“Even so, it is enough to prove that what the little brother said must be true, after all, he has no reason to lie to naivety.”

“Yes, he is not protecting Innocence, he cares so much for Innocence, what reason is there to lie to Innocence?”

“If that’s the case, does that mean that the third uncle is the mysterious black hand behind it?”

“To be honest, I didn’t expect that even if it made me want to break my head, I couldn’t think of the third uncle.”

“That’s right, who can infer a victim as the final big boss? The third uncle deceived everyone at once. ”

“But what is the third uncle’s motive for doing this?”

“Is it possible, can’t you swallow the secrets of the nine doors alone?”

“Not sure, but very likely.”


Lin Xuan spoke.

“Naive, if you think carefully, how many things your third uncle has hidden from you and deceived you, and how many things are wrong with the third uncle.”

“Moreover, the real third uncle can’t harm you, but the one who is probably not the real third uncle will harm you, and…”

What else was Lin Xuan ready to say,

But he was interrupted by Fatty Wang on the side.

A rumbling sound sounded, and when they looked back, they saw that the fat man was scratching his head in the appearance of a scholar there.

At the same time, a secret door also opened with his fiddling.

“Yes, Fatty!”

Innocence patted the fat man’s shoulder and hurriedly stepped forward.

“Don’t look at who you are fat master.”

The fat man said proudly.

Seeing that Naivety deliberately made a fork, Lin Xuan could only give up the rest of his words.

The three walked into the secret door.

The walls on both sides of the tunnel gradually approached, and the space in the middle was getting narrower and narrower, and the fat man was sadly caught in the middle.

At this time, the three wanted to withdraw again, but it was too late.

“Climb, quick, up.”

Lin Xuan calmly glanced around, and then quickly ordered the two.

Soon, as the voice fell.

Innocence and Lin Xuan climbed to the top of the wall together and briefly escaped from danger.

The fat man was pressed, because he was too fat, he had been unable to exert force, even if he exerted his strength, he had to bear twice the force, causing his arms to open.

Lin Xuan and Innocence worked hard together to pull the fat man up.

At the last moment when the two walls came closer, they gritted their teeth and pulled fiercely, and then climbed to the top of the wall.

After resting in place for a while.

The three of them saw a line of writing on the wall of the aisle above.

“Wu Three Provinces Disaster Solution Serial Cornered”? ”

The fat man read out suspiciously.

Lin Xuan explained, “Xie Lianhuan is also a member of the archaeological team, the person who died on the rocky reef. ”

At the same time, Innocence also recalled what the third uncle said before, when Xie Lianhuan wanted to go to archaeology with the third uncle, saying that he was entrusted by someone, and that person was a foreigner.

Wu Sansheng, knowing that it was the foreigner who went to Dartridge with Xie Lianhuan, and asked Xie Lianhuan how he knew about the Blood Corpse Tomb.

Xie Lianhuan explained that the foreigner was Jude Kao, that is, Jude Kao took him there, Jude Kao asked Xie Lian to go to Xishan to help do something, but it was too sensitive there, without the permission of coastal defense, ordinary ships could not enter at all, so Xie Lianhuan wanted to follow the archaeological team conveniently, and at the same time assured Wu San Province that this matter had no impact on Wen Jin.

Innocence couldn’t help but sigh that Lianhuan is a master, this robbery hole is zigzag upward, even if a small-scale collapse does not cause great danger, and it is really not simple to be so calm in such a tense situation.

And they have just been almost clipped into meatloaf in the Yong Road, and it is certain that they are not walking through the door of life but the door of death.

It’s a pity that the little brother can’t remember anything about unchaining.

See this scene.

Program group battlefield.

Gu Lao couldn’t help but analyze, “Let’s assume that Xie Lianhuan and Wu San Province know each other, and even have a good relationship. ”

“I didn’t show it when I entered the archaeological team, but when I first entered, Xie Lianhuan found the underwater tomb and found the entrance.”

“I didn’t tell anyone else, I just told Wu San Province, and then they sneaked in, and later Wu San Province left Xie Lianhuan behind, and when Xie Lianhuan was cornered, he left blood books on the wall of the aisle.”

“Later, I found that this wall was hollow, so I used my equipment to make a burglar hole here, which saved my life.”

“After Xie Lianhuan escaped, he wanted to find Wu San Province to settle the account, but he didn’t expect to be killed by Wu San Province, which is why his body appeared on the reef.”

This explanation is quite reasonable.

And according to the nine doors of the Xie family that everyone speculated before, the relationship between the Wu family is not bad, and it is completely right.

The chance of guessing right is as high as 99%.

Elder Zi nodded, “Actually, there is still a possibility!” ”

“It’s that the solution chain is accidental death.”

“The boat went back with the corpses of the unchained, leaving behind a few kayaks, most of their work was done on the reef, but they didn’t expect a sudden storm, and the only way was to hide in the underwater grave with air and wait for the storm to pass.”

“But this is completely out of the plan of the third uncle, which is why the third uncle mysteriously led them to the tomb of the Heavenly Palace, and finally charmed them in the Yongdao.”

Gu Lao nodded, “Yes, there is such a possibility.” ”

Because of the lessons from the past, this time the two are just to be tested, and there is not much certainty.

Because there are still too many mysteries in it.

Until there is thorough evidence, it is better to remain silent.


After listening to Lin Xuan’s story.

Innocence understood that in Lin Xuan’s heart, the third uncle was a demon.

However, in his heart, the third uncle is not so complicated.

Naively admitted that the third uncle had a flamboyant personality when he was young, and even a little out of tune,

It’s just that I don’t know when the third uncle became stable, spent more and more time away from home, and communicated less and less with his family.

Having said this, in the naïve heart, the third uncle is still the third uncle when he was young, and there is no change.

It was also at this time.

The fat man on the side exclaimed again and again and began to buckle up on his body.

“No, why is this body so itchy?”

“Quick, fast naïve, show the fat master, hurry up ah you!”

Innocence quickly lifted the fat man’s clothes to inspect, and sure enough, there was a tendency to poison.

Lin Xuan spoke, “It’s the lotus arrow that is strange. ”

Innocence was also a little strange at this time, he was obviously also shot, but it was only itched when he was in the ear chamber, and then he was fine.

Naivety did not amuse Fatty Wang anymore, and touched a handful of so-called toner on the fat man, and soon the fat man was not itchy.

The group continued walking.

Innocence hallucinates and sees the forbidden woman wrapped her hair around him and wants to kiss him.

The fat man didn’t believe it at all, and laughed and scolded that naïve was puberty budding.

When Tianzhen turned around and found the forbidden woman, he had already entangled Fatty Wang with his hair….

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