Tokyo Bubble Life

Chapter 96: 096, more than forty years old, full of dreams or something,

   Chapter 96 096, Don't you feel ashamed that you are in your forties and full of dreams?

   "Otomo-san, are you still at the STARLIGHT office?"

   "Well, I left some time ago."

   "Hey, did you just leave the company you worked for for more than 20 years?"

"Ha, the world is changing, how can we say for sure. After so many years of photo magazines, I also want to change my lifestyle." Friends of Fangcun took a sip of wine, "Didn't Chunshu-san also start making movies? "

   "Hahaha, that's right, doing one thing for a long time will make you boring, always looking for something new."

  This is the end of the greetings from old friends,

   Kadokawa Haruki started making movies about 5 years ago. Kadokawa Films already has famous movies such as "The Family of Inujin", "Proof of the World", "Proof of Wildness" and "Sengoku Self-Defense Forces".

   However, compared with other established production companies such as Toho and Toei, Kadokawa is still a "nouveau riche" in the film industry, lacking the heritage and truly groundbreaking works.

   "Otomo-san, suddenly a movie was made, which is surprising."

   "Hey, I really didn't expect that a short film that was supposed to be a joke could actually be edited into such a movie."

   "Directors Ido Shuichi and Naoki Naoyama, I don't seem to have heard of them. Are they new directors?"

   "Forget it, Xiu Yi-sang was originally an advertising director, and Nao Shu-sang was an actor. Later, a few of us formed a small team called Shuyou Yinghua."

  Yoshimura Otama talked about several people, and the smile on his face never stopped, "Haruki-san, have you heard of "The Wonderful Story of the World"?"

"Hey, it seems to be a late-night show? I heard that the turning point is very interesting." Haruki Kadokawa seems to have heard someone mention it, but as the president of a large and romantic company, he usually has more activities late at night, so he basically doesn't go there. Do things like watch late night gear.

  I usually have a lot of things to worry about. When I heard the name of the program, maybe it was only when my subordinates reported the news of the TV station.

   This meeting with the release of the new film originally only required a minister to come forward,

   It was also when the subordinate film production team mentioned the name of Yoshimura Otomo when reporting, which aroused Haruki Kadokawa's interest.

   "Haha, that's what our Shuyou Movies created~"

   "Oh? Is there already a well-known show on TV? That's incredible~"

   Kadokawa Haruki and Fangmura Otomo had another cup of tea, "When I heard Otomo-san's name, I couldn't believe it, but now I know that Otomo-san is already famous in the entertainment industry~"

   This sentence is obviously exaggerated, but it is just a compliment to an old friend.

   "Haruki-san is too famous. We are just a small team that has just been established. With a big company like Kadokawa, one is in the sky and the other is underground."

"Come on, stop saying that, isn't it just Kadokawa Yinghua and you Shuyou Yinghua who are talking about cooperation~" Kadokawa Haruki had seen the preview tape and didn't comment too much on the quality of "Ghost Shadow Recording", it was just average. But this format is truly unique.

   Originally planned to enter the film industry, and even directed the filming of his own, he has a good understanding of the latest film formats in various countries. Such pseudo-documentary horror films are groundbreaking and will definitely shine in the future.

  If you can put the film into your own pocket, you will have a signboard in the horror film.

   "Otomo-san, I won't go around in circles with you. We Kadokawa Yinghua want to enter the film and television circle, and a groundbreaking film like "Ghost Story" hopes to earn income."

  Yoshimura Otomo also became serious: "Haruki-san, we also hope to take shelter under the wings of a big company, but we just don't know what the conditions of Kadokawa Yinghua are?"

   "It's very simple, Shuyou Pictures can be incorporated into Kadokawa Pictures, and the film is affixed with the logo of Kadokawa. Of course, the director and others are still the original crew. Kadokawa Pictures is responsible for the promotion and distribution of "Ghost Shadows" across the board, and the box office is divided into 28%."

   Kadokawa Haruki said it very lightly, but his words were firm.

   After listening to Fangcun Dayou, he silently drank a glass of wine,

   In fact, this condition is not too harsh. Many startups are actually captured by big companies in this way. The split of 28 is not unacceptable. After all, movies are basically zero cost.


   "Private Marseille, Chunshu Sang, we may not be able to agree to the terms of the merger."

   "Huh? Otomo-san doesn't need to discuss it with others? Such a share is not a small profit."

   "Haruki-san, it's not that he is dissatisfied with the division, but that he cannot agree to the merger." Fangmura Otto went on to say, "I believe other people think the same way."

   "As far as I know, Shuyou Yinghua is just a leather bag company, right?" Kadokawa Haruki was a little puzzled. Isn't it possible to build hundreds of such companies casually?

"Hey, it's just a leather bag company with only three people." Yoshimura admitted, "But this company is the dream of a few of us! It's a company that has carried Shuichi-sang to become a great director, Naoshu-sang to become a rich man, My ambition to become the chief executive of the company!"

   "I was forced to sell it once when I was running the Wildcat Girl Group. Later, I sold it semi-actively when I was making "The Wonderful Story of the World"."

   "It's okay to talk about the past once or twice, but for the third time, isn't the so-called dream a joke?"

   Kadokawa Haruki didn't think of this. Does a middle-aged man who has worked hard in society for so many years still have such a naive idea?

   But when he said that, he was suddenly moved, what happened?

   "Otomo-san, you are in your forties, don't you feel ashamed to talk about ideals all day?"

   ".No road race! But it's a duck!" Then he muttered something like "What's the difference between a man without a dream and a salted fish?" "A man is a child until he dies", which made Haruki Kadokawa laugh.

   "Hahaha, hearing Otomo-san say this, I feel a little emotional after a long absence."

   Kadokawa Haruki is also a person with dreams, otherwise he would not leave a good publishing business and instead want to go into the film industry.

   "Well, Otomo-san, if we don't merge, how about Kadokawa Cinematography?"

   Kadokawa Haruki is a person who does things at will, and Kadokawa Bookstore also has the capital to let him do whatever he wants.

   "The split will be divided into three or seven splits. There are three of you in total. If Kadokawa becomes a shareholder, at least 25% of the equity is required!

  Haha, it’s my dream to be a stake in yours~”

   "Is that so~"

  Yoshimura Otomi thought seriously this time.

   If Kadokawa becomes a shareholder, whether it is the relationship behind it or the capital,

   is a huge temptation for startups,

   Even if they hold 25% of the shares, we still have 75% on our side, and we still have a controlling stake.

   "Haruki-san, I may have to discuss this with others, so I can't reply to you for the time being."

   Now that I have said that, it is basically done.

   "Hahaha, you really have to think about it, you have to be careful about your dreams, Otomo-san~"

   "But, this stalk can't go through, right!"

   Kadokawa Haruki and Fangmura Otomo stopped working and continued drinking.

   (end of this chapter)

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