Tokyo underground city

Chapter 213 / Camping

Chapter 213 Camping

Lin Huaien's current level is level 33. Yuan Ximu and Tanya are both lower than him. However, due to the punishment of the loneliness curse, the other two quickly caught up.

What is a little surprising is Yuan Ximu. In addition to the light-taking fairy, she can also use some other magic props with skills. Although the power is limited, she can still cause good damage.

"Sling missile!"

Three lavender light balls, including stones, flew out of the girl's hand and rushed towards the undead monk soldiers at extremely fast speeds. One attack made their heads deeply dented. After two rounds of attacks, the three The undead monk soldier who left the team completely fell to the ground.

Tanya, Yuan Ximu, Coco and Lin Huaien formed a pretty good attack combination.

The first is Tanya, who attacks from a distance. The effective range of the shotgun is more than 400 meters. At a distance of 50 to 100 meters, the hunter girl has almost no miss.

As a defender, Tanya, who is accustomed to acting alone, also has good melee abilities. Although she does not have any swordsmanship skills, the scimitar skills she uses have shadows of Cossacks and a bit of Chaksi saber.

This long and wide one-handed sword is usually used to attack through the inertia of blocking and swinging. Although it also has the shadow of the "cutting" technique, it is more ferocious than the two-handed swordsmanship.

In the process of fighting, she is brave and dangerous. Every confrontation between her and the enemy is a close-quarters hand-to-hand fight. It is very similar to the dagger technique used by Feng Feng. She uses the advantage of the scimitar to cut close to the enemy. The enemy's clavicular artery - or simply decapitate the enemy's head.

Relatively speaking, Hara Yumu's combat skills are average. In the Salt 10 dungeon that does not require live broadcast (because she does not want to expose the existence of the toilet dungeon), she can consume magic power to her heart's content.

Sling missiles, fireballs, elemental resistance, and shields are all spells she can use.

Although the magic power is not very efficient, compared to her exaggerated total magic power, it is definitely enough for daily leveling.

Compared with Tanya, Hara Yumu's spell range is limited, almost more than 50 meters. For example, Nier's precise fireball throw of more than 70 meters is basically only possible for elite mage explorers.

So Lin Huai'en estimated that 15 to 50 meters was almost Yuan Ximu's best attack range.

No matter how close you are, you will be in danger of being attacked by the enemy, and the effective range of the stone missile is about 15 meters.

Next is 0~15 meters, which is Lin Huaien's best attack range.

With [Shadow Stealth] and "Star Deer Forest", no enemy within this range can escape his blow.

However, instead of staying in front of Tanya and Hara Yumu step by step, he preferred to attack from the enemy's rear and attack the enemy from both sides.

As for the defense at the front, he left it to Coco, who had the pain and bite skill.

Because there is no need to worry about death, Coco can use her body to block the oncoming powerful enemies when necessary.

And the characteristics of the cursed skeleton as an undead creature also allowed it to get up, shake its hair, and continue the attack after suffering a fireball attack from Yuan Ximu.

As long as it doesn't hit the body directly, there won't be any problem.

There are about four to five hundred salted undead in a corridor, but most of them are not in the corridor, but in the church dormitories on both sides of the corridor.

Various fungi and vegetables are grown in the farmland between the dormitory and the cloister.

These plants and fungi are not as completely out of control as the farmland outside the monastery.

Just because the growers were all undead, the carefully cultivated fungi and vegetables were not eaten, but were harvested and piled in the corners of the farmland.

According to the harvest time, from left to right, they are divided into batches and stacked like firewood stacks and pyramids.

It is marked by a pile of fresh food. The pile of food piled on the right side of it has rotted and turned black and is completely inedible.

As for the wasted food, the undead people in the monastery just silently bulldozed it, and then used the rotten food as fertilizer and spread it on the farmland.

"Is this imitating the behavior in life..."

