Chapter 51: Don’t Turn Too Killing Tomb!

[The nib of the monk’s brush turns into a sharp blade at this moment, but Youhabach’s eyes are dazed! 】

[I don’t know if it’s an illusion. At first glance, he saw a brush and a brush, but when he looked at it again, it was a sharp blade. It seemed that the definition was very vague. 】

[The two fight together again! 】

[Every time the monk slashes, black ink will be swept away! 】

[Seeing this, Youhabach laughed loudly:]

【“This is also called Zanpakutō, you can scatter ink as much as you can, and you can’t cut people at all.”][“You can’t hit me with this knife, let me use mine now…”][At this moment, Youhabach was stunned, he couldn’t pronounce the name of his weapon! 】

[No, it’s not that I forgot… but it seems that my weapon doesn’t have a name in the first place. 】

[At this time, the monk’s face was relaxed, and he didn’t care about the explanation. 】

[The power of a word is to erase the name of a thing. 】

[And the nameless thing whose name has been erased is powerless! 】

Countless Shinigami were both shocked and relieved at this moment.

Shinigami’s strength lies almost entirely on Zanpakutō. If he loses his name, it will be almost the same as a crippled person. Fortunately, the opponent is his teammate.

And the emperor’s envoys who cut the world of red eyes are numb at this moment, and the other party is simply their natural nemesis! !

[The screen continues. 】

[Seeing that this friend Habach no longer uses weapons, stretches out his hand to use ‘Usurp the Holy Altar’! 】

[This is the unique skill of Yohabach that can take away the ability of others, and the star badge is made from this! ! 】

[Spiritual sons form a huge pentagram, but falling on the monk has no effect at all! 】

[Youhabach was extremely shocked at this moment. He who can share souls and recycle souls can’t affect the people in front of him! 】

[“Don’t show that expression, you have already captured it.”][Speaking of this, the monk’s smile was a little scary, and then he continued:][“It’s just…the power after the capture will not belong to you.”][“My power is ‘black’, once a word is liberated, whether it is Shinigami or Quincy, it has nothing to do with life or death, all the blacks in this world are mine!”][“So you just took it, but it still belongs to me!”][The next moment, a word is waved again, this time Yohabach’s entire body is smeared! 】

[At this moment… Yohabach lost his name! 】

[And this name refers to the real name that defines the meaning of the existence of this person or thing, not just the four words of Youhabach! 】

[Simply, he deleted the power, memory, and even the meaning of existence represented by this name! 】

[And the reason why the monk can do it is because all the blackness in this world belongs to him! 】

[And it belongs to him from the beginning, and is dominated by him! 】

The viewers of countless worlds can’t believe that the world still has such power at this moment!

To some extent, this can already be called a concept!

In the invisible empire, all but three of the Star Cross Knights were shocked and felt a wave of terror.

Is this the leader of Shinigami…. The power he possesses is so terrifying!

At this moment, they didn’t even dare to look up at Youhabach, for fear of angering each other.

[The shadow who lost his name stood motionless on the ground, as if he had no thoughts at all at this moment, and wanted to produce any action. 】

[The monk’s eyes turned pure white again, and he waved the brush again! 】

[Really hit, white text! 】

【All Shinigami’s Bankai in this world are named after this knife! 】

[And its ability is to write new names on things that are blacked out by a single word. 】

[In the monk’s sneer, a white name was written on the dark shadow. 】

【Black ants! 】

【“How do you feel, the black ant who used to be Yohabach, your power now is like an ant crawling on the ground, fragile and insignificant! 】

[However, regarding the monk’s words, the dark shadow squeezed out some disdainful words:]

【”Just…that’s it…?”】

[The monk sneers! 】

【”Yes, exactly!”】

[The next moment, the monk’s huge Reiatsu turned into a huge Buddha’s feet and crashed towards the shadow! 】

[However, the shadow suddenly burst out laughing! 】

[“It turns out that I can see so clearly with my eyes closed!!!”][The next second, the dazzling blue Reiatsu lit up in the shadows, and a light arrow of spiritual light appeared out of nowhere and penetrated the monk’s body instantly. 】

[At this time, the word “black ant” on Youhabach’s body is peeling off like weathering! 】

Inside the Spirit King Palace, Ichibei Hyōsube, who was lying on the ground, was shocked and didn’t understand why his abilities failed!

At the same time, Yamamoto Shigekuni’s expression changed in Jingling Court, and he didn’t even react to his own death before!

Conceptual…even that, the rules fail.

Countless viewers were already dizzy, but fortunately, explanations appeared at this time.

[Hasward, who is under the battle, said calmly:][“Your Majesty’s power is the power that can know all the future, and the power that is known cannot hit His Majesty.”][“The holy text A symbolizes… omnipotence and omnipotence!!!”][“Before, His Majesty’s battles were to close this omniscient and omnipotent ‘eye’!”]

How is it possible to have such an ability! ?


Even many strong people were shocked at this moment.

Although the world in front of him is very weak, the ability of its top powerhouse is actually a concept! !

Especially omniscient!

If it weren’t for the low level of power in the world, then this person is simply a real god!

However, in the super-advanced multiverse, there are also some people who are disdainful.

“Haha… I really dare to say it. I don’t know what my father will think at this moment. It’s interesting to think about it.” In the morning star bar, a man with a wine glass was watching with relish.

[Hasward said with an excited smile:][“Of course, His Majesty is not looking down on others, but because…”]

【“The sealed Quincy King, after nine hundred years regained his heartbeat, after ninety years regained his wisdom, and after nine years regained his strength!”]

【“If you open your eyes before the end of the ‘Nine Years of Power’, His Majesty’s A power will be out of control, and the power of our Star Cross Knights will be taken away.”]

【“And now, opening your eyes for the sake of your majesty who has always closed his eyes, it means that the nine years are over, and now is your majesty’s true power!!”][Looking at Youhabach, who has left the name of black ants, the monk is not afraid at all, and holds up a word again! 】

[“What if I know, the blackness of this world still belongs to me!”][The dark Reiatsu bursts violently, and the monk sings in the black wind! 】

【“Dusk, night, please come for a visit!”】

【“Meet some noodles and drink a bowl!”】

[“Drink this bowl of soul and fly again…!”][“On Huangquan Road, there are flowers of their own, blooming to accompany them!”]

【“Where is the delicious food, dyed it in pitch black!”】

[“Divided into eight pieces, dark flames, smoked until black, enjoy!”][“After a full meal, the bones are full of bones, and a tomb tree monument is erected to mourn the sorrow!”][“Your Excellency is here, it will be difficult to come back to life again!”][“It is impossible to become a sacrifice!”][A word is inserted into the ground, and the monk drank the black ink in his hand! 】

【”Don’t turn too killing mausoleum!!!”】

[Reiatsu, like an abyss, manifested, and a pitch-black mausoleum came crashing down! ! 】

【This is one hundred nights captured after Soul Society appeared one hundred years ago! 】

[The countless mourning tombstones in the mausoleum will absorb all the blackness, all the blood and bones, and everything will turn into pitch black and disintegrate into nothingness! 】

[Reincarnation is also impossible! 】

[Because… this is the great hell of endless darkness! ! 】


Thank you for that tearful reminder

Well… as we all know, 98 knows a hammer Shinigami, and the poet is his profession! *

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