
Chapter 130: Lotus blossom

The first and third chapters of the lotus bloom

   Various people are very skillful in dealing with this kind of thing.

The army trapped in a wide area quickly dispersed to avoid being injured by falling rocks. Except for a team of men and horses climbing up the mountain wall, the rest were only knives out of their sheaths, and the archer Chuo bow in his hands. Ready to support your companions at any time.

   This level of assassination of Yun Zhao doesn't care much anymore, in other words, just assassination against him can no longer arouse his anger.

   Assassinating this kind of thing was his start, and he did a very bad job.

   It is logical to endure the assassination of others.

   As long as others dare to assassinate!

   It is necessary to bear Lan Tian's more fierce revenge. This is the strategy Yun Zhao formulated before breaking the rules.

   Killing to stop killing is not a good way, but it is very effective.

   There was no movement on the ground, only the falling stones. Such an assassination method was destined to be infeasible and stupid.

  After the soldiers climbed to the top of the mountain, there was no one there anymore. They wanted to hunt down, and there was nowhere to look for the enemy in the darkness.

   had to wait until dawn before making plans.

   A sounding arrow flew out of the woods, dragged a sharp whistling sound into the sky, and after attracting everyone's attention, it landed on the ground, and the mountains regained quietness.

   "What are they going to do? Tired strategy?"

   Yun Zhao sat behind a huge boulder and asked Yun Yang.

   Yun Yang said, "We will be able to walk out of Qinling in two days. What if we don’t sleep in these two days?

   When training, there are such subjects, everyone can bear. "

   Yunzhao smiled and said, "I can't take it anymore, so I'm going to sleep now."

   After finishing speaking, Xu Wu thought about taking out a sleeping bag and waiting for Yun Zhao to get into the sleeping bag. After a while, he heard Yun Zhao's even breathing, which was asleep.

   Throughout the night, the ringing arrows kept ringing, Yun Zhao slept very comfortably.

   After daybreak, when there was no new news, Yun Zhao's brigade did not rush to chase the enemy, but continued on their way.

Today’s road is very difficult to walk. From time to time, rocks are thrown down from the cliffs on both sides. Because they are all small groups of enemies, the scale of throwing rocks is not very large. Except for frightening the horses, they can’t get up much. effect.

   "Last night, Uncle Xiao said that there were at least one hundred enemies, why is there no movement today?"

   The road was blocked again, Yun Zhao stopped his horse and watched the soldiers in front saw the big tree that was blocking the road and moved away.

   "People are not fools either. More than 100 people raided more than 500 heavily armed people. That was not an assassination, it was a quest for death.

   As it is now, if I were the leader of the assassin, what I would do is to delay the journey of the army as much as possible, and report to the commander quickly to see what to do.

   You have to give people enough time to figure out who is trying to kill you. "

   Yunzhao saw that the soldiers had moved the tree away, and he followed the brigade again.

"I am really curious now. If what you said is true, you should eliminate those who know our strengths. If it is someone who has a basic understanding of me, he can't help but know that I took the army out of the house. news.

   As long as I do a calculation, I know that there is at least an army of more than 500 people around me. It is a fundamental mistake to send a hundred people to the assassination.

  You said, who would such a person be? "

Xu Wu wanted to interrupt and say: "You should think deeper. Since these assassins are doing things that are delaying our progress, it means that the time for him to report to their chief and get a reply must be within one day. Within the distance."

   Yunzhao smiled and said, "Then, you can now draw circles on the map."

   Xu Wu wanted to take out a map from his arms and hand it to Yun Zhaodao: "It has been drawn."

   Yun Zhao glanced at the map and said, "Shangye Qingshui City?"

   Xu Wu thought: "It's ridiculous to say that the Ming Dynasty has expelled the Mongols for more than two hundred and fifty years, and the biggest wealthy in Qingshui County is actually the Mongols!"

"What is your name?"

  "Tiemuhanba! When the Ming army captured Qingshui County, the last county magistrate here was the ancestor of the Temuhanba, Temuhanba.

Old Tiemuhanba was killed by the Ming army in Ma Paoquan. Then, his tribe went up the mountain. He has been a disaster for Qingshui County for hundreds of years. The Ming army has encircled and suppressed the tribe more than a hundred times. Has it continued to this day, did the county honour feel familiar when he heard this story? "

   Yunzhao looked at Xu Wu and thought about it, "My family is doing the way for the sky."