Lin Huai'en looked at the pile of vegetables in front of him, read the [Natural History] description, put it in his mouth and took a bite.

Tender, juicy and very delicious.

"Perhaps this is the way for the undead in the monastery to maintain order..."

Yuan Ximu glanced at the corpses of the church knights on the ground and couldn't help but sigh: "They are different from the undead at the crossroads. They can still speak. Although they are very sluggish, they are obviously more energetic than the undead outside."

"Are you 'angry'..."

Lin Huai'en nodded and looked at the time. "It's getting late today. Let's camp here."

The door leading to the corridor was sealed with a door panel, and Lin Huaien and the others set up camp next to the farmland.

The farmhouse next to the farmland was cleaned very clean, but after all, it was the place where the undead lay, and Lin Huaien and the others were still somewhat psychologically resistant.

Next to the farmland, firewood is made from dried rice straw and mushroom stalks. It is also very neat and unused.

Seeing the sense of order brought by this undead society, Lin Huaien and the others were a little uncomfortable, but in the end they didn't say anything. They took various ready-made things, cooked a pot of jerky chowder, and quickly heated it. The rice was eaten.

After eating, Yuan Ximu went to study with her books in hand.

According to the girl's wishes, she plans to take the exam for the Directing Department of the Central Academy of Drama at the end of this year. The cultural courses are almost up to standard, but she needs to make up for the theory of drama.

But with Shen Wanshan’s recommendation letter, as long as he can pass the unified entrance examination, the interview should not be a big problem——

It’s just that she will probably surprise others by then.

He obviously took advantage of the movie "Wind Passing" to become a blockbuster, but instead of being a good actor, he went to take the directing examination, and used his free time in college to become an explorer...

"It's as free as the wind."

Lin Huaien couldn't help but shook his head when he thought of this.

But he knew very well that Yuan Ximu's external freedom was precisely the result of her having a clearer plan for her life.

However, compared to Hara Yumu, he was more worried about Tanya on the other side——

Tanya sat side-legged next to Coco and rubbed its head.

Black Wolf Curse slept next to the white-haired girl with his eyes closed, looking very comfortable.

The combination of the black wolf and the white-haired girl, in the darkness of the Salt 10 shelter, looks both wild and full of a sense of human and natural beauty.

Lin Huai'en looked at Tanya's ecstatic profile under the light of the orange bonfire, remembered what she had mentioned before, and took the initiative to chat: "Do you also raise dogs in Siberia?"

Although he is not a proactive person, if he can help Tanya recover some memories, it will be very beneficial to both him and Tanya herself.

The girl raised her head and glanced at him, her long eyelashes brushed against her lake-blue pupils, and then she lowered her head:

"It's a Siberian Husky, in a hunter's cabin in winter..."

"Dogs are our only companions - but recently, the number of explorer winter teams in groups of four has increased, so there are fewer hunters keeping dogs."

"Why?" Lin Huai'en chatted casually one after another: "Since you are raising dogs, it means that raising dogs will have certain benefits, right?"

"Yes." Tanya nodded: "Hounds can find squirrels and sables hidden under the snow in winter. The former is good fresh meat, and the fur of the latter can be sold at a high price."

"When faced with wolves, the keen sense of smell of hounds can also help hunters even out their disadvantages in hearing and smell."

Tanya stared silently at the bonfire in front of her, seemingly lost in memories: "But the average lifespan of a hound is only four to five years. Every once in a while, hunters have to retrain their hounds. In the past twenty years, Over the years, as conflicts between us and wolves have increased, hound mortality has increased."

After hearing this, Lin Huai'en had completely overturned his previous impression:

"If that's the case, why do you keep hounds?"

"Because, at critical moments, they can save our lives."

Tanya said this, suddenly raised her head and glanced at Lin Huaien: "An excellent hound can pounce on a ferocious brown bear without hesitation. At the critical moment, with the harassment and delay of the hound, , hunters can aim their shotguns at the brown bear’s head and kill it with one shot.”

