As soon as these words came out, everyone also remembered the scene just now.

Indeed, from coming out and going back, naivety has always had only one way, can this road go wrong?

Moreover, since the outside Yong Road has not changed.

That can only be one possibility.

Inside, the hall where they fell, changed.

Gu Lao frowned and pondered, and after a pause, he spoke, “It’s a pity that this visibility is too low, and they don’t look at their feet, otherwise they can guess based on the vibration of the soil.” ”

Li Yun was puzzled, “This still needs to be guessed?” Isn’t the hall changed? ”

However, Elder Zi said what Elder Gu had not finished saying, “No, Elder Gu means that after all, it is no longer visible in the Yongdao, but the hall can be seen, and if the soil in the hall changes, it means that the hall has been transferred.” ”

“But what if the soil in the hall hasn’t changed? Think about it, what’s that changing? ”

Li Yun frowned and thought bitterly.

Suddenly exclaimed.

“What do you mean that it is likely that it is not the hall but the passage that has changed?”

“Well, eight or nine is not far from ten.”

Elder Gu nodded.

At the same time, he continued, “You think, what happens if a hall wants to change? It is impossible to hear the noise, and the mechanism required is too complicated. ”

“It either moves in a circle, moving around the Yongdao, and then it means that the tomb is fan-shaped, or it moves up and down, which means that the tomb is layer by layer.”

“But according to what we just saw, it should be that the Yong Road moves, and the movement of the Yong Road can change too much, up and down, like the hour hand can also rotate in a circle, it cannot be defined.”

With Gu Lao’s explanation, the audience was also dumbfounded and stupid.

After reacting, he also shouted one by one.

“Mom, Gu Lao doesn’t analyze, I haven’t thought so much, this listen, how do I feel that my head is buzzing.”

“To be honest, I’m worse than you, Elder Zi didn’t say that when the hall moved, I was still wondering if it was a maze.”

“Upstairs, you guessed right, it should be a maze, but this maze, it can be moved.”

“Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered a movie in which the male protagonist is running for his life in a moving maze, and if you want to get out, you must deduce the shape of the maze, and then reverse the law so that you can get out.”

“This… Isn’t that too hard? ”

“Actually, it’s not difficult, I’m more curious now about the operation of this ancient tomb, haven’t you heard naïve them, this thing is from the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, how many years has it been?”

“That’s right, an ancient tomb can still keep moving after so many years, how this ancient man designed it, it feels more complicated than modern technology.”

“I thought again, guess if it’s water? Use the initiative of water to keep the entire tomb running? ”

“This… Not impossible! ”

At the moment, the show is live.

Looking at the audience’s discussion, Zi Lao suddenly spoke up, “What the audience who said water just now guessed is actually very likely, because the ancients’ equipment for water use, such as a water wheel, is a near-perpetual motion machine that does not dry up and can move infinitely!” ”

At this moment, the audience was silent.

Unexpectedly, an ancient tomb can actually appear such a thing, it is really unimaginable.

At this moment, inside the picture.

The innocent trio searched for a few laps, and finally established the fact that this place had really changed.

The way, yes.

But the place has changed.

But they didn’t guess the possibility for a while, so they were ready to ask each other if they had any identity information, say it, and think of a way.

“Let me throw bricks and lead jade!”

The fat man was the first to speak.

“Aning told me that in fact, the discovery of this underwater tomb was discovered by a group of tomb thieves, who had been blowing up the shipwreck and finally blew up such a tomb.”

“But in the end, I don’t know why, even the outer layer of tomb wall was blown up, they didn’t find a way to go down, and finally it was gone.”

As soon as these words came out, Innocence shook his head directly.

“No, no, aren’t you nonsense, when we come in, it’s obviously fine outside.”

The fat man was helpless.

“No, doesn’t this all say that it is a brick throwing jade, and also, that’s what Anning said, Anning, OK?”

Innocence smiled awkwardly, “Okay then, you go on, go on. ”

The fat man sighed and continued.

“After the group of tomb thieves left, an archaeological team came, and this group of archaeological teams investigated the vicinity and finally confirmed that it was an underwater tomb sealed by anointed earth, and that it should be well preserved.”

“After confirming the target, they began to explore the way to enter, and the harvest was good, and a number of artifacts were found, including a box.”

“There is a book in the box, but unfortunately it melted when I saw oxygen, and an expert found two words through that ash, Neifu!”

“The inner mansion, it is royal, and it should still be from the Ming Dynasty, they generally concluded that this is the emperor’s tomb of the Ming Dynasty.”

“After that, I encountered the same dilemma as the group of tomb robbers, and I couldn’t get in… If it is forcibly opened, it will cause seawater to flood, and the entire tomb will be submerged, so there is no other way. ”

“They thought that the inlet should be the key, but later, they discovered an incredible thing, because the sand here is not the soil at the bottom of the Xisha Sea, but the white paste mud from the vicinity of the Fucheng official kiln!”

“You may not be able to imagine how extensive the entire sealing area is, a full seven thousand square meters, this is seven thousand, according to the proportion, the technology at that time could not go down to the cemetery.”

“But after all, the tomb was found, and they decided to dig it to take a look, but then they dug another 15 meters deep, and the bottom bricks were not seen, plus some objective factors, they withdrew.”

“Bizarrely, their information disappeared in the end.”

“It didn’t take long for another archaeological team to come, this time, your third uncle was inside, when one day, a crew member disappeared, and when it appeared again, he was already lying on a reef on the surface of the sea, and the person was dead.”

“But it’s not for nothing, in his hand, he tightly squeezed a snake-eyed copper fish, yes, it’s the one you got in the Lu Palace!”

“Your third uncle deduced that this crew member must have gone down to the underwater tomb privately, and that snake-eyed copper fish is evidence, so they began to look nearby, and after a while, they found more than forty huge stone lakes!”

“Do you remember what we saw when we came down? That’s right, it’s those stone lakes! ”

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