Perhaps because of the influence of the Terminator series, the artificial intelligence in the movie world these days is more or less anti-human or non-human stereotypes, or it is a guy who is unreasonable and against human beings.聛

However, the Senxia version of the MUV is different.

The artificial intelligence here is very special.

— After all, Titanfall was stitched together.

Senxia's subordinates are showing mercy by not calling the pilot the Iron Pilot.

Because of this, in the plot, when the Titan BT appeared, it gave the audience a brand new feeling. Because this guy was complaining about our heroine's lack of tactics at the beginning of the story.

It is really unexpected to say some cheap complaints in a mechanical tone.

As for the heroine, in the story it is a cold-faced "rice shochu". The heroine played by Natasha, after experiencing a disaster in her childhood, has a deep hatred for BETA who invaded the world.聛

After entering the story, everyone finally knew that after the story started, the heroine just joined the army and is currently participating in training in the new barracks.

And when the officer asked about the purpose of joining the army, she said in a cold tone, "I want to expel all BETAs"!

Um. Tribute to a giant's line.

Senxia likes this work very much. Although he didn't see the ending, he believed that this work must have a very good and perfect plot.

No way, no way? Could it be that the ending of the giant will pull the hips?

Just because he knew it was a good work, Mori Xia did not copy it directly, but paid tribute first. As for whether to remake it in the future, it depends on whether this work will appear in this world line in the future.

After the initial boot camp and the dialogue with Titan BT, the context of the whole story gradually appeared in the eyes of the audience.聛

The background of this world is that the earth has encountered some kind of alien invasion.

This kind of alien is the so-called "BETA".

Sydney was bombed first, and then Xinxiang was gone.

Then the Lighthouse Country dropped an unknown number of nuclear eggs on its own territory, and finally resisted the BETA invasion. The strange thing is that the speed of BETA's intrusion has begun to decline, and instead it is carrying out activities such as development and mining.

The so-called "Titan" is the developed strong artificial intelligence.

"But the computing power of this Titan is too nonsense." Zhang Xinwang thought it was pretty good, but in the story, when the Titan and the heroine were bickering, he couldn't help but want to complain, "6 million Hundreds of millions of floating-point computing power? Ten times that of Skynet!"

This is ridiculous.聛

Such a robot has the same computing power as a supercomputer, and what is said here is "do not use the extra available computing power of the quantum core".

"In terms of quantum computers, maybe it's really that powerful." Zhu Wenhuai, who was next to him, thought it was okay, "After all, it is the technology of the Lighthouse Country."

"Adaptation is not random editing." Zhang Xinwang shook his head.

This kind of absurd thing is like someone took out a graphics card and said that the computing power of this graphics card can kill Skynet in seconds.

Ha ha, how is it possible.

"Forget it, it's a movie after all."

Just like the F22 couldn't hit the balloon before, it's a movie after all, so it's unrealistic to ask so much. Rather, it is already thankful that it can be filmed.聛

And apart from such a little "flaw", Zhang Xinwang is quite satisfied with other places.

In the opening plot, people still don't know much about alien creatures. Among human beings, there are even surrender factions, who think that if they surrender, they can survive.

However, as Zhang Xinwang, who has played the game, knows that it does not exist at all. This BETA is actually a carbon-based machine, and it is also a miner. This is also the reason why human beings can go back and forth with these so-called "aliens". The sweeping robot doesn't care if the ants on the ground surrender.

Otherwise, with the strength of interstellar civilization, human beings would have been wiped out long ago.

Zhang Xinwang can barely be regarded as a reasonable party. In his opinion, such a design is a relatively reasonable content for the battle between humans and aliens. In too many films, the invasion of aliens is too unreasonable, almost equal to the back and forth between armored vehicles and primitive people.

Anyway, Zhang Xinwang does not believe that human computer viruses can paralyze alien spaceships, and the programming languages ​​used are different. How did you paralyze it?

Relatively speaking, for a pseudo-reasonable party like Zhang Xinwang, the plot and background design of MUV are just two words-comfortable.聛

At this time, the story also entered the middle game.

After experiencing a BETA invasion, the base suffered huge casualties, and the camp where the protagonist is located was also raided, but this time, it was not BETA that raided the base, but the human army.

In the absence of medical treatment, the heroine can only drive a training machine to fight.

"Training machine!"

This is a feeling of old MUV players, because this is the plot that appeared in the previous game. It is so sentimental and emotional to start the training machine and kill the official machine.

Especially after experiencing the previous baptism of SEED, the current machine warfare is basically a series of specially installed machines and prototypes in the MUV. So unique.

The plot has progressed to this point, and the story is already obvious, that is, another force has emerged, and the lighthouse country has split.聛

At this time, some people even foolishly want to use BETA to eliminate hostile forces.

Zhang Xinwang did not believe that such a thing would happen. That is the lighthouse country!

In his opinion, if human beings can unite one day, then the Lighthouse Country is definitely the leader. The other party can't be the one who is holding back, right?

no? no? !

In the plot, the heroine finally broke through with Tai Tan, but was attacked by her own family. It turns out that there is also an inner ghost here, and she has become a "traitor".

This is also a tribute to the plot of the game.

Well, the game is not the same as the movie, but the movie does pay homage to some of the nice elements.聛

As for the death, the heroine found out at this time that BETA seemed to have assembled a wave of troops, preparing to raid our Great Lighthouse Country, but the latter was fighting among themselves.

Therefore, in order to eliminate the aliens, the heroine worked hard and finally found out that BETA is not an alien, but a miner made by aliens, and surrender is useless.

The conflict in the civil war eased because of the heroine, but the BETA attack began. Finally, after realizing that the opponent is a "carbon-based machine", the heroine began the final central raid against the aliens, preparing to Relieve mankind by destroying the central command system.

Personal heroism, people love this set.


get~Try to continue tomorrow~
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