The person who came was Wang Baoguo, the director of the newly established department in recent years.

Originally held the position of head of the police station in Kyoto.

Later, Sansheishi was established, and he was responsible for the management of all the prisoners who tried them, as well as live broadcasts.

“Let’s continue the live broadcast, but don’t do it again for Lin Xuan’s criminal record.”

Wang Baoguo’s first words came in, and he ordered the two of them.

After a pause, he continued.

“This matter has already been spoken, in principle, Lin Xuan cannot be touched, but now that we have been on the Three Birthstones, then there is nothing we can do.”

“By the way, next there will be a comrade from the mysterious department of Kyoto who will come over to analyze the past of the three lives with you, and then you will listen to her orders, and don’t interfere in the rest.”

After Wang Baoguo finished speaking, he left directly.

It seemed that there were still things to deal with on his side, but the two good partners Ye Rou and Lu Guo who were left behind were stunned in place for a while.

“Mysterious department?”

The two looked at each other, their eyes full of shock.

Lu Guo glanced at the back of the chief leaving, and sighed, “It seems that we really made a mistake, listening to the director’s tone, this Lin Xuan seems to have a record on the side of the country.” ”

Ye Rou relaxed at the moment.

“It doesn’t matter, although there is an identity, it may not be close to the country, it can only be said that there is cooperation.”

“Otherwise, we wouldn’t have sent someone from the mysterious department to analyze the past of the three lives with us.”

Lu Guo nodded in agreement.

At the same time, he said.

“It seems that this Lin Xuan has a lot of secrets, and even the country is curious and doesn’t know what it is.”

Ye Rou chuckled.

“Anyway, once these three lives are turned on, they can’t be turned off, and the energy in them will also keep Lin Xuan himself in a normal state, and there will be no hunger.”

“Let’s just watch, wait for all the past to be exposed, and don’t be afraid that his secret will not appear.”

“That’s true, too.”

Lu Guo nodded.


At the moment, in the live broadcast room.

An audience member also distributed the information about Lin Xuan that he had investigated to the screen.

“Brothers, the first-hand news of Lin Xuan you want has come, as far as I know, this Lin Xuan did not come in because of tomb robbery at all, but because of the problem of identity.”

As this barrage drifted out, the bottom also hurriedly asked.

“Groove, and this kind of thing?”

“That’s not because of tomb robbery, why does it show the identity of the tomb thief?”

“Yes, yes, where did the landlord get the news, it is not accurate.”

“I saw Lin Xuan’s identity with my own eyes, and the crime that the host said was tomb robbery.”


The exposer continued to speak.

“I won’t mention where the news comes from, I don’t want to make it difficult for my friends, but one thing you are wrong about, Lin Xuan’s crime of robbing the tomb is just accidental.”

“At that time, the Kyoto police received intelligence and went to wait for the rabbit in front of the ancient tomb of the end of the south, but they did not expect that as soon as they arrived there, Lin Xuan would steal the cave.”

“Then, I caught it.”

“The other tomb robbers in the back were not caught, they should have heard the movement, opened the robbery hole and fled from other places.”

“Lin Xuan doesn’t explain his identity, just like what we saw in the past of the three lives, I don’t know when I ask three questions, and I don’t answer.”

“The police wanted to check Lin Xuan’s information, but found that there was no such person at all, it was a black household.”

“In the end, we can only tentatively determine the responsibility for tomb robbery, put it on this three-life crime trial program, and expose everything.”

As the man continued to tell the secret news, the audience finally understood.

“I see, it turned out to be a mistake.”

“I just said, how can this Lin Xuan be a tomb thief, anyway, it doesn’t look like it at all now.”

“Don’t be absolute, if he’s not, then why did he appear in front of the cave?” Don’t tell me he’s fighting tomb robberies. ”

“Didn’t you watch the live broadcast of the past in front of you upstairs?” A figure who can scare off a large group of mercenaries, you tell me he will rob tombs? ”

“It’s just that Lin Xuan appeared just now is too godly, and I haven’t figured out how he appeared until now.”

“Oh, keep reading for a long time? Say so much to do, have you done it or not, after reading it, you will know the truth and falsehood. ”

Because the number of people in the live broadcast room has been growing.

This leads to the fact that what the latecomers and the first comers know is no longer at all the same level, which is why this different statement occurs.

If the later ones also looked.

I’m afraid it won’t open this mouth, right?



On the screen.

In front of the National Museum, a car had just stopped, and a large group of staff members came out of it and surrounded it.

“Director Jiang is here.”

“Hurry up, tell Jiang Guan the news.”

“Yes, hurry up and tell Director Jiang.”

The crowd chattered and kept talking.

As soon as the curator Jiang got out of the car, he heard the words that shocked him from the staff.

“Director Jiang, our museum was suddenly put in a cow head, Elder Bo has already seen it, it’s true, it’s the national treasure bullhead that we have lost for many years.”

“What… What the? ”

Director Jiang was suddenly surprised, and he hurriedly walked towards the museum.

“Didn’t you see anyone put it?”

“The surveillance showed that the two people were wearing sunglasses and masks, and they couldn’t see their identities.”

“However, they left a note saying that it was a bull’s head and donated it to the state.”

“Hurry up, show me.”

Soon, a large group of people rushed in.

Seeing this, the barrage rises again.

“It seems that the national treasure was handed over to the state by naïve and hi less.”

“Yes, yes, two people, it’s not too obvious.”

“However, this day really spent so much effort, actually donated anonymously, really heroes do not ask the source.”

“It would be nice if all Chinese businessmen could drink the same naivety, so that our national treasure does not know how many will return.”


The screen turns again.

Two figures returned to the car.

Wait to take off the mask, not naïve and hi less, who else can be.

“Go, go home!”

Innocence collapsed on the seat and relaxed his body deeply.

Next to him, Major General Hi handed over a piece of cloth.

“Give, this is a cloth wrapped in a bull’s head, I think it is quite collectible, so I took it back.”

Naivety took it and flicked it.

“This piece? It’s just a rag, no…”

Suddenly, as soon as he was halfway through speaking, his expression became solemn.

“No, there is something wrong with this Thangka.”

As he spoke, he looked at the edge of the cloth, and then… Groped a little more.

Suddenly, from that gap, a white silk was drawn.

Faintly, there are still words on it.

“This is?”

Hi less looked at the naïve.


Innocence let out a sigh and said heavily.

ps: The next plot will be omitted quite a lot, at least daily, and the places involving analysis will not.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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