One word stirred up a thousand waves.

As the name of the little brother appeared, the audience exclaimed one by one as if they remembered something.

“Yes, and the little brother, how did we forget him!”

“That’s right, the little brother has lurked in, it is estimated that he will also run into Innocence later, with him there, there may not be no hope of breaking the game.”

“I don’t know what is in this underwater tomb, the disappearance of the third uncle is actually a problem.”

“The sea, this is more powerless than the land!”

Innocence and Aning came together to a fishing boat, and almost as soon as the two got on board, the boat had already set sail.

Innocence opened his mouth to say something, but finally swallowed it back.

Anning spoke, “Your third uncle’s ship was normal for the first two days, but it suddenly disappeared from the map yesterday, and we couldn’t contact it by all means. ”

“You didn’t look for the search team?”

Innocence asked suspiciously.

Aning shook his head, “Our technology is at the top of the industry, if even we can’t find it, there is no way for them to come, not to mention…”

“Your third uncle said before he left, he had an accident and asked you to come.”


Innocence sneered and shook his head and stopped talking.

“Okay, you go to the cabin, get acquainted, we may be staying for many days.”

Anning said to Innocence, then turned and walked towards the main warehouse.

Innocence wanders in the cabin.

Inside, at a glance, I saw a familiar back, broad, fat…


The fat man turned his head and was also a little incredulous.

“Huh, naïve?”

“Why are you here?”

“I was called by Anin, what about you?”

Innocence frowned.

“I, this Aning said that there is an underwater tomb here, how rare that thing is, of course I want to come and see it.”

The fat man said to himself.

The two chatted a little more, and finally Anning called them to the cabin and began to distribute equipment.

At this moment, a bald man suddenly walked over, followed by a chubby boat owner.

The bald man looked stubble, “No, this ship can’t work, it’s too small!” ”

The owner of the ship looked reluctant, “Why not, I tell you, it must be possible, my ship is stable!” ”

Aning stood up and introduced the bald man to the fat man and innocence, “This is Consultant Zhang, an expert in the ocean. ”

“It was also a bonus, Consultant Zhang was investigating fishing boats at the pier, and I happened to rent this one, so I ran into it.”

Naivety and fat get up at the same time.

However, the bald man came directly over and grabbed the naïve hand, shaking vigorously.

“Oh, this is… Young and promising, not bad. ”

Naive and confused,

In my heart, I secretly said that this person was also too enthusiastic.

But the mouth is also equally flattering, “Consultant Zhang said and smiled, I am an ordinary person, and I need experts to talk about it next.”

Take care of it. ”

Who expected that Zhang Bald directly swiped his hand, “What kind of expert am I, I just sent a few papers by luck and won some awards, it’s not worth mentioning, it’s not worth mentioning.” ”

“Oh, look at this watch, Mr. Wu is young and promising!”

The fat man on the side solidified in the wind.

I was also muttering in my heart, did this bald man have a bad habit, otherwise why was he so enthusiastic about naivety.

Shake hands, as for two minutes?

However, when this scene appeared on the screen, the audience below was also happy.

“Laughed at me to death, I didn’t expect the little brother to have such a side.”

“I didn’t expect ah, the little brother can actually say so much.”

“A serious nonsense, in other words, the little brother did this, I don’t think anyone can think of him, right?”

“Of course, if you put me there, I guess people are stupid.”

“Hahaha, speaking of it, the gap between this little brother before and after is too big.”

“Hey, didn’t everyone think about where the little brother went, and only spoke to innocence?”

“It seems to be.”


As the ship went deeper into the sea, the whole sky began to become uncalm from clear sky.

It didn’t take long for the downpour to fall, and the entire ship shook violently on the sea.

At first, everyone was relatively calm.

I think it’s just ordinary waves, nothing.

But as time passed, the rain became heavier, and the wind also hit, and the supplies on the entire ship were upside down.

At this time, everyone was not calm.

“Storm, it’s a storm.”

The boat owner drank.

Hurriedly instructed the shipwrights to pack the supplies on the deck.

A group of people were tied with ropes so as not to blow themselves down, but the pouring rain was still carried out.

Seeing that there were not enough manpower, Innocence and Fatty were also ready to come out to help, but they were stopped by that bald man.

“Storm, this is a storm.”

“Are you going out looking for death?”

“Stay obedient, don’t go anywhere.”

The storm grew bigger, and finally the fat man and innocence finally came out, and it was at this time that they seemed to enter a strange area.

A ship full of ancient atmosphere, breaking through the waves from everyone’s sight, and getting closer and closer.

“There is a ship? Seems to have broken down? ”

Innocence pointed to the place and called.

However, the next second.

The ship’s owners, including a group of shipwrights, exclaimed as if they had seen something strange.

“Ghost ship, it’s a ghost ship!”

“Quick, fast into the deck, hurry!”

“It’s over, can you dodge it?”

“It is estimated that no, the wind and waves are too big, there is no way to forcibly turn the rudder.”

A group of people began to quarrel.

Let the already flustered ship, people panic.

It was also at this time that he looked at Ning innocently, “What is a ghost ship?” ”

“Ghost ship, ghost ship is a wandering soul ship on the sea, there is danger inside, great danger.”

“Don’t look back later.”

Anning obviously added a lot of knowledge, and hurriedly explained to Innocence.

However, naivety did not believe it at all.

Keep getting ready to look.

“Any ghost ship in this world is scary.”

Anning pulled him back, “If you don’t want to die, don’t look, don’t look back!” ”

The wind and waves are getting bigger.

The ghost ship is getting closer.

Even naïve can see what the ship looks like, it looks like an ancient ship, and it is full of decaying rust.

Soon, the ship passed by.

Nothing happened either.

“Aning, Aning!”

However, just when he was excited to tell Aning that he was okay, he saw a scene that shocked him.


Anin remained motionless.

And through the innocent eyes, it was clear that there were a pair of hands on her shoulders, a pair of crimson, hands similar to the color of an octopus.

Anin’s eyes were fixed on innocence.

Right at this time.


She exclaimed.

Those hands stretched out directly, and actually pulled her towards the boat next to her… Piece.

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