Chapter 392

“Lost? Where did you lose it? We have to find it back!”

Wu Buzheng said eagerly.

However, the black box on the side came out of the forest and said.

“I can’t find it, I don’t know where I was dumped by the giant snake!”

“When I went, the little brother’s knife was stuck in the eye socket of the giant python, but after saving him, the knife was gone!”

“By the way, there is a water source fifty meters inside, not stagnant water, nor deep!”

The black box said and did it aside and started eating.

Wu Buzheng saw that they didn’t care about the black gold ancient sword being speechless, so he looked at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu waved his hand when he saw this, and motioned to him to forget it.

I lost everything, and now it’s impossible to go back and find it.

After all, the giant python is not dead yet.

It’s better to wait for luck when you come out and go back.

Wu Buzheng was very helpless, but Qin Yu said that, and he couldn’t help it.

And Qin Yu was right, it was just a waste of time to find it now.

But having said that, why are you hurrying tonight?

Upon seeing this, the fat man pointed to Qin Yu and said.

“I want you to see the sky, not my brother!”

“Can you see something else in your eyes!”

Wu Buzheng was taken aback for a moment, and bypassed Qin Yu to look at the sky.

I saw a burst of red smoke not far from the sky.

That is clearly a signal smoke!

And red represents danger. Could it be that Sanshu and the others are in danger?

The fat man said.

“Your three uncles can’t get in touch now!”

“But this smoke got up an hour ago!”

“They must be fine an hour ago!”

“I have calculated the distance. Even if the terrain in the forest is complicated, we will definitely be able to make it over as long as we drive tonight!”

“So hurry up and eat!”

Wu Buzheng was busy eating, and asked as he ate.

“Why are the black boxes looking for water? Are we out of water?”

The fat man shook his head.

“Yes, but this is what the little brother meant, maybe it is to prevent snakes!”

“But brother, are you sure this mud really works?”

“Last night we were almost eaten by the giant python!”

Qin Yu shook his head and said.

“It’s not the big snake, it’s the cockscomb snake inside!”

“I tell you, this cockscomb is extremely poisonous and can learn to speak, so speak less!”

Everyone was taken aback, although Qin Yu had said it before.

But seeing him so solemnly this time, everyone was a little worried.

At the same time, there is still some uncertainty, there are really snakes who can speak human words.

Is it really a parrot snake?

After eating, it was almost dark.

Even if this day passed, they could only make up for the lost time during the day.

And in order to be fully prepared.

After packing up his things, Qin Yu led everyone to the water pool that the black box found.

This is a pool of only two or three meters wide.

Connecting to this other place outside, it should have been a puddle before.

But this time there was a lot of rain, which caused the puddles to connect.

When everyone saw this, they knew that this muddy thing might be impossible to escape.

The rain last night finally washed the clothes.

As a result, I have to feel the mud again.

The black box on the side has jumped down.

Begin to wipe the silt on the body.

Wu Buzheng was still a little bit resistant, after all, this was disgusting.

And the smell of silt can be really unpleasant.

However, Qin Yu didn’t talk nonsense at all, and jumped in with his arms directly.

By the way, he kicked the fat man down.

A few ordinary fell into the water, so that the lower body was soaked, and there was no hesitation.

Just like Qin Yu began to touch his body.

This meal is really delicate.

There is no dead corner of almost bare skin.

If you have to say yes, it may just be that the eyes are not smeared.

After everyone came up, they couldn’t help being amused by the other person’s image.

But time was running out, and they packed up their things and set off soon.

Continue to go deep in the forest, this road becomes more and more difficult to walk.

The road under my feet was wet by rain, and there was a mass of sludge on my feet.

It is very difficult to walk with a deep foot and a shallow foot.

And at this time the signal smoke is gone.

They can only go all the way based on the direction they have located in the afternoon.

Everyone didn’t speak, they just kept moving forward.

After all, the little brother said that the snakes here can learn to speak, so you have to be very careful.

It took a full three hours all the way.

According to the positioning, everyone found that in these three hours, they didn’t even have a third of the destination.

Seeing this, it may be unavoidable to walk all night.

Everyone rested for a while, and then set off again.

This time I walked for four hours.

They finally saw a place where people can rest.

It was under a big tree, piled up with a pile of burnt fires.

It must be Wu Sanxing when they were resting here.

Everyone is really tired, so they just sit here to rest.

Look at the time, it’s exactly three o’clock in the morning.

They have only rested once since they set off after dark yesterday.

I really don’t want to move when I sit down.

The fat man complained.

“Innocent, your third uncle is too fast, this damn fat man’s fat is almost pulled down!”

Wu Bu was looking for something on the surrounding trees and said.

“It doesn’t matter if you pull it down, it’s for your own benefit to lose weight with your fat!”

“By the way, you also help to find and see if there are any marks left by my third uncle or Pan Zi.”

“Follow the mark, it might be faster!”

The fat man really didn’t want to move, so he sat in place and said.

“This big night, panic about the ball, your three uncles must be resting, we will be able to reunite when we arrive at dawn!”

“I don’t think there is any danger except trouble, brother, where is the talking snake you said?”

Qin Yu got up to accompany Wu Buzheng to find Mark. He also felt a little puzzled when he heard the fat man ask this.

I remembered it correctly, but I didn’t seem to have encountered that kind of cockscomb snake this way.

Is it possible that this parallel world’s ghost town of snake marsh, really does not have such a snake?

No, if not, why did Wu Sanxing and the others light up the red smoke?

Maybe they didn’t touch it because they thought they had smeared mud on their faces.

Qin Yu was thinking, and suddenly the fat man on the side began to speak.

“Brother, I think you are too nervous, maybe the memory recovery is incomplete, maybe the cockscomb snake may be somewhere else!”

“The fat man is really uncomfortable on his face, so I wiped it off first!”

The fat man rubbed off some of the mud on his face as he spoke.

In fact, it’s useless if you don’t erase it to tell the truth.

All this way, the silt on their bodies has almost dried up.

Many invisible places have fallen off.

In addition, there was no danger along the way, and everyone didn’t care at this time.

The fat man just wiped it off, suddenly he was taken aback, and said hurriedly.

“Pan Zi, did you hear that? It seems to be Pan Zi!”

Everyone was stunned, they didn’t hear anything.

The fat man greeted them in a low voice.

“I really heard Pan Zi’s voice, he was calling Sanye!”

“It may be dangerous, don’t make any movement, listen carefully!”

Everyone nodded.

Sure enough, another voice was heard soon.

“San Ye!”

The sound was very clear, but it felt a little far away, and it was not far from the side.

Wu Buzheng said excitedly.

“Is it because they are in danger, so they are backing away? They just happened to ran into us!”

The fat man nodded in agreement.

However, the black box shook his head.

“Not necessarily, what if it’s the kind of cockscomb snake that the little brother said?”

“They passed from here, if the Cockscomb Snake had learned what Pan Zi said, maybe that would be true!”

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