Tanya recounted the winter in Siberia to Lin Huaien: "Adult brown bears can continue to move 27 meters even if they are shot in the heart. Although they generally hibernate in winter, they will occasionally be awakened by hunger. Brown bears, when encountering these hungry bears in the wild, without the protection of hounds, it is often difficult for a single hunter to survive.”

"So, where's your dog?"

Lin Huai'en asked somewhat casually.

"I..." Tanya was stunned for a moment, her eyes looking at the sky blankly:

"I only know that it is dead, but I can't remember how it died..."

Isn't it time yet...

Lin Huai'en nodded, sighed, and stood up: "Since you can't remember it, then don't think about it - if you can think of the explorers who attacked you, it might be a good thing for you. .”

Tanya looked at the figure shaking off the sleeping bag and said softly:



Early the next morning, Lin Huai'en and the others got up early, had breakfast, and then continued their action.

After the [Middle Corridor], there is the [Back Corridor] and two [Turnal Corridors].

He planned to spend one day cleaning all three areas.

Because they didn't have to rush like yesterday, this task was not difficult for them.

Tanya consumed 300 rounds of ammunition in one day.

Lin Huai'en fired almost 50 single-head bombs.

Compared with Officer Shao and the others, this amount of consumption seems to be a drop in the bucket, but Tanya can kill a salted undead with an average of 1.3 bullets.

In comparison, Officer Shao and the others fired at least three bullets each time, and their bullet consumption was much greater than Tanya's.

"It's just that Officer Shao's bullets are also 5.8 mm small-caliber bullets, which are only about half the weight of the Type 53 rifle bullets."

The weight of 1,000 rounds of Type 53 rifle ammunition is 22 kilograms. Based on Lin Huaien's load-bearing capacity, they can carry up to 10,000 rounds on an expedition. Calculating 300 rounds of ammunition a day, this is almost a month's consumption.

"And this is when we have a rich little girl like Yuan Yumu. Ordinary teams don't have backpacks that are 20 times lighter in weight. They can carry 3,000 rounds of ammunition at a time, which is about it."

Considering that the expedition from the surface world to the 20th floor underground is at least a long-term trip of more than 25 days, a team of five explorers can support at most one thermal weapon user, which is already the limit.

And this is why the Shangcheng Dungeon Association does not recommend using thermal weapons as the main weapon.

"If we consider that there are no supplies after arriving at Kadchan from the Changying dungeon, then the bullets that need to be prepared for Tanya must be multiplied by at least 150%, which is about 15,000 rounds..."

The more he calculated, the more Lin Huaien felt that sending Tanya back to Siberia was a very uneconomical commission.

"Forget it, let's just be a tool and take care of her for a few months."

Lin Huai'en packed his luggage, removed the wooden board blocking the door, walked out and headed towards the [back corridor].


Starting from the [Back Corridor], the number of church knights began to increase significantly.

Unlike the church knights who are alone or in pairs, once the number of church knights exceeds three, the church knights in the back row will release blessing spells on their comrades in front.

The church knights, who were covered in armor and looked like tin cans, could hardly be interrupted by Tanya's sniping. Therefore, every time Lin Wynn encountered more than five church knights, he would find it extremely difficult.

"Curse back!"

Lin Huai'en struck the church knights with the gray fury of red lightning, but was easily bounced away by their armor.

Not even [Curse of Loneliness] could do it. When his physical fitness was not up to standard, he did not dare to use the gray-blue fury to confront the knights' armor head-on.

The only effective "Star Deer Forest" can only hold two bullets. It cannot easily function under the siege of five violent church knights——

After all, even a powerful single-head projectile will bounce off the thick plate armor if it fails to hit the weak parts of the knight's armor, such as the joints - even if it blasts a big hole in the chest armor, as an undead The church knights can still charge at him without any scruples!

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