
Vol 4 Chapter 167: Civilization has always been beyond reach

The first sixty-seventh chapter civilization has always been unattainable

Since Dong Zhongshu actively promoted the "removal of a hundred schools of thought and respected Confucianism" and obtained the approval of Han Wudi Liu Che, the knowledge of Confucianism has been thoroughly integrated into the blood of the Han nationality.

Among them, the most effective one is in fact ethics.

Etiquette is a definite thing.

From the appellation between relatives to the etiquette of weddings and funerals, there are very strict definitions.

What is civilization?

Civilization means that his father has passed away. You know that you miss him, and you know that you should bury him instead of roasting and eating him on the fire!

What is civilization?

Civilization is that you know that you can't get married with your blood relatives, mate, sons can't marry their mothers, or their own sisters!

What is civilization?

Civilization means that you know that if you want to eat, you have to work yourself, if you want to wear clothes, you have to weave, and you must cover the private parts of your body with things, and you must not be naked. Shame!

Therefore, the teaching of ethics is actually a watershed that defines the difference between man and beast.

For thousands of years, ethics has become a guide for people's living standards.

Of course, this was the earliest ritualism, and later ritualism was very annoying. A group of Confucian students deliberately added more behavioral norms in order to make everyone a model of Confucian behavior.

Then, the dross came out.

The more these contents are filled, the more restraint on human behavior.

Until Zhu Xi, after thoroughly carrying forward the ethics education, ethics education basically became a rat crossing the street.

Yun Zhao called Zhu Xi's behavior superfluous.

If you think about it, you can understand that before the Ming Dynasty, although the behavior of men and women also received some restrictions, but in general, these restrictions are still useful to society.

In that era, men and women were actually the main supporters of their families. In the Song Dynasty, women could even travel alone, were dissatisfied with their marriage, and could even divorce.

Etiquette even said clearly-the way of couples, if there is righteousness, then go together, and go without righteousness.

Then it didn't become...

Confucianism reached its end in the Ming Dynasty.

Once anything has developed to an end, without knowing to find a new support point, the decline is almost certain.

Confucian restraint on human nature is cruel and effective.

The weakest link in Yushan's new learning is the restraint on human nature.

After all, in a success-oriented school, it is easy for people to become unscrupulous people seeking ends.

Therefore, in the Yushan imperial court, although the policies introduced are all bright, the methods used by the officials to do things always appear to be very shabby. This is why Yun Zhao still cannot take off the hat of thieves. .

Back then, the world's eight big bandits were the eight poisonous dragons tumbling in the sky of Daming, just like the eight gu worms that God raised in the bowl of Daming. Now, Yun Zhao has prevailed and become the new poison king.

The reason why people have such an impression of Yun Zhao has a lot to do with culture.

Because Lantian people act like thieves, speak like thieves, and even look like thieves. Therefore, in the eyes of the people, they are thieves.

If you want to get rid of the hat of thieves, you can't do without the familiar traditional culture.

Since it is inseparable, take the initiative to accept it.

Therefore, in Yunxian's education, Yunzhao adopted a new way of education.

In other words, this is a big wind direction, a sign that the Lantian imperial court has begun to not reject the old doctrine.

Jiangyun Tower, Yushan County.

Liu Ruyi got up early in the morning. After seeing the girl from the nanny, he personally cooked a pot of white porridge, served with a little bit of pickles and sent it back to the room.

Qian Qianyi had already got up, sitting in front of the window, combing his hair with a comb, and seeing Liu Ruye coming in, he smiled and said, "Is the winter melon good?"

Liu Ruyi smiled and said, "It should be winter melon to please the lord."

Qian Qianyi shook his head and said: "Liu Scholar is wrong. This is a time of upside-down, and also a time of thundering when the yellow clock destroyed the clay pot. There is no difference between yin and yang. It is not fixed at all times. The thieves are high above the temple, and the doctor is hidden. Between the traffickers and pawns.

Everyone is proud of gain and ashamed of failure, but knowing that loss is actually more shocking than gain. "

Liu Ruyi smiled and said, "Why do you see more smiling faces from the traffickers?"

Qian Qianyi smiled and said: "This is just causing trouble. I have to say that Yun Zhao's administration has allowed the people to get more, and the people's faces will naturally have more smiles, but he doesn't know that it is the essence of human beings to be difficult to fill. When the little ones can't satisfy the hearts of the people, they will turn into demons and demand more from the world with their teeth and claws."

As a result, Liu Ruyi combed Qian Qianyi's hair through the comb. After putting the hosta on, he said, "Could it be because the people have lost too much, but now they have gotten it, which is a kind of compensation?"

Qian Qianyi chuckled and said, "Liu Rushi also believes in what the Lantian imperial court propagates?"

Liu Ru nodded and said: "At the time of Zhu Ming, the people's life was too hard."

