Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2660: The crisis is coming

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When Xiang Yang’s heart sighed, it was really a good time to make treasures. The fifth priest directly rushed to Xiang Yang’s front and grabbed Xiang Yang’s hand, which made Xiang Yang scared a big jump and thought that this old guy was playing. I can't afford to fight with myself.

"what are you doing?"

When Xiang Yang was shocked, he was ready to use the power of the soul to resist, but, okay, this guy did not have a shame in Xiang Yang’s imagination, but said very excitedly to himself, "Boy, you are How to play, teach me."

Fortunately, this old guy just wants to find himself to study. Xiang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and his face showed a smile. "This, if you want to learn, of course."

Then, he started to teach the three avenues how to play cards. When he talked about the wonderful places, the three avenues laughed excitedly.

For a time, everyone looked at Xiangyang with a strange color, only that Xiangyang was so amazing that he could turn the three of the nine avenues of Daomen into his class. ..

"Xiang Yang, this is..."

Just at this time, the Taoist Lin Qi also sent the alchemy materials that were owed to Xiangyang. When he saw the appearance of Xiang Yang, he was suddenly shocked. Is this the Taoist he knows, even a good student? Looks like Xiang Xiang asked how to play poker.

"Cough, well, the law can't be passed down. I can teach you this too."

Then, Xiang Yang clap his hands, did not pay attention to the three Taoist, but looked at the Taoist Lin Qi, the latter quickly handed a storage ring to Xiang Yang, said with a smile, "This is a hundred refining The material of Taishang Jindan."

Say, he looked at Xiang Yang with excitement on his face. "Xiang Yang really thank you. After all the alchemy masters saw your jade, they have learned how to refine the golden dragon." ”

"Good, the transaction is completed." Xiang Yanghe smiled and collected the 100 pieces of alchemy material in the storage ring. He looked at not only giving himself so many treasures, but also glanced at his own Taoist Lin Qi. He sighed in his heart, the door is really a good place.

The Taoist Lin Qi did not know what Xiangyang thought in his heart. At this moment, he still looked at Xiangyang and hesitated. "Xiang Yang, I see that your talent is unparalleled. Why don't you find a door to worship?" If you can enter the gate, you will definitely get the highest resources."

"Yeah, kid, although you are the descendant of that pulse, but you did not say that you can not enter the gate, or you come to my door, I will give you a special elder position." After the words of the lord Lynch, the eyes were bright and he said quickly.


Xiang Yang was helpless, but for the first time, someone encountered that he had to pull himself into the martial art. In particular, this is the door, one of the strongest forces in the fairy world.

Of course, as the Taoist Lin Qi and the fifth Taoist said, if you enter the door, you must have infinite resources for yourself to use. Xiang Yang believes that even if you want to use the resources of the Taoist door to make a breakthrough It is not difficult to go to Da Luo’s nine heavens, but the key is that he does not feel that the breakthrough is a difficult thing.

Moreover, entering the gate is bound by the various rules of the gate, which is obviously not suitable for oneself.

"Thank you for your kindness, Xiang Yangye used to it, and really can't stand the door rules of the door, can only be done." Xiang Yang said happily.

"Not afraid, I will give you too elder tokens, you can be free from any restrictions on the door." The fifth Taoist said quickly.

"But, Tao Zun, this is too elder's token..." The lord Lin Qi heard a shocking color on his face and quickly opened his mouth to stop the fifth honor.

"After our other Taoist consultations, I have always felt that if Xiao Xiaoyou is willing to join the gate, he can serve as the elder of my door."

However, the words of the lord Lynch have not yet fallen, and they hear a light voice, which is the voice of the first priest.

When the lord Lynch looked up, he saw not only the first lord, but all the other priests also appeared here. They looked at Xiangyang with a faint smile on their faces.

In this way, even if the Taoist Lin Qi wants to oppose it, he does not dare to oppose it.

