Top Furious Doctor Soldier

Chapter 774: I put it all

"Why can I believe you?" Helen blinked.

"You can't believe it, this is the opportunity I gave you. You also said, I'm a bad person. If you are a good person, you should believe it. There is only one chance." Liu Feng said in a playful tone.

"I, I ... OK, just give you a bargain."

Helen hesitated for a while, and finally took a step forward, kissed Liu Feng's face with a bit of water, and quickly stepped back three steps.

Ha ha!

Liu Feng touched his face, and was extremely intoxicated. "A very sweet kiss, OK, you can go."

"Do you really let me?" Helen asked as if she didn't believe her ears.

"Really let you go! In fact, I just said this in a joke. I really want to talk about myself. If you don't go, I might think of some excuses to keep you." Liu Feng seriously Said.

"Okay, goodbye! No, it's best to never see it again." Like a frightened bird, Helen turned and walked away quickly.

Until walking out two streets and seeing that Liu Feng didn't chase after him, Helen was completely relieved.

But at this time, another question appeared in Helen's mind, "What is this Liu Yanwang thinking? He, why did he let me, did he let me so easily? No matter, I must hurry up Back to the Mina family. "

Just an hour away from Liu Feng, Helen boarded a flight to Greece. Helen didn't really feel relieved until after the plane took off.

But ... Helen didn't know that on the dark platform, someone sent a set of photos.

There are three photos in this group, each with a red text.

The first photo is Helen followed Liu Feng into a clothing store in Hong Kong. The scarlet letter shows that the maiden of the Mina family and the prefecture dominated Yan Wang shopping intimately.

The second photo was Helen, who had a new dress, and came out of the clothing store with Liu Feng. The scarlet letter indicates that Yan Wang bought a skirt designed and cut by Ms. Tian Wenya, a famous fashion designer, and gave it to Miss Helen.

The third photo was a bit explosive. It was Helen's dragonfly who kissed Liu Feng with a bit of water. The red text says, ‘Kiss goodbye! ‘Helen bid farewell to the King Wang and returned to the Mina family. They seemed reluctant. The relationship between the two was extremely close. It seemed that the good things were close.

"Second Olympics! The **** of black impermanence, let you take a few photos, as long as the other golden families in the West have misunderstood that we have close relations with the Mina family. What a peculiar thing you have to play like this is a bastard!" He is watching the situation on the dark platform with his mobile phone, and is constantly cursing black impermanence.

"This, this, this, how did things get here?"

At the same time, Alden Brown, the patriarch who returned to the Mina family, also saw the photos. At this moment, he was all stupid, staring at a pair of blue eyes and shouting, "Helen, you are so confused, Even if you really have something to do with King Yan, you can't be photographed on the street, so how can our family stand in the West? "

Hayes, another powerful and high-profile figure in the Mina family, was also standing next to Alden Brown at this time, and whispered, "I am afraid that it is difficult to explain this thing, patriarch. Our future It will be very stressful! "

"There is no way to be stressed. Sooner or later it will come."

"Helen, this little bitch, is no longer worthy of being the maiden of our family. I suggest to kill her directly after she returns, so that no other family hates us."

Just then, two tall youths stepped in.

The youth on the left was very radical, that is, he said that he would kill Helen.

The youth on the right-hand side showed a touch of calmness between his eyebrows. After entering the patriarch's room, he immediately opposed it: "I don't agree, I can't say that there is too much pressure, it means Helen is our sister and she brought us The pressure of our family is the pressure of our family. We should all face the pressure from outside. "

"Let's face the outside pressure together?"

The youth on the left hand raised his eyebrows and said, "Hello, you speak lightly. You have to know that this time together to deal with the prefecture, the elite army of the other three major families will be wiped out. Do you think they will let us off easily?"

Hei Luo said calmly: "Haijia, you also said that the other three families were completely annihilated, especially the Atlanta family has now become history. What can the pressure be? Now the local government is full of momentum and power is developing. In the middle of the sky, why do you have to fight with them? Besides, Helen is likely to have been with the King ... "

"you shut up!"

Hai Jia shouted fiercely: "Just because Helen had an unclear relationship with King Yama, she was even more dead. Don't forget that before, King King killed many of our Mina family. This is blood feud. . "

"Vendetta? If our Mina family didn't go to trouble with the King first, would we get **** revenge?"

"It was also caused by Helen. She thought that King Yan was so provocative that she bullied others, but now she has lost herself too ..."

Helo and Hega were arguing endlessly. Alden Brown, the patriarch, was so angry that he shouted, "You all shut up for me, and wait until Helen comes back."


Inside the Caesar family, a woman with two-colored pupils smashed the table with a slap. "My father and a group of family masters died in Huaxia, but the elite of the Mina family could retreat from the whole body. It's a scam. The Mina family must have colluded with the prefecture. "

咣 Dang!

