"Oh, don't you say pull it down." The hawker glanced at a few people, then walked over to the flower bed with the package on his back, singing while walking, Zhang Lin frowned, isn't this the same spell from last time? .

  He stared at the hawker's back for a while, and after a while, he turned around and said to his two subordinates: "Don't be afraid anymore, people are already dead, you still think about what happened last night, be sure to be careful. Think about it, you can’t miss it at all.”

  After hearing this, the two subordinates glanced at each other, and they were both greatly frightened.

  Zhang Lin frowned: "Didn't you all follow Li Bureau to travel around the country? Why are you so timid now? You are afraid of being like this?"

  The two men shook their heads: "We haven't killed anyone, so now we're very scared to see this."

  "Okay, just relax and try to remember what happened last night," Zhang Lin said.

  After thinking for a while, the two subordinates did not speak. They felt that last night was very normal.

  "Li Bureau was away from home yesterday when such a big thing happened. I'll wait for him to come back and I don't know how to punish us?"

  "Yes, we patrolled all night and didn't see anyone coming in."

  After hearing this, Zhang Lin was puzzled.

  The fact that these two people didn't see it doesn't mean that no one came in.

  "You guys wait here first, I'll go out," he said.Son.

Chapter 316

  Soon Zhang Lin went to the outer street. The doctor's house was about [-] kilometers away from here. Zhang Lin walked a long way and saw some old people on the side of the road, so he went over to ask.

  After hearing Zhang Lin's words, the old people all said: "The doctor is very nice and kind, and he gets along very well with the neighbors around him."

  "Then did he have any untreated disease recently, and then his family members came to make trouble?"

  The old people also denied it after hearing it: "No?"

  "That's weird, why? This doctor has no enemies, so why was he killed?"

  "Then I don't understand."

  He continued to inquire about a few people, and they all said the same thing. They all said that the doctor was a very good person and had no enemies. Zhang Lin had to go back to the Li family.

  At this moment, Li Liusanqi came back. He saw two of his subordinates standing in the yard looking like they were scared to death.

  The two subordinates stammered, "Someone died."

  Bureau Li frowned: "Every day, more people die. You can't be scared like a bear when anyone dies."

  "It was the doctor who died."

  "What?" Li Ju was stunned for a while, and then hurried to the guest room. When he saw the head on the ground, he was completely stunned. After a while, he asked, "What's going on?"

  The two subordinates also shook their heads and said, "We don't know either, we just found out this morning."

  Bureau Li looked at Zhang Lin who was standing aside and asked, "Why did he die suddenly? Wasn't it good yesterday?"

  Zhang Lin nodded.

  Yes, who would have thought that he was killed in one night.

  Bureau Li regretted it. If he hadn't stayed overnight last night, I'm afraid this kind of thing would not have happened.

  Zhang Lin said leisurely: "Perhaps, if he left, he might still be alive."

  Bureau Li hesitated for a moment, rolled his eyes, and said, "Who killed him?"

  After he finished speaking, he stared at Zhang Lin, as if Zhang Lin was a detective who knew everything.

  "How do I know this, there is no clue now. Besides, your two men patrolled last night and didn't see any strangers coming in."

  After hearing this, Bureau Li walked over to the two men and asked again, "Are you sure no one is coming in?"


  Slap two slaps down.

  "What door are you guarding, and no one comes in? Why is this person dead!"

  "We are wronged by Bureau Li. We really didn't see anyone coming in."

  "You nonsense, you must have been lazy last night, right? Otherwise, this person can fly in?"

  The two subordinates kept explaining that they hadn't slept all night last night and walked in the yard all night without finding anyone coming in.

  Bureau Li said with two fingers: "If I find out that you two are lying, I will shoot you two."

  Then he said, go away.

  The two men immediately retreated.

  Bureau Li walked to Zhang Lin's side and said, "We're in trouble now. The doctor died at my house. I must give you an explanation."

  Doctors still have some reputation among the people, and they are not like ordinary people who are unknown. When a person dies, he is like a mustard, and no one will care about it.

  "So, you have to quickly find a way to find the murderer. I will bring him to justice, and this matter will be resolved."

  "But there's nothing I can do," Zhang Lin said.

  "Impossible, don't you have a spell? Use that spell to find out who the murderer is."

  Zhang Lin smiled. It was called a positioning column, but it couldn't find the real murderer, but it could track people.

  "My spells aren't that magical. Besides, aren't you the best at solving cases?"

