Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 4163: Nightmare Beast's Might


The red lightning struck Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and they felt unbearable pain in their bodies. Since they cultivated to become peak true spirits, this kind of situation has rarely happened.

This is still the periphery, if you stand on that peak, the power of the thunder and lightning that falls must be stronger.

"Could the original thing be brought out from that peak?"

Wang Ruyan guessed.

"It's possible, but the restriction is too powerful, it's good that we can stay here." Wang Changsheng said.

He released Wang Tuntian and asked Wang Tuntian to check if anyone was chasing him.

"Master, no one is chasing you." Wang Tuntianhui reported.

"Let's stay here for a while! With our current state, we will definitely die if we meet him."

Wang Ruyan suggested.

Wang Changsheng nodded, put Wang Tuntian back into the spirit beast bracelet, sat down cross-legged, took out an elixir and swallowed it.

The sound of thunder continued, and thick red lightning bolts fell one after another, falling on them.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan didn't dare to leave immediately, so they had to resist. Fortunately, their physical bodies were big enough, and they had such treasures as dry jade shields.


In a huge valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, there is a vast manor in the valley. A large number of buildings have been destroyed. Wang Qingling is fighting with a seven-color chaotic beast that looks like a giant dog. The seven-color chaotic beast is dripping with blood. blood hole. Wang Qingling has a pair of red bird wings on his back, and his hands are dragon claws.

The seven-color Chaos Beast sensed something was wrong and ran towards the outside of the manor.

Before it ran far, the void fluctuated together, a huge white dragon claw emerged out of thin air, and slapped on the head of the seven-color chaos beast. The body of the seven-color chaos beast sank into the ground, and before it could break free, a huge red dragon claw The Firebird flew over and bumped into the seven-color Chaos Beast.

With a loud bang, the seven-color Chaos Beast was engulfed by the billowing flames.

A red flame lit up, Wang Qingling appeared, and the right dragon claw lit up a dazzling white light, hitting the head of the seven-color Chaos Beast.

With a muffled sound, a blood hole appeared in the head of the seven-color Chaos Beast, and its body twitched a few times before falling down.

Wang Qingling breathed a sigh of relief, put away the corpse of the seven-color chaotic beast, and wandered around the manor. The spiritual field was empty, not to mention the immortal medicine, not even a single immortal tree.

She went into several collapsed attics and found nothing. It had been searched and everything had been taken away.

With Wang Qingling's tactic, Wang Qinghao, Wang Meng and Wang Que flew out of her body, and the four of them walked outside.

Walking out of the valley, a vast and boundless green bamboo forest appeared in front of them.

Wang Qingling frowned, a white light lit up on her right index finger, lightly tapped towards a certain void, and a white long rainbow flew out, heading straight to a certain void.

A red light lit up in the void, and a paunchy red-robed old man appeared, and he slapped his right hand towards the void, and a giant palm wrapped in flames flashed out, and wherever he passed, the blue bamboos were wiped out in ashes. , the palm of fire collided with the white Changhong and collapsed instantly.

The white Changhong arrived in front of the red-robed old man. The red-robed old man wanted to avoid it, but was surprised to find that his body weighed hundreds of millions of catties, and the law of gravity.

The red jade pendant on his chest shone with a dazzling red light, and a thick red light curtain emerged to protect his whole body.

The white rainbow hit the red light curtain, and the red light curtain collapsed instantly like thin paper, and the white rainbow pierced through the body of the red-robed old man.

There was a deafening roar from high in the sky, and an extremely thick silver lightning fell from the sky, smashing towards Wang Qingling and the others.

The four bodies of Wang Qingling radiated great aura and merged into one. A pair of red bird wings grew out of Wang Qingling's back, and his hands turned into dragon claws.

The silver lightning struck Wang Qingling's body, and the silver thunder light flooded Wang Qingling's body.

A graceful young woman in a silver skirt appeared, her whole body was wrapped in countless silver arcs. Judging by her clothes, she was from the Five Immortals.

She raised her right hand, and a silver lightning spear lingering in lightning flew out.

Out, submerged in the thunder, there was a muffled sound of gold and iron clashing.

"Hard to resist the middle-grade fairy weapon! The peak true spirit?" The young woman in the silver skirt asked in surprise.

"We are both immortals, we have no deep hatred, don't you feel ashamed if you don't kill the Chaos Beast and join forces to deal with me?"

A cold female voice sounded.

Hearing this sound, the young woman in the silver skirt and the old man in the red robe felt a strong drowsiness and fell asleep.

"No, it's the law of dreams, be careful."

Just as the young woman in the silver skirt finished speaking, a huge red firebird rushed over.

Countless silver arcs emerged from the right hand of the young woman in the silver skirt, and a thick silver lightning flew out, hitting the red fire bird. With a loud rumbling sound, the body of the red firebird exploded, turning into a sea of ​​red flames in a radius of 100,000 li, a large number of bamboos were wiped out, and the ground showed signs of melting.

"The two fellow daoists should be sleepy too, let's take a good rest!"

Wang Qingling's voice sounded.

A strong sense of drowsiness swept over, and the young woman in the silver skirt and the old man in the red robe suddenly felt drowsy and drowsy.

A mass of red flames lit up behind the young woman in silver skirt, and Wang Qingling's figure appeared.

A black circle of light swept out from Wang Qingling's body, and quickly passed over the bodies of the young woman in silver skirt and the old man in red robe. They slowly closed their eyes and fell into a coma.

The Law of Dreams!

Wang Meng's body is a dream monster, good at creating dreams, in the same realm, she is almost invincible in the dream, if the other party masters the supreme law, that's another matter.

It didn't take Both the young woman in the silver skirt and the old man in the red robe let out a scream, their bodies softened, they fell down, and their souls disappeared. Wang Qingling found a small silver lock from the young woman in a silver skirt, emitting a faint fluctuation of soul power, and the word "xuanhun" can be seen.

"Immortal artifacts of the soul type, this is rare!" Wang Qingling said in surprise.

She confiscated their belongings and burned their bodies. There were a lot of good things on their bodies. There were as many as forty plants of immortal medicines that were thousands of years old. There were also many identity plates. It is estimated that they killed many Shaojinxian, nine middle-grade immortal artifacts, one third-order immortal talisman and one imaginary immortal talisman, auxiliary immortal-like talisman, with excellent concealment effect. There are more than two million immortal stones, thousands of chaotic beast crystal cores, and five maps, which do not overlap with each other.

The two cooperated skillfully, if Wang Qingling hadn't mastered the supernatural power of the three fingers of Qiankun and was able to harden a strike with a middle-grade immortal weapon, they would have been killed long ago.

The aura of Wang Qingling's body was shining brightly, and the three of Wang Qingyu flew out of her body to protect her.

Wang Qingling sat down cross-legged, exhaled a burst of immortal energy, wrapped in the Xuanhun lock, she planned to sacrifice the Xuanhun lock, and then continue the treasure hunt. There is a defensive **** and soul fairy weapon on him, which may come in handy someday.

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