In the Hana family, Lusares also overturned the dining table in front of him, "Damn Lord, you have clasped my green hat on my head, you **** thing, and Helen the **** I, I promise, in the future I will go to the Mina family in person and let you bear the unbearable pain. "

The Mina family and the Hana family, some individual Western gold families that had not been in conflict with Liu Feng, also had some commotion at this time.

There has always been a family deep in the Alps, called the Alexander family.

This family, once written in the history of human civilization, is extremely horrific and glorious, but now lives in a stunned place, but in the entire world, no one dares to despise this family.

"Atlan was wiped out, and the Caesars and Hana families were shameless. Did the Mina family really become our traitors in the West?"

Inside the Alexander family, an old man with a big eagle-hook nose said while repairing a potted plant in front of an arrow: "If this is the case, our family can't sit idly by. The Mina family has the sword of Damocles Such a family cannot betray the West. "

Like the Alexander family, there is a family in the mountains surrounding South America, called the Gadola family.

The fame of this family is not obvious, but it is discolored by all the golden forces, because the patriarch of this family was once a horrible existence that came out of the ultimate land.

"Difu, growing from silver to gold, has also hit three major families. The reason is that the Mina family joined forces with them, which is not good."

A man with a strong eyebrow and a big eyebrow in the Gadola family said with his hands on his back: "Once the eastern world was extremely glorious, and the core of that glory was in Huaxia. King Yan, who is also a Chinese, will history change because of him? No Yes, I will not allow the Mina family to join the Hades. If the Mina family does not know what to do, I will do it myself. "

Of course, some forces are moving to the Mina family in Liu Feng's calculations, but now no matter how much pressure the Mina family bears, it has nothing to do with Liu Yanwang.

Now Liu Feng is sitting in a coffee shop with Yamamoto Yun Meihui.

"Waiter, refill."

Liu Feng raised his hand to call the waiter, this is his third cup of coffee, and Yamamoto Yunmeihui sitting in front of him did not finish even a cup.

"Yan, what are you trying to do? What's your intention of calling me here?" Yamamoto Yunmeihui asked, staring at Liu Feng's eyes.

Liu Feng said with a smile: "Nothing, listen to me tell you a story, and I will let you go after it is finished."

"Let me ..." Yamamoto Yunmei stunned.

"Be quiet, listen to me."

Liu Feng picked up his fresh coffee and took a small sip, and said seriously: "I was the best and youngest special warrior king of China before the founding of the underground in the western underground world, and was a core member of the previous generation of Tianjian , Long Yuan Jian. "

Yamamoto Yun Meihui listened quietly, no more noise to disturb Liu Feng.

Liu Feng continued: "After I returned to Huaxia, I was rehired by the top-secret army and became ... the instructor of the current generation of Tianjian Special Team!"


Yamamoto Yun Meihui's beautiful eyes instantly widened to the limit, and she thought of something that would make her blush red and red as soon as she thought about it.

"Yes, the person who led the team to destroy your biochemical experiment base was me."

Feng Liu said seriously: "In other words, I am your first man."

"Shameless, despicable!" Yamamoto Yunmei Hui blushed, cursing with a pair of small fists.

Together, I thought that she had been rescued by Liu Feng because she had been infected with a biochemical virus. Even after detoxification, she had a vernalization reaction because of her medicinal properties, and after the fierce shame of Liu Feng, she had endless hatred in her heart. The deep desire for a certain excitement was instantly amplified to the limit.

Liu Feng shook his head and said, "I haven't been ashamed of you, but you, you told me that you have an officer husband in Huaxia, right?"

"Don't say anything." Yamamoto Yunmeihui was anxious to find a place to drill in at this moment.

"You continue to listen to my last two sentences."

Liu Feng solemnly said: "I once said that we should get the Yamaguchi team out of this world within one year. But I haven't been fierce against your Yamaguchi team, do you know why? Because of you, because you have become My woman. "

"I ..." Yamamoto Yunmeihui froze again.

Liu Feng went on to say, "However, this time you brought me your top Japanese master to trouble me, and I was very disappointed ~ ~ Now you can go, go back to the Yamaguchi group, back to your Yamamoto, wait and see how I can completely destroy the Yamaguchi formation. "

After all, Yamamoto Yunmeihui left, but what Liu Feng said to her today became a magical obstacle that could not be erased from her heart, and caused an extremely complicated wave in her heart.

"Boss, you've let go of these two tricky women. What should we do next?" The ghost king stepped out of the dark after Yunmei Yamamoto left and asked sitting opposite Liu Feng.

Liu Feng groaned and said, "Yeah, let it go! You informed Park Dongxia and Xia Jingwei to take people to Japan to play first, but don't immediately destroy the Yamaguchi group and ask them ... wait for my order."

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