The reason why he originally opposed it was because the position of the elders was too big, even higher than the status of his lord. The position of the elders of Daomen directly gave Xiang Yang such a real fairyland. If you are a junior, you won't say that outsiders will be jokes. It is also a big shock for him.

However, since all Taoist all agree, even if he is the Taoist, there is no qualification to oppose it.

At this moment, the first priest looked at Xiang Yang with a sincere color on his face. He asked, "How does Xiaoyou think?"

"It’s a very tempting position." Xiang Yang took a deep breath, even if he had to admit that he was indeed attracted by this elder’s position, not to mention that if he really became the door, this is too The elders, what kind of power they can have, and the title of the elders who are on the road to the elders are enough to bring him endless benefits.

It is a pity that Xiang Yang did not like the pie that was thrown on the head.

He shook his head with a soft voice. "Thank you for the kindness of the Taoist people. They are too weak to be repaired. They dare not take the position of the elders, and ask the Taoist to take it back."


Since Xiang Yang refused to agree, then the Taoist sects of Taoism could not force Xiang Yang, they all showed the color of sigh.

The Taoist Lin Qi was relieved. Fortunately, Xiang Yang did not agree. Otherwise, there would be more than one King of the King on his head, and he would have to ask the opinions of the elders in the future. The position of the elders of Daomen is equivalent to the Taoist.

"This is the token of Jiu Dishan. If there is something wrong with Xiaoyou in the future, it should be available. Just leave a fate." Then, a token was sent between the first wave of the wave. In front of Xiang Yang.

"Well, I accepted this token, thank you for your respect."

Xiang Yang did not refuse this time. Instead, he solemnly collected the token and then proceeded to a court of honour. "Let's leave."

After all, he waved his hand and left everyone around him with Jiu Di Mountain.

"Small blood, there is time to come to the aunt to play."

The ninth lord still stood behind and waved at the little blood. Obviously, although she is the ninth lord of the Taoist temple, although she should be pure-minded, she is in the midst of seeing the little blood. Her only family, she is still very happy.

"The door is really a good place."

Xiang Yang drove the broken moon boat and took the crowd out of the gate of the gate. As he watched the gate of the gate go further and further, he could not help but sigh. "There are many people who are stupid, and the gate is also."


After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, the people almost vomited blood. Xiang Yang’s serious words made it so that they couldn’t stand it.

Only a small blood agreed with a nod, "It is indeed a good place, and Aunt Kirin is here."

Of course, the two have very different ideas. Xiang Yang made a big profit in Daomen, and he was very happy. He sighed that the people in the door were really good, and the small blood was because the ninth lord was the same family. Plus the ninth lord is very good to her, making her feel that the door is not bad.

"Boss, where are we going next?"

The little bald head followed, and asked carefully.

"Look for a place to wait for Mei Xiaoniu." Xiang Yang laughed and said, went to the Central Fairy, did not return to the fire family, but found a restaurant to stay, ready to wait for the arrival of Mei Aoxue .

However, Xiang Yang did not know that when he was waiting for Mei Aoxue, Mei Aoxue was in trouble.

After Mei Aoxue and Xiang Yang ended the conversation, she had already made a decision to withdraw from the battle of Wanzhou’s fateful woman. She took out the token of this battle and contacted other goddess of destiny. My own message, "I want to give up this battle."

"Since you have decided to join the war, you can't go back. Otherwise, you can only do it."

However, when she entered a sentence, she responded to her as a cold and ruthless voice.

"How could this be?"

Mei Aoxue stared at his own token. I didn’t expect it to be like this. This voice is the initiative to presume the rules set by the Presbyterian Church of this destiny. It is clear that This time, the battle of the goddess of destiny has set the rules, no one can quit halfway.

"I can give up all the power of air transport." Mei Ao Xue entered the news again.

"Unless the gods are destroyed, they must not be withdrawn." Another cold voice came over, meaning exactly the same as a voice.

"This is a big problem."

Mei Aoxue whispered to herself, and she realized that she had a big problem and could not give up.

