Personal assets can be different from company assets. Company assets belong to the ownership system and are not owned by one person. Of course, if one person occupies all the shares of the company, it can also be said that the company is itself, but it can not be realized.

In short, the market value of a company only represents the market value, but it is not equal to getting money. Owning a trillion company is not as good as a trillion property, or even a trillion property is much better than a trillion value company.

In today's world, except for the governments of various countries, few people can take out billions of property at once, because it is very difficult. For example, if you own a 100 billion company and sell it with cash, you can sell it up to 50 billion to 80 billion, often less than 100 billion. That's why the market value of a company is different from personal assets.

The surprise of the five traders was also in Ye Ling's expectation. After all, he took out billions of personal assets one after another. Even if he didn't believe it, he couldn't help it. Even if the people at the bottom were shocked and puzzled, he had to take it out. As for the guesses of the people at the bottom, let them guess. Anyway, they can't find anything, Ye Ling still believes in the security function of the system.

It's no exaggeration to say that as long as there are enough points, the system can make the earth's science and technology progress for thousands of years every minute.

"Don't be surprised. Do something. It's just a bunch of numbers. When you solve this problem, you will be surprised." Ye Ling see five people are still immersed in billions of assets, light said.

Come on!

Just a bunch of numbers?

When five people heard Ye Ling's words, they almost didn't fall down. Hundreds of millions of yuan were said to be a string of numbers. The operators' expressions were very complicated and helpless.

Leaders, can you be less forced? Our hearts can't stand it.

Although Ye Ling's words sound like coercion, the five operators don't feel the slightest aversion. On the contrary, they are even more excited. With a boss who is not short of money, who doesn't want to be rich, they don't want to eat meat or even drink soup. As long as they lick the plate, it will be enough for them to eat for several lifetimes.

So the five quickly entered the working state and smashed Ye Ling's billions at foreign capital.

The United States, in a luxury villa.

A white man in a suit walked up to an old man, bowed respectfully and said:

"Boss, can we finish?"

The white man in suit is a senior operator, ranking in the top five in the world. However, he is very respectful to the old man sitting on the sofa enjoying coffee. He nervously asks the old man for his opinions, which shows his extraordinary influence.

Instead of taking a sip of coffee, the old man tapped his index finger on the keyboard and looked at two curves on the computer screen. One of them showed an upward trend. No, it should be said that it was an upward trend. The other one fell all the way, leaving the bottom.

After looking at the computer screen for a minute, the old man said slightly:

"Take it in one fell swoop and leave no point."

"Yes, boss!" With that, the white man in suit bent over the old man and left in a hurry.

When the man in suit left, the old man raised his ruddy face and looked at the sea outside the French window, with an old fox like smile on his lips.

"Lingtian group, in the words of the Chinese dynasty, I'm happy to accept it."

Lingtian group seems to be in his pocket,

This old man is not Butterfield, who is also known as the God of stocks, a legend of American business. The two lines on the computer screen are actually the company funds held by Lingtian group and Butterfield.

Naturally, the company that Butterfield holds is soaring all the way, and Lingtian group is also falling all the way.

When he set out to attack Lingtian group, Butterfield also thought about whether it would be a trap, because the funds left by the headquarters of Lingtian group are too small, only 50 trillion.

Although Lingtian group has always been very secretive and no one knows how much of its assets are, the fact that Lingtian group can grab tens of trillions of Ximen family's industry shows that there is also a lot of capital. Moreover, after the acquisition of Ximen family's industry, its strength has soared, and the 50 trillion is not Lingtian group's assets at all.

But for a time, batfei can't figure out where the rest of Lingtian group's funds are going. What's more, he is not afraid of things. If he is afraid of losing, he won't be called the God of stocks.

If the trap, then the Lingtian group ambush all the funds out, when the pot.

With such an idea in mind, batfei started the operation against Lingtian group. Of course, he only used one fifth of the capital and superb means to defeat Lingtian group.Lingtian group can be swallowed in the last step. However, the ambush trap that Butterfield guessed did not appear. Although it was beyond his expectation, the development result was not bad. Since it did not appear, it would be better to swallow Lingtian group.

So after thinking for a minute, Butterfield gave his answer and swallowed Lingtian group completely.

As for why Lingtian group should be completely swallowed, the purpose is naturally to make a better layout of China in the future. To put it simply, it is to hang up the brand of China company and earn money from China. In fact, this is also a way for many foreign enterprises to make a lot of money in China

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