Heard the exclamation of the third uncle.

The innocence on the side also looked at those coffins, “There are really seven coffins here, the Seven Stars Mystery Hall, such a familiar name!” ”

At this moment, the outside world.

For the seven-star doubtful coffin, Gu Lao also opened his mouth and said.

“The Seven-Star Mystery Hall is made of seven coffins, six of which contain organs, and only the only one is not dangerous.”

“It can be said that it is extremely dangerous!”

“And in general, it can only be seen in large tombs, which is also a means for tomb owners to prevent theft.” As for the source…”

Speaking of this, he paused.

“The source also starts with the tomb robbers in ancient times.”

“At that time, tomb thieves themselves robbed other people’s tombs all day long, so they were afraid that they would not be able to live after death, so they created this kind of mechanism to protect themselves.”

“So it is.”

Li Yun nodded, indicating that he understood.

The water friends in the live broadcast room listened to the origin of this seven-star coffin, and they couldn’t help but talk about it.

“Lying groove, according to what the elder said, isn’t it that this seven-star suspected coffin was set up by tomb robbers?”

“It’s true, stealing people’s tombs before death, and being afraid of being robbed when you die, this is really a causal cycle of retribution.”

“If you follow this speculation, then the owner of this ancient tomb is probably also a tomb robber, right?”

“Harm, the upstairs is afraid that it is not clear, there are more tomb robberies in ancient times, at that time, whether it was a war or something, if there was no money, go to rob the tomb, the source of funds should not be too simple.”

“Then I kind of understand, why that river cave can be opened so big, and the army is used to dig the grave, hey!”

“Then again, since this seven-star suspected coffin was set up by tomb robbers, it should be difficult, right?”

“I don’t know if naïve they can open it.”

At this moment, inside the picture.

Innocence and the others also listened to the explanation of the third uncle, and the origin of this seven-star suspected coffin was generally not much different from what Gu Lao said.

“According to that, this should be the main tomb, right?”

“But what I’m curious about is what the danger that that group of people encounters!”

Innocence couldn’t help but speak.

No one answered.

They can only be viewed separately.

There are words on the coffin, and Innocence and the third uncle are more proficient in this matter, so they are also looking towards the coffin.

Panzi on the side went straight to the back of the tomb, and there was a wall stele with words on it.

Seeing this scene, he couldn’t help but shout naively, “Little Third Master, come and come, look at what is said above!” ”

Innocence came over and looked up.

After a long while, he slowly spoke.

“It should be, it is the life of the tomb owner.”

“This way.”

Panzi shook his head, feeling bored, and continued to inquire by the coffin on the side.

Because Naive wears headphones, he has been able to talk to Hi Shao and others from the outside world.

Watch everything that comes over in the video.

Pan Zi also asked towards Innocence, “Then can you tell whose tomb this tomb belongs to?” ”

Innocence shook his head and nodded again, the corners of his mouth showed bitterness, “I can only understand part of it, roughly speaking, this is a prince of the Lu Kingdom, as for the rest, I can’t understand it.” ”

Hi Shao nodded thoughtfully.

Looking up again, he couldn’t help but comfort Innocence, “It doesn’t matter, anyway, at least we know whose tomb we are archechaeography, right.” ”

Innocence chuckled, “You! ”

Hi Shao smiled.

It’s all in the middle of nowhere.

At this moment, Panzi, who was pondering by the coffin, exclaimed.

“Look, this… Over here! ”

“This sarcophagus is open!”

The two couldn’t help but change their faces when they heard this.

They followed the place that Panzi had pointed to.

Sure enough, there was a trace of prying at the mouth of the sarcophagus there.

Naivety is one step behind the third uncle.

He had just come to the coffin and stepped on it


The sound of a hard object being kicked out suddenly sounded.

“What a thing!”

He exclaimed.

Several people turned on flashlights to check.

The next moment, the swarthy gun fell into everyone’s eyes.

“It’s a gun!”

Panzi squinted and picked it up.

And the third uncle on the side also stared at the pistol, and said, “It should be left by the people of that gang, the pistol can be dropped, it seems that the danger encountered is here!” ”

The words fell.

The three looked around again.

But there is no crisis.

Until, in unison, they moved their gaze to the sarcophagus.

Look up together.

The meaning in the eyes is clearly consistent.

“It seems that the danger is this sarcophagus.”

The third uncle said lightly.

The three stared at the coffin for a long time, still having no idea.


Panzi spoke.

“Let me come!”

He rubbed his palms, took out the iron hammer from his waist, and was ready to start prying.

“Anyway, it has been opened, it is estimated that the organ has also been excluded, let’s see, there will be no accident!”

He comforted himself while prying.

The coffin was pried but only opened a gap, and it was stopped by the third uncle on the side.

He patted Panzi’s arm, “Okay, just open a little, in case there is really danger, it will be troublesome.” ”

Panzi couldn’t help but nod, “It’s okay.” ”

Then, he packed up the hammer and looked into the coffin with the two.

With just one glance, the three exclaimed at the same time.

“This… How is this possible! ”

“Actually… It’s a foreigner! ”

The three quickly took a step back

They looked at each other, and their eyes were full of incredulity.

Half a day later.

The third uncle slowly spoke.

“It seems that this foreigner was in danger here and dragged into a coffin.”

“They should have pried open the coffin, but they opened it wrong, so they touched the mechanism.”

Innocence did not open his mouth for the first time, but stared at the coffin and thought, “If it is really an organ, what mechanism can drag people into it like this?” ”

The three listened.

My heart clicked.

It wasn’t until they were stunned for a long time again, and there was still no danger, that everyone pressed the throbbing in their hearts.

They looked around, looking for clues to unravel the Seven Stars Mystery.

At the same time, Panzi stared at the coffin for a long time.

The little eyes turned slightly, and he couldn’t help muttering, “Generally speaking, the organ should only be once, right?” ”

As he said, he held out his hand.

Leaning into the coffin.

The third uncle just turned around and wanted to stop it, but he didn’t have time.

Right at this moment.

“Don’t move!”

It was Lin Xuan.

I saw that he pointed to the coffin and said lightly, “The Lord is below him!” ”

Panzi immediately withdrew his hand.

He flashed a flashlight and looked through the gap.

Until the light is amplified and you can see it little by little.

Sure enough.

Behind the foreigner’s body, there was also a withered body.


Panzi gasped and quickly took a step back.

And it was at this time that the third uncle standing on the side noticed that something was wrong, and at the same time, Panzi also noticed it.

They gestured to innocence and looked towards the shadow behind them.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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