Xu Wu wanted to curl his lips and said: "People are also walking the way for the sky. For many years, they have been robbing the rich and helping the poor. They are loved by the local people. The small Tiemuhanba is also called by the people of Qingshui County-"Baye "!

There are also two "Ba Ye" temples on the mountain. One is for good weather and the other is for good luck. "

   Yunzhao expressionlessly said: "This is your omission."

Xu Wu thought: "It was not our omission. When Lantian County compiled the household registration, this person was protected by the local people. We didn't know about this person until our subordinate chief had repeatedly frustrated his official duties in Qingshui County. exist.

   has been listed as a priority.

   I didn't expect him to be so bold that he would dare to assassinate you. "

Yun Zhao smiled and said: "We are in the dormant period. At this time, no matter which big person wants to kill me, I recognize it. It's just that this assassination must be placed on the head of Temuhanba, whether he has it or not. Participate, just get rid of it.

   Informed Qingshui County's expatriate chief, all evacuated! "

   Xu Wu wanted to say yes, so he went to the end of the team, and after a while, twenty cavalry soldiers left the team.

   "They go to deliver the letter, but also to test."

   Xu Wu wanted to say something softly, and Yun Yang next to him said; "I'd better go for a while, and the rear team should also set off."

Yun Zhao said: "Let’s go together. I’m very curious. This Mongol should be a robber and should be supported by the local people. It’s a miracle. Generally this kind of thing is a miracle that we can create. What did you learn from it."

   Yun Yang said: "It's too dangerous."

   Yunzhao said: "Uncle Xiao said that if I was killed under the protection of more than five hundred brothers, it means that I really deserve to die.

   Anyway, it's less than fifty miles from Qingshui County, so let's take a walk. "

   Yun Yang saw that Yun Zhao's decision had been made, so he ran to the front and informed Yun Leopard and Yun Xiao of Yun Zhao's decision.

   The five hundred cavalry soon took the fork and headed straight for Qingshui County.

   Ever since I set foot on the road in Qingshui County, I have never encountered any obstruction.

   At noon, the army had arrived in Qingshui County.

This is a quaint ancient county town. The Niutou River flows slowly from the edge of the county town. Three huge waterwheels on the Niutou River on the edge of the county town are creaking and running, constantly pouring a spoonful of clean water into it. In the tall wooden trough, finally flowed along the wooden trough into the county seat.

The county seat of    is located in the middle of the canyon. The high mountains on both sides are very interesting. On one side are the blue cliffs and on the other are the high mountains exposed with loess. The water and soil are different across the river.

   "The waterwheel should be built by our people here, right?"

   Yunzhao stopped his horseshoe on the high slope, looked down at this peaceful town and asked Xu Wu.

   Xu Wu thought: "Not only the waterwheel, they also applied for funds to build three schools, two medical clinics, and opened more than 180 miles of roads."

   Yunzhao was about to speak when he suddenly heard the horns from the city head ~ The voice was low and far away, just like the warning horns he heard on the Mongolian grasslands.

   Yun Zhao glanced at the Daming Army flag that was shot in front of his cavalry, frowned and said: "We are officers and soldiers, what do they do with the trumpet?"

   As he spoke, he saw the people outside the city running quickly into the city. After a while, the city gate was closed suddenly, and the suspension bridge in front of the city gate was quickly pulled up.

   Yun Zhao smiled, and said to Yun Yang who was guarding him: "Look, I said there is a problem here, what about the messenger we sent?"

   Yunyang said with a gloomy face: "It should be in the city."

   Yunzhao raised his hand and patted Yunyang's shoulder heavily and said, "I don't believe that our liar will die, nor that the scout we just sent will die.

   You want to rescue them. "

   Yunzhao was talking, turning his head and thinking to Xu Wu again: "Hurry up and find a way. If you don't come up with a good way and there is no way to rescue our people, I might slaughter the city!"

   Xu Wuxiang couldn't help but shiver, Yun Zhao's smile seemed warm, but every word he said was as cold as ice beads.

The people sent by Lantian County are setting up waterwheels for the people here, building schools, setting up medical clinics, repairing roads, and even helping the people here reduce rent, develop commerce, redress the grievances of the poor, and advertise for the weak. If this kind of people who are profitable but harmless to the local area have suffered something they shouldn't suffer here.

   Yun Zhao, as the chief and elder brother of these people, will definitely ask for justice for them, even if it is Tucheng.

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