"If I am forced to give up?"

At this time, Mei Aoxue entered a token into the token.

"Being hunted down, the gods are gone." The voice that came out of the token has already been killed. Obviously, if Mei Ao Xue once again said that he would give up, I am afraid that the next moment, there will be a horrible existence to deal with her. .

Mei Aoxue has no doubt that even if he is on his own site, if he really gave up, the law enforcement officials who temporarily combined the Wantian Destiny Women’s War will have a way to annihilate themselves.

Because this time, Wanzhou Tiandeng's female war seems to be a bit different, even the withdrawal will not work, which makes Mei Aoxue's heart full of despair.

Then she remembered what it was like, and entered another sentence, "I want to change the people who participated in the war."

Before that, she had already reported Xiangyang’s name. Since she could not quit, she could only trade with some powerful old monsters like other people, only wishing to have her grandfather’s grandfather’s Exist, you can keep yourself.

"Warning, you can't change people privately unless the replacement person is killed."

The message came out of the token, it was still cold and ruthless, as if an invisible blade was being lifted up, making Mei Aoxue’s face with a shocking color, could not help but fall down and whisper, " Is there really no way?"

"No, I can't let Xiangyang have an accident."

"I can take Xiangyang to the lower bound and stay away from the fairyland. I don't believe that the law enforcement officers of these Presbyterians can really chase us to the lower bounds."

Thinking of this, Mei Aoxue stood up and quickly went through the transmission array to find Xiangyang.

However, what Mei Aoxue didn't know was that shortly after she left, a little maid had already passed the direction and purpose of her departure.

Among the silver foxes that are far away from Qingqiuzhou, there is a enchanting woman wearing a silver mane coat holding a message in the hand, reading the information above, it is about Mei Aoxue wanting to give up Can not give up, and then go directly to the Central Fairy City to find the news of Xiangyang.

"May Sister is too weak to find someone who is called Xiangyang."

The enchanting woman in a silver mane coat whispers. "It’s a joke, let a real fairy fight. Isn’t that looking for death? No, I must not let Mei’s sister be willful. If you let the square gods die, you can change people. Then let me help you kill this guy named Xiang Yang."

Let's just say, the enchanting woman in this silver mane coat walks directly into the inner house. In this house, there is a strong person sitting in the disk, the breath on the other side is very strong, and there is a sword blowing around the head. This is chaos. Sword, as if to cut the entire fairy world.

"Yu Lang, I want to ask you to help me a favor?" After the enchanting woman saw the man, her eyes showed the color of worship, said softly.

"What?" All the men's breaths converge, looking at the woman, while asking, directly reaching out, holding the woman in a silver mane coat, lying on her knees, bowing her head After I kissed each other, I whispered, "I will be willing to do it for you no matter what, but what do you want to give me?"

While talking, gently pick up the silver mane coat on the other side.

"I am paying, is it enough?"

The woman smiled and smiled with the unmatchable charm. Even if the man’s cultivation reached the level of Da Luo’s eight heavens, he couldn’t help but breathe and hugged the woman directly into the room. “Enough For you, I am willing to do anything."


In the room, nature is an unspeakable scene.

This woman is a princess of the silver fox, named Hu Xinyu, because the silver fox was originally a subordinate of the nine-tailed fox in ancient times. Although it has now gone out independently, it is controlled by Yinhuzhou, but Silver Fox The pulse also has a very good relationship with the Jiuwei Tianhu. The fateful woman Hu Xinyu of Yinhuzhou also has a good relationship with Mei Aoxue. This time, she is helping Xiangyang, so she invited her. I am going to deal with Xiangyang.

The man named Zhang Jianyu, with Kendo into the road, the strength reached the Da Luo eight heavens, the power is no match, even if the big Luo Jiu Tiantian is not necessarily his opponent.

A few hours later, the man named Zhang Jianyu became a sword and rushed out of Yinhuzhou and headed for the Central Fairy.

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