“I think we have to believe in weirdness!”

“Poof, shouldn’t it be to believe in science?”

“Okay, the fat man and the third uncle are fighting, I think it’s a little mysterious, what kind of illusion is this?”

“That’s right, this source is important, if you can’t find it, won’t you be able to crack it?”

However, just when the audience is in a hurry.

Lin Xuan also walked over silently, he glanced at the incomprehensible two people on the ground, and then picked it up with his foot.


The long knife on the ground suddenly flew up, and finally started steadily.

He patted Naivety on the shoulder.

Finally, he pointed to the corpse of King Naru and spoke softly, “Cut it off!” ”

“What, what?”

Naivety was puzzled for a moment.

But he still walked towards King Nalu according to Lin Xuan’s request.


A knife fell directly, and the huge head was suddenly cut in half and rolled down.

At the same time.

Innocence also felt a tremor in his body.

He looked blankly at the knife in his hand, and then looked at the third uncle and the fat man hugged together on the ground.

A confused look.

“Well, why are you holding me?”

“It’s quite a big person, this is still lying on the ground.”

The fat man also came back to his senses and returned to his unorthodox look.

“You, why didn’t you say you rode on me?”

“You… What are you doing! ”

The third uncle was also in spirit, and the scene in front of him was also dumbfounded.

Lying groove, how did this fat man ride on him?

The fat man shook his head, he patted the soil on his body and got up.

At the same time, I also saw that Tianzhen was holding a knife.

Take it up.

“Okay, is this something kids can play? Side go. ”

Soon, all three stood up.

At this time, Lin Xuan slowly spoke, “You have fallen for that green-eyed fox’s illusion, and only if the magician cuts him can he completely break away.” ”

While saying.

He pointed to the corpse’s eyes.

As the fat man and others looked.

That eye actually… It’s green.

This strange scene suddenly made the three of them shiver again.

“Fortunately, there is a little brother, otherwise it will be trouble.”

The third uncle said after realizing it.

“That’s right.”

Naivety echoed as well.

“It seems that the organs of these two corpses should have all been touched.”

The fat man said the same.

When everyone calmed down, they set their eyes on the box again.

There are keys, there are boxes.

Moreover, Fang Cai’s experience is even more terrifying.

In this way, the contents of this box may be extraordinary.

Innocence held the key in his hand, and spoke out with some doubts, “What is this box used for?” ”

Lin Xuan glanced at it and said lightly, “The silver prismatic roof in the eightfold treasure letter, sandalwood treasure letter!” ”

At this moment, the outside world.

Li Yun immediately set his eyes on Gu Lao, waiting for his old man to explain.

And Gu Lao did not let him down.

“The eight-fold treasure letter is a gold and silver gift from Tang Yizong, and it is a set of box letters dedicated to the true body of Buddha Shakyamuni, and the Buddha refers to relics.”

“The first discovery was the underground palace of Baoji Famen Temple, and later, it was collected in the Baoji Famen Temple Museum.”

As Gu Lao Kan spoke, the Zi Lao on the side also added.

“That’s right, this letter contains an offering relic inside, and the outermost layer is a sandalwood letter, which is equipped with three silver treasure letters, two gold treasure letters, a jade treasure letter and a single-eave four-door pure gold pagoda, a total of eightfold, so it is called the eightfold treasure letter.”

“However, because the outermost layer is sandalwood silver prismatic top treasure letter, which was decayed when it was unearthed, only the sevenfold can be seen.”

“I didn’t expect that now in this ancient tomb, I can see this silver prismatic roof again!”

“Moreover, it is still so intact!”

For a while, Elder Zi couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

However, at the moment when the two old words fell.


Innocence shook his head and confessed bluntly.

“I didn’t understand.”

The third uncle smiled, “It’s the eight boxes containing relics, and this is one of them.” ”

“This way!”

So popular, naïve finally understood.

But the next second.

The fat man shook his head directly, “This is also not right, I have seen that box fat master, it can’t be so small, right?” Besides, this is the Warring States, what kind of Buddha in the Warring States period, I’m afraid he hasn’t been born yet, right? ”

As soon as the words came out.

