Chapter 20 top8, The world of Hokage: true or false?

Just like after Yanzhu’s death, there are comments belonging to Whitebeard.

However, to the surprise of many viewers, what appeared this time was not a text comment, but a short new video.

The screen dimmed at first, then lit up a little later.

[The sound of the waves and the chirping of seagulls overlaps. 】

[Under the sunset. 】

[The pirates are happily dividing up the treasure they just found, planning what to do when they disembark. 】

[However, a blond young man did not participate. 】

[At this time, the captain suddenly turned his head and asked with a big laugh:][“Strange, pirates are not interested in treasure, so what do you like, Newgate?”]


[The young man just thought for a moment, and after a while he said without hesitation:]


At this moment, the pirate Genute leaned against the side of the ship with his chin up, his mouth curled up like his beard years later.


One Piece World, on the Moby Dick, Whitebeard is surrounded by sons who are crying.

Newgate laughs and it feels good to be surrounded by family.

This is the meaning of his protection.

At the same time, Ace desperately rowed the boat towards the direction he came from.

In the influence of the future, he did not feel panic or even fear when he died.

But when he remembered that his father died standing at the end, his heart was as painful as being twisted by a knife!

This scene must not happen in the future!

And Luffy has only one idea at this time, that is to find Ace!

He couldn’t accept the future where Ace stood in front of him and was punched through!

Naval Headquarters.

At this point, Sengoku felt his head about to explode!

Celestial Dragons was extremely dissatisfied after watching the video, and the words were very ugly.

After an indiscriminate bombardment, he said that he wanted Sengoku to make reforms, or he would replace the marshal!

At the same time, Sengoku fell silent, and he suddenly felt that the justice he stood for was different.

After a while, he had a choice.

“Maybe by resigning from the post of marshal, I can see more clearly and see farther…”


In the world of full-time hunters, the indifferent eyes of the ant king Meru Aim have a different color, and the thoughts in his heart have changed unknowingly.

“Humans…maybe more than just domination…but how to differentiate..”


Shinigami world, Aizen’s sight becomes distant.

After a while, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He remembered that there seemed to be a group of people in this world who would use the ability called ‘Complete Reveal’.

Anyway, the experiment here is not finished, maybe you can try it out with an interesting script first…


In the underworld, Uchiha Madara fell into memory.

Once upon a time, he had his best friend, his beloved younger brother.

He walked carefully in the war, enjoying the hard-won affection.

However, that rotten world eventually destroyed everything.

But there is still a chance!

Madara’s eyes light up, and in the near future, he will finally create an ultimate world!

No war! No pain!

Everyone will have the most perfect eternal happiness in their hearts!

Madara seems to have seen that bright future.

His face softened rarely, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the whole person fell into beauty.

Over the years, this is how he came here in the underworld.

Otherwise, what can a lonely soul do?

Suddenly, Madara woke up!

He looked up and found that the screen in front of him had changed again!

A grey screen with snowflake dots reappears with a countdown.


The picture brightens up.

The next second, Uchiha Madara’s eyes widened!

I saw a bright moon hanging in the dark blue night sky.

There are circles of reincarnation patterns on the moon, and at the same time, it is dotted with nine black hook jade, which is shining brightly at this time!

Under the moon, a white-haired man wearing a white feather coat with scarlet eyes on his forehead is making a mark with one hand!

“how is this possible!”

“this is me!!”

Uchiha Madara was stunned for only two seconds before recognizing that it was him!

Immediately after that, he burst out laughing happily!

Looking at the picture, I successfully displayed Infinite Tsukuyomi!

But he reacted again, this video is a famous death scene!

So you’re dead after that?

Why die?

Are there any side effects of the Infinite Tsukuyomi technique?

Madara was silent for a few seconds, but then smiled.

It doesn’t matter, just die if you die, just succeed.

At the same time, the world of Hokage.

The faces of the villages changed greatly!

If they read it right, the man’s eyes are the legendary Rinnegan!

I didn’t expect this video to be my own world!

But what’s going on in this picture, I don’t understand at all!

Only a limited number of people, such as Ohnogi and Sarutobi Hiruzen, had cold sweats behind their backs!

Although the appearance has changed, that face and that kind of temperament all explain who the person in front of you is!

Onogi pupil earthquake: “How is it possible, Uchiha Madara has been resurrected!”

And it looks like that attitude is extremely terrifying, just seeing the screen makes him feel palpitations!

At this moment, he remembered the scene from his childhood again, and the fear that the other party hid in his heart reappeared.

Rain Shinobi Village, Tendo Yahiko frowned.

“Rinnegan? What’s on that forehead?”

Inside some dark cave, Obito looked gloomy.

At this time, a pitcher plant rose, White Zetsu giggled, and Black Zetsu’s eyes were solemn!

It desperately doesn’t want this video to air!

“I hope the video will be there.” Hei Xin can only hope in his heart.

The title is now displayed on the screen.

[The famous death scene, Top.8! 】

【The World of Hokage: True or False? .. The death of Uchiha Madara! ]*

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