sisters.

"It turned out to be him."

"Finally found him, this bastard, really is not a good thing, left and right hold is not counted, even there is a hung on the neck, and, look at the eyes of the two women, obviously also related to him, this kind of It’s too much to spend a big radish.”

Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu’s eyes are bright at the same time. Of course, it’s almost just that Sun Chunyu’s eyes are bright, and Sun Yuxiu is so angry that he wants to beat people.


Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu walked toward Xiangyang at the same time. One was excited and the other was gnashing. As for others, some gamblers were frowning. I regret that the three fairies were preempted by Xiangyang, but When we saw that the behead of the small bald was about to end, everyone was very excited to look at the little bald head.

At this moment, the little bald head also found Xiang Yang coming. He was overjoyed and felt that he could finally perform well in front of Xiang Yang. He did not immediately say hello to Xiang Yang, but he thought it in his heart. This time Boss must be obsessed with me, so he shouted loudly and shouted. "You, the last one hundred years, please bet quickly, or else, you will start to open the stone."

"Hahaha, come on, go crazy, brothers, you have money to make together, there are treasures to have together, and as a monk, you will never lie."



Seeing that the little bald head actually mobilized the atmosphere of the scene, Rao was also stunned by Xiang Yang. He looked at the little bald head and suddenly felt that it was a waste of the small bald head not to be the host.

It is a bit difficult to mobilize the atmosphere of so many people on the spot. In particular, for a small bald head with such a special head, even if it is Xiang Yang, it feels that the small bald head is really extraordinary.

"It's you!"

At this time, Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu’s brothers and sisters came over. Sun Chunyu’s face looked at Xiangyang with excitement, while Sun Yuxiu was apricot with a sneer, as if the cat had caught the mouse, the cat found the mouse, she Very proud to look at Xiang Yang, "Little thief, finally found you."


When she saw the arrival of an outsider, she quickly let go of Xiangyang. At the same time, she waited for Sun Yuxiu and screamed. "Who is this girl? It turned out to be the two great patriots of Sun’s family. Why, you Don't have long eyes?"

Although the Sun Jiayu and Sun Yuxiu brothers and sisters of Sun’s family are very powerful, they are all superstars. However, they are not afraid of two people. They are not angry with them and continue to swear. “You are bullying. Is this girl younger than you? Isn’t it just a few million years old? It’s even bullying on the girl’s head.”

"The little fire princess misunderstood, we are not making trouble, nor did we say anything to look down on the little princess." Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu were very excited to look at Xiang Yang, a proud looking at Xiang Yang, listening After the words of fiery, they realized the recklessness of their own.

Huo Mei is holding Xiang Yang, which is equivalent to meeting with a small lover, but his two brothers and sisters actually rushed over, is this not intentionally disturbing the other party?

This kind of thing is not too big to say small, if it is too big, it can be said that they deliberately want to be bad and flamboyant good things, even if the fire is to let the fire family find a grandson to discuss, the Sun family also has to recognize a loss.

After all, Huo Mei is the little princess of the fire family of one of the five great celestial beings, while Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu are only the descendants of the grandson's grandson. The nobles can't compare with the powerful celestial beings.


The fire snorted. "Do you mean that this girl’s eyes are not the truth? You deliberately come over and mess up, I have to be happy to meet you?"

At this time, the hot and temperament of the fire was all revealed. She sneered at the two people. I was unreasonable. I can take a look at what happened to you, making Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu feel a headache.

"Okay, don't play with them, they are children, don't bully them."

At this time, Xiang Yang said softly and softly.

This is the enchanting moment, and smiled and said to Xiang Yang, "Well, then don't care about the two little kids."

She deliberately said that the words "baby boy" are very heavy, and they are proud to have a look at Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu's brothers and sisters, making them feel helpless.

Their age is calculated in tens of thousands of units. In front of them, Huo Mei, a little princess born only one or two thousand years ago, can be regarded as a real little boy, but this time, they rushed to bother To the fire and the Xiangyang retreat, they have a heart-wrenching, and they know that the fire is really arrogant. If they argue with Huo Mei, they may be more uncomfortable with the fire, so they have to pretend not to hear.

However, Sun Chunyu was looking at Xiang Yang with a gaze, and shouted respectfully, "Master!"


The smug eyes saw that the two did not refute, so that they could not find an excuse to teach them. The heart was a little lost. When they heard the genius of Sun’s genius, Wang Chunchun even shouted Xiangyang’s true immortality as 'Shi Zun'. At the time, she suddenly stayed.

“Is this awkward?”

The stunned look at Xiang Yang and Sun Chunyu, not only her, has loosened the two sisters Yulia and Yuliqin of Xiangyang, and even the silver enamel and Mei Aoxue are also curious Look at Xiang Yang.

A few of them were very shocked. A fairy king called Zhenxian as a master. If it wasn't for the immortal king, it was the true fairy.

However, no matter whether Xiang Yang or Sun Chunyu, there seems to be no problem. Xiang Yang is a real immortal. Sun Chunyu is a grandson of the Sun Jia’s Tianjiao Xianwang. It is also impossible to be crazy, but this guy will shout Xiang Yang. For the master?

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