Qian Qianyi sighed and said, "After all, order comes first."

Liu Ruyi said: "The Exploitation of the beacon smokes everywhere, and eventually the ship broke and sank. No one escaped punishment, and order no longer existed."

Qian Qianyi said: "Only the golden mean can defend itself."

Liu Ru smiled and said, "Master, are you preparing to enter the pass, have you taught the second prince?"

Qian Qianyi said, "The skin is ugly and tight."

Liu Rushi said again, "Master still decides to go, right?"

Qian Qianyi nodded and said, "Yushan is wet in spring, so you can go to Guanzhong for a walk."

Liu Ruyi smiled and said, "You said that the world is upside down again."

Qian Qianyi laughed and said, "It doesn't matter, I would like to say hello to Donggua'er, the old man is in a good mood!"

The next day, Qian Qianyi took Liu Rushi and Dongguaer to Lantian.

"Lantian Daily" was very concerned about the Queen Qian Duoduo's begging for her son. The news was published in the newspaper and a commentator's article was written, boldly guessing the choice of Mr. Prince.

Even though Lan Tian's view of Qian Qianyi is not good, everyone feels that this time Qian Qianyi is highly likely to become the prince's chief gentleman.

When Yun Zhao made this decision, both Xu Yuanshou and Zhang Xianliang were very dissatisfied with this decision. Xu Yuanshou came to Yun Zhao twice and found that he could not be allowed to change this approach.

Therefore, Mr. Zhang Xianliang returned to Ningxia Town again, ready to teach Yun Zhang himself.

For this result, Yun Zhao is still very satisfied.

In May, Hanling Mountain returned from the Ustiz Plateau.

At this time, Hanling Mountain was basically no different from the Usi Tibetans. It was dark, strong, rough, and savage.

According to Han Lingshan, the chaos on the Usti-Tibet Plateau will continue for some time. After Lantian cleared out all the people and troops in Usti-Tibet, the Usti-Tibet people spontaneously carried out vigorous land reform .

The effect was very good, because the Living Buddha Morigan presided over the work, and every serf owned a piece of his own land.

The Living Buddha Morigen also conveyed Yun Zhao's will. From then on, there will be no more slaves on the Usti Tibetan Plateau. Everyone is a free man who owns his own land, cattle and sheep.

This is a process like a grassland on fire, first in Lhasa, and then spreading in all directions from this point. The number of slaves participating in the rebel army is increasing, and their team has become more and more powerful.

Therefore, these people forcefully promoted slave reform, and the process of land reform has become faster and faster.

These simple and honest slaves didn't realize that in this process, those brothers who looked like Han were always the ones who played a role.

Once any of the Uszang brothers possess a certain prestige, they will always die in a fierce or not fierce battle with the slave owner.

And this is the degree of control Yun Zhao requires.

"I am going to establish an army of about 20,000 people in Ustizang. This army will become the strongest protector of the Ustizang people. Whether it is an enemy from the Western Regions or an enemy from Nepal, it will be this. Enemy of the Chius Tibetan Army."

After hearing what Han Lingshan said, Yun Zhao thought for a moment and said: "In other words, a Uzizang can no longer satisfy you, right?"

Han Lingshan said: "Usi-Tibet is a lonely plateau. Surrounding him is a land of mild climate and abundant water resources. Since we have already occupied the Us-Tibet plateau, we cannot let him be in a condescending position. It was wasted for nothing.

Moreover, I also found that the people around Uszang seem to be generally not very smart. I think we have a responsibility to tell these people what is truly civilized life. "

Yun Zhao smiled and said, "Do you use the army?"

Han Lingshan nodded and said, "This is the best way to deal with them."

Yun Zhao said: "Then wait for the meeting to decide."

It can be seen that Han Lingshan has two main work for the aftermath of Ustizang.

One is to select the strongest and most obedient fighters from among the insurgents and train them into the Blue Sky Corps.

The other is the strategy of preparing luggage to replace Tao Zheng.

Now that Uzizang's beacon fire has come, there is no way to control it.

Recruiting the most powerful fighters from the rebel army into the regular army can effectively disintegrate and deter some unruly people, and at the same time make some careerists lose their mind.

When the flames in Uszang cannot stop, it is a good choice to consciously guide the rest of the insurgents to the Western Regions, or Nepal.

When these Usi Tibetans have tasted the benefits of real looting, Usi Tibetans may be able to become brave and fighting Tubos again.

And those Usi Tibetans who have truly become warriors will become the guards of this land. Of course, the people in this legion will naturally be Usi Tibetans, but it is hard to say for the officers.

"This is where we failed."

After reading Han Lingshan's overall plan, Yun Zhao couldn't help sighing.

"You mean it's not fair enough?"

"Yeah, I always feel that we are doing something sneaky now, this shouldn't be what a country looks like."

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