The third uncle was also dumb for a while.

Although this fat man has a floating mouth, he makes good sense.

During the Warring States period, there was indeed no Buddhism coming in, and it was even more impossible for this Lu Yan King to get this box.

The fat man shook the box and listened to the sound.

“So, this should not be a relic in it, it can only be pretended…”

At this time, Innocence sighed.

“It seems that this should be the ghost seal.”

“The only thing that can be so protected by King Lu is it.”

With that said, he pulled out a key.

“This kind of box is generally heavy, and if you forcibly open it, I am afraid that it will burn jade.”

“And this key is the only way to open this box.”

The fat man on the side nodded straight.

And Na Aning, after hearing the two words of the ghost seal, stared at the box tightly.

The sharp gaze seems to pierce it.

“Naive, quickly open it and take a look, right?”

The fat man asked with a blazing face,

Naive did not hesitate, took out the key and prepared to insert it.

However, it was this second.


Suddenly, a stop rang from the ears.

Innocence turned his head and saw that it was the third uncle.

The third uncle frowned at him and shook his head.

Naïve and not stupid, he was woken up by the third uncle at this moment, and immediately reacted.

At this moment, there are a bunch of outsiders here.

Let’s not say what the origin of the fat man is, simply that Aning, but the people of the smuggling group, and Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was so familiar with this cemetery, if there was no problem, it was impossible.

Thinking so, he also put it away immediately.

It wasn’t until he put it in his backpack that he said satisfiedly, “Okay, this time the operation is also a big success, we can go back.” ”

The fat man’s face immediately pulled down.

“If you don’t show it, you don’t show it, it really is.”

“As for going back, you also have to find a way, now it’s such a tree, is it possible to climb it?”

Saying this, he also looked up.

Around, there is only a radius of about 100 meters.

All are blocked by stone walls.

The only way, and it is impossible to return the same way.

That can only go out of the top of the head!

I drop to the obedient, what about this tree a hundred meters? Converted into a building, dozens of floors, who can climb it?

Just as everyone was looking for a way, a roar sounded again from the depths of the passage.

“The Blood Man is coming!”

Lin Xuan said coldly.


Brush brush brush!

Everyone’s eyes all looked over.

That figure is getting closer and closer.

Soon, a blood-colored figure leaned out from the cave.

It swept around with difficulty.

Until I saw so many people here, I couldn’t help but roar with excitement again.

“Meat, meat!”

A roar, like a wild beast.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

“Little Seven… It’s Little Seven! ”

“What’s wrong with him, how did he become like this!”

It was Anin who spoke.

She watched her dearest brother become like this, and for a while, the whole person seemed to have lost his strength and softened.

“Damn, fat master, I fought with you!”

The fat man was holding the big knife of King Lu at this time, and he was not afraid of the sword.

He flicked his shoulder violently and rushed towards the bloody man.


Who knows, before the big knife was hit, the speed of the bloody man was faster, and he actually came first, and put a punch on the back of the knife.

Bang! The fat man took a few steps back.

A little incredulous look at this thing, “What a lot of strength! ”

“Eat fat master again, I will stab.”

He gathered his strength and slashed out again.

This time, he specifically aimed at the lower plate of the bloody man, as long as he was hit, he would definitely be able to make a great contribution.

However, it was that moment.

“No, don’t hurt him!”

Another black shadow rushed from behind.

The fat man couldn’t react, and he jumped directly.

And when the bloody man saw this, he was even more angry, he roared and waved fiercely.

Unexpectedly, he directly pulled the fat man’s body and flew out.



The fat man was stuck in the tree hole.

“My grandmother’s legs, you little ladies are sick, that’s a blood man, not your teammate!”

The fat man is angry to death.

Seeing that, the bloody man had already rushed over.

But Aning still didn’t care about it.

She said firmly, “He’s Little Seven, Little Seven!” ”

“Xiao Qi, wake up quickly, I’m Aning, I’m Aning!”

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