  After hearing this, Bureau Li frowned, and then he remembered that he was the chief of the police station. He scratched the back of his head and smiled, and said a little embarrassedly: "Yeah, let me ask someone to investigate, but After all, it will take some time for me to investigate, if you have any way to find the murderer directly, it is better to tell me directly."

  Zhang Lin thought of the cat demon, but he wondered if the cat demon would see the murderer yesterday, and besides, he hadn't seen the cat demon himself in the past few days.

  So he said, "I'll give it a try. If I can find the result, I will tell you in time."

  Li Ju came over and patted Zhang Lin on the shoulder and said, "Good brother, it's up to you this time..."

  Zhang Lin closed the door after returning to his room. He looked around and saw no sign of the cat demon.

  "It's strange that this black cat always wants to stay on my shoulders, why isn't it there today?"

  He opened the window and looked behind him. There were no wild cats. They seemed to have disappeared.

  Zhang Lin sat on the chair and looked at the heads of the row of people. There was a book on top of everyone's heads, and now those heads didn't dare to move.

  "Tell me, what did you see last night?" Zhang Lin asked.

  When the people saw this question, they all said that they didn't see anything: "We have been staying here all the time. According to your instructions, we will not go out if you don't let us go out."

  "So you didn't see any movement either, did you?" Yes.

  Zhang Lin walked over and squatted down to look at the wounds on the head and neck. Suddenly, he found that one of them was very similar to the wound on the doctor's neck. He hesitated for a while, feeling a little puzzled.

  Seeing that Zhang Lin had been looking at himself, the head asked with a smile, "Why are you trying to help me clear my grievance now? I don't have to wait in line, right?"

  Zhang Lin stood up: "If you think beautifully, you should continue to line up."

  Zhang Lin sat in the chair and thought for a while, but couldn't think of a reason.

  When he was frowning, suddenly there was a woman's cry outside, and the cry was so loud that he had to walk out of the room.

  A middle-aged woman stood in the yard, dressed very plainly, wiping tears all the time.

  "What did you say the doctor is dead? It's impossible. His health is fine, why did he die suddenly?"

  Li Bureau stood in front of her and kept explaining: "We will definitely investigate it clearly, and then we will give you the truth."

  But the woman didn't want to give up, and kept crying, "I want to see him, I want to see people, and I want to see corpses when I die."

  Bureau Li stopped him and did not let her into the room: "We will deal with the corpse, go home and wait for the news."

  "That won't work, I'm going to pick her up today." Li Ju was very embarrassed, and quickly asked his subordinates to stop the woman. .

Chapter 317

  The woman's tears wet her clothes. She said, "Tell me, why did he die suddenly? You have to give me a reason."

  Bureau Li also didn't know how to explain it, because he didn't know the answer either.

  The woman cried and said, "Anyway, he died with you. If you don't give an explanation, I won't leave."

  After he finished speaking, he sat on the ground and continued to cry.

  Bureau Li saw Zhang Lin as soon as he turned his head, and he immediately waved to him.

  "Zhang Lin, hurry up and find a way to let her go, don't cry here, my head hurts when I cry."

  Zhang Lin is embarrassed, what can he do about it?Her husband died and she should be sad.

  "Ju Li is also human. I think you should bear it. When she has enough crying, it will stop."

  Li Jue frowned, but the cry was so loud, it would definitely attract the attention of others.

  The news of the doctor's death has not been released yet, so no one around knows it.

  Because this incident is rather strange, and he died in the guest room of Li's family, so the neighbors wanted to suppress this incident for 21 years, and then announce it to the public when the truth is found out.

  Zhang Lin saw that she had been crying a lot, so she walked over and said, "Are you the doctor's wife?"

  The woman nodded and said, "Yes, he went out to see the doctor after lunch yesterday, but he never went back. I came to find out this morning that he was dead."

  Zhang Lin snorted, and then asked, "Then who do you think the murderer will be?"

  After the woman heard this sentence, she was stunned and seemed to not understand.

  "That is, has he offended anyone, or do you have any enemies or something?"

  The woman thought about it for a while, then shook her head and said, "No, we have always gotten along very well with our neighbors, and it is impossible to have enemies."

  Zhang Lin's eyes fell on the woman's ear. Her earrings were gemstones, and the gemstones on them were very precious and seemed impossible to buy in this small town.

  His eyes narrowed, and then he continued to ask: "Do you think about whether there is anyone coveting your family's property, or whether anyone has borrowed money from you, but you have rejected it."

  The woman thought for a while, then suddenly remembered something and said, "Some people have borrowed money from us, but if the amount is not much, we will lend them all."

  "But someone borrowed [-] silver dollars from us, and we didn't borrow it."

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